Monday, July 1, 2024

Joe's "inexplicable moments"


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Replacing Biden: More facts - American Thinker   "Do I have great timing or what?

"No sooner did my short piece debunking the possibility of replacing SloJoe appear than the question attained new urgency with his complete collapse in the first… “debate,” I hear they’re calling it. It seems that everybody -- Democrats more than anyone -- are now clamoring for the replacement of the inhabitant of the White Nursing Home.

"The problem is that it’s already too late.

"Along with the factors previously discussed – major party registration deadlines, primaries, delegates – even more major obstacles have arisen." . . .

Watch Joe's face in this clip: Althouse: Who came into the debate with a planned zinger that just had to be zinged and that was supposed to be the focus of the post-debate spin?

"I think he practiced that line and received coaching on how to look and sound truly angry. I think his people believed this was the stake to drive into Trump's heart. But Biden looked old and ugly and weird, and Trump grabbed that stake and clonked him over the head with it." . . .

One can recognize that face; Biden used it at the State Of The Union address for one. TD

It Begins: Democrat Candidates Distance Themselves from Joe Biden ..."
Many down-ballot Democrat candidates in battleground states or districts will face increased headwinds come November due to the president’s lack of popularity.
"A post-debate forecast from the Economist gave former President Donald Trump a 73- percent chance of victory in November. Trump leads Biden by six points in the probability of winning the popular vote in November, Nate Silver’s election model forecasted post-debate.

"A party’s lead candidate, such as Biden, should ideally attract voters to down-ticket candidates, but that hope appears to be fading after Biden’s highly criticized debate performance.

“I don’t ever want to see him here,” one lawmaker told Axios of Biden, adding, “Every single donor — and I’m only calling major donors — is furious and wants him to step aside.”

"Swing district Democrat House members are “freaking out” about Biden’s impact on their races, a senior House Democrat said, based on discussions with them." . . .

Joe Biden Mocked for Orange Appearance in Primetime Address  "Mockery erupted online Monday night after President Joe Biden delivered a primetime address in which his skin appeared orange from a possible spray tan.

"The tan likely would have been applied in response to criticism of his poor performance at Thursday’s debate, which sparked concerns about his age and cognitive ability.

"The president delivered a five-minute speech off a teleprompter in response to the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity on Monday and refused questions from the press as he left the podium. Commentators interpreted the remarks as little more than performative theater to alleviate concerns about his abilities; his orange appearance, which echoes former President Donald Trump, spurred the most mockery." . . .

Tucker Carlson: Dr. Jill Biden Keeping Joe Away From People Who Want Him to Drop Out – Twitchy    . . ."“Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention.”

“Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times they’ve been hostile.”

“But recently they’ve deteriorated further, mostly due to Jill Biden.”

“In the hours and days after the debate, she kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out.”

“Jill Biden is the driving force behind her husband’s reelection campaign, just as she was in 2020, when other members of the family (including Biden’s sister Val) considered him too impaired to run.” . . .

RealityBites by Broc Smith – Editorial Cartoons (

Chinese state media sets sights on Taiwan as US’ Afghan retreat stokes nationalism

It's time to stop mocking other nations, calling them "surrender monkeys". We have shown them all how the US can cut and run with the best of them all. The Tunnel Dweller

 Chinese state media sets sights on Taiwan as US’ Afghan retreat stokes nationalism | CNN  "The chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan has presented Beijing with a propaganda boost, with Chinese state media capitalizing on the crisis to trumpet the supposed decline of America and taunt Taiwan with threats of invasion.

"The jingoistic rhetoric coincided with air and naval drills launched Tuesday by the Chinese military, which sent fighter jets and warships near Taiwan in response to what it called the “repeated collusion in provocation” by Washington and Taipei.

"In recent years, China’s ruling Communist Party has sought to present the US as a fading global power. And now, the return of the Taliban to the streets of the Afghan capital is being touted by state media as the “death knell of US hegemony.”. . .

