Monday, September 19, 2022

Rob Reiner shows how Hitler did it

Biden and Obama guided Reiner's hatred of Republicans. They use that hatred to gain power and to subdue the political opposition. Reiner is so self-righteous about standing up to fascism that he does not realize he is paving the way for the real fascists to roll in on tanks.

 Don Surber   "We are taught that Hitler's followers were stupid and naïve. But the elitists of the day also backed Hitler. The industrialists and the media did his bidding. We are told his supporters were lower-class losers. But educated, skilled and successful people also supported him and his attempt to eradicate the world of Jewish people. The military supported him too.

"We are taught that Hitler mesmerized his followers. It was all that darned Hitler's fault. After the war, we created a fantasy that there was a place called Nazi Germany that did all the damage. We took the blame off Germany.

"But no, Germans did this. They beat the Jews in the streets. They ran the cattle cars. They wanted to be the master race.

"It is hard to fathom how a nation fell like this, until you look at someone who is falling for the fascism that has fallen upon America.

"The best example I can find is Rob Reiner. I can argue that he is a fine film director. I base this on 40 years of work across a wide range of movie genres. He started with This Is Spinal Tap (a mockumentary) then came Stand by Me (a coming of age film) then The Princess Bride (an adult fairy tale) then When Harry Met Sally... (a rom-com) then Misery (a horror film) then A Few Good Men (a courtroom drama) then The American President (a romance) then The Bucket List (a road picture).". . .

White House Again Walks Back on Biden Statement That US Would Defend Taiwan From Chinese Invasion

JustTheNews  "President Biden and his administration again appear to be at odds over the country's support for Taiwan amid its and China's escalating military posture with each other.

. . .During a pre-taped CBS "60 Minutes" interview aired Sunday night with President Biden, he was asked whether U.S. troops would defend Taiwan if China invades.

" 'Yes, if in fact there was an unprecedented attack," Biden replied.

"The interview was interrupted with a voiceover saying a White House official said after interview that "U.S. policy has not changed" and the government will not officially say whether U.S. troops would intervene in Taiwan, according to the Daily Wire.

"A similar situation occurred in May when the president delivered similar remarks in Tokyo.

" 'So unlike Ukraine, to be clear, sir, U.S. Forces, U.S. men and women would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?" interview Scott Pelley also asked.

" 'Yes," the president responded.

"Biden also said he agrees with the "One China policy," to which the White House was likely referring. The policy acknowledges but does not endorse the Chinese Communist Party's view that Taiwan is part of China. 

" 'Taiwan makes their own judgments about their independence," Biden also said. "We’re not encouraging their being independent. ... That’s their decision.' ". . .

How to Talk to a Wokester

Conservatives reply to woke objections with a modest offering of facts that undo the woke narrative—and get nowhere. Here’s a better way

American Greatness (  . . ."And there lies the weak spot of the woke brigade: the pretension to moral superiority through better knowledge. They believe they have better hearts because they have better minds, and that’s an assumption that easily collapses. It points the way to a different response than argument. 

"Instead of challenging the Wokester's knowledge, let’s go with the wokester’s knowledge and draw it out. Let her school us, let her show us her certainty and let’s accept her duty to instruct the ignorant. She wants to be a pedagogue; we shall accept the position of pupil. 

"The model is Socrates, who comes to many dialogues as one who knows nothing and desires enlightenment. He asks simple questions and listens closely to the answers. The other participants believe they grasp the truth firmly, but as his queries continue, their confidence begins to wane. They speak at first as ordinary folk who nonetheless possess common sense, or as experts in a subject, such as Ion the rhapsode on the topic of Homer. They are complacent until the dialectic leads them to acknowledge their error.

"Take the same approach with the wokester. If she brings up the Native American issue, ask her in all innocence why those cavalry officers were often flanked by native scouts helping them track down other tribes.". . . 

On Cartoons, Wokesters Once Again Miss the Point (

Thus, it never occurred to me, as a little boy watching Pepe Le Pew cartoons on Saturday morning, to find his behavior acceptable, much less imitate it. Viewing his overly-amorous antics in light of what my parents had taught me about male-female relationships—and therein, perhaps, lies the key—I understood just the opposite: It was clear that Pepe was a cad, that no man should treat women that way, and that any man who did was—what else?—a skunk. That was the message I received because it was the message intended by the storytellers.

Joes legacy


We won't be decent because of the horrible damage this sick man has done, at the behest of his handlers

Worst inflation in 50 years
Left $90 bill of military equipment in Afghanistan
Broken supply chain
Empty store shelves
No baby formula for mothers
Threatens military force on US citizens
Illegal invaders pouring over the border
Record high gas prices
Return to energy dependence
Skyrocketing energy prices
Skyrocketing rent
Skyrocketing taxes
Skyrocketing crime

This man has made everyone's life much worse. We won't be civil. He doesn't deserve it.

