Friday, September 13, 2019

Trump court pick whose family fled persecution blasts racism accusation as ‘hurtful’ during confirmation hearing

Menashi said not only is he not a proponent of “racial purity,” he is particularly sensitive to ethnic or religious discrimination because his family members were victims of such persecution. He is the descendant of Iraqi Jews, and his paternal grandparents fled Iraq after Kurdish neighbors helped smuggle his grandmother out of her city.

Fox News via Michael Antonovich   . . . "Another point of contention during the hearing was whether Menashi could speak about legal advice he has given in his role with the White House counsel’s office. He was asked many questions about whether he advised on particular issues, such as reducing the number of refugees allowed to enter the U.S. and policies having to do with separating families at the border. Over and over, Menashi refused to answer, claiming this was protected by client confidentiality. 
"Senate Judiciary Committee members, including ranking member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., took issue with Menashi’s refusal to answer basic questions. Feinstein pointed out that when a previous administration attorney faced a judicial confirmation hearing, he answered these questions.
" Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., pointed out that in that situation, the committee spoke to the administration, who authorized the nominee to answer questions. Graham said that while the committee could have done the same for Menashi, they did not.
“ 'What you’re doing here is not fair,” Graham said.
"At the same time, Graham said that while Menashi should not be expected to divulge specific advice he gave, he should be able to say whether or not he gave advice on those issues. Menashi still was reticent when asked about giving advice on particular immigration-related matters." . . .

CNN Follows MSNBC’s Maddow in Pushing Smears Against Trump Judicial Nominee  . . . "Contrary to what media elites say, several of Menashi’s writings showed his concern for victims of bigotry and racism, such as one piece titled, “Chilling Free Expression” from August 16, 1999.
“ 'When students cannot evaluate claims of racism and sensitivity, and instinctively apologize whenever minority groups object, liberal education—not to mention rational discourse—suffers,” Menashi wrote at the time.
"Menashi’s writings also reveal that he is a huge advocate for free speech." . . .

That would be the CNN which published a call for "the “eradication” of Kellyanne Conway and Trump Supporters"

He followed it up by later using the same language against Kellyanne Conway, tweeting, “You are “the depraved evil” we need to eradicate.” 

Russia and America: Maybe the grass IS greener over there.

Russian Security Forces Raid The Homes Of Opposition Supporters… 
"Of course the NY Times calls it “an effort to stem discontent”.
"Via NY Times:

MOSCOW — In a nationwide crackdown to prevent discontent in Moscow from spreading to far-flung regions, Russian security forces on Thursday raided and searched hundreds of homes and offices across the country of activists affiliated with the opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny.
The raids, the biggest operation yet against Mr. Navalny and his supporters, were carried out in more than 40 cities and towns as part of a criminal money-laundering investigation announced in August by the authorities against his Anti-Corruption Foundation. The foundation has been the vanguard of recent street protests in Moscow that led to the arrests of more than 2,000 people.
Mr. Navalny issued a statement denouncing the raids as the biggest police operation, in geographical reach, in Russia’s modern history and a clear attempt to “intimidate” and “demoralize.” He said security officials from the police, the National Guard and the Federal Security Service, or F.S.B., had simultaneously raided more than 200 sites in 41 towns and cities.
And here in America:

TIME Editor, MSNBC Host Agree: Don’t Give Voice To Climate Change Dissenters, ‘There’s No Debate’….

Kamala Harris’ campaign should have ended tonight at #DemDebate

Legal Insurrection

She proved beyond a reasonable doubt that there’s no there, there.

"The Democrat debates are the best thing that ever happened to Donald Trump.

"Tonight’s debate in Houston was another example, a mostly sleepy affair in which the two leftist party leaders — Bernie and Warren — further cemented their primary policy of taking private insurance away from almost 150 million people. Some of the lesser contenders called them out on that, as did Biden.

"Warren was not much of a presence. She and Bernie are mostly interchangeable at this point. That’s not good for her. Her answer to almost every question is big, evil corporations.

"Spartacus gave an impassioned performance, it might move his needle a little, but won’t boost him from the bottom tier. Yang had a cute (and highly questionable) offer to pay 10 viewers $1000 if only they (and millions of others, of course) would go to his website. Klobuchar played the role of moderate Democrat, but got almost no air time.

"Castro is a disagreeable character, can’t imagine he helped himself by impliedly accusing Biden of being senile: “Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago? Are you forgetting already what you said just two minutes ago?”
. . . 

. . . "Kamala Harris proved me wrong — I’ve viewed her as someone whose intellect is a mile wide and an inch deep. I’d like to revise that assessment — her intellect is a mile wide and half-an-inch deep. 
"There’s no there, there.

"Kamala Harris’ campaign should have been over tonight. But I’m not making predictions."

