Friday, September 18, 2020

Five Quick Things: The Most Shamefully Dishonest Campaign in Political History

 "Lying is all Biden & Co. are cut out to do."

Jack Cashill  "Did you happen to see, by any chance, the interview Bret Baier did on Fox News with a soy-eater named T.J. Ducklo, who serves as the national press spokesman for the Joe Biden campaign?
"If you didn’t, you really missed out, because it was pretty destructive. And with that, we’ll launch into our Five Quick Things, which all fall under the category of evidence that the Biden campaign is the most shameless pack of liars ever unleashed on the American people.
"This is by no means whatsoever an exhaustive list. It’s simply the first five things that came to mind. We could easily come up with 25 more. You’re welcome to put your own nominations into the comment thread below.
"1. Joe Biden never opposed the China travel ban.
"Seriously. That’s Ducklo’s statement in the Baier interview on Wednesday. He actually said that Biden never opposed it.
"Biden said Trump’s ban on travel from China, which was more or less the first thing the president did when the full scope of COVID-19 began to unfold in late January, was racist.
" 'This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science,” he said on the very day Trump announced the ban.
"Two months later, when it was obvious the travel ban was the right call and the American people fully recognized just how awful the Chinese communists were in spreading COVID-19 around the globe, Biden quietly jumped on board with the travel ban." . . .

"It’s laughable, but it isn’t the most laughable thing Biden has going." . . . Summary follows:

2. Biden wouldn’t really end fracking. Honest!

3. It’s really Trump who’s pushing those riots in Democrat-run cities, folks.

4. Mask mandate? Who said anything about a mask mandate?

5. Whaddya mean, defunding the police? Trump is the one who wants to do that!

"Even as demagogic campaign rhetoric goes, Joe Biden’s speech earlier this week about Trump as a “climate arsonist” was exceptionally absurd. He blamed Trump in effect for not controlling the weather, implying that a Biden presidency would eliminate extreme weather events. Barack Obama famously said that he could stop the rise of the oceans. Biden is making similarly grand claims."

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Leaked 2016 Call Reveals Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage Trump

If Russian intelligence had actually penetrated the incoming Trump administration, Biden’s comments would have almost certainly tipped them off that something was amiss, placing our national security in grave danger.

 The Federalist

Joe Biden exercised incredibly poor judgment, placing a highly classified counterintelligence operation at risk, and undermined the incoming administration.

"President Petro Poroshenko directly after the 2016 presidential election shows that Biden sought to sabotage the incoming Trump administration before Donald Trump even took office, and much worse.

"During the course of the call, Biden badmouthed the incoming administration, saying, “The truth of the matter is that the incoming administration doesn’t know a great deal about [Ukraine]” and that they were unprepared for the transition. This in itself is inappropriate, but it was meant to set the stage for Biden’s next statement and future plans.

"Biden then told Poroshenko, “I don’t plan on going away. As a private citizen, I plan on staying deeply engaged in the endeavor that you have begun and we have begun.” In a matter of moments, Biden undermined the incoming administration, branded them as not knowing anything about Ukraine, and attempted to set up a foreign policy backchannel for himself after he left office as a private citizen, which could violate the Logan Act.

"The Logan Act bars private citizens from engaging in U.S. foreign policy, although its constitutionality remains questionable and no person has ever been convicted of violating it since it was signed into law in 1799. Ironically, this is the same act that, at Joe Biden’s suggestion, the FBI accused National Security Advisor Michael Flynn of violating as a result of a discussion Flynn had with the Russian ambassador to the United States around nearly the same time as Biden’s call with Poroshenko.

"To fortify his position and to make Poroshenko more confident that he should continue to deal with Biden once he left office, in the call Biden also intimated that there is a problem with the incoming administration: “The reason I bother to tell you that is I have been somewhat limited on what I am able to tell their team about Ukraine.' ” . . .

Alex Plitsas is a national security professional, Bronze Star Medal recipient, and U.S. Army combat veteran of the Iraq War. He served previously in the Pentagon as chief of sensitive activities for the assistant secretary for special operations.

Antietam (Sharpsburg), America's bloodiest battle; Sept 16, 1863

" The Battle of Antietam, also called the Battle of Sharpsburg, occurred on September 17, 1862, at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. It pitted Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia against Union General George McClellan’s Army of the Potomac and was the culmination of Lee’s attempt to invade the north. The battle’s outcome would be vital to shaping America’s future, and it remains the deadliest one-day battle in all of American military history."