Chinese State Media Says Afghanistan a Lesson for Taiwan on How U.S. Abandons Allies - Newsweek   . . ."The Times then cited what it called similar situations, such as the fall of Saigon during the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 when the U.S. evacuated its citizens from the city. The tabloid also wrote of how the U.S. "abandoned their allies, the Kurds," when it withdrew troops from northern Syria in 2019.

""Some historians also point out that abandoning allies to protect U.S. interests is an inherent flaw that has been deeply rooted in the U.S. since the founding of the country," the editorial contended before claiming America betrayed France soon after the latter aided the original colonies in gaining independence from Britain in the Revolutionary War." . . .

Afghan chaos left by US should be a warning to Taiwan: Chinese media | South China Morning Post (   ‘Ignoble’ pull-out hurts US credibility and would make allies doubt its commitment, observers say, as Chinese media sees proof of decaying US hegemony
"Wavering faith among regional partners could make the US ramp up efforts to counter China, caution analysts". More behind a pay wall...

China sends chilling warning to Taiwan over ‘bitter fruits of war’ | Sky News Australia   "China’s propaganda mouthpiece the Global Times has warned Taiwan that once warfare breaks out, the Island’s defences will “collapse in hours” as the US will not offer support.
"Afghanistan's capital Kabul fell to Taliban forces on Sunday as US and Coalition troops neared the end of their 20-year deployment.
"Former US President Donald Trump made the decision to withdraw the country’s troops from Afghanistan in his final year in office.
"President Joe Biden confirmed the move, announcing American troops would be entirely removed by September 11.
"The Taliban took advantage of the mass exit of foreign troops, and engaged in a cross-country onslaught seizing key regional centres before taking Kabul over the weekend." . . .

"By contrast, Francis Fukuyama has pointed out in The Economist that the desperate escape of the Afghans from Kabul is a strategic misstep which signifies the end of US global hegemony. He believes that this is as much determined by domestic challenges – such as the severe polarisation of American society at the end of the Trump presidency – as by any global power shifts.

"Former US national security adviser and secretary of state Henry Kissinger has argued in the same publication that the unilateral decision to withdraw could damage Washington’s relationships with its allies." . . .

Bowman lost because of his unhinged radicalism, not AIPAC

  Jonathan Tobin (

. . ."So, while anti-Israel propagandists look to AIPAC's intervention as proof of the unhealthy influence of the "Israel lobby," the fact that Jewish voters were desperate not to have him represent them in Congress was not merely understandable. It was democracy in action." . . .

" 'The narrative about Rep. Jamaal Bowman's (D-N.Y.) impending landslide primary loss from "progressive" Democrats was already being set up the weekend before the votes in New York's 16th Congressional District were counted. While some might have considered the presence of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) as the featured speaker, a video from the Bronx rally for the congressman in which Bowman and one of his leading allies and fellow "Squad" member, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), danced around like teenagers at a rock concert before he launched into a profanity-laden tirade that went viral. While the main point of their presentations was expressed in varied ways, Bowman summed it up in two words: f*&%k AIPAC."

"The same profound sentiment was widely shared on the left after the results came in on Tuesday evening when Bowman was routed in his bid for re-election by a longtime moderate Democrat. Westchester County Executive George Latimer trounced Bowman by 58.6% to 41.4%.

"Other members of the "Squad" and some leftist pundits like Peter Beinart put down Bowman's fate as just another example of wicked pro-Israel Jews taking down a proud black man. Axios published a story packed with anonymous quotes from Democratic congressmen saying that $14.5 million spent on advertising by an AIPAC-affiliated PAC was unseemly, if not overkill. In The Guardian, Ben Davis conceded that AIPAC had won, but he termed it a "pyrrhic victory" that actually marked a turning point. According to Davis, "the result of this election masks a considerable shift in the balance of power within American politics away from unconditional support for Israel as an unquestioned political consensus."

AIPAC knocks off a sure loser

"Their point was that Bowman was too weak to resist the power of the mighty "Israel Lobby," but the fact that this all-powerful force in American politics had to go to so much trouble and expense to take down one member of Congress was actually a sign of weakness." . . .