Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Michael Flynn’s Son Has Left Trump Transition Team


The front door of Comet Ping Pong pizza shop, in Washington on Monday

"A gunman was arrested at the pizza restaurant on Sunday afternoon, telling officers he had come to liberate endangered children after reading about the restaurant on the Internet, according to police.
"In the wake of the shooting, the younger Mr. Flynn challenged the media to prove that the claims surrounding Comet Ping Pong were indeed baseless*, tweeting: “Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it’ll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many ‘coincidences’ tied to it.”
"The hacked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta were published by Wikileaks in the weeks leading up to the election. Portions of those emails figure into the conspiracy theory." . . .
Harry Reid has used this tactic against Mitt Romney as you may recall.

Obama claims pride in his anti- terrorism efforts over the last eight years

Obama praises Obama's policies for 'breaking the back' of terrorism
. . . "This certainly isn't the first time he has said this.  In 2012, before the election, Obama repeatedly said the terrorist groups were decimated and on the run. (Of course, most of the media went along.)
"The obvious reason why the narcissist* Obama is out there repeating the same garbage he said four years ago is because Trump is taking too much attention away from him. " . . .
*He of the 2008 Greek columns in Denver's stadium

Many troops cannot seem to appreciate Obama's performance during final national security speech   "President Obama received tepid applause from troops in Tampa, Florida during his last nation security speech as president.
"Obama made the eyebrow-raising declaration that, “We should take great pride in the progress we’ve made over the last eight years. No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.' ”

. . . As mild applause broke out, the cameras cut to the audience.
"Of the roughly 20 service members shown at MacDill Air Force Base, only three were clapping.
Most sat with their hands folded or motionless. One man rubbed his eyes.
"Most didn’t applaud likely because they remembered attacks being carried out in San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida by jihadis vowing allegiance to ISIS.
"And they likely remembered, too, ISIS claiming credit for the attack on Ohio State University by a Somali “refugee.' ” . . .
Here Is Your Complete List Of Islamic Terror Attacks During The Obama Administration as of March 22, 2016

The Islamic "deadly terror attack in Brussels, Belgium was yet another Islamic terror attack that has occurred during President Barack Obama's administration. Obama's weakness on the world stage and failure to even utter the words "radical Islamic terrorism" has emboldened the Islamic jihadist movement and has caused their evil expansion and growth. Here is the complete list of Islamic terror attacks that have occurred under Obama's watch."

. . . Hallelujah, and let’s all go to the ballgame.

"Why would we expect anything more from the president who spent yesterday posing in front of a mural of communist terrorist Che Guevara, a man who advocated that Cuba nuke the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and who planned a prospective November 1962 terrorist attack involving bombing Macy’s Gimbels, Bloomingdale’s and Grand Central Station the day after Thanksgiving? . . .
"Why would we expect anything more from the man who signed the Iran deal that forwarded a terror state’s nuclear ambitions? Why would we expect anything more from the man who has allowed ISIS to rise from “jayvee team” to scourge of the West?" . . .

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

One man and his dog: Adorable photo of Air Force veteran and his service pooch goes viral after they BOTH land jobs at Lowe’s

Clay has been working at Lowe's for two months and couldn't be happier. Charolette goes to work with him every single day

UK Daily Mail   ". . . The Abilene Reporter-News reports that U.S. Air Force veteran Clay Luthy and his golden retriever, Charlotte, both wear red and blue Lowe's vests to work at the home improvement retailer.

"Luthy has had five surgeries on his knees and can't bend his left leg. Charlotte is trained to help Luthy up if he can't get off the floor.

"Charlotte has become a customer favorite in her two months on the job. Luthy says everyone loves the pooch, adding: 'This definitely was not part of the job description.' 

"A heartwarming photo of the pair that was posted on Facebook has been shared 170,000 times in just two days. " . . .

Why are so many Democrat operatives cynical, soulless hacks?

Democratic hacks today have a poor understanding of how to think clearly about their party's best interests. Too often, they confuse being monstrous with political savvy, and fail to see the harm their constant pursuit of big-dollar donors does to their political cause.

The Week

"The narrowness of Hillary Clinton's stunning loss to Donald Trump — especially given the fact that she actually won the popular vote by 2.5 million and rising — has led many liberals to conclude that the Democratic Party only needs a slight adjustment to win future presidential elections. A better candidate, a more competent campaign, or a more credible message on economic issues — any one of them might have kept the presidency in Democratic hands.

"On one level, this is true. A large football stadium's worth of additional votes distributed correctly across three states, and Clinton would be president-elect today. But it also obscures the fact that the Democratic Party has basically collapsed at the state level.

"There are many things the party must do to rebuild. Here's one more to add to the growing list: The Democrats need a better breed of operative." . . .

