Thursday, August 13, 2020

Barr says he won’t wait until after election to reveal Durham’s findings. Democrats fear a campaign-altering surprise.

WaPo  Attorney General William P. Barr reiterated this week that he will not wait until after November’s election to release whatever U.S. Attorney John Durham finds in his examination of the FBI’s 2016 investigation into President Trump’s campaign, raising fears among Democrats that Barr and Durham could upend the presidential race with a late revelation.
"Republicans have been eagerly awaiting Durham’s findings — hopeful that the prosecutor Barr handpicked last year to investigate the investigation of possible coordination between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia will validate their fierce criticisms of the bureau. Democrats, meanwhile, have worried that the Connecticut U.S. attorney is aiding a political stunt designed to undercut an investigation that dogged Trump’s presidency.
U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut John Durham. (AP)
"As the election draws near — and much of what Durham is doing remains a mystery — both sides have grown increasingly anxious, with liberals fretting over an October surprise, and Republicans wondering whether Durham’s work could push into the next administration.
"John Durham has a stellar reputation for investigating corruption. Some* fear his work for Barr could tarnish it.

"Barr has repeatedly and stridently attacked the Russia investigation — saying that what happened to Trump was “one of the greatest travesties in American history” — while hinting vaguely that he is “troubled” by what he knows Durham has found. That has drawn accusations from Democrats and legal analysts that he is inappropriately talking about an ongoing case and prejudging its outcome." . . .

*Please name the "some".

How Do I Tell My Friend She’s Not ‘African-American’?

We ought to have the same rule on tearing down the nation’s history as for reparations: You have to have at least one American grandparent to denounce our traditions, statues and monuments. Nikki Haley, for example, can take down monuments to Bush, Facebook or “American Idol” — all of which she was present in the country for.
 Ann Coulter  "My wonderful readers often have questions for me, particularly in what every TV commercial calls “these uncertain times” when we’re all “in this together” and must give hourly thanks to “our heroes.”
"So, as I have in the past, I wanted to take a moment to reply to questions that have been pouring in from, again: no one.
     1) What do you think of Joe Biden’s pick of Kamala Harris as his V.P.?
"I think Susan Rice or Keisha Lance Bottoms would have been better, but inasmuch as I predicted Kamala as the Democrats’ next presidential candidate back before she’d even won her Senate seat, I strongly support his decision for making me almost, kind of, in the ballpark right.
     2) That’s an amazing prediction — but what on earth made you predict her?
"Because the Democratic Party is entirely about identity politics these days, meaning race, ethnicity, immigration status, gender and sexual orientation, but having absolutely nothing to do with economic class, social standing, occupational category or geographic location.
"They already had Obama, so what’s better than the first black president? The first black woman president, of course!
     3) But she’s half-Indian and half-Jamaican, not a foundational black American. No           reparations for her! In fact, her Jamaican father admits their family owned slaves.
"Yeah, yeah. The only people who care about foundational black Americans are Tariq Nasheed and me. As described in my book Mugged, Democrats were always annoyed by the idea that civil rights should have anything to do with black people. That’s why “civil rights” quickly came to mean abortion rights, gay rights, the right not to see construction
signs that say “Men at Work.” (That’s according to the Kentucky Commission on Civil Rights.) Black Americans should breathe a sigh of relief that Biden didn’t pick a transsexual and expect their gratitude.
     4) Wait a minute! Are we going to have to engage in Nazi-era genetic coding to determine who gets slavery reparations?
"Not at all. We have very reliable census records back to at least the 1870s, so we can count foundational black Americans to their grandparents. One American grandparent and the rest Nigerian — you get 25 cents on the dollar.
     5) Oh, that’s too complicated! Why not just say: Everyone who’s black gets a check?
"Fine, then give me one. Prove I have no black blood. You’re going to have to do the genealogical research one way or another.
     6) Why don’t we have the concept of foundational WHITE Americans?
"EXCELLENT POINT. I can’t help but notice that most of the people denouncing Confederate monuments are neither foundational black Americans nor foundational white Americans. Of course recent immigrants don’t care about Confederate monuments! They weren’t here. That’s our issue. We don’t respect the South’s cause, but we do respect their honor. It’s OUR history. Not yours." . . .

