Thursday, December 13, 2018

France: Understanding the Gilets Jaunes Uprising

"The vast majority haven't been told the truth about life for ordinary citizens, in France. As a result, they don’t understand the significance of the violent ‘gilets jaunes’ protests across the country. Having lived in France for years, REX explains why these are the most important protests in France since 1968 - and likely a beacon for citizens all across Europe."
Rich Terrell
Quod Verum  "Millions of French citizens have been violently demonstrating across France for the last month.
"They are known as the gilets jaunes, or "yellow jackets". The protestors wear the yellow high-viz jacket, that is common on building sites and airports.
"It’s a powerful totem for the French deplorables, a unifying symbol of ordinary, working class folk across the nation.
"France is no stranger to organized protests, or as they are called, manifestations. These are a dime-a-dozen in France. Typically they are union-engineered strikes, used as a weapon in the never-ending negotiation between organized labor and the French state.
"Forget what FakeNews is telling you. This is no ordinary manifestation.
"This is a genuine uprising by millions of city and country folk, young and old, crossing different ethnic and cultural lines.
"Macron’s diesel tax hike wasn’t the cause of the gilets jaunes movement. It was the spark detonating a bomb, that has been building for decades.
"It is the first time since 1968, that France has seen such a genuine and uprising popular uprising, against the French state.
"This protest is different. And it has very specific, historic reasons, as this article will reveal." . . .

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Identity Politics Poses a Genuine Threat to America. Here’s Why

Is identity politics reaching a breaking point?

. . . "Hudson’s Fonte outlined what has become the framework for identity politics on the left.“Multiculturalism, the diversity project, and critical theory” are the three major cornerstones of this creed, Fonte said."In a 2013 article in National Review, Fonte described the “diversity project” as: “[T]he ongoing effort to use federal power to impose proportional representation along race, gender, and e.thnic lines in all aspects of American life.”
"Multiculturalism comes in a hard version and a soft version, he said."The soft version celebrates ethnic subcultures, examples being St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo."The hard version, Fonte said, has damaged society. He concisely summed up its tenets:The United States is a multicultural society in which different cultures—African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, and women—have their own values, histories, and identities separate from and sometimes in opposition to dominant Anglo, white, male culture.
"This creed divides America into many peoples and has become the dominant ethos taught in American schools." . . .
Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii called on the men in America to “just shut up and step up” . . .

Government Indicts Ham Sandwich: Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty

Ann Coulter  . . . "This is how they lure you into arguing about something that doesn’t matter.
"In the 1990s, Chinese nationals were literally dragging duffel bags of money into the Democratic National Committee as President Clinton allowed sensitive ballistic-missile guidance technology to be transferred to the Chinese government.
"No charges. No independent counsel.
"Clinton held illegal campaign fundraisers at the White House, where Chinese citizens handed checks directly to White House staff.
"Still no charges and no independent counsel.
"Videotapes of the White House fundraisers surfaced, featuring the president and vice president glad-handing campaign donors on federal property.
"And again, no charges, no independent counsel.
"The New York Times’ response to Attorney General Janet Reno’s refusal to assign an independent counsel to these textbook campaign finance violations was a forceful editorial lightly ribbing Reno for her “blunders.”
"Saturday Night Live was tougher on Reno.
“Weekend Update With Norm Macdonald,” Nov. 8, 1997:
With the release of over 100 hours of videotape of President Clinton at campaign fundraisers, the pressure continues to mount on Attorney General Janet Reno to name an independent counsel to investigate the president. In addition, some senators are said to be furious that, instead of watching the videotapes, Reno has been taping over them with episodes of “Xena: Warrior Princess.”
"But now we’re supposed to care that Trump’s personal lawyer lied about a legal payment to, depending on your point of view, a mistress or an opportunistic grifter — AND HE USED A TRUMP ORGANIZATION EMAIL ADDRESS."

Meadows: Three Clinton Foundation whistleblowers with ‘EXPLOSIVE’ info will testify this week

Ian Macfarlane
National Sentinel  "Hail Mary: The chairman of the House Freedom Caucus said Tuesday that no fewer than three whistleblowers with “explosive” information regarding the Clinton Foundation are set to testify before a House committee this week.
"During an appearance on Fox News with host Martha McCallum, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., discussed the year-long investigation of Utah federal prosecutor John Huber, whom former Attorney General Jeff Sessions tasked earlier this year to look into alleged nefarious activities involving the foundation.
“ 'They [whistleblowers] have 6,000 pages of evidence that they’ve gone through,” McCallum said. “The foundation raised $2.5 billion, and they’re looking into potential improprieties. What’s next on this investigation?”
“ 'Well, I think for the American people, they want to bring some closure, not just a few sound bites, here or there, so we’re going to be having a hearing this week, not only covering over some of those 6,000 pages that you’re talking about, but hearing directly from three whistleblowers that have actually spent the majority of the last two years investigating this,” Meadows said." . . .

