Saturday, March 30, 2019

Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump

Rich Terrell
The Epoch Times  "Efforts by high-ranking officials in the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and State Department to portray President Donald Trump as having colluded with Russia were the culmination of years of bias and politicization under the Obama administration."

"The weaponization of the intelligence community and other government agencies created an environment that allowed for obstruction in the investigation into Hillary Clinton and the relentless pursuit of a manufactured collusion narrative against Trump.
A willing and complicit media spread unsubstantiated leaks as facts in an effort to promote the Russia-collusion narrative.

Justice Department Inspector
General  Michael Horowitz. 
. . . "The Spygate scandal also raises a bigger question: Was the 2016 election a one-time aberration, or was it symptomatic of decades of institutional political corruption?
"This article builds on dozens of congressional testimonies, court documents, and other research to provide an inside look at the actions of Obama administration officials in the scandal that’s become known as Spygate.
"To understand this abuse of power, it helps to go back to July 2011, when DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz was appointed."

NBC/MSNBC political news honcho accused of trying to suppress news on behalf of the DNC

Tucker Carlson, under concerted attack by Media Matters and others seeking to drive him off the air, has broadcast devastating rebukes to the two corrupt networks for their conversion into adjuncts of a political party, not legitimate news operations. 

Thomas Lifson  "CNN and MSNBC, the two cable news networks currently in crisis over their pushing of the Russia hoax for years, have another huge worry on their hands: they have been exposed as agents of the Democratic Party's national leadership.  First CNN, and now MSNBC (as well as its parent, NBC News), have been shown to be acting on orders from the Democratic Party." . . .
. . . 
"The newer scandal now rocking the world of broadcast "journalism" is the charge that the managing editor of politics for NBC and MSNBC, Dafna Linzer, acted on behalf of the Democratic National Committee to suppress the reporting of a scoop by a freelance reporter." . . .

. . . "Read the whole thing — or watch Tucker take apart and explain the significance of this scandal, and then discuss the incident with his guest, Chris Plante.  Both segments are rewarding:" . . .
. . . 
"Before we beatify Ali, read Peter Barry Chowka's work on his role in sabotaging the career of Eric Bolling, then at Fox News, herehere, and here."

Friday, March 29, 2019

An Awkward Kiss Changed How I Saw Joe Biden

The Cut 

 . . . "I found my way to the holding room for the speakers, where everyone was chatting, taking photos, and getting ready to speak to the hundreds of voters in the audience. Just before the speeches, we were ushered to the side of the stage where we were lined up by order of introduction. As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?”

"I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.” I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience.

"By then, as a young Latina in politics, I had gotten used to feeling like an outsider in rooms dominated by white men. But I had never experienced anything so blatantly inappropriate and unnerving before. " . . .

Obama to Rashida Tlaib: ‘I’m Proud of You’

Weasel Zippers

"Proud of an anti=Semite. He’s in favor of the chaos the far left freshmen have brought.
Former president Barack Obama allegedly told Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) he was “proud” of her during a meeting yesterday.
The freshman Democrat tweeted a picture of her standing with Obama, writing that he “met with us new members of Congress and we had a thoughtful discussion about serving our country.”
“The best part was when he looked straight at me and said, ‘I’m proud of you,'” Tlaib continued.
Tlaib has had an eventful first few months in office.
By the way, he has also embraced anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan about the time he repeatedly insulted the prime Minister of Israel and sided with those who want to destroy that nation. One such incident from 2010:
Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim

"Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family, it emerged on Thursday."


Daily Caller  "The Mueller investigation has concluded, and Mueller’s declaration has now entered the public record: “The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” But it’s worth reflecting on how the contrary view — the firm conviction that Trump did coordinate with Russia — became so deeply embedded in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. And it’s worth reflecting on why another set of Americans could look at actual, troubling evidence of Russian contacts and simply not care at all." . . .


The Steele Dossier, Hillary Clinton’s Malignant Gift to America

Washington Times
The ‘salacious and unverified’ documents invaded the body politic like a cancer.

National Review  . . . "I urge you to read Chuck Ross’s well-reported account of the comprehensive efforts to “seed the dossier with reporters and government officials.” The efforts were in fact so comprehensive — and the existence of its allegations such an open secret with the press — that I even heard about it in Tennessee during the later stages of the campaign. I was flat-out told that there was evidence Trump had been “compromised” by Russian intelligence." . . .  

. . . "But even in the face of widespread rumors, responsible journalists — or journalists who aspire to responsibility — do not print the rumor, at least not without verifying or debunking it. They should not print the rumor even if they know that law enforcement is looking into it.

