Monday, October 5, 2020

BLM and Democrats

They’ve largely remained silent on the vile crimes being committed under the banner of “peaceful protests.”  . . . Only now are they beginning to address the chaos as polls have been critical of their hushed tones. However, Harris’ latest comments demonstrate her lack of understanding of the national crisis we’re facing.

“ 'Peaceful protests” against racial injustice are critical for the nation’s progress and help to keep law enforcement in check,” Harris said Friday. "Sadly, her view of “peaceful” is distorted. Death, mayhem, and billions and billions of dollars in property damage are not moving the nation forward." . . .

Tucker Carlson: Kamala Harris Will Bring Black Lives Matter Agenda To The White House
  . . . "Now the Democratic Party embraces BLM. Democrats incorporated BLM talking points directly into the Party's platform. You didn’t hear much about that in news coverage of the convention. Just like you probably didn’t hear a lot about Kamala Harris’s speech to the NAACP this Friday. The media didn’t have the time to tell you about it — there were too many of those rioting white supremacists to hunt down. That’s a shame. You should know a lot more about Kamala Harris. Harris is 22 years younger than Joe Biden. If Biden wins, at some point — possibly sooner than we expect — Harris will control the White House. That’s a concern, because few in the Democratic Party have pushed BLM’s message more aggressively than Harris has. . ."

 'Unmoved by the violence in our streets and the brutal attacks on our police officers, Kamala Harris says the 'protests' are essential for our 'evolution' as a country,' wrote Arthur Schwarz as he used the senators own words against her.

Democrats, which side do you choose?  BLM Attacks #WalkAway Event in Texas  "Black Lives Matter agitators attacked a #WalkAway Movement Rescue America Rally in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday. Tweeted videos show a man wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt as he allegedly breached backstage security to disrupt the rally. He then appeared to assault a security guard for the #WalkAway Movement.

"A video tweeted by #WalkAway Movement founder Brandon Straka shows a man wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt and a woman wearing a Defund the Police shirt allegedly assaulting a security guard at the Rescue America Rally. As the security guard attempts to detain his alleged attacker, other BLM activists jump in to free the man.

"Straka tweeted, “BLM agitator infiltrated stage area of today’s rally then put his fist into security’s neck when being removed. @DallasPD ARRESTED THE SECURITY AGENT!!' ”

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Biden Sock Puppet Chris Wallace Pulls A Candy Crowley

Daniel John Sobieski

"Perhaps the people at Fox News as it veers further to port need to have their cognitive abilities tested, not Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, whom they increasingly shill for, judging by the performance of debate moderator and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. The conventional wisdom is that Wallace lost control of the debate but a closer look shows he knew exactly what he was doing, that he was on a mission to be 2020’s, Candy Crowley.

"During the 2012 presidential debate between Willard Mitt Romney and Barack Hussein Obama, CNN’s Candy Crowley corrected GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney at a key moment, falsely claiming President Obama called Benghazi a terrorist attack the very next day. CBS knew President Obama was lying and had a tape to prove it.

"As part of a “60 Minutes” interview taped on September 12, the day after the terrorist attack by the al-Qaida-linked group Ansar al-Sharia, and moments after the President and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had appeared in the Rose Garden, CBS correspondent Steve Kroft asked a very direct question: “Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word terrorism in connection with the Libya attack, do you believe that this was a terrorism attack?”

"It was the perfect time for the President to say his oblique reference to “acts of terror” did in fact include Benghazi and insist Kroft’s question was based on a false premise. He did not because he could not. Instead, he said that “it’s too early to tell exactly how this came about, what group was involved,” as his administration was already pushing the lie that it was a spontaneous mob action caused by an obscure Internet video insulting to Islam.

"When Kroft responded that there were “reports that they were very heavily armed with grenades, that doesn’t sound like your normal demonstration,” President Obama meekly responded that “…we’re still investigating exactly what happened, I don’t want to jump the gun on this.' ” . . .

"This critical part of the interview proving that Obama did not label Benghazi a terrorist attack despite clear evidence it was was incredibly and, I believe, deliberately left on the cutting room floor because it likely would have doomed President Obama’s reelection chances on the spot. CBS stood silent during and after Crowley’s own journalist malfeasance and knew the truth when its own Bob Schieffer conducted the third and final presidential debate without mentioning it." . . .

VIDEO: Students can't answer basic questions about the Holocaust

 Campus Reform  "Campus Reform recently asked students basic questions about the Holocaust.  A recent survey found that the GenZ and Millennial generation had a shockingly low level of knowledge about the Holocaust."