Trump sprang three traps on Pelosi and Schumer yesterday

Thomas Lifson  "President Trump clearly shocked House speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer yesterday with his televising of the Oval Office sit-down over his demand for $5 billion in funding for border security, including funding of critical mileage for his border wall.  Knowing well that Pelosi had already vowed publicly that "transparency and openness" would characterize the Democrat-run House starting next month, her plaintive request to speak in private scored points for Trump and revealed her hypocrisy before any substance at all was considered.
"The remarkable body language during the meeting tells the story of Trump's dominance.  Here is the full video of the press gaggle . . .:
. . . 

"Chuck Schumer took the bait on the second trap, and after the Oval Office meeting, he employed triumphantly the term "Trump Shutdown" as if he had won a victory through Trump's surrender.  Thus fortified, he is more likely to take Trump's dare and refuse funding for adequate border security and metaphorically throw Bre'r Trump into the briar patch.
The third trap is maneuvering the Senate Democrats into standing for open borders, or at least ineffective border security.  The current House of Representatives will pass the funding.  It is the Senate, where a 60-vote filibuster could be employed, that would be the obstacle.
Never forget that Trump was the most successful producer of reality television in the history of the medium.  He understands drama and a story arc.  Chuck Schumer leading a Senate filibuster right before Christmas to stymie border protection is exactly the story Trump wants the nation's TV-viewers to absorb.  

Disgrace: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Gold Star Father John Kelly as a Coward

Katie Pavlich  
Woke 29-year-old Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went after White House Chief of Staff John Kelly yesterday. Why? She wants him to apologize to Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson for supposedly "lying" about her to reporters.  . . .

. . . "Cowardice." Quite a big word to use against a four-star Marine Corps general whose son was killed in Afghanistan.

"Wilson's spat with Kelly came last year when she alleged President Trump disrespected a military family during a phone call. Kelly disputed her characterization and gave a briefing to the White House press corps on how the military handles casualties.

"Most Americans don’t know what happens when we lose one of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, our Coast Guardsmen in combat. So let me tell you what happens," Kelly said. "Their buddies wrap them up in whatever passes as a shroud, puts them on a helicopter as a routine, and sends them home. Their first stop along the way is when they’re packed in ice, typically at the airhead. And then they’re flown to, usually, Europe where they’re then packed in ice again and flown to Dover Air Force Base, where Dover takes care of the remains, embalms them, meticulously dresses them in their uniform with the medals that they’ve earned, the emblems of their service, and then puts them on another airplane linked up with a casualty officer escort that takes them home."

Photos added by TD
"While that’s happening, a casualty officer typically goes to the home very early in the morning and waits for the first lights to come on. And then he knocks on the door; typically a mom and dad will answer, a wife. And if there is a wife, this is happening in two different places; if the parents are divorced, three different places," he continued. "And the casualty officer proceeds to break the heart of a family member and stays with that family until — well, for a long, long time, even after the internment."  More below:

People who supported putting the Clintons back in the White House have no credibility talking about law and order

Jack Hellner  "I agree with the Washington Post's Catherine Rampell that it is a shame that the government doesn't prosecute white-collar criminals enough." . . .

"But she is tremendously confused when she pretends journalists like her and other Democrats have ever cared about pardons by Democrat presidents and criminal activity by powerful Democrats.  She and other Democrats absolutely can't stand it if Trump pardons Manafort and they say Trump is guilty of campaign finance law violations.
"The Epstein story was out there when Hillary was running, but the mainstream media didn't care about it.  Putting Bill and Hillary back in the White House was more important.  But now, all of a sudden, journalists care about the case.
"Hillary, her aides, and Obama repeatedly violated the nation's security laws, and Democrats, including the media, didn't care.
"White-collar scientists have repeatedly committed fraud on the public by manipulating climate data, and not only don't Democrats care, but they just repeat the fraudulent numbers as if they are true." . . .