The three major phases of the battle:

Antietam - Cornfield - September 17, 1862 - 8am to 8:30am;   The West Woods

Antietam - Sunken Road - September 17, 1862 - 9am to 12pm

Antietam - The Final Assault - September 17, 1862 - 3pm to Dark

The Sunken Lane at Antietam

Result of this battle: The Emancipation Proclamation

 "Fact #8: The Emancipation Proclamation paved the way for African-Americans to fight for their freedom.
"Lincoln declared in the Proclamation that African-Americans of “suitable condition, would be received into the armed service of the United States.” Five months after the Proclamation took effect; the War Department of the United States issued General Orders No. 143, establishing the United States Colored Troops (USCT). By the end of the war, over 200,000 African-Americans would serve in the Union army and navy." . . .

Republican Navy Vet Joe Collins Challenging Maxine Waters Raises Over Three Million

 American Lookout

"Have you heard much about Joe Collins? You will soon.

"He is a Republican and Navy veteran who is challenging Maxine Waters in a bid for Congress.

"He has already raised over $3 million dollars for his campaign. Not too shabby!

"FOX News reports:

"Navy veteran taking on Maxine Waters for House seat: ‘She’s lost a lot of trust’ of her constituents

"U.S. Navy veteran and congressional candidate Joe Collins said on Wednesday that he wants to unseat Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., because he believes she has failed to help the residents in her district." . . .

Holding their breath till the USA turns blue

When it comes to misinformation, CNN and the New York Times head the list. Both promoted the debunked theory that Putin conspired with Trump to keep Hillary out of the White House. If anyone should be banned, CNN and the Times should.

Don Surber   "I like Kim Kardashian because she worked with President Donald John Trump to reform Biden's 1994 crime law, a draconian law meant to show Democrats are a law-and-order party.

"But now she's gone Hollywood, following the crowd in demanding an end to free speech in the name of fighting hate.

"CNBC reported, "A group of celebrities including Kim Kardashian West, Katy Perry, Michael B. Jordan and Ashton Kutcher have said they will participate in a 24-hour Instagram freeze on Wednesday as part of the Stop Hate For Profit movement to protest what the organization calls 'Facebook’s repeated failures to address hate speech and election disinformation on their platforms.'

" 'A slew of big-name advertisers including Starbucks, Coca-Cola and Verizon paused to their social media budgets this summer after “Stop Hate For Profit” called on advertisers to boycott Facebook for the month of July. The goal, the group said, was to pressure the company into taking more stringent steps to stop the spread of hate speech and misinformation on its platform." . . .

The News as We Once Knew It Is Dead

 Victor Davis Hanson

"In 2017, the liberal Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University found that 93 percent of CNN’s coverage of the Trump administration was negative. The center found similarly negative Trump coverage at other major news outlets.

"The election year 2020 has only accelerated that asymmetrical bias — to the point that major newspapers and network and cable news organizations are now fused with the Joe Biden campaign.

"Sometimes stories are covered only in terms of political agendas. Take COVID-19.

"The media assure us that the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic has been a disaster. But their conclusions are not supported by any evidence.

"In the United States, the coronavirus death rate per million people is similar to, or lower than, most major European countries except Germany.

. . . 

"Yet such concocted melodramas will continue each week up to Election Day, while fundamental geostrategic shifts abroad brought about by American diplomacy will by intent go unnoticed.

"The news as we once understood it is dead.

"It has been replaced by the un-news: a political narrative created by partisans who believe the noble ends of destroying Trump justify any biased means necessary — including destroying their own reputation and craft."

When the virus was at its worst, before the partisan campaign of this election year heated up, the governors in our four largest states had only compliments for the Trump administration.

Democrats Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California and Republicans Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida effusively praised the administration’s cooperation with their own frontline efforts.

The most recent conclusions of impartial heads of federal agencies responsible for coordinating national and state policies are about the same

Bail Fund Promoted By Kamala Harris Helped Man Accused Of Sexually Penetrating A Child

 Daily Caller

"MINNEAPOLIS — A bail fund promoted by Sen. Kamala Harris helped a man accused of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old girl get out of jail in July, according to court documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

"The Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) also helped post bail in August for a man accused of assaulting a 71-year-old woman as he burglarized her home, court documents show. One week after his release the man was found to be in violation of his bail. The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office told the DCNF on Wednesday there is still an active felony warrant out for that man’s arrest.

"Court documents reviewed by the DCNF reveal that the bail fund also provided support in June to a man who allegedly stomped on and robbed a victim on the streets of Minneapolis on May 25, the same day George Floyd died while in police custody.

"During the nationwide wave of protests and riots following Floyd’s death, Harris, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, called on her followers to donate to the MFF in a June 1 tweet. The California senator said contributions to the fund would “help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota” against Floyd’s death." . . .

