Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pride Month Recap: What, Exactly, Are You Proud Of?

 C.A. Skeet – PJ Media

"You who are so brave in donning priests' and nuns' gear to mock Christians would never dream of doing so to Muslims, whose compatriots are doing far worse to gays today than the meanest Christians ever did to gays, at any time in the history of their religion." . . . 

"Another Pride Month has come and gone. I'll admit that it was more subdued than it has been in recent years. The specter of Israeli neo-Nazi homophobes throwing Gazan gays off rooftops undoubtedly dampened the festivities (more on that below). But I'm old enough to remember when Pride was just a parade in the big cities. Then it became a day. Then a week. Now it's a month. Now it's in schools, department stores, fast food chains, and library reading rooms. And if you think it's all going just a tad overboard, you're worse than Hitler.

"If aliens observed Pride Month from space, one could forgive them for assuming that gays in contemporary America must be the most oppressed group in the history of mankind, hence the necessity of an ever-increasing display of awareness and recognition. But an unfortunate and entirely predictable, phenomenon has occurred in the years since Obergefell and the advent of gays in the military. The oppressed has become the oppressor and gleefully so. To recap the last decade or so of Pride:

"Christian business owner Jack Phillips has been mired in lawfare since 2012 after he politely refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding due to his religious beliefs. Despite having won his case at the Supreme Court (on procedural grounds), he kept getting requests from LGBTQ activists to make obscene cakes, which they knew beforehand that he would refuse to bake, at which time they promptly sued and re-sued, intending to destroy him and his business — all because he has a different opinion than they do as to what constitutes a marriage.

"Is this what you're proud of?" 

"We are told the purpose of Pride is for gay people to be accepted for who they are. But in recent Pride parades, organizers have banned rainbow flags with Stars of David superimposed (though Palestinian flags are allowed). At other Pride parades, organizers have banned gay police officers from marching. And, bizarrely, organizers have removed lesbians from Pride parades for the audacity of being attracted exclusively to women who are... wait for it... biological women. So much for accepting people for who they are." . . .

Lego releases new Gaza Pride set • Genesius Times

"This revolutionary new toy is designed to promote cultural sensitivity and to teach children about the importance of acceptance and tolerance, and has been hailed by some as a “miracle cure” for the world’s problems.

“We are pleased to announce the release of our new Gaza Pride set,” said Lego spokesperson, Cee Nile, in a recent press conference. “We believe that this is the best way to ensure that children can continue to learn about the importance of acceptance and tolerance, and to promote cultural sensitivity in a fun and engaging way.”

"The new set features a variety of colorful and creative designs, including a miniature rainbow-colored mosque, a tiny Palestinian flag, and a tiny replica of the Gaza skyline. The set also includes a variety of Lego figures, including a Palestinian farmer, a young girl wearing a hijab, a guy in a rainbow shirt, and a tall building so they can throw him off." . . .

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