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Showing posts sorted by date for query electoral college. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Appeals Court Overturns Jan. 6 Defendant’s Sentence, Potentially Impacting Dozens of Cases

  The Epoch Times

Dozens of Jan. 6 cases might be impacted after the court’s ruling on Friday.

"An appeals court in Washington unanimously ruled that a Jan. 6 defendant’s sentence was improperly enhanced, a move that could impact numerous other Jan. 6 cases.  
"On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that Larry Brock, who was convicted for a range of crimes related to Jan. 6, improperly had additional charges of “interference with the administration of justice.” The judge who wrote the court’s opinion wrote that the charge doesn’t apply to a sentencing enhancement, however, and struck it down.
“ 'Brock challenges both the district court’s interpretation of Section 1512(c)(2)’s elements and the sufficiency of the evidence to support that conviction,” wrote the judge, Patricia Millett.
"The judge, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, concluded that any interference with Congress’ certification of the 2020 electoral votes isn’t tantamount to a sentencing enhancement.
“ 'Because Section 2J1.2’s text, commentary, and context establish that the ‘administration of justice’ does not extend to Congress’s counting and certification of electoral college votes, the district court erred in applying Section 2J1.2(b)(2)’s three-level sentencing enhancement to Brock’s Section 1512(c)(2) conviction,” the judge wrote.
" 'The judges, in siding with Mr. Brock, wrote that Congress’ function on Jan. 6 was not judicial but was only a part of the 2020 presidential election process." . . .

Friday, December 29, 2023

Maine: The nightmare scenario we are now facing

But even if the spineless members of the GOP did in fact give in to Democrat demands and put Biden into office, this would set off a chain reaction amongst Republican voters who simply could not abide by such an abdication of duty, which would largely result in a massive restructuring of the country in a way that is not even comprehensible. 

 Timothy Jankowski - American Thinker   "Not since Gavrilo Princips assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 has the politically-motivated action of a single individual threatened to plunge an entire nation into strife and crisis like the decision by Maine’s Democrat Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, to keep Donald Trump off of the state’s primary ballot.

"Does that sound like hyperbole? Allow me to explain.

"Donald Trump’s path to re-election in 2024 is simple: Hold the red states that he won in 2020, which he should do with ease, and win back the swing states of Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia. That outcome would result with him receiving 270 electoral votes, the exact margin needed to regain the presidency.

"The push to remove Trump from state ballots is largely irrelevant. He’s not going to be removed from any red state ballots and there are no signs he will be removed from the aforementioned swing states. Even if every blue state were to keep him off the ballot, the scenario laid out above would remain not just possible, but likely… with one exception: the state of Maine. Unlike most states which apportion their electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, Maine divides its four electoral votes by Congressional districts; in 2020 Biden won three, while Trump managed to win one from the more rural, conservative region of the state.

"Now let’s assume that the election plays out in the highly likely possible manner as suggested, with the caveat that Trump is not on the ballot in Maine. This means he will lose one of the votes he held in 2020 bringing his electoral vote count to 269, one vote short of the number needed to win. The result will be an electoral college tie meaning the election will be thrown to the House of Representatives to decide." . . .

Remember the insane   . . ."As in Colorado, they throw the 14th Amendment and “insurrection” accusation at former President Trump.

"The problem is that Mr. Trump has not been convicted of an insurrection, or for that matter, even charged in a court of law.  To my knowledge no one arrested on January 6th was charged with the “I” word either.  I guess that’s what happens when a mob of people shows up without guns.

“ 'Insurrectionist” has now joined “racist” as the new “shut down all dialogue” buzz word in the Democrats’ vocabulary.  

"My guess is that Maine’s Secretary of State knows that this insane idea will be overturned by the Supreme Court.  She is only doing this to add some value to her resumé, or maybe to get a show on MSNBC.  Once the Supreme Court (hopefully) shoots this down, she will say that the justices appointed by the “insurrectionist” protected Trump.

"In the meantime, the people who burned businesses and police stations are walking free because that was definitely not an insurrection." . . .  

