Wednesday, December 12, 2018

People who supported putting the Clintons back in the White House have no credibility talking about law and order

Jack Hellner  "I agree with the Washington Post's Catherine Rampell that it is a shame that the government doesn't prosecute white-collar criminals enough." . . .

"But she is tremendously confused when she pretends journalists like her and other Democrats have ever cared about pardons by Democrat presidents and criminal activity by powerful Democrats.  She and other Democrats absolutely can't stand it if Trump pardons Manafort and they say Trump is guilty of campaign finance law violations.
"The Epstein story was out there when Hillary was running, but the mainstream media didn't care about it.  Putting Bill and Hillary back in the White House was more important.  But now, all of a sudden, journalists care about the case.
"Hillary, her aides, and Obama repeatedly violated the nation's security laws, and Democrats, including the media, didn't care.
"White-collar scientists have repeatedly committed fraud on the public by manipulating climate data, and not only don't Democrats care, but they just repeat the fraudulent numbers as if they are true." . . .

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