Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Biden White House Deflects Blame for Bishop Evans’s Death


National Review

The Texas National Guardsman was at the border as part of Governor Abbott’s operation to secure the border — because [Democrats] failed to do so.

“Well, of course, we are mourning the loss of his life, and we are grateful for the work of every National Guardsman.” But: “I would note that the National Guard worked for the states, and so he is an employee of the Texas National Guard, and his efforts and his operation were directed by there, not by the federal government.”

"While she is technically correct, her answer glossed over the Biden administration’s own role in exacerbating the border crisis — a situation that produces avoidable tragedies such as this one. President Joe Biden’s more “humane” approach is encouraging a dangerous system for illegal immigrants and Americans alike.". . .

Bishop Evans: Body of Drowned Texas National Guard Soldier Found | National Review  . . .“The service member selflessly attempted to help two [illegal immigrants] who appeared to be drowning as they illegally crossed the river from Mexico to the United States,” the Texas Military Department said in a statement on Saturday. "

 Rangers have determined that the two migrants were involved in illicit transnational narcotics trafficking. They remain in the custody of US Customs and Border Patrol.”

Twitter, Target ban the Matt Walsh book "Johnny the Walrus"

Yahoo   "Twitter temporarily suspended the account of conservative podcast host Matt Walsh on Friday for violating its hateful conduct policy with tweets against transgenderism.
"Walsh, who hosts the Daily Wire" Walsh’s podcast and has about 769,000 Twitter followers, was suspended for twelve hours, though Twitter warned the suspension would be extended if Walsh does not take down the censored tweets.
"“The greatest female Jeopardy champion of all time is a man,” Walsh wrote in a tweet on December 30, according to the Daily Wire“The top female college swimmer is a man. The first female four star admiral in the Public Health Service is a man. Men have dominated female high school track and the female MMA circuit. The patriarchy wins in the end.' ”. . .

Walsh further displeases the all-powerful Democrat left here: Matt Walsh's bestselling children's book removed from Target's website | The Post Millennial  

 "Johnny the Walrus tells the story of a little boy named Johnny. Johnny believes he's a walrus, even donning wooden spoons for ivory tusks and striped tube socks for fins to dress up as the large-sized Arctic animal.
"Johnny's mother at first just follows along, believing it's just an innocent game of make believe. She is attacked on social media by "Stop Anti-Walrusism" activists, who call Johnny's mother "literally walrusphobic," demanding she respect his pronouns, "he/him/walrux," and enable her son's transition to full-on walrushood.
"Caving to the demands, she covers Johnny in itchy grey make-up, bathes the boy in ice-cold water, and feeds the young child "wormones.' "
"The book quickly shot to the top of Amazon's best sellers list in the LGBTQ+ category, with left-wing activists demanding that Amazon remove the book from the category. The book is no longer ranked in the LGBTQ+ category, but now ranks #1 in political commentary & opinion, #6 in humor, and #6 in children's humor." . . .

"Disney isn’t grooming kids. That’s crazy. Why would you say such a thing."

Elon Musk Weighs In On Twitter Censoring Hunter Biden Laptop Story During 2020 Election

 Elon Musk Weighs In On Twitter Censoring Hunter Biden Laptop Story During 2020 Election | The Daily Wire

. . ."Musk weighed in on Twitter’s decision to censor an explosive story that was published by the New York Post about then-Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and a laptop that purportedly belongs to Hunter that is filled with content that was problematic for his father’s campaign.

“ 'Vijaya Gadde, the top censorship advocate at Twitter who famously gaslit the world on Joe Rogan’s podcast and censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, is very upset about the @elonmusk takeover,” political commentator Saagar Enjeti wrote on Twitter.

"Musk responded a short time later, writing: “Suspending the Twitter account of a major news organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate.' ” . . .

