Thursday, July 4, 2024

"If he's awake!" reporter's comment called inappropriate

"If he's awake!" reporter's comment called inappropriate

'If He's Awake': White House Reporter Digs at Biden Nap Schedule (   . . ."Biden’s sleep habits have long been a topic of discussion for Republicans: Former President Donald Trump refers to Biden as “Sleepy Joe.”

"But since the debate last week, more Americans have been interested in Biden’s demeanor throughout the day. Axios reported last week that Biden aides said he is at his best between 10am and 4pm.

"Before and after that range and when he’s traveling internationally, they said, “Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued.”

"And a New York Times piece about Biden’s debate prep noted that naps were scheduled daily for the president."

I'd say this is among the concerns James Rosen must have and KJP should be capable of addressing. We should all know this and resent her casual, mocking brushoff of reporters who bring this up:    'I'm Going to Bed': White House Shuts Down Rambling Biden Press Conference With President Still Speaking (   "September 11, 2023  "White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre abruptly shut down a press conference in Vietnam on Sunday as President Joe Biden, 80, was in the middle of a rambling answer about his recent conversation with a Chinese communist.
"I don't know about you, but I'm going to go to bed," he told reporters shortly before his microphone was cut off and slow jazz music started to play.
"Thank you everybody. This ends the press conference," Jean-Pierre interjected as Biden continued to mumble semi-coherently in response to a question about his meeting with former Chinese Communist Party boss Li Keqiang at last week's G20 Summit in India." . . .


Much more at the Tunnel Wall

Wishing a grand Fourth like we used to know.


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The deliberate murder of virtue

  M.B. Mathews - American Thinker  

The deliberately organized salesmanship of perversity by trans and gay people has created a nation pocked with confused, debased, and psychologically damaged people. The promoters of this utter lack of virtue bristle when you tell their bearded faces that they are not women. 

"For decades, the American Left has been making a deliberate and successful attempt to kill virtue.

"Much of what they do demonstrates a disregard for normal traditional American virtues such as decency, consideration, productivity, respect, decorum, honor, and moderation.

"The truly virtuous would never dream of announcing their sexual preferences in public. The only reason to do that is to draw attention to yourself and your private parts. Every year, San Francisco offers a sickening public street festival called Up Your Alley for the gay bondage, discipline and sadomasochism subculture. If you dare to look it up (I cannot bring myself to include the link), beware. Just … beware. It's exhibitionistic, nauseating, and thoroughly unvirtuous.

"When a culture tolerates public parades which openly solicit nakedness with emphasis on genitals, you attempt to desensitize others to modesty and decorum. You have lost your moral underpinnings in favor of garnering attention for the sake of prurient attention. Why would any normal person want to display their decorated private parts in public if not to sensationalize nudity and shock the prudes? It is completely self-aggrandizing and reveals a deep neurotic insecurity.

"The Left have taken a careful and systematic approach to destroying American virtues such as hard work, modesty, humility, consideration of others, and planning for the future. In their places, the Left decided that it was virtuous to be demanding, slothful, narcissistic, godless, and sexually profligate.

"The Leftist virtue-killers think the government has its own money to give to them for doing nothing. Taking what belongs to others and lazing about the house and streets with it is not virtuous. It is theft; taxpayers pay for the progeny and sloth of these unvirtuous slackers. If the Left can remove time-honored virtues such as productivity and merit, they create a national movement where they can be taken care of by others without consideration for those who really pay. You get a nation of unvirtuous entitled slobs.

"The murder of virtue leads to hedonistic behavior across the board, which itself leads to chaos.

"The LGBT “community” has infiltrated schools in pre-kindergarten through adulthood. There was a relentless promotion of abortions in the name of “privacy,” and “reproductive health.” We tolerated it.

"They promoted homosexuality around the clock. We tolerated it in the name of “love,” but as a result, we got drag queen story hour." . . .