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Seattle, we hardly knew ye.
Back in July, Seattle Mayor Blamed ‘White Men’ For ‘Much Of The Violence And Destruction’ At Riots  . . . "Durkan is not the only person blaming white people for much of the violence.
"MSNBC host Joy Reid was among several media pundits and politicians who suggested the protests are going awry partially because white supremacists are getting involved." . . .
I join Beto O'Rourke in begging forgiveness for my birth. TD

SEATTLE, WA—Seattle has disbanded its police department and replaced it with an exciting new community-driven organization called People Offering Little Insulation from Community Evils, or "P.O.L.I.C.E." for short.
" 'This is an exciting new chapter in the history of humanity," Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan said as she unveiled the organization's new name. "We have finally freed ourselves from the oppressive police. In their place, we will have P.O.L.I.C.E."
 "The new group will be armed with some kind of implements to give them an advantage against bad guys in a fight, such as a stick or firearm. They will need to be easily identified, of course, so they will wear dark blue uniforms with distinctive patches or badges in prominent places such as their sleeves or front shirt pocket. Finally, they will get special cars that can flash bright lights and play loud sounds to let people know that help is on the way.
" 'We're going to name them 'sirens' after the Greek myth," said Durkan. "Only these sirens will signal that your community protection agent is close by to keep you safe."
"Seattle is still working on the motto of P.O.L.I.C.E. A current frontrunner is "To defend and provide service.' "    Copyright 2020 The Babylon Bee

Wikileaks Releases Treasure Trove O Documents On Kamala Harris…

Kamala Harris Led Smear Campaign Against Brett Kavanaugh

Breitbart  "Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), whom Joe Biden chose as his running mate on Tuesday, led efforts to smear Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings in 2018.
"Harris pursued unsubstantiated accusations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh, even introducing a letter from a “Jane Doe” who claimed that youthful Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times” after offering her a lift home from a party.
"She earned condemnation for a deceptively-edited video in which she claimed Kavanaugh opposed birth control:" 
. . .
"Even left-leaning PolitiFact rated Harris’s attack on Kavanaugh as “false.”
"Harris’s efforts were so brazen that they even earned criticism from the two major liberal newspapers in her home state, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times.
"At one point, she asked Kavanaugh about whether he had spoken to anyone at a particular law firm, adding ominously: “Be sure about your answer, sir.” But as the Times‘ Michael McGough noted, “there was no big reveal.' ”
"One of my favorite stories in Justice on Trial was when Kamala Harris blatantly tried to perjury trap Kavanaugh by asking if he'd ever talked to anyone at a particular law firm. It was pretty lame but Media LOVED IT. Then it all fell apart because she literally had nothing." . . .

Below: Harris and Booker enjoy what they have done to Brett Kavanaugh's reputation, family, and his life.

Ratings Crash for NBA, MLB After Protest-Filled Debuts


"As the NBA and MLB return from their coronavirus-imposed hiatus, it appears TV viewers are not interested in what the increasingly woke leagues have to offer.
"With both baseball and basketball draped in all sorts of Black Lives Matter and social justice symbolism for their opening games, a substantially smaller number of fans tuned-in to the rest of the week’s games.
"According to, neither league did well.
"As for the opening games, Outkick reported that the return of the NBA on TNT saw the following numbers: . . ."

Trump campaign brands Harris as Phony, and shifts from Sleepy Joe to Slow Joe.

“Slow Joe and Phony Kamala” – First Attack Ad On Kamala VP Pick The ‘Trump War Room’ operation of the Trump campaign was ready with an attack ad on the pick of Kamala Harris, branding her as “phony.”
"his branding, as I pointed out with regard to Trump branding people, only works if there is some truth to it and it resonates with the public perception." . . .

. . . "Let’s face it, Jeb was Low Energy, Hillary was Crooked, Little Marco, and down the list. It only works because people hear it and say, well, yeah.
"Harris is a phony. She will say anything, and shift her positions as needed. That’s why she didn’t gain any traction in the primaries, not even among black voters.
"In a twist, the new attack ad brands Biden as “Slow Joe,” a switch from “Sleepy Joe”. That might signal that the Trump campaign is putting Biden’s mental acuity front and center. If Trump himself starts using it, then a clear branding decision has been made." . . .

. . . "There was a point in the primary, sometime in the last 2,982,092,094 years where Biden’s penchant for making women horrendously uncomfortable with unwanted touching, along with some more serious allegations, were a thing of headlines.
"Somewhere in there, when she too was vying for the top spot on the ticket, Sen. Harris (newly minted at Biden’s VP pick) said she believed Biden’s accusers.
"From The Hill:
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that she believes women who say they felt uncomfortable after receiving unwanted touching from former Vice President Joe Biden.
“I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Harris said at a presidential campaign event in Nevada.
The California senator added that Biden will need to decide for himself whether to run for president.

Anybody mention Kamala Harris lately?

. . . The left as constituted today has brought us to the brink.  Biden and Harris are both creatures of this belief that anarchy will work in their favor.  Trump is the only man standing between savagery and the civilized society most of us have taken for granted at least for the last many decades.  Patricia McCarthy

Remember: it's "Comma-la"
Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top  . . . "Now you know where we get these people from. Somehow Harris, who was in her late 20s or at most 30 when she dated the 60-year-old married Brown around 1994 did so because he was just so very irresistable." . . .
 . . . "All the same, it's disgusting, and while Trump is no angel on the love front, at least he never offered sex for political favors, either to women or from women. He never cheated on someone's spouse to get himself some political power the way she did. So now that Harris is presented as a role model and antidote-to-Trump these days, is she going to encourage all the little girls out there by saying that getting a politically strong boyfriend is the way to make it big in politics now? One wonders." . . . If it's "old news", it never happened.