The Fool in the Vatican

William F. Marshall   . . . "The article's title, "Pope Francis Doesn't Fear Schism", pretty much sums up how benighted is this man in the Vatican. While he ventures into waters in which he has no expertise, like "man-made climate change," he is making fundamental changes to Catholic doctrine where he presumably does have some expertise, that is sowing confusion and turmoil among tradition-minded Catholics.
"One of Pope Francis's most egregious moves was elevating a known homosexual pederast, former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, from the disgraced obscurity to which Pope Benedict had consigned him back to lofty heights within the Church, as one of Francis's top advisors, despite Pope Francis being forewarned of McCarrick’s perversions. The mind reels. Eventually, thankfully, Pope Francis removed McCarrick following a public uproar and Cardinal McCarrick, now Mr. McCarrick, was finally defrocked." . . .

William F. Marshall has been an intelligence analyst and investigator in the government, private, and non-profit sectors for more than 30 years. He is a senior investigator for Judicial Watch, Inc. and a contributor to Townhall, American Thinker, and The Federalist.

On 9-11, some airplanes did something

9/11 Victim's Son Blasts Ilhan Omar During Ground Zero Memorial Ceremony  "'Some people did something,' said a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota, to support and justify the creation of CAIR. Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom," . . . If you don't know the rest, read this link.
"This is not the first time Nicholas Haros Jr. used the ceremony to call out members of Congress. Last year, Haros urged Democrats in Congress to stop “using the bones and ashes of our loved ones as props in your political theater.” Haros then cited several examples of Democrats and the media using 9/11 to attack Donald Trump, as well as his second Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh." . . .

Nation of Islam Defends Ilhan Omar With 9/11 Truther Video Featuring Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan  . . . "Also, if Omar wants to prove she is not anti-Semitic, she should also denounce the Nation of Islam's clear anti-Semitism." . . .

9/11 Victim's Son Who Slammed Omar Says People Called Him A Racist. He Fires Back. . . . "Some people did something, said a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota, to support and justify the creation of [the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)] — today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom. Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion?"
"On Tuesday night, Haros Jr. joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss his comments earlier in the day, asserting that had received hate mail and intimating that people had called him a racist. He fired back, "If she were a Martian and were green it would not make a difference. That she is a woman doesn’t make a difference. That she is a Muslim doesn’t make a difference. These are Wikipedia facts that have to be said and she needed to respond.' " . . .

Ilhan Omar Realized That What 'Some People Did’ On 9/11 Was Execute A Brutal Terrorist Attack  . . . "You see, that wasn’t hard. And that goes for all left-wingers who hate America. For one day, you don’t have to be insufferable cretins and bash the country. Then again, Omar did describe the 9/11 attacks as an event where, “some people did something,” at a CAIR fundraiser this year. The New York Post torched her for that nonsense, as did some of the victims of that horrible attack. That “something” was radical Islam, it was al-Qaeda, and the inability of the Left to recognize that radical Islamic terrorism is a problem continues to be an annoying aspect of their political correctness agenda. You saw that on full display today with The New York Times, who said that planes, on their own, crashed into the towers. Leah wrote about it." . . .

Thursday, September 12, 2019

It should get easier to get the Dem circus back into the clown car

Rich Terrell
Democrat** Debate Gets Personal As Candidates Go For The Jugular  "The Democratic presidential debate Thursday night quickly turned personal, as candidates took turns hammering each other on their vulnerabilities.
"Joe Biden’s memory, Elizabeth Warren’s expensive plans, and Bernie Sanders’s socialism all turned into political footballs over the course of the debate.
"Andrew Yang’s proposal in his opening statement to give 10 Americans $12,000 each drew laughs from his fellow Democrats. “It’s original, I’ll give you that,” Pete Buttigieg said with a smirk.
"Biden went on the offensive against Warren early on, saying she “has not said how she would pay for [her health care plan].”
"Amy Klobuchar slammed the Medicare for All bill supported by Sanders and Warren, flipping one of Sanders’s go-to lines back on him. Sanders may have written “the damn bill, but I read it,” the Minnesota senator said, noting that their plan would cause Americans to lose their private health insurance.

Here it gets personal for millions of American voters:

Buttigieg also linked Trump supporters to racism, following a question from left-wing Univision anchor Jorge Ramos. “Do you think people who support President Trump and his immigration policies are racist?” Ramos asked. "Anyone who supports this is supporting racism,” Buttigieg said. ...
Truck Circles Dem Debate With Searing Message: ‘Abortion Separates Children From Their Families’ . . . "The Democratic Party hit its most extreme nadir on abortion during the first presidential debate, when former HUD secretary Julian Castro publicly pushed abortion rights for "trans females.' " . . .

