Monday, September 6, 2021

President Biden Press Conference | JEFF DUNHAM

 President Biden Press Conference | JEFF DUNHAM - YouTube

"Pickled press man, Bubba J and a disguised and disgruntled Wonald Grump have questions for the Biden Administration! These guys don’t relent until they get answers… sort of. Check out this Presidential presser that’s sure to get both sides talking!"

America's Dunkirk! This is the greatest loss of military equipment in warfare history: Victor Davis Hanson

This is the greatest loss of military equipment in warfare history: Hanson - YouTube

Just as Democrats strived for in the War Between the States; after thousands of deaths and fortunes spent, they tried to cease the war with no end to slavery, going back to all that this nation had before but with so many of that generation now dead and slavery still intact. Those who died would have died for nothing. TD

The Petraeus analogy goes only so far. The British exit from Dunkirk, partly on a flotilla of small civilian boats that transformed a humiliating defeat into a national parable of resilience, was followed four years later by the Allied invasion that freed Europe from repression. Afghans facing life under the Taliban can hope for no similar liberation.

 Afghanistan Digital Dunkirk: Veterans and volunteers are still working to evacuate Afghans. ( "This week, the head of the U.S. Central Command announced that the U.S. military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was complete. But the volunteer effort to get people out, known as “Digital Dunkirk,” is still going. Matt Pelak, an Army veteran and National Guardsman who’s part of the effort, says “there are thousands of American citizens, passport holders, and green card holders still in Afghanistan.” He and his fellow volunteers are working around the clock to get people from one point to another, checking Slack channels and spreadsheets, fielding help requests on social media and via text, calling friends on the ground in Kabul to find out about Taliban checkpoints, and chartering private planes. On Thursday’s episode of What Next, I spoke to Pelak about the ongoing Afghanistan recovery effort and where military leaders and the Biden administration failed in the U.S. withdrawal. Our conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity." . . .

On that subject...Just how much military equipment was abandoned by the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) during the evacuation of Dunkirk? - Quora

British Equipment losses at Dunkirk and the situation post Dunkirk (

In the FX Series on the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal, It’s Not Just the President Who’s Guilty

. . . "In many ways, the entire series functions as a kind of supervillain origin story, a study of how an obscure government employee — disgusted by what she sees as the Clintons’ low-class behavior — works her way into the fulcrum of a national scandal". . .  
Yahoo  "The chief sign of whether you’re a winner or a loser — a victim or a victor — is whether you get to write your own history. By those terms, in the 1990s, Monica Lewinsky was a victim through and through. Her affair with President Bill Clinton, once exposed, made her a pawn to those who wanted to take Clinton down, a threat to those who wanted to keep him in power, a lurid fascination to the media, a joke that fed successive evenings of ugly entertainment. Everyone knew her name, and nearly everyone was implicated in her public shaming. The idea that she was human, with feelings and opinions, seldom made it into the narrative.

"In 2021, Lewinsky is fully in charge of her story, thanks to a reputation rehab that began with a Vanity Fair essay in 2014 and worked its way to the pinnacle of modern-day storytelling: a 10-part, star-studded miniseries on prestige TV. “Impeachment: American Crime Story,” which premieres this week on FX, is a production of Ryan Murphy, the creator of “Glee” and “American Horror Story,” who also retold the O.J. Simpson trial for an audience with a fresh perspective.". . .  

"The US has gone mad!"

 Biden cannot be believed at any time. From YouTube

Sky News host Sharri Markson says US President Joe Biden is claiming his Afghanistan exit as a victory, however it is not.

“This was no victory,” Ms Markson said.