Hunter should marry his laptop in California to get spousal privilege


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Wikipedia and the media suppressing info about Hunter Biden's shady business dealings - American Thinker

Last Saturday, the New York Post reported that Eric Schwerin, president of the Rosemont Seneca firm, had an official sit-down with Vice President Biden in 2010.  Schwerin is linked to a variety of Hunter's foreign business dealings, past and present.  Visitor logs from the White House of former president Obama further cast doubts about Biden's claims that he knew nothing of his son's dealings.

If this isn't a case of corruption and conflict of interest, what is?

. . ."In recent times, especially after President Trump's election, their presentations have been so blatantly biased that their true motivations have been revealed.  They no longer even pretend to be fair.  This has awakened a significant number of consumers, who now see through the façade.". . .

 Tim Allen Celebrates Twitter Freedom With 3 Words Twitter Hated Until Yesterday: Hunter Biden Laptop   . . ."But television sitcom star Tim Allen used those three words Monday in a heretofore all but forbidden place — Twitter.". . .

Most Damaging Find on Biden Laptop Could Be the Reported Letter to Joe the Mainstream Media Is Ignoring (   . . ."The letter continues in that vein — Hunter accusing Joe of being the head of Biden, Inc., and using (and ordering around) his family to burnish his brand.

“Love is an action dad not an emotion,” Hunter continued.

“Think how your brother and sister express their love for you. They do anything you tell them to do and have their whole lives. You act as if I have no right to tell you about what you did or didn’t have or haven’t done with your siblings. Well that’s just absurd.”. . .

*BOMBSHELL: Emails reveal Joe Biden paid legal bills for one of Hunter’s deals with communist China – The Right Scoop 

(*too MSNBC-ish)   . . ."You can read more about this at the Daily Mail.  But rest assured, Jen Psaki and the White House will claim this is nothing more than Russian propaganda and that Joe didn’t pay for or know about anything.

Raising the Stakes in Ukraine -

  The New York Times

The U.S. organizes military aid for Ukraine, as Russia warns a proxy war could lead to nuclear war.

"The U.S. convened more than 40 allied countries today in an effort to organize more military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine, which is to include the first batch of heavy weapons from Germany.

“ 'The group will be a vehicle for nations of good will to intensify our efforts, coordinate our assistance and focus on winning today’s fight and the struggles to come,” said Lloyd Austin, the U.S. defense secretary, after the meeting at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

"Responding to Austin’s declaration yesterday that the U.S. wants to weaken Russia’s military, Russia’s top diplomat accused the U.S. and its allies of pursuing a proxy war, and warned that their involvement could lead to nuclear war.

“ 'The risks are quite considerable,” said Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, in an interview on Russia’s state-run TV network. “I don’t want them to be blown out of proportion,” he added, but “the danger is serious, real — it must not be underestimated.”

"Germany — which never ruled out the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine, but has found plenty of reasons not to allow their export — said it would send up to 50 armored antiaircraft vehicles. The announcement was both a surprise and a signal of a major potential shift, driven by pressure not only from the country’s conservative opposition but also from a group of government lawmakers.". . .

There are thousands of old rusted German tank hulls around Ukraine reminding us they have been there before when led by a Putin-type leader. TD

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Companies that were very vocal about BLM support SILENT when asked about surging black murder rate

Shark Jump: Pelosi, Dems Mocked Over Ridiculous Photo Op Of Kneeling In African Garb

Companies that were very vocal about BLM support SILENT when asked about surging black murder rate ( 

At least 7,484 black Americans were murdered in 2019, according to FBI data the outlet reported April 19. That number swelled to at least 9,941 murders in 2020, indicating an increase of 2,457 black Americans murdered compared to the previous year.

"Fox News Digital attempted to gain some insight into the thinking of several companies that adamantly pledged support to the Black Lives Matter organization but have since fallen silent as the Marxist group itself is hoping the recent and enormous surge in black murders will disappear into American mythology.

"After two years of riots, looting and leftist imbecility that police departments be defunded in the wake of habitual criminal George Floyd’s death, FBI data find that murders among the black population spiked by 32 percent in 2020 as compared to the prior year, and by an astounding 43 percent when compared to the 10-year average, Fox News Digital reported earlier in April.". . .