Lawfare Continues - Maine Democrat Secretary of State Determines, Without Judicial Hearing, Donald Trump Is Disqualified from 2024 GOP Primary Ballot

. . .The Maine decision by fiat will likely first travel through the judicial system in the state, as the determination of the Secretary of State holds no legal basis outside the authority granted to an individual office holder." . . .  But she will be a hero.

Jonathan Turley Decimates the Decision of the Maine Sec of State . . ."George Washington professor Jonathan Turley decimated her decision in a thread on X.

He said he had decided to "add her name to the ignoble list of Democratic officials claiming to defend democracy by preventing its exercise for millions of Trump supporters" and that "Maine shows why the Court needs to rule quickly, clearly, and hopefully unanimously in rejecting this pernicious theory."

"He did not think much of her reasoning." . . . 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

How Do You Kill Democracy? Vote Democrat -

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Democracy Dies in Denver

"Four Biden campaign operatives on the seven-member Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday evening kicked Donald J. Trump off the Centennial State’s presidential ballot. They abused Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump because, they claim, he incited an insurrection on January 6, 2021. Never mind that Trump has not been convicted of, tried for, nor even charged with insurrection. Indeed, the U.S. Senate acquitted Trump of all January 6-related accusations for which the House impeached him that January 13.

  • Around October 2011, under President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden, the Justice Department tapped the phones of then-Fox News correspondent James Rosen and his parents on Staten Island. DOJ was probing Rosen’s sources related to his coverage of U.S. policy on North Korea.
  • Obama-Biden perpetrated political profiling by denying 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status to scores of conservative and Tea Party groups in 2010 to 2012. According to a sample of 111 such outfits, the House Ways & Means Committee found that the IRS granted tax exemption to 100 percent of left-wing organizations, but only 46 percent of conservative establishments. IRS foot-dragging and rejection of center-right applications crippled conservative groups that aimed to educate voters before the 2012 election.
  • During Obama-Biden, the FBI launched Operation Crossfire Hurricane, to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign. Special Counsel John Durham concluded that the FBI relied on “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence.” This FBI probe was worse than Watergate even without a break-in.
  • Hillary Clinton paid Democrat election law firm Perkins Coie to commission Fusion GPS’s notorious “dirty dossier” that smeared Trump as a Russian agent. Fusion GPS, in turn, paid former British spy Christopher Steele for “evidence” of Kremlin ties. Steele’s “source” was Igor Danchenko — a Russian employee of the Brookings Institution. Danchenko’s wild accusation, that Trump in 2013 watched two prostitutes urinate on each other in his Moscow hotel room, fueled the left’s outlandish sex fantasy that Kremlin extortionists controlled Trump.
  • After Trump upset Hillary Clinton in November 2016, Democrats rioted, committed arson, and relentlessly called Trump’s election illegitimate. Martin Sheen, Mike Farrell, and other Hollywood stars concocted their own fake electors scheme: They urged electors to support someone other than Trump in the Electoral College, never mind that voters selected them to back Trump.
  • Democrats objected to Trump’s slates of electors during the January 6, 2017 certification ceremony for Electoral College ballots. House Democrats vocally opposed Trump’s electors from 10 different states. These included Michigan and Wisconsin, which Trump barely won, but also Alabama (where Trump trumped Clinton by 28.3 percent), West Virginia (42.2 percent), and Wyoming (47.6 percent).

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The View Leslie Jones Electoral College Real School


ABC’s The View has never been a place for smart and informed discussions about politics. And that certainly wasn’t the case on Monday’s episode when Daily Show guest host and so-called “comedian” Leslie Jones openly admitted that before she joined Saturday Night Live in 2014, she seriously thought the Electoral College was a real place where politicians went to school. In 2014, Jones was 47 years old. Appearing on The View to promote her new book, the cast heaped obsequious praise on their guest. “And you don't shy away from politics. 