An engine breakdown that said it all

"Again, it was not a perfect country and politics had always been challenging to Cuba. But let me tell you about two things that did not happen in pre-Castro Cuba:
1) People were not taking homemade rafts to the U.S.; and,
2) Funeral cars did not break down on their way to the cemetery

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "Over the years, Cubans, in the U.S. and the island, have come up with some rather amazing jokes about the death of Fidel Castro.   
"For example, Cubans have joked about the inefficient Cuban bureaucracy by saying that Castro died years ago but they are still doing the paperwork.
"Another joke going around is that refugees from hell will soon show up in Florida's shores. Fidel's newest exiles from hell!
"Another joke is that Che greeted him in hell and then lit him up.    
"However, no one could have foreseen what we saw in Cuba over the weekend. Yes, the car taking Castro's remains to his resting place broke down:
The vehicle hauling the trailer carrying Castro’s remains broke down on the road near the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba during Saturday’s procession.
"Please don't blame the U.S. embargo because this is not a 1950s car. This is probably a small truck built in the USSR or somewhere in the old Soviet bloc. Maybe the Castro government forgot to pay the Russian equivalent of road assistance.
"Overall, it was a reminder of just how much harm Castro did to Cuba." . . .

Castro wasn’t funny in life. In death, perhaps he will become something of laughingstock.  "How symbolic! What could be more fitting, given the broken down nature of the antique Cuban state produced by Castro?
There have been plenty of choice comments on Twitter. Here’s the obvious take in the form of an old joke:
NOTHING in Cuba works. Except the prostitutes.
Here’s my favorite:
Even hell doesn’t want him.
I also liked this one:
For anyone who thinks the embargo didn’t work, show them this picture [of the hearse being pushed] and laugh. YES.

Sorry Hillary, but Obama is the true Santa Claus


Why Obama Likely is Secretly Glad Hillary Lost  "Am I the only person who thinks that in Barack Obama’s heart of hearts lies a glimmer of glee now that the Clintons won’t be moving into the White House when he moves out?  Roll your eyes in skepticism, if you will. But hear me out before launching a barrage of Bronx cheers.

"Yes, yes, I know.  Obama took time out from his busy presidential schedule to campaign for Hillary.  On the other hand, he’s taken time out to play golf, fly off to vacations, fund-raise, and do other things unrelated to the business at hand.  Face it: the garrulous guy has always loved being on the stump.  In fact, he delivers speeches better than he delivers the promises in them.  And even if he isn’t allowed by law to run for a third term, he has sufficient conceit to believe that he could handily have whipped both Hillary and The Donald.

"Obama would be the first to remind us that the longer the contentious 2016 presidential campaign dragged on, the higher his approval ratings rose, if only because he was not actually a candidate.   Still, our sitting president is vain enough to take this as a sign of his enduring popularity, of which he intends to take full advantage when he leaves office.  In a way, it will help him that Secretary Clinton was defeated, since there now appears to be no other Democrat who is capable of reminding the world how he won two elections and did much good." . . . 

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Monday, December 5, 2016

The DNC Has a Political Death Wish

G. Murphy Donovan

. . . "The great divide in America is not between socialism and capitalism, male and female, black and white, or upper and lower classes anymore.  Demographic schism is a choice: choice between free man and slave, choice between producer and consumer, choice between maker and taker.  For the moment, urban America, those Democrat sinecures, are mired in a swamp of red ink, race-gender pandering, and hostile dependencies – a toxic mix, indeed.
. . . 
"Democrats are also fond of claiming to be on the "right side of history."  By what twist of logic is Marx or Mohammed right about anything relevant to freedom, democracy, or human rights?
The secular left confuses the passage of time with progress, while Islam is simply frozen in time.  Indeed, too much of ersatz Islam is rooted in a theosophy where the clock stopped in the 7th century.
. . . 
"Liberals lost the American political middle in 2016 and now appear to be in a foot race to the ideological fringes.  Collusion between American liberals and Islamic zealots is surely popular with campus sophomores and aging academic tokers, but not necessarily the choice of a nation seeking civilized futures."

National Review: A Problem Like Keith Ellison  "Republicans should take a minute to simply enjoy all this before getting on to the serious business at hand. If they cannot have Debbie Wasserman Schultz organizing opposition to them, former Farrakhan fanboy Keith Ellison of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party is a great second choice."

Dem Rep. Keith Ellison: House Democrats Will Do Nothing But “Vote No” While Trump Is President…
"Dems  claimed this was racist when Republicans made similiar statements."

Meanwhile Democrats lead the assault on Christian bakers and public figures who attend Bible-based churches.

The Obama Years in the rear-view mirror

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, christmas tree, countdown, trump, twitter, cabinet
"Here at Hope n' Change, we find that we're filled with radiant happiness each time Barack Obama does anything as president for the last time. It's a delightful reminder that his days in office - and our days of misery - are literally numbered."

Obama Family’s 2015 Hawaii Vacation Cost Taxpayers $4,823,206.88
. . . "The records obtained by Judicial Watch for Obama’s Secret Service travel to Hawaii reveal the following expenses totaling $1,234,316.67:
  • Hotel and lodging costs totaled $1,000,458.63
  • The Secret Service spent $165,893.88 on car rentals.
  • Air and rail expenses totaled $67,964.16.
Netanyahu Plans To Team Up With Trump To Rip Up Iran Deal
" . . .Trump called the deal a “disaster” on numerous occasions throughout the campaign, terming it “the worst deal ever negotiated.” . . .