. . ."The Equal Justice Initiative and the National Urban League are two notable proponents of the police defunding movement and the recipients of funds from such companies as Nike, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Ben & Jerry’s, Nordstrom, Target, and Ulta, the outlet reported.". . .

Biden to Spend an Ungodly Amount of Money Building a Green Military


"Earth Day, which was created by a man who killed his girlfriend and composted her body in a closet, is over. Joe Biden had a special announcement to commemorate the occasion. Our military is going green. I’m not kidding. We’re going to spend an absurd amount of money retrofitting everything to have planet-friendly armed forces. You know that means a less efficient military. Take out the word ‘rapid’ when referring to our armed forces’ capabilities should this overhaul be successful. All I can say to this initiative is ‘Jesus, take the wheel’ (via Fox News):". . .

. . ."Our military is already unprepared for the threats we face. They’re being molded into a heap of woke weakness with all this diversity training. Who cares? This is the US military. The various capabilities at our disposal when it comes to annihilating our enemies are the only 'diversity training' our troops should have. That’s it. Who cares about race, gender, or pronouns when it comes to killing our enemies? Billions should be devoted to maintaining our massive air force, our naval assets, our heavy equipment, and research and development into new weapons systems. It shouldn’t be geared towards making sure our M1 Abrams tanks can run on vegetable oil. "

Biden admin's {Jen Psaki) cold, callous response to the death of a Texas guardsman protecting our border

 Biden admin's cold, callous response to the death of a Texas guardsman protecting our border - American Thinker   "As if anyone ever needed proof of the callousness and irresponsibility of the Biden administration regarding its open borders policy, White House spokesweasel Jen Psaki yesterday put everybody to rights."

 White House Response to Dead National Guardsman on the Border Will Make Your Skin Crawl – RedState

. . .It is a tragedy that so many illegal immigrants are dying trying to make a journey they’ve been egged on into making by the Biden administration. The left doesn’t care about that though. They don’t live in border communities, and they see illegal immigrants as political pawns. It’s truly disgusting.

. . ."Yet, on the other side of this is the reality that Evans never should have been put in that position in the first place. The current border crisis has been caused and exacerbated by the Biden administration, and with its recent push to end Title 42 (thankfully, paused by a federal judge), the future only looks to be bleaker.

"Given that, you’d hope the White House would at least accept some responsibility for Evans’ death and perhaps even pledge to make some changes. Instead, Jen Psaki, when asked about the situation, gave an answer that will make your skin crawl.". . .

. . ."When I first saw that clip, I was gobsmacked. Yes, I know the president and his handlers are abject cowards who never admit their policies are getting people killed. Still, I expected the White House to dance around the issue rather than try to blame the State of Texas for Evans’ death. Further, Psaki ends by trying to blame other elected officials for not working with Biden on fixing the border, which is just an abject lie. Republicans (and even a few Democrats) have constantly pushed for more funding for border security. It is the administration that has refused to work with them.

"That kind of gross indifference borders on evil, in my opinion. It crosses several lines, and it tells you exactly what kind of person Joe Biden is and what kind of people work for him. There’s no papering over how grotesque it is for the White House to take zero responsibility for Evans’ death when given the opportunity to.". . .

Is it too much to hope this young man will be honored as the hero he is; that his valiant image will not be distorted by the race hustlers from Maxine Waters to MSNBC's Joy Reid.

More: Jen Psaki Blames Texas When Asked About Death of National Guardsman at the Border (   "Spencer Brown reports at Townhall:

Psaki Rejects Responsibility for Texas Guardsman’s Death, Blames Texas for Doing Biden’s Job


Who let the birds out!

 Tweet this!

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Are we being blindly optimistic about Elon Musk's Twitter takeover? - American Thinker

Elon Musk may just have discovered what is best in life - American Thinker 

Comment from Elon Musk:

. . ."Someone named Jameela Jamil, who is apparently famous, is certain that free speech will be unacceptably evil, so she's retiring from the site...after she shows off her dog:". . .