Thin the Herd Further, DNC 

"There’s an old joke often expressed well into banquets and conferences, where a speaker says, “We’re at the point where everything that needs to be said has been said, but not everyone has said it.” We’re already at that point with the Democratic primary debates. Tonight was a three-hour ordeal, and candidates largely repeated the arguments they made in the previous two debates. There’s not much reason to expect tonight will generate any dramatic swings in the polling in the coming days or weeks. The conventional wisdom will remain that this is a three-person race, with Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders having far and away the best shots at the nomination." . . .

Trump Anti-Socialism Banner Flies Over Houston Before Dem Debate

Transgenderism conquers science at Canadian Cancer Society

Thomas Lifson
"We live in a moment where the urge to be politically correct has conquered the major institutions of society, driving them to abandon common sense and even science.  Writing at PJ Media, Megan Fox documents the auto-beclowning of the Canadian Cancer Society, which one would normally expect to be a sober, scientifically based organization fighting one of mankind's chief scourges today.  In place of this critical mission, promotion of transgenderism has taken priority.

A new ad campaign to fight cervical cancer is dominated by a transgender person who is a biological male and has no cervix. Look at the absurdity of the ad under the caption "Transwomen and Cervical Cancer Screening."

"Fox skillfully debunks the nonsense:

The site goes onto [sic] claim that the risk of cervical cancer for a person with no cervix is very low. "If you're a trans woman, you may not have given much thought to Pap tests and cervical cancer. And if you haven't, that makes a fair amount of sense. After all, in order to get cervical cancer, you need to have a cervix." But don't be fooled by the seeming clarity of this statement. They go on to talk themselves out of it.
If, however, you're a trans woman who has had bottom surgery to create a vagina (vaginoplasty) and possibly a cervix, there's a very small risk that you can develop cancer in the tissues of your neo-vagina or neo-cervix. The risk depends on the type of surgery you had, the type of tissue used to create your vagina and cervix and your personal health history. Talk to your healthcare provider to figure out your specific cancer-screening needs as part of your overall pelvic health following surgery.
A "neo-cervix" is a fake cervix. It's not a working body part. It's a false representation of a cervix created on an operating table. Calling it a "cervix" or even a "neo-cervix" doesn't make it an actual cervix. And because it is not a cervix, there is no way in hell it can contract cervical cancer. A "cancer" society should know that.

"You really have to read the whole thing to grasp the level of absurdity embraced by this organization.  And, as Fox notes, encouraging people without cervixes to be screened for cervical cancer in a single-payer health system inherently denies medical resources to people who have a genuine need for them.
"I have never seen a national poll on public acceptance of the notions that underlie transgenderism.  My guess is that most people agree with me that it is a fantasy to believe that a male can become a female (or vice versa) by merely thinking or wishing it to be so, but pollsters have been deterred from asking such questions.

"Meanwhile, nonprofits, cultural institutions, advertisers, and the schools have all leaped to embrace this nonsense.  Sometimes I wonder if the ghost of Jonathan Swift is laughing at us."

CNN: The most infamous name in news, endorsed by the California schools

Fake News, Fake Polls – CNN Edition  "It’s been a tough few weeks for CNN. Who knew pushing fake news could be so challenging?

"First, they tried to turn President Trump into a rube for suggesting that Alabama could be in the path of Hurricane Dorian. It turns out that CNN suggested the same thing, a few days before Trump did, warning Alabama to “be on the lookout”.

"Then came the fiction that Trump outed a Russian informant. Instead the reality was that the decision on any outing or exfiltration occurred before Trump became president. We know whose watch this occurred on, but CNN chose to instead blame the current president.

"Now it’s an opinion poll. CNN’s story of the week is, ”6 in 10 say Trump does not deserve a second term.” Well, that settles it. If CNN says so, it must be true. Get ready for President Beto or Pete." . . .

Another Week, Another Ratings Collapse at Far-Left CNN, MSNBC  "Far-left MSNBC and CNN lost nearly a third of their respective primetime audiences when compared to this same week last year, reports TVNewser.
"While Fox News only lost five percent of its already mammoth primetime audience last week, MSNBC collapsed by an incredible 31 percent, while CNNLOL lost more than a quarter of its viewers, 26 percent.
"In total day, Fox lost just eight percent of viewers, compared to MSNBC’s collapse of 27 percent and CNNLOL’s 19 percent crater.
"Obviously, the big news around Hurricane Dorian did not convince people to tune into two news outlets that have lost all of their credibility, even among tens of millions of Democrats who do not support President Trump.
"What’s more, as you will see in the numbers below, Fox News is attracting almost as many viewers as CNNLOL and MSNBC combined." . . .

CNN's soulmate New York Times: Airplane violence caused the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001

If Democrats and their left supporters rule this country and control our information, we must learn to read between the lines of 1984-ish language.