Jeff Flake is aching for a Trumpenfreude

Don Surber  "Jonathan Kobes became the 30th appellate judge appointed by President Donald John Trump to win Senate confirmation. Jeff Flake the Fake Republican tried to embarrass Kobes by forcing Vice President Mike Pence to cast the tie-breaking vote. History will record that Judge Kobes was the first circuit judge to be confirmed by a tie-breaker.
"So what?
"This is Senator Flake's final attempt to capture relevance after a one-and-done term as a senator. Elected in 2012 from Arizona after six terms in the House, he was a rising star -- who burst into flames immediately.
"Spectacularly, I might add.
"And long before a Trump presidency was a gleam in Melania Trump's eye.
""How Jeff Flake Became the Most Unpopular Senator in America," Atlantic magazine reported on April 23, 2013.
"It wasn't easy dethroning Mitch McConnell as America's least favorite Senator, but Flake has done that in just three short months, a new poll out Monday reveals — and his fall from rising-star grace is not quite the head-scratcher you might think."
"Donald Trump didn't break him.
"Flake shattered himself. He ran as a social conservative, but once seated in the Senate he pushed for more gun control as well as gay marriage. He also joined the Gang of Eight who wanted immigration laws liberalized.
"His family did not help.
""Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, a devout Mormon and family man, has apologized for homophobic, racist and anti-Semitic comments posted online by his teenage son," the New York Daily News reported on June 13, 2013.
"Media reports say he has spent time in New Hampshire this year for a possible presidential run.
"That's nice. Democrats need all the candidates they can get."

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Schumer, Pelosi speak to the press after leaving Trump

PJ Media
San Fran Nan slipped up earlier today when she absent-mindedly said "Christmas present to the American people," (quelle horreur!) which she quickly corrected to say "holiday present."
"Unfortunately that the president choose to shut down the government, that we have a Trump shut-down as a Christmas present -- a holiday present to the American people," she stammered.

Trump In Oval Office Shouting Match With Pelosi And Schumer Over Border Wall…

. . . "The fact is you do not have the votes in the House,' she told him pointedly.
"Trump angrily told the expected speaker of the House that funding for his wall would pass in 'two seconds' in the lower chamber, only it doesn't matter because it won't reach the 60-vote threshold in the Senate without Democratic support.
" 'Nancy, I do. And we need border security,' he retorted as the televised meeting devolved into utter chaos.
"Schumer brought up Trump's 'Pinocchio' score in the Washington Post, telling Trump that he said at least 20 times that he would use a government shut down as a negotiating tool. 
" 'We do not want to shut down the government,' Schumer told him. " . . .
. . .
. . . "democratic senators warned the president's Pentagon chief on Monday that a plan to use defense funds build border barriers in Arizona would be controversial if carried out and unauthorized.   
"They told Defense Secretary James Mattis in a letter that the Navy did not provide a compelling argument for studies on 31 miles of barriers along a bombing range near Yuma.
"The project would divert as much as $450 million in funds that were intended for military readiness activities, they insisted.
" 'We believe the Department of Defense lacks any authorization or appropriations needed to move this project into any stage of construction during fiscal year 2019,' the senators said.
"In the letter told Mattis that he should not attempt to circumvent the legislative body by making use of a code that authorizes the military to provide a support role in counternarcotics operations along the border. " . . .
Official White House transcript of the Oval Office dust-up with Schumer and Pelosi
. . . HOUSE SPEAKER-DESIGNATE PELOSI: Well, thank you, Mr. President, for the opportunity to meet with you so that we can work together in a bipartisan way to meet the needs of the American people.
I think the American people recognize that we must keep government open, that a shutdown is not worth anything, and that you should not have a Trump shutdown. You have the White House --
THE PRESIDENT: Did you say 'Trump' -- oh, oh.
HOUSE SPEAKER-DESIGNATE PELOSI: A 'Trump shutdown.' You have the White House --
THE PRESIDENT: I was going to call it a 'Pelosi shutdown.'
HOUSE SPEAKER-DESIGNATE PELOSI: You have the Senate. You have the House of Representatives. You have the votes. You should pass it right now.
THE PRESIDENT: No, we don't have the votes, Nancy, because in the Senate, we need 60 votes and we don't have it.  . . .
National Review: "Tempers flared between President Trump and Democratic leaders during an Oval Office meeting Tuesday over funding for a wall at the southern border."  . . . "Large portions of the government are headed for a shutdown on December 21 if Congress fails to pass legislation to keep funding flowing. A particular sticking point for both sides is the $5 billion that Trump has requested for a wall, as opposed to the $1.6 billion for improving existing fencing along the border that Democrats have agreed to." . . .