"ABC’s The View has never been a place for smart and informed discussions about politics. And that certainly wasn’t the case on Monday’s episode when Daily Show guest host and so-called “comedian” Leslie Jones openly admitted that before she joined Saturday Night Live in 2014, she seriously thought the Electoral College was a real place where politicians went to school. In 2014, Jones was 47 years old. 
 "Appearing on The View to promote her new book, the cast heaped obsequious praise on their guest. “And you don't shy away from politics. You follow politics closely and you’ll hit either side,” faux conservative co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin boasted. “What made you want to work that more into your humor the past few years?
 "According to Jones, she wasn’t into politics before moving to New York and that New Yorkers were “really smart about politics and stuff” compared to Californians:
"Well, honestly, because I just learned about it. When I went to SNL – Okay. Before SNL, just New York, period, you guys are really smart about politics and stuff. Like y'all really are on that. Like California, we’re over there smoking weed, you know, swimming pools, sun tanning. We ain't really into it, right?

“So, when I got to SNL, there were so many things I listened about that I didn't even know. Like seriously, the Electorial [sic] College, I didn't know about that,” she recalled while mispronouncing it. She then admitted: “I did think it was a college-college. I thought, you know, people got to go there before they become a politician.” . . .

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Nation Owes Matt Gaetz A Hearty Thank You, especially from the squish Republicans.

  Issues & Insights

Whatever one might think of his ethics and demeanor, the actions of the allegedly slimy Gaetz have been fully vindicated. In place of the spineless, soulless, uniparty-associated, donor-class-beholden McCarthy, the chair of Washington’s third-ranking official is now occupied by a movement and, yes, MAGA conservative who on issue after issue, stands tall and unbending on his principles.

"The best (if unintended) endorsement for the most lopsided deal since the Yankees acquired Babe Ruth for a paltry $125,000 came not from a pundit nor a party colleague, but from the opposition (albeit punctuated by a partisan). Per the Wall Street Journal:

Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., said … Republicans were choosing a person [Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson for Speaker] who ‘can pass their extreme litmus test to oppose marriage equality, enact a nationwide abortion ban without exceptions, gut Social Security and Medicare, support overturning a free and fair election.’

Aguilar said Johnson had been called ‘the most important architect of the electoral college objections,” and a Republican member shouted “d@#n right.

"Those among the estimated 335,633,214 Americans (at this writing) who are sufficiently sentient should all be signing a coast-to-coast-sized thank-you card for reviled Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz.

"Gaetz has been hammered for three solid weeks as the “most-hated” GOP member in Congress, who plunged the House into “chaos,” for engineering the coup that cast aside limp-wristed Speaker Kevin “Fredo Corleone” McCarthy.

"You’ll recall this commentator fingered McCarthy back in January for “project(ing) hesitancy, moderation, and self-focus when intense, inspirational passion for the conservative cause is the order of the day.” And more recently for “betray(ing) the conservative wing that allowed him to take power by depending on squish Republicans and a unanimous vote of his opposition to pass a 45-day clean continuing resolution keeping federal funding at its outrageously bloated fiscal 2023 levels.” . . .

Monday, January 2, 2023

Adam Kinzinger Lies About Ray Epps Again, and We Should Probably Figure out Why


"The January 6 committee recently ended with a whimper after a year of pomp and circumstance. Despite much manipulation of information by its members, the committee’s report garnered all of about eight hours of headline news before quickly burning out.

"Why? Because there was almost nothing revealed that we didn’t already know in it, and no matter how much Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff, and the rest insisted otherwise, they themselves never produced an ounce of evidence that Donald Trump orchestrated and was responsible for the Capitol breach.

"Still, there was something interesting shown in the testimony of now-infamous Ray Epps, the man who was caught on video multiple times telling people to enter the Capitol Building on January 6th. While the committee’s final report never mentions him, he apparently stated “I also orchestrated it” in relation to the events of that day.

"Yet, for some reason, Adam Kinzinger rushed to social media on Sunday morning to defend Epps."

. . ."Why is a congressman who served on the January 6 committee outright lying about something that is so obviously true? The videos of Epps are not new and have been circulating since 2021. He clearly and unambiguously incited the riot and the entry into the Capitol Building. In fact, when you watch the different clips of him, he seems to be very well rehearsed in what he’s saying and doing.

