Friday, September 13, 2019

On 9-11, some airplanes did something

9/11 Victim's Son Blasts Ilhan Omar During Ground Zero Memorial Ceremony  "'Some people did something,' said a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota, to support and justify the creation of CAIR. Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom," . . . If you don't know the rest, read this link.
"This is not the first time Nicholas Haros Jr. used the ceremony to call out members of Congress. Last year, Haros urged Democrats in Congress to stop “using the bones and ashes of our loved ones as props in your political theater.” Haros then cited several examples of Democrats and the media using 9/11 to attack Donald Trump, as well as his second Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh." . . .

Nation of Islam Defends Ilhan Omar With 9/11 Truther Video Featuring Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan  . . . "Also, if Omar wants to prove she is not anti-Semitic, she should also denounce the Nation of Islam's clear anti-Semitism." . . .

9/11 Victim's Son Who Slammed Omar Says People Called Him A Racist. He Fires Back. . . . "Some people did something, said a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota, to support and justify the creation of [the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)] — today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom. Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion?"
"On Tuesday night, Haros Jr. joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss his comments earlier in the day, asserting that had received hate mail and intimating that people had called him a racist. He fired back, "If she were a Martian and were green it would not make a difference. That she is a woman doesn’t make a difference. That she is a Muslim doesn’t make a difference. These are Wikipedia facts that have to be said and she needed to respond.' " . . .

Ilhan Omar Realized That What 'Some People Did’ On 9/11 Was Execute A Brutal Terrorist Attack  . . . "You see, that wasn’t hard. And that goes for all left-wingers who hate America. For one day, you don’t have to be insufferable cretins and bash the country. Then again, Omar did describe the 9/11 attacks as an event where, “some people did something,” at a CAIR fundraiser this year. The New York Post torched her for that nonsense, as did some of the victims of that horrible attack. That “something” was radical Islam, it was al-Qaeda, and the inability of the Left to recognize that radical Islamic terrorism is a problem continues to be an annoying aspect of their political correctness agenda. You saw that on full display today with The New York Times, who said that planes, on their own, crashed into the towers. Leah wrote about it." . . .

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