"As we come up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11, instead of us looking back from a position of safety and security, suddenly Islamic terror is reenergised. "The US has gone mad." Ms Markson said global terror “is at large once again”.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

'Joe Biden betrayed us,' say protesting Afghans; World will pay for America's Taliban blunder

 Hindustan Times    "In his first year as US President Joe Biden is presiding over a huge crisis which encompasses security, political, and humanitarian paradigms. His move to hastily withdraw troops, a continuation of predecessor Donald Trump's decision, has led to the Taliban swiftly defeating the elected government and taking control of the country. Amid scenes of panic-stricken civilians scrambling to escape the country, and countries rushing to evacuate their citizens, the fear of Afghanistan turning into a terror-exporting hub is growing. Can Biden's mistakes, with repercussions for the entire globe, be fixed?"

Did ‘gender studies’ lose Afghanistan?

 The Spectator World

"Twenty years of war in Afghanistan are over. What comes next is 20 years, or even more, of recriminations and blame for why the war ended as it did. Scholars and partisans still argue over the reasons America lost in Vietnam, so why should Afghanistan be any different?
"On the plus side, the debate promises to be far more interesting. When it comes to Vietnam, partisans debate rules of engagement, bombing strategies, funding levels and the Tet Offensive. With Afghanistan, the question could be: did gender studies cause America to suffer its most humiliating defeat ever? Cockburn wishes he was joking.
"Traditionally, nations have waged war by mustering armies, defeating their enemies in battle, and despoiling their lands and cities. Only after total victory is the process of remaking a society feasible.". . . 

Biden throws his clueless vice president under the bus

 Harris can’t clean up the mess at the border unless her boss decides to clean up his policy mess — by reinstating some of Trump’s ideas. That’ll probably never happen, but in the meantime, Biden can deflect all questions to his clueless vice president.

 NY Post  "Kamala Harris is playing a historic role in 2021: the nation’s first black, Asian, female vice president to serve as a sacrificial lamb.

"Like many other women before her, Harris has been tasked with coming in late to clean up a mess made by her boss. Joe Biden probably wouldn’t do too well in a “Jeopardy!” contest, or even on a circle-a-word puzzle, but he’s smart enough to know that when you’ve got a problem you can’t solve, you should grandly announce a plan to deal with it by … fobbing it off on someone else....

..."Alas, unlike Barack Obama’s plan to cure cancer by announcing that Joe Biden would cure cancer (yes, that really happened), Biden’s buck-passing set up Harris for a spectacularly visible failure.
"When friendly questioner Lester Holt pointed out to Harris that she hadn’t visited the border once, she pulled her trademark move (whenever she gets busted) of breaking into that famously weird dismissive laugh and replied, “And I haven’t been to Europe,” as though an equivalent problem is coming out of Europe. Hordes of damp Irishmen desperately washing up on the shores of Maine, perhaps.
"The Biden administration created the border crisis with a “Yay, illegal immigrants” rhetorical style that was received in Latin America like an embossed invitation: “President Joe cordially invites you to El Norte.”
"During the presidential campaign, Biden generously offered to suspend deportations and end family separations. In 2019, both Biden and Harris vowed to give health care to illegal immigrants, and two years before that, she insisted that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.' ”. . . 
Biden was so intent on reversing everything President Donald Trump did that he moronically reversed one of Trump’s biggest successes: the “Remain in Mexico” program that required asylum-seekers to stay south of the border while their claims were being heard. Unsurprisingly, there was a record-setting run on the border, and suddenly there was a serious human cost to all of the knee-jerk anti-Trumpism.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Joe Manchin Is Singlehandedly Destroying Biden's Presidency. Thank God.

  PJ Media

"The face of West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is almost certainly haunting Joe Biden’s dreams these days. Manchin has become the Democrats’ ghost in the machine, disrupting and destroying their plans to spend America into penury and transform society into something strangely alien to most Americans’ idea of freedom.

"Manchin singlehandedly stopped the Democrats from imposing a $15-an-hour wage on American businesses. It didn’t matter that much since most state governments jacked up wages to $15, which forced any business that could to follow suit. But it was a sign that Manchin, hardly anyone’s idea of a rebel, was not going to roll over for the radicals.