"Let’s try a hypothetical. Imagine if you’re a reporter and you know that local police are investigating a wild claim against a prominent local figure. You’ve started to look into the claim yourself, but so far everything you’ve learned contradicts the allegations. Do you dump it into the public domain anyway, heedless of the impact on the public or the person?" . . .

The Jussie Smollett Travesty; CNN's Stelter says "Hey, I guess we'll never know what happened"

National Review  "Chicago prosecutors, dropping the case against Jussie Smollett for allegedly filing a false report that caused a spasm of national anguish and anger two months ago, are hinting that they believe Smollett is in fact guilty of fabricating the supposed
Mike Harris
January 29 attack — but think he should be only lightly punished. Very lightly: They require that he forfeit a bond of $10,000 and do community service, although it is unclear whether this means some unrelated community service Smollett has already done for reasons unrelated to the great Subway Sandwich ambush of 2019. They did not extract a guilty plea or even a 
nolo plea. They were holding a lot of cards, and yet they folded.

"The toxic repercussions of this are quite obvious and have already begun. The prosecution’s action allows Smollett, for his part, to proclaim complete vindication and revert to his story that he was viciously attacked by two guys. The media is now rushing back to Smollett’s side, or to advise us that the whole thing is so mysterious and complex that we should just shut up about it. Ludicrous as Smollett’s account is, damning as the evidence against him is, the likes of CNN’s Brian Stelter are shrugging and saying, “Hey, I guess we’ll never know what happened!” You would have to be very thick to think this, given the changing nature of Smollett’s story and its many far-fetched details. But if Smollett is innocent of fabricating a hoax, why would he submit to even a minimal punishment of, in effect, paying a $10,000 fine? Isn’t he the aggrieved party here? You aren’t supposed to be fined for getting beaten up by two thugs." . . .

The Connection Between Jussie Smollett and the Obama Administration  
Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff calls up the state’s attorney, the state’s attorney hands off the case to her assistant, and the assistant gives Smollett the deal of the century. And all of this is so egregiously, transparently corrupt that mayor and former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is spitting hot fire over this, as is Obama’s former chief strategist David Axelrod.The editors of National Review point out that the prosecutors are creating greater incentives to more hate-crime hoaxes in the future.

 Heroes: Chicago's embattled police are fighting back  . . . "The fact that the politically ambitious and well connected prosecutor's office dropped the charges without telling the cops, and then moved to seal the records — without even a request for it from Smollett's attorneys — suggests that someone wants something covered up...and he's willing to pitch the cops overboard to do it." . . .

Jussie Smollett is nominated for an NAACP Award, and host Anthony Anderson hopes he wins  . . . "“I hope he wins," Anderson added. "I’m happy for him that the system worked for him in his favor because the system isn’t always fair, especially for people of color. So I’m glad it worked out for him."  . . .
. . . " 'This is a whitewash of justice," Emanuel said. "It’s Mr. Smollett who committed this hoax. He’s still saying he's innocent, still running down the Chicago Police Department. How dare he? How dare he? It is wrong. Full stop.' " . . .

Smollett Lawyer: Nigerian Brothers Wore Whiteface!  . . . "That’s why he thought that they were Trump agitators. For crying out loud! Would you look at the literal pollution of everything public in this country that the left ends up touching? Whiteface? The Nigerian brothers put on white face to make Smollett think that they were Trumpists! So the racism triples down now, in addition to the insanity.

Stop the Politically Correct Renaming of Airports!

American Thinker  "Leftists in southern California have their knickers in a knot after a recent Los Angeles Times opinion piece resurfaced of John Wayne’s Playboy interview of 1971.  Most people only read the Times article about the interview, but I read the original, comprehensive interview.  While Wayne had a dirty mouth, he was not the dumb cowboy depicted by his critics.  He had many very thoughtful comments on America, but three or four comments got him in trouble -- 50 years later.

. . . 
"They were so bad, progressives want his name removed from the John Wayne Airport, the commercial airport serving Orange County, California.  However, other progressives are tolerant of a black who said equally objectionable things who is to have an airport named for him."
. . . 
"But progressives in are not as sensitive to rooting out people who expressed bigoted sentiments around the same time Wayne unburdened himself of his thoughts, if they are Muslim.  A Black Muslim from Louisville, M[u]hammad Ali, is to get his home town airport named for him.
. . . 
"Almost everyone praised [Muhammad]Ali’s “courage” for refusing to fight for his country (or serve as a non-combatant) during the Vietnam War, suggesting that he was a very principled man; however, few are willing to discuss his call for murder and his lack of self-discipline when it came to sexual affairs.
"The London Daily Mail bravely opined, “when it came to his private life his morals were those of an alley cat.  The way he treated his first three wives and neglected some of his nine (known) children was frankly disgraceful.”
"Let’s all learn from any real mistakes and move on. Stop whining and looking for ways to be offended.  Moreover, let’s stop requiring people from the past to meet the present, modern, exalted progressive values. But if Wayne’s name should be removed from the California airport then Ali’s name should be removed from the Kentucky airport.  Everyone will agree with that except the hypocrites. 
"Leave both airports alone. "

Where Joe Biden might find a culture up to his standards?