‘Men Have Forgotten God’: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s 1983 Templeton Address

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 
Editor’s Note: This article, which originally ran in the July 22, 1983, issue of National Review, is adapted from the address Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn gave on the occasion of his acceptance, in London on May 10, 1983, of the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion. In announcing the 1983 award, the Templeton Foundation described Mr. Solzhenitsyn as “a pioneer in the renaissance of religion in atheist nations.” Mr. Solzhenitsyn ’s introductory remarks were made at the awards ceremony at Buckingham Palace, with Prince Philip presiding. The address proper was delivered later the same day at the London Guildhall. Today, December 11, 2018, is the 100th anniversary of Mr. Solzhenitsyn’s birth.

"Your Royal Highness: Permit me to express my appreciation to you for taking part in this ceremony. Your participation lends special dignity to these proceedings. 

"This is the first time that the Templeton Prize has been awarded to an Orthodox Christian. With gratitude that our share in the religious life of the world has now been accorded notice, I remain acutely conscious of my personal unworthiness to receive this award as I look back upon the venerable line of outstanding Orthodox churchmen and of Orthodox thinkers from Aleksey Khomyakov to Sergei Bulgakov. And I am very much aware that Eastern Slavic Orthodoxy, which, during the 65 years of Communist rule, has been subjected to persecution even fiercer and more extensive than that of early Christian times, has had—and still has today—many hands worthier than mine to accept it. Beginning with Vladimir Bogoyavlensky, metropolitan of Kiev, shot by the Communists before the walls of the Kievo-Pechersky Monastery at the dawn of the Lenin era, the list would extend to the intrepid priest Gleb Yakunin, who is enduring torments today, under Andropov: Forcibly deprived of all outward symbols of his priesthood, and even of the right to have the Gospels, Father Yakunin has for months at a time been held in a freezing stone cubicle, without bed, clothes, or food.

"In this persecution-filled age, it is appropriate that my own very first memory should be of Chekists in pointed caps entering St. Panteleimon’s Church in Kislovodsk, interrupting the service, and crashing their way into the sanctuary in order to loot. And later, when I started going to school in Rostov-on-Don — passing on my way a kilometer-long compound of the Cheka-GPU and a glittering sign of the League of Militant Atheists — schoolchildren egged on by Komsomol members taunted me for accompanying my mother to the last remaining church in town and tore the cross from around my neck. 

"Orthodox churches were stripped of their valuables in 1922 at the instigation of Lenin and Trotsky. In subsequent years, including both the Stalin and the Khrushchev periods, tens of thousands of churches were torn down or desecrated, leaving behind a disfigured wasteland that bore no resemblance to Russia such as it had stood for centuries. Entire districts and cities of half a million inhabitants were left without a single church. Our people were condemned to live in this dark and mute wilderness for decades, groping their way to God and keeping to this course by trial and error. The grip of oppression that we have lived under, and continue to live under, has been so great that religion, instead of leading to a free blossoming of the spirit, has been manifested in asserting the faith on the brink of destruction, or else on the seductive frontiers of Marxist rhetoric, where so many souls have come to grief." . . .

Judge Rules Trump Administration JUSTIFIED in Ending Obama-Era Immigration Program


SAN FRANCISCO — The Trump administration provided adequate justification for its decision to end a program that reunited hundreds of immigrants from Central America with family members in the U.S., a federal judge ruled Monday.Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler threw out the bulk of a lawsuit that argued the termination of the Obama-era Central American Minors program was arbitrary and violated the U.S. Constitution."The program allowed parents legally in the U.S. to apply to bring children or other family members living in Honduras, Guatemala or El Salvador to the U.S.One of the goals was to discourage children from making the dangerous journey from those countries to the U.S. to be with family.More than 1,300 people came to the U.S. under the program between 2014 and the end of 2016, according to figures cited in Beeler’s decision.When it ended the program in August 2017, the Trump administration revoked approval for roughly 2,700 additional immigrants who were set to travel to the U.S.In her ruling, Beeler said the decision to revoke those approvals was arbitrary and capricious and required more analysis and explanation.Linda Evarts, an attorney with the International Refugee Assistance Project who is representing plaintiffs, said she welcomed that part of the ruling and called the decision “an important first step.”Beeler in a separate order suggested the plaintiffs might be able to revise their lawsuit to address some of her concerns.The judge, however, found the administration had sufficient policy and legal arguments for its decision to end the Central American Minors program.The Obama administration granted refugee or parole status to 99 percent of the people it interviewed for the program, giving them a greenlight to come to the U.S., according to State Department figures in Beeler’s decision.