"He has now enraged them even more by putting up his hand and yelling “stop” over the Democrats’ plan to spend $3.5 trillion on everything from climate change to Medicare expansion to assuring “equity” and “ending racism as we know it”—if you can believe in Democratic Party fairy tales.

"Since Joe Biden needs all 50 Democrats to vote for the package so that it can be passed using the reconciliation process, Manchin’s reluctance to break the bank for the radicals has liberals calling for his ouster from the party.

"Manchin’s objections to the bill are brutally logical and ridiculously simple: “I have always said if I can’t explain it, I can’t vote for it, and I can’t explain why my Democratic colleagues are rushing to spend $3.5 trillion,” Manchin wrote in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.". . . 

More...Manchin is Singlehandedly Destroying Biden's Presidency – PJ Media

"Joe Biden is now an 'international embarrassment' '

Joe Biden is now an 'international embarrassment' - YouTube  "America will "keep paying the price" for electing Joe Biden for "perhaps decades to come," according to Sky News host Rita Panahi.

" 'Not only did Biden's disastrous execution of the Afghanistan withdrawal see hundreds of American citizens abandoned in an Islamist hellhole," Ms Panahi said. " 'But he left the terrorists who now run that Islamist hellhole tens of billions in military equipment that they are now proudly parading. " 'The Biden administration only a few weeks ago assured the world that the Taliban wouldn't overtake the country."
. . . “With the debacle that is the withdrawal from Afghanistan, that’s emboldened every single anti-western extremist of every stripe whether it’s China, Russia, Jihadists, Islamists," she told Sky News host Gary Hardgrave. " 'It's totally emboldened them to come after the west. “ 'Because you know, America world police, the global super-cop, has proved itself completely incompetent and completely uncaring with this withdrawal of Afghanistan. “ 'I mean, for goodness' sake, to leave $83 billion worth of military equipment, just sitting there for the Taliban to pick up and use.". . .

Don Lemon Defends Joe Biden Saying We Don't Know If We Left Americans Behind In Afghanistan (VIDEO) ( ..".Don Lemon is continuing his role as one of the most dishonest people in cable news."
"We know that Americans were left behind in Afghanistan. The Biden administration is saying maybe a couple hundred, but some people are estimating the number to be much higher.
"But CNN’s Don Lemon is rushing to Biden’s defense, because of course he is.". . . 

“This is the phone call, instead of the one between Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, that should lead to impeachment.”

. . . “ 'Was the president in any way pushing a false narrative in that call?” a reporter asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki Wednesday after the Reuters story broke.“I am not going to go into the ­details of a private conversation,” she replied.Hah! "That sure wasn’t the Democrats’ standard when they impeached Donald Trump last year over a leaked phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.                      "Jen Psaki’s about face on this would give you whiplash." . . .                                              

Biden Gave Up More Than Bagram

"It will take decades to rebuild America’s credibility and world leadership now, and we no longer have the resources to do it. We were already in danger of losing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. There are already rumblings about that."

The American Spectator

American blood now covers the hands of our disgraced president and his underlings.

"Earlier this week, as covered in a previous column in the American Spectator, the Democrat National Committee bragged about the “achievement” of this alleged president in his “best-run evacuation” of Kabul. Chief among the DNC’s arguments for such ludicrous praise was the lack of American casualties.

"The press flacks at the DNC, every one of whom would be fired if that organization had the slightest honor (its chairman, the failed U.S. Senate candidate Jaime Harrison, should similarly resign in disgrace before the weekend), were merely parroting statements the alleged president made about the absence of dead Americans at the time.

"Every single credible person with either operational military experience or a knowledge of Afghanistan was warning that casualties were already inevitable by that point. Even the alleged president, in a fit of congratulatory onanism, qualified the alleged safety of the “best-run evacuation” with the proverbial knock on wood.