By Michael James  "The problem with modern political correctness run amok is its reinforcement of stupid lies and hate.

Ladies, you're safe with Uncle Joe
"Joe Biden had this to say yesterday: “In the 1900s so many women were dying at the hands of their husbands because they were chattel, just like the cattle, or the sheep, that the court of Common Law decided they had to do something about the extent of the deaths.
 "You know what they said? No man has a right to chastise his woman with a rod thicker than the circumference of his thumb. This is English Jurisprudential culture, a white man's culture. It's got to change. It's got to change.”
"There has never existed such a “rule of thumb.”  The original phrase is generic in principle and refers to a learned standard; the carpenter “eyeballs” for level, the musician tunes “close enough for jazz.”
"Jurist Sir William Blackstone refers to an "old law" that allowed "moderate" beatings by husbands.  Let’s assume Blackstone wrote this around 1750 and then imagine just how old this “old law” was even in his day.  Blackstone never mentions a “rule of thumb” for wife beating.
"In fact, “rule of thumb” never carried any connotation connected with spouse thumping until the 1970s when some stupid feminist screed lied and applied it specifically to wife beating.  In 1982 the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights published a report on domestic abuse titled "Under the Rule of Thumb" thus codifying a lie first tendered a decade earlier.
"Old Joe takes this old lie and blithely turns it into a new fact.  Then he has the nerve to blame domestic abuse on white man’s culture.
"Is Joe telling us that historically no domestic abuse ever occurred in Africa?  Joe, show us the ancient written laws from Africa outlawing wife beating; the African jurisprudential culture we should adopt.
"Maybe he is referring to Muslim countries; Quran (38:44) - "And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with it, and do not break your oath..."  Yeah, let’s change our culture to that.
"The most recent state-run culture of Chicago black on black murder statistics look like this:
  • 2016 - 748
  • 2017 - 636
  • 2018 - 546
"Ghetto slavery is a government endorsed lethal culture that is screaming and bleeding for modification.
"But Joe Biden says that white man’s culture needs to change.
"The lies and insults grow more personal every day.  Anti-white invective is relentlessly articulated by the left and nobody says a word; half of America votes for the hate and oppression offered by Democrats.
"They used to say “Give ‘em hell, Harry.”
"But we need to change, so let’s change that to “Go to hell, Joe.' ” 

What would Biden replace our 'English jurisprudential culture' with?
To cavalierly dismiss a system of law that has given us all the protections we cherish as our birthright amounts to an attack on America itself.
While Biden is not regarded as a great legal scholar, he did in fact attend law school.  Will any member of the Fourth Estate have the courage to ask him: "Sir, if you jettison English jurisprudence, then what would you have us replace it with?"

Thursday, March 28, 2019

A Listing of Participants with possible involvement or affiliation in Trump Surveillance, Steele Dossier and/or the Russia Narrative.

Tony Branco
themarketswork   "Individuals have been placed into the following groups:
  • Resignations/Firings – Department of Justice (Non-FBI)
  • Resignations/Firings – FBI
  • FBI/DOJ Watch List
  • FBI – Assignments Away from FBI Headquarters
  • Other Notable Retirements
  • Intelligence Officials – United States
  • Intelligence Officials – Britain
  • Intelligence Officials – Australia
  • Obama Officials
  • Clinton Campaign/DNC
  • Devin Nunes – List of Individuals referred to Joint Task Force for open-setting interviews
  • Clinton Confidants
  • Perkins Coie
  • Sea Island Meeting – Never Trump
  • Websites/Blogs – Lawfare, Just Security, Moscow Project
  • Think Tanks – Center for American Progress, Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution
  • Crowdstrike
  • Fusion GPS’ (Bean LLC) Principals and Key Staff
  • Fusion Affiliations
  • Christopher Steele Connections
  • Hakluyt – UK private Intelligence firm
  • Penn Quarter Group
  • Papadopoulos Related
  • Trump Tower Meeting
  • Individuals Relating to Magnitsky Act
  • Oleg Deripaska Connections
  • Mueller Team
  • Congress
  • FISA Court Judges
  • Print Reporters
"Treat this post as a work in progress. Names will be added as we move forward." . . .

