Monday, September 19, 2022

Cleanup on Aisle 46: Joe Biden makes a mess of his 60 Minutes interview

  Monica Showalter; American Thinker  . . ."That's quite a string of errors and messes for just one interview.  Based on this interview, it's pretty obvious to the public why he doesn't give many interviews.

"But it's also pretty indicative of how inchoate and foolish Biden really is.  How is it that Biden can score an interview with the softest of the softball players at 60 Minutes, with the fawningest of the fawning interviewers, and still blow it?

"It's not just a bad night for Joe; it's the entire pattern of the administration.  Don't forget that when Kamala Harris sat down to give an interview to NBC's Lester Holt about her handing of the border crisis as its czar, Harris made one blunder after another to her fawning interviewer.

"If this is how badly they do with fawners and flatterers and lickspittles, all of whom will do anything to make them look good, how would these people handle a real interviewer with real questions, of the kind the public is answering?  They can't even handle the fawners without making messes for themselves and their administration.  Imagine them in a room with real journalists.

"It goes to show that the Biden administration really has no business being in office or power, simply on competence grounds alone."

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