"It was clear to anyone willing to see that an American president “knocking on wood” in hopes of avoiding an ironic national security cataclysm is only inviting such a disaster to our door. So on Thursday, when multiple suicide bombers attacked the Kabul airport and the Baron Hotel just outside its gates, killing an untold number of people (at last count before this column was turned in, the butcher’s bill was more than 90 dead, including 13 American military men: 12 Marines and one Navy Corpsman), absolutely no one should have been surprised.

"In fact, an alert went out to any American left in Afghanistan shortly before the explosion that they should stay away from the Kabul airport because of a “security threat.”

"Of course there was a security threat, and of course there would be a terrorist attack on the airport. By the very nature of waiting outside the airport for a chance to get on a plane and leave an Afghanistan governed by the Taliban, everyone there signaled themselves an enemy of fundamentalist Islam as practiced by the 7th century brutes now in control of that country. Of course they were terror targets."

"That includes any American and other Westerners. And of course, Afghans, especially after the Biden administration gave a list of green card and Special Immigrant Visa holders to the Taliban guarding the checkpoints around the airport. Boy, giving the Taliban a certified kill-list was a stroke of genius, wasn’t it? Aren’t you glad the Swamp is back in charge of the Swamp?". . .

A Full-Court Press for Biden

 American Greatness  "The fallback defense position of the embattled Biden Administration is taking shape. It consists of his die-hard media supporters blaming all problems on former Presidents Donald Trump and George W. Bush and even occasionally Barack Obama. They repeat with tedious persistence the usual bunk about “taking the tough and courageous decision required,” to clean up the mistakes of the past. "...

. . . "It is little wonder that Biden and his administration embra
ce the alleged perils of climate change so fervently. It is the ultimate faddish cause, embraced by the entire Left as the most imaginative blunt instrument that they have yet discovered for assaulting capitalism. It incites fear almost as surely as does a pandemic but more distantly, enabling governments to exceed their normal powers. And it is a marvelous distraction at critical times. Last year it justified Biden’s basement campaign, competing with Canadian geese as he tried to fumble through his teleprompter and left the irrationally Trump-hating media to conduct his campaign for him.

. . . "The regime’s enthusiasm for climate change and its potential for frightening the nation has served the Biden phenomenon well; but it cannot be relied upon indefinitely. The administration’s allies among professional health administrators and virologists have been seriously discredited by their contradictory statements, reluctance to accept the likely origin of the coronavirus in the Wuhan Virological Institute, and their evident enthusiasm for exercising absurdly excessive authority in the imposition of needless inconvenience and economic hardship on millions of people. The famous anti-COVID masks are now shown to be of questionable utility other than as a placebo to quiet the wearers with the notion of doing their parts in restraining the virus. As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has pointed out, it is unseemly for an administration that is allowing scores of thousands of COVID carriers illegally across the southern U.S. border every month and spreading them around the country to claim that a compulsory masking of schoolchildren is a public health necessity. Children rarely have serious symptoms from the coronavirus, are not very effective spreaders of the virus, and there isn’t much evidence that these masks achieve anything medically useful for them, anyway.". . . 

Admin officials to Reuters: Heads won't roll over Afghanistan debacle because it would mean admitting failure – HotAir  ..."In other words, Jim Webb’s warning from earlier this week has become prophecy. An anonymous administration official told Reuters that no one should expect any accountability from within the White House over Joe Biden’s catastrophic retreat from Afghanistan and abandonment of American citizens, legal permanent residents, and Afghan allies to the Taliban. Firing anyone would contradict Biden’s bizarre declaration of victory from earlier this week:"...

AOC's dumbest tweet ever gives conservatives a field day holding her to her rhetoric -


American Thinker   ...On Wednesday, she made an utter fool of herself by tweeting out a nice-sounding bit of rhetoric that she failed to understand knocks out any legitimacy for affirmative action and any of the other racial double standards that the left insists on....

I particularly like this one: