Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Jeff Flake is aching for a Trumpenfreude

Don Surber  "Jonathan Kobes became the 30th appellate judge appointed by President Donald John Trump to win Senate confirmation. Jeff Flake the Fake Republican tried to embarrass Kobes by forcing Vice President Mike Pence to cast the tie-breaking vote. History will record that Judge Kobes was the first circuit judge to be confirmed by a tie-breaker.
"So what?
"This is Senator Flake's final attempt to capture relevance after a one-and-done term as a senator. Elected in 2012 from Arizona after six terms in the House, he was a rising star -- who burst into flames immediately.
"Spectacularly, I might add.
"And long before a Trump presidency was a gleam in Melania Trump's eye.
""How Jeff Flake Became the Most Unpopular Senator in America," Atlantic magazine reported on April 23, 2013.
"It wasn't easy dethroning Mitch McConnell as America's least favorite Senator, but Flake has done that in just three short months, a new poll out Monday reveals — and his fall from rising-star grace is not quite the head-scratcher you might think."
"Donald Trump didn't break him.
"Flake shattered himself. He ran as a social conservative, but once seated in the Senate he pushed for more gun control as well as gay marriage. He also joined the Gang of Eight who wanted immigration laws liberalized.
"His family did not help.
""Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, a devout Mormon and family man, has apologized for homophobic, racist and anti-Semitic comments posted online by his teenage son," the New York Daily News reported on June 13, 2013.
"Media reports say he has spent time in New Hampshire this year for a possible presidential run.
"That's nice. Democrats need all the candidates they can get."

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