Friday, September 13, 2019

Trump court pick whose family fled persecution blasts racism accusation as ‘hurtful’ during confirmation hearing

Menashi said not only is he not a proponent of “racial purity,” he is particularly sensitive to ethnic or religious discrimination because his family members were victims of such persecution. He is the descendant of Iraqi Jews, and his paternal grandparents fled Iraq after Kurdish neighbors helped smuggle his grandmother out of her city.

Fox News via Michael Antonovich   . . . "Another point of contention during the hearing was whether Menashi could speak about legal advice he has given in his role with the White House counsel’s office. He was asked many questions about whether he advised on particular issues, such as reducing the number of refugees allowed to enter the U.S. and policies having to do with separating families at the border. Over and over, Menashi refused to answer, claiming this was protected by client confidentiality. 
"Senate Judiciary Committee members, including ranking member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., took issue with Menashi’s refusal to answer basic questions. Feinstein pointed out that when a previous administration attorney faced a judicial confirmation hearing, he answered these questions.
" Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., pointed out that in that situation, the committee spoke to the administration, who authorized the nominee to answer questions. Graham said that while the committee could have done the same for Menashi, they did not.
“ 'What you’re doing here is not fair,” Graham said.
"At the same time, Graham said that while Menashi should not be expected to divulge specific advice he gave, he should be able to say whether or not he gave advice on those issues. Menashi still was reticent when asked about giving advice on particular immigration-related matters." . . .

CNN Follows MSNBC’s Maddow in Pushing Smears Against Trump Judicial Nominee  . . . "Contrary to what media elites say, several of Menashi’s writings showed his concern for victims of bigotry and racism, such as one piece titled, “Chilling Free Expression” from August 16, 1999.
“ 'When students cannot evaluate claims of racism and sensitivity, and instinctively apologize whenever minority groups object, liberal education—not to mention rational discourse—suffers,” Menashi wrote at the time.
"Menashi’s writings also reveal that he is a huge advocate for free speech." . . .

That would be the CNN which published a call for "the “eradication” of Kellyanne Conway and Trump Supporters"

He followed it up by later using the same language against Kellyanne Conway, tweeting, “You are “the depraved evil” we need to eradicate.” 

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