Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Democrats hope Gavin Newsom can replace Biden - but do they know about the sleazy California Governor's infidelities, addiction, TEENAGE lover. . .

 ... and why allies say he 'doesn't have real friends'? | Daily Mail Online

"As surely befits a man who looks like a corporate villain from a Hollywood thriller, he's painfully superficial, critics have long whispered.  'Gavin is always around pretty people. But he doesn't seem to have many real friends,' . . ."

RealityBites by Broc Smith

 . . ."Some polling suggests swapping out Biden for another candidate at the eleventh hour would be even worse than keeping him. But after Thursday night and the ensuing Democrat 'freak out' – with even the usually loyal New York Times now calling for Biden to resign – there might not be much choice.

"At a youthful 56, Newsom has risen smoothly up the ranks to the top of California politics, making him on paper an obvious candidate for the White House.

"But, as that toe-curling 20-year-old magazine shoot illustrates, the political capital Republicans have made out of Biden's troubled son Hunter would pale in significance to the mileage to be had from Newsom.

"For while he's handsomely telegenic, the perma-tanned Californian is an undeniably oleaginous and sleazy character whose playboy past includes more than its fair share of infidelity, alcohol abuse and questionable business behavior.

"And let's not forget the complete mess he and his championing of hard-left policies has made of California, the luster of the Golden State endlessly tarnished by bad news: from crime, drugs and homelessness to high taxes, electricity and water shortages, and a sky-high deficit that has led to an exodus of businesses and citizens.

"At the center of it all is a man who hails from California aristocracy. 

"At least Joe Biden can say he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Newsom had the biggest spoon in the cutlery drawer – the Getty family." . . .

You look so California, Joe!

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