"That he was never arrested while grandmas who took selfies were thrown into solitary confinement has always been a major red flag. Given that, perhaps we should figure out why Kinzinger keeps defending the one man with the most evidence of incitement against him in relation to January 6th. Wasn’t the committee’s entire justification for existing to find out why the attack happened? Yet, they completely ignore the man who instigated it?

"None of that makes any sense unless you begin to think the worst, which is that the government was involved. But hey, I’m sitting here typing this, willing to hear a reasonable explanation for why Epps was ignored by the committee and has never been arrested. If Kinzinger has one, he’s welcome to share it because lying about what happened isn’t convincing anyone.". . .  Much more on Twitter here

The Jan. 6 ‘Criminal Referrals’ Against Trump Are Political Bunk  . . .That’s exactly what those four “criminal referrals” from the Jan. 6 Committee against former President Donald Trump are.

"But, as the year ends, let’s go through the referrals featured in the committee’s 154-page report — the report of a witch hunt from the witch hunters.

"Specifically, the committee recommended that prosecutors pursue four charges against Trump. They are:

  1. Obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress.
  2. Conspiracy to defraud the United States.
  3. Inciting or assisting an insurrection.
  4. And conspiracy to make a false statement.

"Let’s start with No. 1, “Obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress.”

"First of all, Trump did not obstruct anything. He addressed a completely peaceful rally on the White House Ellipse before the events at the Capitol. It was a rally where told the tens of thousands gathered together to go protest “peacefully and patriotically.”

There was not a single word said about “obstructing” an official proceeding of Congress.

"But if protesting the counting of the results of an election is obstruction, then there is the matter of Maryland Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin, a member of the Jan. 6 Committee.

"Democrats, in fact, tried to stop — that would be obstruct — the certification of the Electoral College vote in 2000, 2004, and 2016. Which is to say, they were obstructing “an official proceeding of Congress.” Among those Democrats was Raskin himself, who tried to reject Electoral College votes to declare Trump the winner in 2016.". . .

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

10 Steps to Save America

"Yes, there is a way. But is there the will?"

Being forced to tell the truth would be a powerful deterrent against bureaucratic overreach. 

 Victor Davis Hanson  "Most Americans know something has gone terribly wrong—and very abruptly—with the United States. They are certain that our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war. 

"Crushing national debt and annual deficits, spiraling food and fuel costs amid “normal” seven-percent-plus annual inflation, bread-and-circuses entitlements, a nonexistent border, a resurgence of racial tribalism, pandemic violent criminality, and humiliation abroad—all these pathologies are easily cited as symptoms of a sick patient. Our crises are not as the Left maintains—a nine-person Supreme Court, the Electoral College, or the filibuster—all distractions from existential problems the Left largely created. 

"So, what are the therapies and prognoses for America?

"In the spirit of constructive rather than blanket criticism, here is a partial, 10-point plan of national recovery.

Cut the Debt 

"Americans’ national debt is now $31 trillion. That is about 123 percent of current GDP. The liabilities are unsustainable. We run annual deficits of $1.6 trillion. These financial obligations will eventually ensure that rising interest rates to service the debt crowd out essential spending for national defense and the general welfare. 

"Or in extremis, in the not too distant future, the government will be forced to default on what it owes the “rich” bondholders and foreign debt holders. Or the government will be forced to confiscate private wealth, as for example occasional crazy suggestions to nationalize and absorb 401(k)k retirement plans into the soon-to-be-insolvent Social Security system. Or the state will simply print millions of dollars to pay off obligations, Weimar-style.

"In addict style, the more we come to realize that our binging habit cannot go on, the less we can practice self-restraint. And the more it is the case that those who receive government redistributions outnumber those who pay the majority of federal income taxes, the less hope there remains to avoid insolvency.". . .

Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness and the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is an American military historian, columnist, a former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He has been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush. Hanson is also a farmer (growing raisin grapes on a family farm in Selma, California) and a critic of social trends related to farming and agrarianism. He is the author most recently of The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and WonThe Case for Trump and the newly released The Dying Citizen.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Sunny Hostin of The View brings back term used during Rwandan genocide

There is a great evil that has descended upon this nation. TD


 Jack Hellner    "What is it about the Democrats that makes them so willing to embrace the political ideology of 20th Century terroristic regimes?