Obama Did Not Save The Auto Industry, He Saved The UAW

The Left's Coming Counter-Attack

"The last eight years have been a dumpster fire, with the foundational timbers of our republic as fuel.  You can't leave glowing embers behind.  By debating the demonstrable fantasies of the left, we grant them legitimacy, leaving them as glowing embers in the minds of successive generations." 

American Thinker  "When the Soviet Union fell, all the little commies didn't wake up the next morning and say, "You know, those wacky Americans were right all along!  Let's go do some freedom and liberty stuff!"

"No, they woke up bitter and furious...spreading out among the intelligentsia of western Europe; Great Britain; and, to a lesser extent, the United States.  They were welcomed by their fellow travelers: first and foremost, the misfit toys inhabiting the islands of academia – who were already busily nurturing bitterness and envy among their charges with the care of a master gardener.
"They threw themselves into plotting and agitating, insinuating themselves into every possible position of influence they could manage – all to keep the flame of statist oppression lit, though necessarily hidden.
"They found suitable vehicles in the international environmentalist movement and newly created issues that could be weaponized for use against that evil hegemon of economic and individual liberty, the dreaded victor of the Cold War, the United States.
"The "crisis creation" machine went into high gear, fueled by alarmist junk science and billions of federal research dollars." . . .

U.S. Christians Brace For Brutal Onslaught Of ‘Happy Holidays’ Attacks

The Babylon Bee

"U.S.—As Christmas season arrives, Christians across America have begun intense preparations to withstand the vicious attacks they expect to face during the month of December as coworkers, store employees, and even random passersby ruthlessly wish them “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” according to reports.
“ 'It’s brutal,” complains Dave Coleman, who has celebrated Christmas his entire life. “People I don’t know, who may not even believe in Jesus, think they can just insult me in the street by invoking an all-encompassing phrase that acknowledges multiple faith traditions? How is that freedom of religion?”
“ 'What has this country come to? It’s too much for me to handle,” he added.
"Open Doors, a watchdog group that monitors the global persecution of Christians, reports that “Happy Holidays” attacks are already up 400% this season. In response to this disturbing trend, Christians around the world have organized prayer vigils to support the victims.
"One North Korean believer spoke to reporters from an underground church meeting, on the condition of anonymity, out of concern for government threats on his life for practicing Christianity. “We stand with our American brothers and sisters during this barbaric onslaught of persecution. We pray for God’s strength to endure the torture you will encounter during your shopping trips, winter festivals, and holiday parties.”
"According to sources, Christians nationwide have formulated a strategy to lovingly respond to their tormentors by loudly screaming “And a Merry Christmas to you!” at anyone who threatens to wish them a Happy Holiday."

Angry Jill Stein Got GRILLED By Chris Wallace Over Recount Attempt!

Wayne Dupree  "Green candidate Jill Stein seemed angry and out of touch when she got grilled by Fox News Chris Wallace on her recount attempts. This was one of those times you probably sided with Chris because he was on point the entire interview. She seemed lost and continued to repeat and overtalk Wallace."

ObamaCare's effects upon Physician's practices

“Due to years of mounting regulations, the solo practice in which patients stayed with the same physician for 20 to 30 years is most likely a thing of the past. That, in and of itself, is interference with the practice of medicine.

The Galen Institute: PRIVATE PHYSICIAN PRACTICE TAKES ANOTHER BLOW FROM A NEW 2,400-PAGE GOVERNMENT RULE   "Just before former House Speaker John Boehner handed the gavel to Paul Ryan, he shepherded legislation that eliminated a despised Medicare payment formula under which physicians faced a 21.2% pay reduction.

"Congress could not allow the pay cut to take place and take the risk that physicians would turn away their Medicare patients. But the “Sustainable Growth Rate” payment policy for Medicare was law—passed as part of the Balanced Budget Act in 1997 to restrain government spending.
"Physician groups swarmed Capitol Hill every year for more than a decade to oppose significant cuts, and the physician payment reductions had been averted 17 times by congressional patchwork.
"Finally, last year, the SGR was eliminated with MACRA—the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act that passed Congress with bipartisan support and was signed into law by President Obama.  It called for physicians to receive a 0.5% payment update (instead of a 21.2% pay cut), but the price was creation of a new payment program to reward quality performance.
"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) was tasked with writing the implementing rules for how MACRA would work.  Its proposed rule spelled out the details of how Washington would pay for “value” not “volume” under the fee-for-service payment system.  Physicians and other clinicians would now be financially rewarded or penalized based upon how well they satisfy a complex new system of government rules meant to improve quality of patient care and control costs." . . .

Grace-Marie Turner is president of the Galen Institute, a public policy research organization that she founded in 1995 to promote an informed debate over free-market ideas for health reform.