Shooting of the deputies shows the extent of evil in this world

BLM Supporters Mock LA Deputies Shot In The Head, Candace Owens Torches Them

. . . Meanwhile, cop haters on the scene in Compton right after the shooting were celebrating it. Actor James Woods posted the video, tweeting: “Here’s the reaction of an eyewitness to the ambush of two Deputies shot in the head in #Compton. The victims are in the background. No one is going to help them. Vote like your life depends on it. #BlueLivesMatter.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here’s the reaction of an eyewitness to the ambush of two Deputies shot in the head in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Compton</a>. The victims are in the background. No one is going to help them. Vote like your life depends on it. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BlueLivesMatter</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) <a href="">September 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Sharpton: LA Cop Shooter Was Plant To Make BLM Look Bad, Gets Rude Awakening "Reverend Al Sharpton is weighing in on the recent shooting of two Los Angeles County deputies who were ambushed and shot in their heads at point-blank range in their patrol vehicle. Sharpton told MSNBC that he “suspects” the shooter, who is still at large, must be a “plant” to make the Black Lives Matter movement “look bad.” Well, that’s when poor Al got a rude awakening. Don’t miss this." . . .

. . . "Sharpton, the guy who openly called for killing cops in 1992, told Scarborough that the message of the BLM agitators is: “We are not anti-police, and we are certainly not for killing or shooting police.”

"He quickly switched gears, making himself and BLM the victims, saying, “We are there saying police should not be wrongfully shooting or killing civilians, particularly in the black community. And for people to try to associate us with murder and ambushing and death, is doing more to hurt the cause.”

"Then, Sharpton incredibly attempted to plant the seed that the person who shot the cops at point-blank in the heads could have been a set up to make BLM look bad, saying: “Some I suspect, in my own way of thinking, could be planted in order to hurt us because they are so extreme from our position.' ” . . .

Report: AG Barr Pushes for Sedition Charges Against Violent Rioters

 American Greatness  "Attorney General William Barr advised federal prosecutors in a conference call last week to consider charging the rioters and insurrectionists who committed violent crimes at demonstrations this year with sedition, the New York Times reported.

"Barr told the feds on the call that they needed “to crack down on rioting, looting, assaults on law enforcement officers and other violence committed” during the riots that were sparked by the death of George Floyd, a black man in Minneapolis, who died in police custody in May.

The attorney general mentioned sedition as part of a list of possible federal statutes that prosecutors could use to bring charges, including assaulting a federal officer, rioting, use of explosives and racketeering, according to the people familiar with the call. Justice Department officials included sedition on a list of such charges in a follow-up email.

"Barr also reportedly asked the Justice Department to consider charging Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan for allowing left-wing agitators to establish the odious Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone (CHOP), also known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. The “woke” inhabitants of “autonomous zone” terrorized the neighborhood and stunk up the place until people started getting killed. Then the cockamamie police-free experiment was shut down." . . .

Thanks, Fox News, for reminding us of the Soros role in creating America's riot-coddling DAs

As Zero Hedge reports, Soros’ plans are to overthrow Trump

Washington Examiner: Fox News panel reprimands Newt Gingrich for mentioning George Soros in discussion about BLM riots

. . Soros supported the campaign of St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who released arrested rioters and looters back onto the streets citing lack of evidence in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd on May 25."Gardner was also involved in the decision to charge a white St. Louis couple with a felony for standing outside their property holding a rifle while Black Lives Matter protesters stormed through a gate and antagonized them.  "Soros donated over $100,000 to a super PAC supporting Gardner in July." . . .

Monica Showalter  "Fox News has drawn our attention to the fact that George Soros is bankrolling the leftist district attorneys who are fostering so much rioting in America's blue cities, based on their refusal to prosecute looters and rioters.  But probably not in the way the network meant to.

"Here's what went down over at the semi-cheesy news commentary show called Outnumbered, whose format is a group of leggy women sitting on a circular sofa with some man in the news and grilling him with chick-like excited shouts and exclamations.  It's now a Zoom thing without the leg business.  In this case, it led to a very unexpected outcome: 

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is one of the weirdest exchanges I’ve ever seen on TV. <a href="">@newtgingrich</a> correctly points out that George Soros threw an unprecedented amount of money into DA races all over the country to elect radicals and Fox News basically told him to shut up. WTF? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) <a href="">September 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck · 17h In Philadelphia George Soros spent an insane $1,700,000 to elect Larry Krasner as the DA. He bought that race entirely. He’s done this all over the country. How is this even the slightest bit controversial to point out @HARRISFAULKNER @MelissaAFrancis ?

 . . . "What an amazingly insulting way to treat a supposedly honored guest, a former speaker of the House.  Look at the shock on Newt's face at that shutdown.  They invited him on, they asked him his take on the leftist riots in America's blue cities, and they got an answer: Gingrich pointed out that the  riots were happening because of district attorneys, financed by George Soros, who refuse to prosecute rioting." 