“I honestly don’t know,” one student said when Campus Reform asked how many people were murdered in the Holocaust. 
“I’m just honestly frustrated because you know it’s just like a basic thing you should know, 'cause it was a genocide” added another student who was responding to the recent survey that found young adults were unaware of the Holocaust. 
" Students overwhelmingly agreed that the Holocaust should be taught in schools and most of them remember learning about it at some point. 
“ 'I wouldn’t be surprised because there are many people who still think it is a hoax,” said one student when told that 90 percent of survey respondents said they believed that the Holocaust happened, seven percent were not sure, and 3 percent denied that it happened."

Op-Ed: President Trump Must Start Condemning White Supremacy Every Day, Just So We Can Be Extra Sure

RedState  "It’s been a rather tumultuous couple days, hasn’t it? Only days after a raucous presidential debate between Trump and Biden, the American public found out that the president has tested positive for the coronavirus and is now at Walter Reed Hospital. But the current political upheaval has left the nation wondering: Has Trump condemned white supremacy again today? 

"Yes, we know that Trump denounced white supremacists on Wednesday, the day after the debate when he made the much-ballyhooed blunder on the question of rejecting white supremacy. Moreover, the president condemned white supremacist groups, and even the Proud Boys, by name. Even more than that, he has also expressed similar sentiments on many occasions before the debate. 

"But he didn’t do it on Friday even though he had the perfect opportunity. Even conservative commentator Stephen L. Miller noticed and expressed his outrage on Twitter:" . . .

We have an early contender for single silliest tweet of the Trump-having-COVID era

Gabriel Sherman
Just watched Trump hospital video a second time. His breathing is clearly labored. He seems to be leaning on table for support. And there’s so much fear in his eyes.

McEnany Tears Reporter to Shreds for Pushing 'Shameful' Anti-Trump Narrative

. . . "The move appeared to trigger a meltdown in Roberts, however, who demanded a "current" statement from McEnany." . . .

The wife of John Roberts, Kyra Phillips reported Trump did denounce white supremacism:

Kyra Phillips
Just now: ⁦⁩ tells me he DENOUNCES white supremacists ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦

Hundreds Of Trump Supporters Gather In DC For #WalkAway Rally

Daily Caller

"Hundreds of Trump supporters gathered in Washington, D.C. Saturday for a #WalkAway rally to support the president and celebrate those who have “walked away” from the “radical left.”

“ 'The purpose of this event is to get the silent majority to show we are not going to be silent anymore, we are going to stand up, we are going to fight for our country, we are going to fight against the radical left, because freedom in America is worth fighting for,” Brandon Straka, founder of the “WalkAway” campaign, told the Daily Caller. 

“Many of us have walked away from the radical left, we’ve walked away from the lies, the division, the hate, the violence, the vandalism, and we just want a more beautiful, more loving, more unified America,” Straka said.

Alexis, a Black Trump supporter from California, told the Daily Caller that she attended the march to “show that there are Black conservatives that do support Trump.”

“We are all Americans, but people still see color, and I just feel like it’s important to have people of color on the front lines walking with the rest of the patriots,” she said." . . .

(RELATED: Trump Fans Chant ‘Fill That Seat!’ At North Carolina Rally)

The Democrats' Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump

(As a footnote -- when Obama was president 60 million Americans got the H1N1 swine flu. Did you know that? How widely was it reported? And did you know that once tests indicated how widely it was spreading that White House halted the testing?)

Clarice Feldman  "It’s quite obvious to me that the Deep State and the Democratic Party that staffs it never got over the fact that their nefarious misuse of our intelligence agencies and hoodwinking the media didn’t work any better than their constant efforts after his election to remove Donald Trump from office and continue their autocratic grifting. This week was no exception. Indeed, I have to agree with Roger L. Simon that “In the aftermath of Trump’s contracting Covid-19, they are reelecting him.”

Regarding the left-friendly press and it's role in magnifying this tantrum:

. . . "She explains that their tactics either force people to back down or slug them, and to them, either way is a win. (Especially so because they block from viewing any press which is not sympathetic to them. And some prosecutors are with them, if you want an explanation of why Kyle Rittenhouse who was clearly defending himself against these street thugs is being prosecuted.)

. . . "The satire site Babylon Bee notices the party that wants to run your healthcare roots for its political opponent to die. (Let that one sink in. It’s satire but true.)

"MSNBC’s execrable Joy Reid suggests the President is faking it to get out of the next debate. More class is shown by North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, who, according to Reuters says he “sincerely hopes” Trump recovers soon. "

Is extreme Trump-hatred the storm before the calm?

The media's reliance on attention-economy scaling can't last forever.  By the time the next president takes control, either next year or in four, the country will be thoroughly desensitized to any cottage industry of outrage.  A President Biden, or President Harris, or President Haley, or President Cotton could never dance in the limelight like Trump.  The subscriber base of traditional dailies will extenuate, especially under a Democratic president.