Devin Nunes, GOP HPSCI Members Cite Schiff’s Past And Present False Russia Collusion Claims

People's Pundit Daily  

"Rep. Devin Nunes R-Calif., and the other Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee, called for the “immediate resignation” of Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., citing his repeated false claims on Russia collusion.
"Attorney General William Barr penned a letter over the weekend summarizing the findings of the investigation conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
"The bombshell four-page letter to lawmakers–viewable here–stated definitively there was no collusion “despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”
"Yet, Chairman Schiff continues to claim evidence of collusion exists, offering none to support the claims. The investigation by Mr. Mueller came to the same conclusion the committee drew under Mr. Nunes.
“ 'Despite these findings, you continue to proclaim to the media that there is ‘significant evidence of collusion,'” the letter states. “Your willingness to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming.”
“ 'The findings of the Special Counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and have exposed your position to knowingly promote false information, having damaged the integrity of this committee, and undermined faith in U.S. institutions.”
“ 'Your actions are incompatible with your duties as Chairman of this committee,” the letter adds. “As such, we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.' ”
Ian Macfarlane

Smollet's celebrity friends help out; Hollywood has juice with Democrat politicians, you know

Rich Terrell

National District Attorneys Association Blasts Cook County State’s Attorneys handling Of Jussie Smolett Case 

BREAKING: FBI Is 'Reviewing' Circumstances Surrounding Dismissal Of Criminal Charges Against Smollett, Report Says  . . . "Two law enforcement officials briefed on the matter tell @ABC the FBI is *reviewing* circumstances surrounding dismissal of criminal charges against Jussie Smollett," Elgas tweeted. "ABC News is told this is not an investigation. It is a 'review' or 'inquiry'." . . .  Also here: FBI Reviewing Shady Circumstances Surrounding Dismissal of Jussie Smollett Charges

. . . Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx was communicating with Tina Tchen, a former aide to Barack and Michelle Obama about Jussie Smollett’s case shortly after the ‘Empire’ actor staged the hate hoax crime.
"Tina Tchen sent Kim Foxx an email on February 1st saying, “Hi Kim – I sent an email to your work address I think as well. I wanted to give you a call on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know. They have concerns about the investigation. I am on an 8 am flight to nyc but please call me before then. I land about 1015 Chicago time. My cell is [redacted]. Many thanks!”
"In one text exchange with a Smollett relative (name is redacted), Kim Foxx is reassuring the individual that she spoke to the superintendent and asked for a favor.
Pictured: Kim Foxx and Jussie Smollett: 

State of the Nation:  . . . "Bottom line: The blowback from SMOLLETTgate has already been fast and furious.  What’s been quite exceptional is that both the MSM and all the traditional Democrat apologists have reacted with unusual scorn to transparently unscrupulous decision to unjustifiably drop such serious charges.  Not only has this incomparable act of prosecutorial misconduct drawn unwanted light to the corrupt Democrat machine operating with impunity in Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois, it has also put the spotlight on the entrenched criminal nexus between Chicago, California and Washington, D.C.  Even Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is extremely unhappy with all the attention. See: Chicago Mayor Continues to Slam Smollett Cover-up"

Facing an FBI and DoJ investigation of Smollett case, Kim Foxx is panicking and changing her story
"The fate of the higher-ups who pulled the strings to get Jussie Smollett off the hook is now in the hands of a dummy who is panicking.

"The venerable political machine that runs the most corrupt big city in America, the very city whose gave us the presidency of Barack Obama, is erupting in a political civil war over a case that has riveted the attention of the public.  What makes this story a beacon of hope for reform-minded populists is that the fate of the rascals is now in the hands of an incompetent public official who has outraged the public with obvious corruption of justice, and who is now panicking and making huge mistakes because the walls are starting to close in on her." . . .
. . . "Kim Foxx probably would not be the state’s attorney for Cook County without the financial support of George Soros. The $330,000 he personally contributed to her super PAC for her primary election was followed by another $75,000 after she defeated the incumbent, in the wake of public outrage over suppression of police video of the shooting of Laclan McDonald.  Mr. Soros may have wanted a dummy in the office to assure that instructions would be obeyed, but Foxx now has dug herself a hole and doesn’t understand the need to stop digging.  She is changing her story – always a mistake because it proves she was lying, an absolute no-no for a prosecutor."

UPDATE: Hat tip to  Kimberly D. Mons
