Monday, November 28, 2016

Fidel Castro: The Death of a Tyrant

National Review Editors . . . "The Castros and their compadres fought their revolution in the 1950s and triumphed on New Year’s Day 1959. Many good and democratic Cubans hailed them at the Hotel Nacional in Havana. They were hoping for a better, and more democratic, day. And they had been promised one. 
"Yet the Castros, Che Guevara, and that gang quickly turned the island into something all too familiar in the world: a one-party dictatorship with a gulag. People streamed out of the country, if they were able. One of them was Juanita Castro, who had fought alongside her brothers. 

"Explaining her defection, she said, “I could not remain indifferent to what is happening in my country. My brothers Fidel and Raúl have made it an enormous prison surrounded by water.' ” . . .

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Hillary’s Last Gasp


By Fred Lucas  . . . "It would have to be all or nothing for Hillary to become the first woman president. If just two states flip to Clinton, Trump still wins. For instance, suppose the two most populous states switch and Hillary wins Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes and Michigan’s 16, that would bring her to just 266 and Trump down to exactly 270. A two-state scenario that includes Wisconsin’s 10 votes means even less." . . .

The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts  . . . "The recounts, if done by hand, which can be demanded, may take longer than the last day for completing the official counts in a state and directing Electoral College voters.  If all 3 states miss the deadline, Trump is at 260, Hillary at 232.  No one hits 270.  
. . . 
"If this goes to the US House and Senate, and the result is the same as result from the Electoral College without the recounts, why do it?  The answer is to make Trump seem even more illegitimate, that he did not win the popular vote  (he lost by over 2.1 million), he did not win the Electoral College (did not reach 270), and was elected by being inserted into the presidency by members of his own party in Congress."

Jill Stein's vote count madness  . . . "But leftists are experts at deploying deception and chicanery to achieve their ends by whatever means necessary.  And the serial offender Democrats by any name are up to no good on this one.
"Consider the plot developed so far:" . . .

Jill Stein Faces Uphill Battle in Pennsylvania Recount Suit

Stein’s Recount Crusade In Pennsylvania Riddled With Hurdles...Like The Fact That She Missed The Deadline . . . "But can these voting machines be tampered with? Yeah, but that would be an arduous process in which someone would have to enter the warehouse that’s under 24-hour surveillance, where all 4,500 machines are stored—and the tamper with all the machines over a period of four months. In other words, there’s really nothing to these accusations of fraud (via CBS Pittsburgh):" . . .

Vindictive Obama to Push Nearly 100 New Regulations Before Leaving Office

Rick Moran

Sunday, November 27, 2016

For Democrats, the road back

Charles Krauthammer

"One of the more salutary outcomes of the recent election is that Democrats are finally beginning to question the wisdom of basing their fortunes on identity politics. Having counted on the allegiance of African Americans, Hispanics, gays, unmarried women and the young — and winning the popular vote all but once since 1992 — they were seduced into believing that they could ride this “coalition of the ascendant” into permanent command of the presidency.
"They’re reconsidering now not because identity politics balkanizes society, creates state-chosen favored groups and fosters communal strife. They’re reconsidering because it’s not working." . . .

Trump electors cite threats over Trump vote

Electoral voters 'deluged' with death threats in multiple states
"Georgia official issues warning: stop harassing electors
While it is not legal to change one’s electoral vote in Michigan it can be done in other states, such as Georgia.
"Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp issued a statement Friday urging Georgians and others to refrain from using threatening and disparaging language to manipulate electors:
“The Presidential election is over but, unfortunately, the vitriol remains,” stated Secretary of State Brian Kemp. “Our office has received numerous reports of individuals hurling insults and threats at Georgia’s Electors because they are unsettled with America’s choice for President of the United States. This is absolutely unacceptable and those participating in or encouraging these efforts should stop. The electoral process in America has worked, and everyone – Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and others – should respect the will of Georgia’s voters and the Electors who represent them.”
"Arizona reports threats against its electors"
Time for one of Obama's "that's not who we are" speeches.

Final electoral map shows Michigan in Trump's fold but Clinton supporters have been sending threatening emails to the state's 16 electors, trying to get them to change their allegiance to their candidate.

Hillary’s Thugs Are Reportedly Threatening Electoral College Voters
. . . "Michael Banerian wants to show that young adults still have faith in the political system, but he said his selection as one of Michigan’s 16 Electoral College voters has prompted emails urging him to vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton and even threatening death.
On Dec. 19, the 22-year-old Banerian is scheduled to join 15 other Michiganians to cast their electoral votes for Republican President-elect Donald Trump. But Trump’s opponents have deluged Banerian and other GOP electors with pleas and nasty emails to reverse course and cast their ballots for Clinton, according to the Michigan Republican Party.
“You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die,’ ” he said. “I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive.”