. . ."They recognize that, when anti-free speech despots control entirely the primary means of communication within a country, freedom is dying.  At this point, we can only hope that Musk, who is a genius visionary but also manages to believe in anthropogenic climate change, remains committed to free speech.  Currently, he's making the right noises:". . .hoping for the beat:

One man's point of view, hoping for the best:

Satirical Babylon Bee couldn't let this pass!

"Twitter is the best place to work right now," said Kurt Herald, a conservative coder who previously hid in the office basement. "I'm able to express opinions and talk about movies without being called racist and heteronormative. It's surreal."
Herald has since taken over the corner office vacated by his multi-colored hair compatriot who he wasn't sure was a man or woman"


Monday, April 25, 2022

Joe Biden Announces Green New Direction for US Military's Combined Assets

So by extension, "climate change" would have to be the "most serious existential threat" faced by Ukraine. And Israel. TD 

The Federalist   "The occasion was Earth Day. During remarks from Seward Park in Seattle, Washington, on Friday, President Joe Biden said the U.S. is spending billions of dollars to make “EVERY vehicle in the United States military … climate-friendly.”

"I guess Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was serious last year when he told Americans that climate change represented the "most serious existential threat we face."

"The occasion was Earth Day. During remarks from Seward Park in Seattle, Washington, on Friday, President Joe Biden said the U.S. is spending billions of dollars to make “EVERY vehicle in the United States military … climate friendly.”
"I guess Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was serious last year when he told Americans that climate change represented the most serious existential threat we face."

To conclude:

. . ."The world is in crisis. The U.S. is in crisis. With hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring our open southern border, the surging crime in our cities, record inflation and Russian President Vladimir Putin threatening to launch a nuclear bomb, Democrats remain focused on the least-pressing issue of the day: climate change.

"If only they cared about U.S. national security as much as they care about crushing Republicans."

While on the subject:

Tesla Driver Killed After Car Comes to Stop on Highway (

Final report indicates teens killed in high speed Tesla wreck died in post-crash fire

Tesla police vehicle ran out of power during a car chase in California - ABC News (

Video: Psaki Says Trump Didn’t Fund Border Wall…

 Video: Psaki Says Trump Didn’t Fund Border Wall… | Weasel Zippers

Jada Pinkett-Smith and Amber Heard Make Me Question: Why Is No One Talking About 'Toxic Femininity'?

  RedState Jennifer Oliver O'Connell 

What gets tossed out with the damage that feminism and the Trans agenda has done to gender roles, is how a woman can not only build up her husband, but in doing so, safeguard and build a strong marriage. Proverbs 14:1 says, “Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands.” That tearing down can be as explosive as the Depp-Heard marriage, or the brick-by-brick erosion of the Smith

 . . ."I have had people who attempted to squelch my success and marginalize some of my greatest moments. I cannot imagine being married to that type of person. Most of America is fixated on “The Slap,” Will Smith’s apology, his resignation from the Academy, and being banned from the Academy Awards for 10 years.

"But the media accounts focus on Jada Pinkett-Smith’s being the butt of the joke or being the person Smith was “protecting.”

"My question is, Why wasn’t Jada protecting Will? This was the greatest moment of his acting career, and with one look from her, he took an un-called for action that threw it all away.

"That’s toxic femininity. That’s not a woman looking for protection, she is looking to destroy.

"And Pinkett-Smith did. The damage continues to roll out with every video of past interviews and interactions, and probably will for years. This is what people will remember about what used to be considered a great, Black American success story and a fine acting career. Any good woman would not have allowed for it to happen. That good woman would have reigned Smith in, because there is a moment and a time for every work, and what happened that Oscar evening wasn’t it.

"Pinkett-Smith is not a woman who is interested in being protected or interested in protecting anyone else. In marriage, you have the best interest of your husband and family in the forefront. Pinkett-Smith only sought to serve her own interest.". . .