"The media and Democrats are king when playing dirty politics, and instead of attacking policy, they attack the person. They claim they support and respect women and minorities but they never support women and minorities who dare think differently than leftists. They do not believe in diversity of thought. Republicans are racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, transphobes, and bigots. We are described as “deplorables” who “cling” to religion and guns. We are labeled “divisive” and “hateful.” We’ve been told by the president himself, we are a “threat” to the American way of life.

"Perhaps though the most recognized and unrelenting group of Democrat mouthpieces who push these overused talking points is the women of The View, most notably Sunny Hostin.

"Sunny Hostin is so kind and tolerant (like every Democrat) that she recently compared White suburban women to roaches if they voted for Republicans. If you ask me, that seems nastier than anything Trump has ever said. I can’t imagine my White suburban wife of 46 years would take kindly to being called a “roach” — but what do I know since I am just a “divisive deplorable”?". . .

. . ."Yes, the party that wants to preserve the Electoral College, believes states rather than the federal government should run elections, disagrees with stacking the Supreme court, wants to maintain the filibuster, and stands against threats to Supreme Court justices regardless of ruling is the party that would end Democracy. Uh huh, sure, okay.

"Obama said if “democracy” is lost the media will be controlled and corruption will go unpunished. 

"Obama can only be talking about Democrats! They have used the media to spread lies about Russian collusion, to suppress the truth about Biden family corruption, and to silence differing information on COVID among countless other things.

"It certainly wasn’t Trump who politicized federal agencies and used them to destroy political opponents — I seem to remember a time when Obama’s IRS under Lois Lerner went after Tea Party groups". . .

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."  Edward R. Murrow

. . ."Trump was and remains the most dangerous challenge to their agenda.  They will stop at nothing to destroy him.  His intention to run again has them addled and desperate.  They even want to make it illegal for him to run again!  

"They fear Trump because he is everything they are not.  He loves the country and all of its citizens, not just the nest of swampy globalists who make up our wholly corrupt government and who look out only for themselves.  This is why they have no qualms about cheating.  Their sole interest is their own wealth and power. ". . .

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Ann Coulter; Why a Red Wave Is Suddenly Possible

But Republicans winning requires that voters not be discouraged by the polls and remember to vote, even when the media tell you it's hopeless, like in New York, Arizona and Pennsylvania. 

 Ann Coulter  After months of warning you about the GOP's chronic overconfidence problem, now I'm feeling overconfident! Inasmuch as I will be giving a speech at my alma mater, Cornell University, the day after the election, I'm about to do something very stupid: make an election prediction.

My reasoning is, here we are, three weeks from the election, and this week, two major polls, Harvard Harris and Times Sienna, suddenly show Republicans gaining ground. This triggered a primordial memory from the 1980 election, the first presidential race I paid attention to.

That's when I discovered the iron rule of election polls: They will never, ever be wrong in favor of Republicans. Another is that polls will generally show the Democrat winning until the election gets close -- and the media finally start telling the truth.

Thus, for example, after being hectored for most of 1980 that Ronald Reagan was headed for another Goldwater-style fiasco, here's the sort of thing a teenager would have read in The New York Times weeks before he won a landslide victory against President Jimmy Carter, taking 489 electoral college votes to Carter's 49.". . .

. . .Mostly, I just want to wake up the morning after the election and find out Dr. Mehmet Oz has won in Pennsylvania and defeated that slovenly, goatee-sporting Michael Moore-wannabe, John Fetterman, who is passionate about only two things: not bathing and releasing vicious murderers. And that Lee Zeldin has beaten the demented, "release all the criminals!" New York governor, Kathy Hochul, with the crazy "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" makeup.

The Biden-Fetterman rally is every bit as coherent as you'd imagine  . . ."With numbers like that, Team Fetterman would have been better advised to avoid the risk of tying their candidate even closer to an unpopular president. Instead, in what looks like desperation, they rolled the dice. Did it pay off with a a dynamic show of strength and credibility from Biden?". . .