Hillary Recrudescence*? Biden's choice of Kamala Harris represents return of Democrats' Hillary wing  . . . "After all, Biden has no accomplishments of any kind as a politician. Peter Schweizer has observed that Biden's political career has been intensely focused on enriching family members and Kamala's isn't all that different. . . . it's also important that she will do and say anything to get the position she wants -- and if that means play-acting for awhile, well, she's good at play-acting, just ask Willie Brown. She'll fake it till she can make a killing.
*Recrudescence: *"Other diseases that may recur following a short or long period of quiescence include shingles (after chicken pox), oral herpes and genital herpes . . ."

Before taking on Kavanaugh and Biden, Kamala honed her attacks on Jeff Sessions
. . . "Harris's interrogation of Sessions resembled a Star Chamber inquisition, centered as it was on the fake meme of "Russia collusion" . . .

Kamala Harris and John Kelly Have Testy Exchange Over Sanctuary Cities

Tony Branco
It says a lot that Biden chose Kamala, and none of what it says is good  . . . "It's purely cosmetic to boast to black Americans that Kamala's place on the ticket represents the African-American experience.  It doesn't because she isn't — and blacks have noticed: . . ."

Kamala Harris, for entertainment value  "Joe Biden's handlers opting for Kamala Harris as his running mate is downright entertaining. It's as though they let Trump choose Biden's V.P. candidate. " . . .

Kamala Harris Debuts Her New Face, Teeth and “Lightened Skin” on Al Sharpton’s Show and the Reviews Aren’t Good    Video

Flashbacks to Kamala Harris’ wacky policies and behavior "Harris would be the President-in-Waiting in a Biden White House, and contrary to the NY Times, she’s no “pragmatic moderate' ”

Much, much more here...

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Myron Basil Berryman – identified as White House shooter who injured Secret Service agent

Man shot near White House on Monday shouted threats, AP sources day  "A man shot and wounded by a uniformed Secret Service officer, prompting President Donald Trump to be abruptly escorted out of a briefing room during a televised news conference, had been threatening to kill people near the White House, two officials familiar with the matter said Tuesday.
"The man was identified as Myron Berryman, 51, and is expected to face federal assault charges, the officials said. He remained hospitalized with critical injuries on Tuesday, they said.
"The officials, who were briefed on the investigation, could not discuss the ongoing probe publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
Berryman had approached the uniformed officer just before 6 p.m. Monday at the corner of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, just blocks from the White House, and told the officer he had a weapon, Secret Service Uniformed Division Chief Tom Sullivan said. He then moved aggressively toward the officer and appeared ready to fire before the officer shot him once, Sullivan said.
"Sullivan would not answer questions Monday night about whether the man had indeed been armed, but no weapon was recovered at the scene, the officials said.
Before the shooting, Berryman had been shouting that he was going to kill people, according to the officials familiar with the matter.
"Sullivan said after the man told the officer he had a weapon, he turned around and “ran aggressively toward the officer, and in a drawing motion, removed an object from his clothing,” Sullivan said. The suspect then “crouched into a shooter’s stance, as if about to fire a weapon” before the officer shot the man once in the torso, he said." . . .

The Secret Service statement does not specify whether the individual was armed, but he was reportedly unarmed according to law enforcement sources who spoke with CNN.  "Berryman’s sister, Sonya Hemmelgarn, affirmed that initial reports were inaccurate and told the Dayton Daily News that “Myron was not armed,” according to the Journal News.
“They said he had a weapon? He ran toward him?” Hemmelgarn told the Washington Post. “This is crazy. He is a man of God. He would not have a weapon for sure. His weapon is the word of God.”
She also told the Post that he could have been participating in protests outside the White House.
" 'We are still trying to figure out what is going on and how my brother is doing,” she said, adding that her brother remained hospitalized Tuesday in critical but stable condition.
"The Secret Service said in their Monday statement that the agency would be conducting an internal review of the officer’s actions and that the Metropolitan Police Department was contacted to conduct an investigation. " . . .Pacific Pundit

Watch the video of the encounter and there is no doubt the man was armed.

Meathead calls honoring the Battle of Gettysburg a "devotion to white supremacy".

Rob Reiner

 Meathead" speaks
Trump brilliantly narrows down the location of his acceptance speech. Either break yet another law and do it at the WH, or do it at Gettysburg and celebrate your devotion to White Supremacy.

. . .  "As Abraham Lincoln said in his famous speech on that great battlefield: . .
“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure.
We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives, that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.
It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
"The speech sought to bind up the wounds of the nation, to ensure that any nation so conceived can in fact endure." . . .