Cleanup on Aisle 46: Joe Biden makes a mess of his 60 Minutes interview

  Monica Showalter; American Thinker  . . ."That's quite a string of errors and messes for just one interview.  Based on this interview, it's pretty obvious to the public why he doesn't give many interviews.

"But it's also pretty indicative of how inchoate and foolish Biden really is.  How is it that Biden can score an interview with the softest of the softball players at 60 Minutes, with the fawningest of the fawning interviewers, and still blow it?

"It's not just a bad night for Joe; it's the entire pattern of the administration.  Don't forget that when Kamala Harris sat down to give an interview to NBC's Lester Holt about her handing of the border crisis as its czar, Harris made one blunder after another to her fawning interviewer.

"If this is how badly they do with fawners and flatterers and lickspittles, all of whom will do anything to make them look good, how would these people handle a real interviewer with real questions, of the kind the public is answering?  They can't even handle the fawners without making messes for themselves and their administration.  Imagine them in a room with real journalists.

"It goes to show that the Biden administration really has no business being in office or power, simply on competence grounds alone."

The Border is Secure Says Kamala Harris

 The Border is Secure Says Kamala Harris - The Lid (   "The entire leadership of our nation is delusional, not to mention malevolent. Their agenda for open borders is obvious.VP Kamala Harris claims that the border is secure, as does the White House Press Secretary. So let’s go through a few things that should remind everyone that they are full of donkey poop.  "The “Border is secure.”

"People who live in border towns are afraid. Illegal Aliens tromping through their properties are killing dogs, stealing things, and even assaulting people. The property owners are arming themselves. The migrants leave piles of trash behind as well. It is not safe either for ranchers or residents."

"The White House blasted Red State governors Thursday for busing illegal aliens to New York and Chicago. Sending the busload of aliens to Martha's Vineyard Tuesday was hilarious. Reacting quickly to the crisis this week, Kamala Harris flew to Buffalo to check out the situation at the border for herself."  Argus Hamilton

UPDATED: Obama, Martha's Vineyard Celebs Silent on Opening up Island Homes to Illegal Immigrants

Obama, Martha's Vineyard Celebs Silent on Opening up Island Homes to Illegal Immigrants (

"Charity begins at home is a universal axiom that wealthy Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, residents apparently do not subscribe to.

"Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) sent two planes with 50 illegal aliens to the exclusive island community Wednesday, which stunned island residents. Within days, almost all of the newly arrived border jumpers had been bussed to a Cape Cod military base.

“States like Massachusetts, New York and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden administration’s open border policies,” DeSantis spokeswoman Taryn Fenske said.

"President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama won commanding majorities of island voters in their respective presidential campaigns.

"Yet, when the 50 illegal aliens landed at Martha’s Vineyard, a community tourism Twitter account called their arrival a “humanitarian crisis.”. . .

Remember Bo Snerdley? Bo speaks out since Rush isn't here to so it:

Martha’s Vineyard Liberals Scream 'Not in my Backyard!' - American Thinker

  Imagine if Gov. DeSantis sent a few busloads of illegal immigrants to Hyannisport and dropped them off in front of the Kennedy and Koch estates. Sen. Kennedy pushed through the 1965 Immigration Reform Act and subsequent legislation which gave us chain migration, refugee programs, blanket amnesty, an immigration lottery, and H-1B visas. But he didn’t want these immigrants anywhere near him. Just like with unsightly windmills, Sen. Kennedy would have not allowed unsightly illegal immigrants to camp out in front of his gated estate. He would smugly tell America, “walls for me, but not for thee.”

7 Fun Things Illegal Migrants Can Do in Martha’s Vineyard This Month ( 

Check out Chappaquiddick Island  . . ."The island off Martha’s Vineyard is known for its beaches, Cape Poge lighthouse, trails, birdwatching, lack of internet, and a notorious 1969 incident in which Sen. Ted Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy’s brother, negligently drove his car off a bridge, resulting in the death of a 28-year-old campaign aide." 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

7 Times The Babylon Bee Predicted News before It Happened

 7 Times The Babylon Bee Predicted News before It Happened | Neon Nettle

"The conservative satirical news site has become a target of Big Tech and liberal media for mocking the Left.

"Earlier this year, left-wing outlet USA Today named Rachel Levine, the biological male head of Joe Biden's U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, one of its "Women of the Year."

"By signaling such "woke" virtue, the outlet was praised by the Left and celebrated on social media platforms.