Uh-oh; hold on a minute': Stupid Party: Kevin McCarthy Says GOP Won’t Move to Impeach Biden or Administration Officials

   . . ."McCarthy declared that Americans don’t “like impeachment used for political purposes at all,” and added that “the country wants to heal” and see a “system that actually works.” That means there will be no impeachment proceedings against Biden, or Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary and former Disinformation Governance Board supreme overlord Alejandro Mayorkas, or Gestapo chief Merrick Garland. Leave billions of dollars worth of materiel in Afghanistan for our enemies to use against us? No problem! Open the Southern border so that untold numbers of criminals and terrorists can waltz right into the country? Hey, we all make mistakes. Sic the woke FBI against parents protesting at school board meetings against the far-Left agenda in public schools? We all can get carried away! Impeachment? Forget it. It wouldn’t be the decent thing to do. When McCarthy was asked if he saw any grounds for impeaching any officials of this lawless and authoritarian administration, he answered: “I don’t see it before me right now."

This man just doesn't have the fire in his belly! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Weaponized Governmental Failure: A Primer

The American Spectator

Democrats rule over a ruin, but they rule.

This is why the leftists keep insisting that the Electoral College needs to be scrapped and a national popular vote would be better. They want the handful of largest cities - dysfunctional under Democrat mismanagement - to decide for the nation.- From a reader's comment to this article 

"The simple definition of Weaponized Governmental Failure is this: it’s the deliberate refusal to perform the basic tasks of urban governance for a specific political purpose.

"The crime and the graft and the potholes and the bad drainage, not to mention the spotty trash collection or nonexistent snow shoveling, aren’t incompetence. In fact, none of what you see in the American public sector is incompetence. The people responsible for it are quite highly educated and well-trained in their craft. You just need to understand what their craft is.

"It’s a choice to do a poor job with the more mundane tasks of running a city, and an educated and purposeful choice at that. If you do those things effectively, after all, what you will get is middle-class voters moving in. Middle-class voters tend to choose to live in places where they can expect to get actual value out of their tax dollars — good roads, safe streets, functional drainage, decent schools, a friendly business climate, and a growing economy, among other things — and those things are hard to produce when you govern the way the Left does.

"Put a different way, middle-class voters are a pain in the ass.

"They want lots of things that make for unrewarding grunt work for a mayor, and a Democrat blowhard like a Mitch Landrieu or Ted Wheeler of Portland would rather spend his time on vacuous cultural aggressions like “social change” and offering wealth redistribution and excuses for the bad personal habits that cause so many people to be poor.

"Not to mention tilting at bronze statues of better men long dead and nearly forgotten as a means of “making a difference.”

"For a Landrieu, or a Kwame Kilpatrick, Marion Barry, Bill de Blasio, or Lori Lightfoot, it is no great loss if those middle-class voters declare themselves fed up and decamp to the suburbs. Their exodus simply makes for an electorate that is a lot less demanding and easier to control.

"That “white flight” is a feature. It’s not a bug. And it isn’t all that white either. Those suburbs the folks are leaving for? Their minority population share usually increases as their population does. Why do you think that is? Simple: the black middle class has no more use for these woke urban Democrats than the white middle class does.

"And it’s quite a mutual sentiment, to be sure.". . .

Saturday, July 16, 2022

When a first-term Democratic president struggles, people talk about Jimmy Carter


"President Biden, like any second-year occupant in the Oval Office, does not much like the phrase "one-term president."

"As a Democrat, he presumably does not enjoy the comparison some are making between him and Jimmy Carter, the only Democratic president since the 1800s that the voters sent packing after just four years.

"But that comparison is, as they say, out there. And as the White House ponders staff moves in the months ahead, it knows it needs to address the dread "Carter model."

"To be fair, Carter's ill-fated presidency occurred during extraordinarily difficult times, beset by numerous global crises and dogged by economic conditions he largely inherited from his predecessor. Biden's defenders might say the same.