. . . "In other words, some act of senseless plane violence, perhaps by the planes' pilots who aimed so carefully?  Or perhaps accidentally?  Who knows?  As Rep Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) so memorably expressed it, "some people did something."  Some people...could have been anyone, perhaps some privileged American white folks who flash Benjamins.  And anyway, what they did was just...something.  No big deal.  
"WRONG!  Apparently, there are millions of people still alive who not only remember the horror of 9/11, but know that someone has to "aim" the planes, and those who aimed the planes were not the pilots.  They were...Muslims.  Al-Qaeda Muslims.  Al-Qaeda Muslim terrorists, financed by Muslim nations, perhaps Saudi Arabia, perhaps others, according to the 9/11 Commission Report, who hated America and all it stood for.  And so, after many protests and just plain angry mockery, the N.Y. Times felt compelled to delete the original tweet that apparently didn't fill the need for truth in all the news millions require and replaced it with with a slightly more accurate version. " . . .

Raheem Kassam: The Media Has A Problem Covering 9/11

The New York Times began its 9/11 coverage this year with an avian appeal. The 9/11 tribute lights, they claim, are putting 160,000 birds at risk every year.
. . . "Imagine a right-wing website marking the far less deadly Charlottesville attack with a tweet that read, “A car took aim at Heather Heyer.”
No, a car didn’t take aim. A frenzied neo-Nazi did.
"No planes “took aim” on 9/11. Frenzied Islamic terrorists did.
"The Times was forced to back down, issuing a tweet that reads: “We’ve deleted an earlier tweet to this story and have edited for clarity. The story has also been updated.” The changes made to the story are unlisted, and the New York Times has not responded to my request for clarity at the time of publication.
"The paper also saw fit to publish an opinion-editorial by Omer Aziz, about how hard 9/11 made it to be a Muslim." . . .
. . . "On Aug. 5, 2019, he published what CNN laundered as a think-tank article by New America, titled: “Right-Wingers Are America’s Deadliest Terrorists.”
. . . 

"This is not to say that domestic terrorism related to Neo Nazism or ethno-nationalism is non-existent. But using 9/11 — as CNN has — to foster fears of a clearly less significant threat on a symbolic day is indicative of a deep-seated problem America’s media has with the day that shook the world."
"Avlon closed his two minutes of fear-mongering about “right-wing” terror by demanding, “To truly learn the lessons of 9/11 is to resolve not to let hate win or fear define us.”

"Between birds and” whataboutery,” America’s establishment journalists reveal who really has amnesia: them.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Contractors may have to reveal past ties to slavery to get business with New York City

NY Daily News  "City contractors would have to reveal past ties to slavery under a Council bill that will be introduced on Thursday. The legislation would require companies to search their history and records to determine if they or any affiliated entities engaged in or profited from the slave trade when they enter in or renew city contracts of $100,000 or more. “New York City is the financial capital of the world, and the ugly truth is that its stature as such has roots in the slave trade,” Councilman I. Daneek Miller, a co-sponsor of the legislation with Councilwoman Inez Barron (D-Brooklyn). " . . .

9/11: You Said You Wouldn’t Forget. You Did.

The American Spectator

After national unity has proved ephemeral, what’s left?
"We came together after 9/11 as Americans. We formed a bond of unity the likes of which I could not remember save for when I was a child during World War II. Then, housewives rolled bandages at night for the Red Cross. Kids carried scrap paper and metal to school for the war effort.

"People proudly hung military insignias in their windows to recognize their family members who were at war. Mothers dressed their children in miniature military uniforms.

In the coming decades, that unity was shredded. The Vietnam War divided the country as much as WWII united it. On campus, students cheered for the enemy: “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh is going to win.”

"The Vietnamese communist regime so widely endorsed by the American Left produced 800, 000 refugees who were willing to risk their lives by fleeing to treacherous open seas rather than submit to the brutalities of the regime. California Governor Jerry Brown militated against letting them settle anywhere in California. He even sent an aide to Travis Air Force Base to prevent planeloads of Vietnamese refugees from landing. This is the same Jerry Brown who decades later wanted to eliminate the southern border. Unlike Hispanics, Vietnamese did not identify with the Democratic Party." . . .

Better learn to support him: President Trump and Republicans stand between us and these people

A Michigan church canceled a 9/11 event critical of the interfaith movement and Islamic supremacism after complaints from the Council on American-Islamic Relations and politicians.

ACR 99 – California Attempts to Force Pastors to Adopt LGBTQ Agenda  . . . "ACR 99 is only a resolution at this point, and therefore nonbinding. But the handwriting is on the wall that they will soon attempt to write it into the law.
"Yes, as Christians we are to treat everyone with dignity and love. No, we should not condone things that are against Scripture and call them “normal.” This attempt to FORCE church leaders to comply is against the Constitution…of course that’s never stopped them from anything in California." . . .
Pictured: typical future church choir in California?

David Hogg falsely claims mass shootings stem from America’s ‘white supremacy’