Kellyanne Conway smacks Romney: The price of party unity shouldn’t be the Secretary of State position

Will Trump bring the hammer down on Conway over this?

Hot Air  "It’s tremendously bad form for Trump’s inner circle to be airing its debates over personnel on national television. Why knife Romney when he’s still in contention for the job, knowing that you might have to defend his selection in interviews literally tomorrow? As Twitter pal Cuffy Meigs said, anyone considering a job in the administration who’s watching this play out “would be insane to jump in this snake pit.”

"One theory of why Conway’s doing this publicly is that she knows TV is an effective way to reach her boss. If that explains it, we’re in deep trouble. Trump’s own campaign manager should be able to make her point to him without feeling she needs to commandeer a broadcast network’s cameras. And she has made her point to him privately, or so she says.
. . . 
"If it’s true that she’s trying to “send Trump a message” by attacking Romney publicly, Trump should think very carefully about whether he wants her as press secretary, a job for which she’s allegedly the frontrunner. The daily briefing would shift from an opportunity for the press to ask questions of the White House to an odd spectacle of tea-leaf-reading in which the media tries to figure out whether Conway’s answers represent Trump’s actual positions or positions she (and maybe Steve Bannon) are trying to get him to adopt."

Obama Turns His Back On Hillary In Shockingly Public Display

Robert Rich  "Hillary Clinton doesn’t have too many friends these days, and it looks like that reality just keeps getting worse. After her devastating defeat, it seems that the latest person to spit in her face is none other than President Barack Obama – and she can’t be happy about the embarrassing way he just did it for the entire world to see.
"We all know that Hillary has been in hiding while she licked her wounds, but there’s a new spark in her campaign during recent days. As many people are well aware at this point, Jill Stein is pushing for a recount  in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan for the sake of integrity."
. . . 
"However, it would later be Barack Obama that twisted the knife in a shockingly public display. It must have Hillary Clinton thoroughly embarrassed, to say the least. Clearly distancing himself from her, Obama declared that there is absolutely no need for a recount." . . .
Robert Rich is a husband, father, and political writer that seeks to defend Conservative ideals and protect the rights of all Americans in the face of an oppressive government. . .

Reliving the bloodiest battles in the War on Language

Image result for anti political correctness cartoons

Peter Skurkiss  "Beth Reinhard wrote a short piece in The Wall Street Journal entitled "Abortion Battle Set to Rage Anew."  Reading it, one can get the impression that there could be a shift in the culture war.  And no, it's not that funding for Planned Parenthood is now in jeopardy with the election results – which, fortunately, is the case.  Rather, it's the wording in the story that might be a harbinger of things to come.  
"Ms. Reinhard writes, "The mood in the pro-abortion rights community is grim."  Do you see it?  It has been a dog's age since the so-called pro-choice community has been properly labeled as being "pro-abortion" in a major publication.  To refer to a candidate or some organization as "pro-abortion" would invoke howls of protest from the likes of Planned Parenthood, the Democratic establishment, and the mainstream media, causing a retraction.
"So why the change?  Maybe it was something that simply slipped past the paper's editors. 
"Or maybe it was the full-throat endorsement of abortion on demand, including the gruesome partial-birth procedure, by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party that precipitated the wording change.  And then again, it might have been how Donald Trump exposed the hollowness of political correctness during his presidential campaign." . . .

Related: Hey libs: What if whiteness is a disability?  . . . "What if we start thinking of whiteness as a disability, that whites don't really "intend" to be offensive to others, but they are born that way?  After all, gays used to be criticized as being different, and making people uncomfortable, and now they are widely accepted. People believe that homosexuality is just a characteristic they are born with, not at all learned behavior or a choice. It's part of who they are.
"So why can't we think of "whiteness" the same way?  That whiteness is a disability?  If we then adopt this perspective, we must encourage people to accept the whiteness of others, and be understanding.

"In fact, if we take the analogy to gays further, we must "celebrate" whiteness and not victimize those who are white? " . . .

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Race War Could Cost Obama and Team $2 Billion

Image result for black lives matter cartoons

The BlackSphere  "Apparently the compensation to victims of Obama’s race war is $2 billion. That’s the price tag according to former U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor Larry Klayman.
"Klayman filed a class-action lawsuit seeking damages of more than $2 billion dollars. The payment is to compensate people hurt when Obama, et al incited a race war that led to the Dallas police officer deaths.
"Klayman founded the government watchdog groups Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. " . . ..
"Along with Hillary Clinton, Klayman lists Barack Obama, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panther Party, Former Atty General Eric Holder, George Soros, and others as defendants in the lawsuit.
Klayman explains in a Fox News interview with Deidre Bolton: (Excerpts below)
“That amount of damage is for everybody who’s been harmed here. It’s law enforcement across the board—whether it’s black, white or whatever color, race or creed—police have been trashed, law enforcement trashed… it’s a severe crisis. This President would like to think that he’s king, but he’s no Martin Luther King. In fact, he’s closer to Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton in terms of the way he does things.” . . .