Is this a Democrat tantrum or is it an insurgency?   "Is the United States in the Midst of an Insurgency?"

The vast majority of BLM members and supporters make up what Vladimir Lenin called “the useful idiots.”  That is, the people actively working for a cause without really understanding the cause’s objectives.  They are cynically being used to achieve an end they may have never intended.  The core organizers’ goal is to keep the useful idiots blind to the truth for as long as possible while indoctrinating them into the cause.


Saturday, October 3, 2020

MSNBC's Joy Reid sparks fury by suggesting Trump is faking his COVID diagnosis because he 'lies so much' and could be using the virus to 'get out of the debates'

 Demagogues gotta demagog

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Before Trump headed to the hospital, the 'ReidOut' host shared a theory on Twitter that Trump may be faking his diagnosis, citing previous dishonesty from the president and his administration.

" 'Here’s how wrecked Trump’s credibility is at this point: I’ve got a cellphone full of texts from people who aren’t sure whether to believe Trump actually has covid. "He lies so much," one friend just texted. "Is he just doing this to get out of the debates?" others are texting,' Reid tweeted Friday." . . .

Reid's evidence:

Full article...

VIDEO: Antifa Is NOT Just An Idea…

 Weasel Zippers

Media Plays Game With White Supremacy

When will the media press Biden on an apology from his party for supporting slavery, segregation, lynching, and the Klan?

The American Spectator "What in the world has gotten into Fox’s John Roberts?

"Thursday he badgered White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, saying this:

It was my wife, Kyra Phillips, of ABC, who asked him that question yesterday. And she said to him, “Do you denounce white supremacy?” And he — he got a little bit worked up at her about it. And — and said, “I denounced it, I’ve always denounced that.” But I don’t understand why he wouldn’t say, “I denounce white supremacy. I’ve always denounced white supremacy.” For some reason they’re not saying the word. And that’s what’s very puzzling.

"As Rush Limbaugh pointed out on his Thursday show, President Trump has done just that, bold print supplied:

RUSH: TIME magazine accurately reported Trump’s Charlottesville remarks.

This story is from August 14, 2017: “President Trump condemned the violent attack on a crowd of counterprotesters in Charlottesville, Va., that left one dead and 19 injured Saturday. Speaking from the Diplomatic Reception Room in the White House Monday afternoon, Trump said plainly that ‘racism is evil’ and that members of the Ku Klux Klan, neo Nazis and white supremacists are ‘repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.’ ”

"As the Annenberg Center for Public Policy pointed out, on yet another occasion, Trump said, bold print for emphasis supplied:

In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America.

"Hello? Right there, John Roberts, is the president of the United States declaring in American English that “white supremacists are ‘repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans’ ” and in “one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy.”

"What about these are not a denunciation of white supremacy?

"To be crystal clear, John Roberts is a superb journalist. But since he is asking the question here, I will ask this one. Has John Roberts denounced white supremacy ever? How about all his colleagues in the media? And if they did so today — what about tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And if they did so on Thursday but not on Friday does that mean they now support white supremacy?" . . .

Those who kick the heads of prostrate Trump supporters react to President Trump's covid

Welcome to America, Madam First Lady

 Liberal reactions to Trump's hospital trip give the lie to 'Love Trumps Hate' slogan  . . . "For liberals, the oh, so clever play on words against their hated opponent meant they were the good guys and gals, symbolizing love for all humanity bravely opposing someone who personifies hate.  So, naturally, they would emerge victorious, trumping Trump.  Well, they didn't, so for the past four years, the liberals have been spewing hate,  acting hatefully, all in the name against Trump.  Or something.  And nothing, unmasked the naked hatred that permeates liberals when they don't get their way as the outpouring of vitriol they instantly vomited upon learning that the president and his wife, a legal immigrant, tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus.  

"Oh, yes, of course, some liberals kept quiet or even wished the Trumps the best.  Trump's opponent, Joe Biden (D), and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris (D), were fine examples of how decent people should react.

Joe Biden wishes Donald Trump, Melania Trump 'swift recovery' after positive coronavirus test

"But they were outliers; few followed their example." . . .

‘I Hope They Die’: Left-Wingers React To Positive Coronavirus Diagnosis For Trump, Melania  . . . "Despite receiving well wishes and safe recovery from some, other comedians, actors, political candidates, former political staffers, journalists, and other verified Twitter users celebrated and mocked Trump’s diagnosis." . . .

America will recoil in disgust and horror as the Democrats take off the mask and show the rot and decay festering in the party of hatred, bigotry and death.

 These people vote and want to run this country

CLASS: Celebs Pile On the Hate After Trump Transferred to Walter Reed  "And it didn’t take long before the celebs were piling on the hate. Below is a roundup of their vile." . . .