"It wasn't really news.  Nor was it controversial.   It's been reported in detail by conservative outfits for years.  Fox News itself, news divisionreported it.  What was strange was that bizarrely unprofessional reaction from this one show, and from hosts whom most viewers have trusted and respected, such as Harris Faulkner and Melissa Francis.  The leftist flak for the Obama administration, Marie Harf, no journalist, could be dismissed, given that she is no stranger to boldface lying for her bosses to sing for her supper.  But why was Francis the first to bring it up, only to have Harf as her growling dog backing her up with her absolutely adamant call not to engage Gingrich?  What did he say that was so evil and unfit for TV?  Note that Harf was unable to cite any reasons — she has none; she just wanted to play commissar censor and, like all commissar censors, had a whiff of fear of those above her.  Note that booming, croaking, dead-toned angry adamant voice, like that of an upset socialite or desperate high school principal.  Shut up, she explained.  It really was remarkable.  She really didn't want any discussion or even mention of Soros.  But why did Faulkner coolly move on after cutting Newt off?" . . .

George Soros notches more leftist DAs in push to remake criminal-justice system.

Crime Up in Communities With Soros-Funded DAs   "Hedge fund billionaire George Soros has pumped millions into local District Attorney campaigns in recent years to elect pro-criminal, anti-police progressives to head prosecution offices.  James Varney of the Washington Times reports on how that’s working out.  In St. Louis, Soros funded PACs contributed more than $190,000 to progressive Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner’s campaign back in 2016.  Today, violent crime is up just under 9% making St. Louis the most violent city in the country.   In Philadelphia, where defense attorney Larry Krasner got $1.7 million from Soros’ Pennsylvania Justice and Public Safety PAC to get elected DA, homicides are up 34% this year.

"In San Francisco, Chesa Boudin, the son of two convicted murderers, received over $620,000 from PACs funded by Soros to win the DA’s job.  He campaigned on the “police-are-racists” narrative promising to decriminalize drugs and property crimes and eliminate bail.  Homicides in San Francisco are up over 30% with burglaries and car thefts up between 30-44%. " . . .

In an era when truth-telling is filtered by politics the background agenda of all news hosts is becoming increasingly clear.

On a related note the Minneapolis city council is shocked at the stunning increases in crime since they defunded their police department and removed $1 million:


How the Underground Press Will Thwart the Media and Re-Elect Donald Trump

Their media allies have been spinning all summer to offset the damage the BLM has done to America and the Democratic Party, but that task grows harder by the day. The media can call a riot a protest, but there is no euphemism for the wanton shooting of cops. Jack Cashill

Jack Cashill  "As the saying goes, the difference between the New York Times and the old Soviet Pravda is that Pravda readers knew they were being lied to.

"To circumvent the Soviet mainstream media, dissidents created what they called the "samizdat," their word for the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state.

"To circumvent our mainstream media, conservatives have created their own samizdat, an unorganized network of blogs, public forums, news-aggregators, online publications, talk radio shows, citizen-journalists, and legal monitors such as Judicial Watch, a truth force that one Second Amendment blogger aptly called "a coalition of willing Lilliputians."

"Despite repeated attempts by Big Tech to thwart the samizdat, the internet has given the Lilliputians unprecedented reportorial power, and social media —  Facebook and Twitter most prominently — have given them an ability to distribute their message in ways Soviet dissidents could only imagine.  It was the samizdat that carried Donald Trump to victory in 2016 and, barring massive vote fraud, will carry him again in 2020." . . .

Pennsylvania District Mandates White Supremacy Lessons for Kindergartners

 Washington Free Beacon.

"Elementary school children returning to a wealthy Pennsylvania classroom in the fall will learn that sympathizing with police officers is racist.

"Gladwyne Elementary School—located in Lower Merion School District, one of the richest in the nation—will require fourth and fifth graders to read Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness, which claims that white people who relate to police officers or decline to watch the news are complicit in racism. The curriculum also assigns A Kid's Book About Racism to kindergarten and first graders.

"The books are raising eyebrows among some parents, who take issue with their political focus. Elana Yaron Fishbein, a mother of two boys and a doctor of social work, penned a letter to the district's superintendent, board members, and the school's principal demanding the school remove its new "cultural proficiency" curriculum.

" 'The book teaches kids not only to defy parents but to hate themselves," Fishbein told the Washington Free Beacon. "To hate their parents also because they are white. By default, [the kids] are white, and they're privileged, and they're bad. [The school] is teaching this to little kids."

"In the wake of the George Floyd protests, public schools are increasingly politicizing their curricula. In Virginia's Loudoun County School District—the richest county in the nation—schools teamed up with the left-wing education group Teaching Tolerance to develop a new curriculum about slavery for kindergartners. The proposed lesson plans recommend restructuring history and social studies classes to emphasize slavery as fundamental to American society." . . .