 . . . “He only has a problem if there’s crime against blacks or crime is against Muslims or black Muslims for that matter,” Klayman said. “But he doesn’t represent the rest of the country and the people are beginning to see that.”
 "Klayman explained that the suit was in response to the anti-police movement that is sweeping across the country. Further, Klayman spoke with  host J.D. Hayworth on Newsmax TV’s “America Talks Live to explain that money may be the solution:
“We’re seeking to have the court order it to stop, and we’re seeking large damages, much like people talk about bombing the oil wells of ISIS to cut off the financial flow…If we cut off the financial flow of money to these groups, who are starting a race war for their own political purposes to destroy this country and build it back in their socialist and atheist and other image, then we can stop this.”
Image result for black lives matter cartoons

Cuban-American Reporter Calls Out Kaepernick on Castro Praise

Legal Insurrection
“Kaepernick, born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, explains to me, the guy born in Havana, how great Castro really is”
Fidel Castro

. . . ""Salguero continues:
Cuba for more than five decades under the Castros has stifled practically any and all dissent. According to Human Rights Watch, “Cuban citizens have been systematically deprived of their fundamental rights to free expression, privacy, association, assembly, movement, and due process of law. Tactics for enforcing political conformity have included police warnings, surveillance, short-term detentions, house arrests, travel restrictions, criminal prosecutions, and politically motivated dismissals from employment.”
Now go to Google images of the Ladies In White protesting on Cuba’s streets. Kaepernick, the poster child for protest among NFL players, should do this. He would see images of women — white, black, mothers, daughters, sisters — systematically violated in one form or another by Castro’s thugs.
They are harassed, spat upon, pushed and even bloodied simply because they are fighting to do in Cuba what Kaepernick does on an NFL sideline without fear or physical repercussion — just before he wears that Castro shirt to his postgame presser.
Image result for armando salguero on castro photos"The entire thing reminds me of the prof’s recent post about Tucker Carlson’s interview with the scariest SJW he’s ever seen.   The dull, robotic recitation of trite and proven lies that trip out of Kaepernick’s mouth are almost surreal.
"Salguero continues:
I’m hoping Kaepernick understands one should not make broad statements about standing up for people’s rights, then slip into a Fidel Castro shirt, suggesting approval for a man who has spent his days on the planet stifling people’s rights.
And that’s exactly the moment Kaepernick shows how lost he truly is. Because in the next breath, Kaepernick, born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, explains to me, the guy born in Havana, how great Castro really is." . . .

“Hate Spaces: The Politics of Intolerance on Campus” (Trailer)

"Americans for Peace and Tolerance is releasing a 70-minute documentary on the rise of antisemitism and anti-Israel activity on campuses and the role played by the BDS movement and Students for Justice in Palestine.

"The movie is titled Hate Spaces: The Politics of Intolerance on Campus.
I was interviewed for the documentary, along with others such as Alan Dershowitz of Harvard, Richard Landes of Boston University, Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal and Caroline Glick of The Jerusalem Post.

"Here is one early review of the film:
I’ve written about the phenomenon more than once, so I didn’t expect to be surprised by anything in the film. But despite knowing about the various incidents described, the sheer volume and intensity of them taken together left me shaken. Yes, shaken, and I’m not easy to shake….
The film makes it clear that the antisemitic movement – that’s what it is – on campuses is well-financed, well-organized and very successful in gaining adherents. It is also becoming more extreme and more explicitly anti-Jewish as time goes by and the “Overton Window” shifts in the direction that favors anti-Jewish expression. What was beyond the pale yesterday becomes the conventional wisdom today….
“Hate Spaces” will premiere in New York on November 30, and will be shown in numerous venues after that. Watching it won’t be a pleasant experience, but definitely an educational one. “Know your enemy” is still good advice.
. . .  Posted by 

Indian artist sues to identify herself as … Indian

Bob Unruh  Video at the link.


"A well-known Indian artist is suing the state of Oklahoma to be allowed to identify herself as an Indian.
"In a case brought in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma by the Pacific Legal Foundation, photographer and artist Peggy Fontenot is challenging a state law she contends “violates her constitutional rights to free speech and to earn a living by prohibition her from truthfully describing her work as ‘American Indian-made.'”
"Fontenot is targeting the state’s American Indian Arts and Crafts Sales Act, which, the legal team explained, “prohibits American Indian artists from labeling their work as ‘American Indian’ unless they are members of specified tribes that enjoy the state’s favor.”
"Fontenot is officially a member of the Patawomeck tribe in Virginia, which is recognized by the state. But it is not recognized by the federal government or the state of Oklahoma.
“ 'In essence, Oklahoma is picking and choosing which artists’ rights to respect depending on their tribal membership,” the legal team argued." . . . Read more