"We should also note that Carter, at 97, is the longest living president ever and has long since rewritten his legacy with decades of humanitarian work at home and abroad. Overwhelming majorities of Americans approve of his performance since leaving office and polls show the public's assessment of his years in office has risen as well. Presidential scholars generally rate him in the middle ranks of U.S. presidents.

"Yet Carter remains a punchline in American politics, scarcely acknowledged at his party's national political conventions and rarely listened to in policy debates. That is because when he left office four decades ago, Carter was down to 34% approval in the Gallup Poll and lost to Ronald Reagan in 1980 by a landslide in the Electoral College.

"Not just another election, 1980 signaled a sea change in American politics. A half century of the New Deal and Democratic domination gave way to an era in which Republicans more than held their own, winning the Electoral College in six of the next 11 cycles and controlling at least one chamber of Congress two-thirds of the time.

"Carter also left a legacy of frustration and fecklessness that has been difficult for Democrats to shake. He is remembered for the Iran hostage crisis that consumed the last year of his presidency. He is remembered for his hapless struggles against inflation, high gas prices and the threat of oncoming recession — not to mention an aggressive Russian war machine invading a neighboring country in defiance of the world community.". . .

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Who Are the Real Insurrectionists?

Stone-cold sober elites are systematically waging a far more dangerous and insidious revolution in the shadows than anything threatened by the American Right.

 Victor Davis Hanson  "Recently, Democrats have been despondent over Joe Biden’s sinking polls. His policies on the economy, energy, foreign policy, the border, and COVID-19 all have lost majority support. 

"As a result, the Left now variously alleges that either in 2022, when they expect to lose the Congress, or in 2024, when they fear losing the presidency, Republicans will “destroy democracy” or stage a coup. 

"A cynic might suggest that they praise democracy when they get elected—only to claim it is broken when they lose. Or they hope to avoid their defeat by trying to terrify the electorate. Or they mask their own revolutionary propensities by projecting them onto their opponents.

"After all, who is trying to federalize election laws in national elections contrary to the spirit of the Constitution? Who wishes to repeal or circumvent the Electoral College? Who wishes to destroy the more than 180-year-old Senate filibuster, the over 150-year-old nine-justice Supreme Court, and the more than 60-year-old, 50-state union? 

"Who is attacking the founding constitutional idea of two senators per state?" 

"The Constitution also clearly states that “When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.” Who slammed through the impeachment of Donald Trump without a presiding chief justice?". . .

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Leftists in America doing what they do; what do evil people around the world think of U.S. silliness?

 Facebook Bans Children’s ‘Heroes of Liberty’ Publisher Featuring Reagan, Sowell – enVolve   . . .“ 'The philosophical bent of people in the publishing industry is radically far left,” said Heroes of Liberty editor and board member Bethany Mandel told Newsweek."... 

Years ago Schumer said killing the filibuster was the “rubber stamp of dictatorship” and a “doomsday for democracy.”

Leftist Media Covered For George Floyd, While Hatchet Job on Ashli Babbitt ‘Sickens’ Husband  . . ."While neither person deserved to die over their actions the day they died, only one of them was a convicted criminal and it wasn’t Babbitt." . . .

AOC is an elitist just like those you all supposedly hate. Just like she supposedly hates. A person caught her in Miami last week dining without a mask. She had the ultimate meltdown, blaming our sexual frustration for pointing out her hypocrisy. (Yeah, I’m fine, AOC.). . . 


University Lecturer Defends Critical Race Theory, Says ‘Whiteness is a Disease’ (

Tiananmen Square Massacre Memorials Being Removed From Universities in Hong Kong ( See a parallel here?

More Than 150 People Killed In Texas County By Suspects Released By Progressive Judges… | Weasel Zippers   Video here

Biden Mercilessly Mocked Over Goofy 'Fake Oval Office' and 'Playskool Desk' – RedState  . . ."Former Trump Communications Director Tim Murtaugh, on Monday, also wanted to know the scoop behind Biden’s fake windows.Has there been an explanation for why they built a fake White House set for Biden across the street from the real White House? The other day there were shipping containers outside the window. Today it’s a winter wonderland. Just bizarre and phony.