"However, The Babylon Bee was suspended by Twitter for bestowing a similar award on Levine: Man of the Year.". . .

Migrants are actually thanking Desantis for sending them to the vineyard. Spin that, libs!

 BPR " MSNBC found themselves guilty of accidental journalism Friday when their reporter on the scene at Martha’s Vineyard revealed the distinct difference in sentiment between illegal immigrants getting transported around the country and the activists working to advance the progressive narrative.

Tons of summer homes empty as Martha's Vineyard org starts urgent GoFundMe for immigrants but keeps money! (

BREAKING: 50 migrants arrive at Vice President Kamala Harris' residence, 3 more buses to NYC - Analyzing America

After realizing this tweet made their political allies look horrific, NBC News deleted it.

Mollie Hemingway posted:  "After realizing this tweet made their political allies look horrific, NBC News deleted it."

"I Warned You" -

 The Lid    "Four short months ago, I warned the Jen Psaki haters that the incoming White House press secretary was going to be worse than the redhead. Karine Jean-Pierre, the Republican-hating, low-IQ leftist, has proven me correct.

"Despite never being challenged by any non-Fox News member of the press corps, Jean-Pierre still comes across as inept and foolhardy.

"Recently, Sen. Ted Cruz invited President Joe Biden to finally visit the Mexico-United States border and see the tragedies her White House created and ignored. Cruz is notorious for craving attention, but this was a reasonable suggestion.

"In response, Jean-Pierre angrily responded, “I certainly don’t need lectures or invitations from Republicans about the border or border policies.”

"What did the “glass shattering” fool mean?

"Apparently, in 2018, as the Trump administration was “tearing babies out of their mothers’ arms,” Jean-Pierre supposedly visited on behalf of hard left, where she worked.

"Her mythical experience offered no plan, of course, and her lies will never be fact-checked.". . .

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Sanctuaries get what they asked for

 I Have A Few Questions About The Martha's Vineyard Migrant Kerfuffle - The Federalist  Then again, why has a story about 50 migrants spending a couple of days on Martha’s Vineyard garnered far more coverage and outrage from the media and left punditry than 51 migrants being cooked alive in a tractor-trailer only last month?

Liberals Get A Taste Of Their Own Illegal Invasion And Are Throwing Temper Tantrums (

. . .Texas, Arizona, and Florida leaders, conservative all, decided that if Biden was going to open up the borders, sanctuary cities/states should start doing their part to mitigate the costs, crime, educational needs, medical needs, of those they claim to welcome with open arms. . .

Lori Lightfoot, the GOAT of Hypocrite Sanctuary Mayors › American Greatness (    "If Chicago’s mayor is truly committed to her city’s sanctuary status, then she should welcome arrivals from Texas without complaint."

Biden Agrees to Close Gaps in Border Wall as Migrant Crisis Hits DC | Neon Nettle

The U-turn from the Biden White House comes following a decision by Republican governors to transport thousands of illegal border crossers to the nation’s capital.

In this case, as in others, they are decrying the inevitable results of their own policies and blaming everything on Republicans.   

. . ."They're not particularly good at being sanctuaries, are they?  Busing immigrants to Florida, sending them back to Texas, etc., and publicly proclaiming: "Crisis!  We can't handle them!  You must deal with them, not we!"  Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat. ". . .

 This Song Perfectly Sums up the Attitudes of Martha’s Vineyard’s Residents Towards Illegal Immigrants – RedState

This heartbreaking work of staggering genius is worth more than one listen. It is as if Prather was strumming the pain of those residing in Martha’s Vineyard and singing their thoughts with his words. But even more than that, it was a melodious and insightful reminder that progressive types couldn’t care less about the people they claim to champion – unless they have a use politically.

 Babylon Bee saw this as an opportunity for mega-parody: After Dealing With Martha's Vineyard HOA, Migrants Decide To Go Back And Take Their Chances With The Cartels "Man, the cartels are bad where I come from, but this is a whole other level," said immigrant Juan Ramirez as he climbed back on the unmarked charter bus. "How do you people live like this? You have to pay $1000 per month for a team of white ladies named 'Karen' to come to inspect your hedges and whine when you don't do them right? This is hell on earth!". . ."I feel betrayed by Governor Ron DeSantis," said another unfortunate migrant, speaking through a translator. "He told me there would be jobs and housing up here, but instead I found a den swarming with uppity white liberals and wealthy career criminals. This is so inhumane."

Babylon Bee

Migrants Decline Newsom’s Offer Of Asylum In CA Since They Just Came From A Collapsing Communist Hellhole With No Electricity  . . .The migrants say that California's trash-littered sidewalks, water shortages, and electrical outages bear too much resemblance to the Venezuela they left behind for it to be a desirable destination.