Yes, Tim — but there’s an explanation for that winter wonderland.

Yes, “The Truman Show.” The contrast with Biden? Unlike Truman Burbank, Corn Pop’s pal remains and will remain woefully clueless to his manipulation by the rabid-left and as result will never see the truth.

"Much less act on it. 

President Biden mocked over fake White House set (  . . ." Stephen Miller, a former senior adviser of President Donald Trump, claimed Biden only used the imitation White House set so he could read a script directly from a face-on monitor.

“ 'The reason Biden uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings — and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc. — is because it allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera),” he tweeted.". . . 

Rep. Jim Jordan: Democrats are trying to destroy every principle | Fox News  

. . ."HILLARY CLINTON TAKES SHOT AT  PROGRESSIVE DEMS, SUGGESTS THEY COULD CAUSE 2022 ELECTION LOSSES    REP. JIM JORDAN: "The Democrats are trying to destroy every norm, precedent and principle we have. Think about what they have done just this past year in Congress. They’ve closed the Capitol; they’ve enacted proxy voting; they’ve kicked Republicans off committees; they wouldn’t let Republicans sit on the select committee; they’re trying to make D.C. a state, trying to end the Electoral College, trying to end the filibuster, trying to pack the [Supreme] court, trying to nationalize elections, as you’ve talked about, trying to let illegal immigrants vote-- and already doing that in some locales and—oh—finally, the Jan. 6 committee has altered evidence and lied to the American people about that information. So, they’re unprecedented—where they want to take us—but the American people get it. We the people get it and we’re going to make sure the principles that make our country great are protected a defended as we go forward." . . .

 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has coronavirus, symptoms ‘mild’ (


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Three Retired Generals Loudly Demand A Military Coup In 2024

I understand their contempt for those running this nation, but something like this could make our stable  nation - for two centuries - become just another tin-pot banana republic that investors would stand clear of. TD

Obama also purged the military of any flag rank officer not reliably progressive, a process Andrea Widburg document at her blog and at American Thinker (here and here). Those who remain today are nothing but progressive race hustlers, such as the odious Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, or traitorous politicians in uniform, such as General Mark “white rage” Milley.

 American Thinker  "Democrats claim that democracy is under attack in America and Democrats must act decisively to protect it. They’ve been trying to end the filibuster, nationalize voting, and pack the Supreme Court. The most ominous “fix,” which hinges on the myth of a “January 6 Insurrection,” sees retired generals argue that the military must purge the ranks of Trump supporters and prepare for a military coup to block a future contested election. This is unconstitutional, illegal, and spells the end of American democracy.

"Victor Davis Hanson notes that leftists are loudly worrying about democracy’s end while ignoring all they’ve done to end democracy, such as bringing in millions of illegal aliens, many of whom are being given the vote; destroying centuries-old governing traditions such as the filibuster; packing the court; ending the Electoral College; and more.

If Democrats can kill the Senate filibuster (and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema is the only thing stopping them, not the craven Senator Mitch McConnell), they have the unfettered ability to enshrine vote fraud and pack the Supreme Court. The latter move spells the final—and deeply unconstitutional—progressive rewrite of our Constitution, and ends our constitutional republic.

"The wild card in all of this, though, is what would the military do if, in fact, the progressives were able to achieve these goals (or even if they weren’t). Three retired officers have signaled that they want to purge the military of Trump supporters, and then plan a takeover of the military and related federal agencies that coordinate with the military to effect a coup in 2024. Considering the current state of the Pentagon, this may be more than a progressive fantasy.

"Thirty years ago, when I was a U.S. Army Infantry Officer, our military was unquestionably a politically neutral, colorblind institution. It was the single most well-integrated institution in our nation and, indeed, was the primary engine integrating our nation.  But progressives have done everything they can to turn the military into a dysfunctional machine warped by racial, sexual, and gender identity divisions. This began with Obama, who injected the toxic myth of white supremacy and the tenets of critical race theory." . . .