Monday, August 17, 2020

KA ma-la; Ka MA la, Ka-ma-LAH, we hardly knew ya.

Rich Terrell
Now, criticizing Kamala . . . Harris has been officially declared racist and cisgender and sexist, as well as sexist, cisgender, and racist, by The New York Times, all of pinko Twitter, and the Fredocons, so we better not criticize her. Got that? No criticism. You must just sit back and let the tsunami of excitement created by the nomination of this avaricious grasper wash over you.  Kurt Schlichter
THIS Is Why Trump HATES Kamala Harris  "Pres. Trump just called Sen. Kamala Harris "extraordinarily nasty" for her grilling of Brett Kavanaugh -- when she pressed Kavanaugh on whether he had ever discussed the Mueller investigation with Trump's lawyer."

She seems to believe that by repeating the word "debate" over and over, it negates everything she attacked Biden about. So was she lying then, or is she lying now?
. . . "Sounds like what she’s saying is that her ripping him to shreds in that first debate was just words, meaningless. Like her claiming she believed Biden’s accusers last year but seemingly forgetting that this year, this is another example of Harris being willing to say anything if it sounds good enough to get her ahead politically." . . .

Does Kamala Harris Excite Absolutely Anyone at All?  . . . "The Trump campaign, then, can focus on depressing the Democratic enthusiasm by continuing their assault on Biden’s decades of unproductive work in Washington D.C. and Kamala Harris’ past and her lack of consistency. These are the angles that the Trump team should take (assuming the President can stay on message, which seems to be a continuing problem for him), and it is very likely that a lot of the more progressive voters could be so depressed by the election that they simply stay home." . . .

Democratic State House Candidate Suggests Minnesota Suburb Be Burned Down: ‘I Didn’t Come Here To Be Peaceful’

Weasel Zippers
The guy yelling and cursing at neighborhood children and neighbors of police union leader Bob Kroll is John Thompson, a Dem candidate for the MN House of Representatives. He has been endorsed by Rep. Ilhan Omar, MN Gov. Tim Walz, and MN AG Keith Ellison.
Video here

Biden Staffers Donated to Nonprofit That Bails Out Violent Suspects

Newsmax  . . . "Biden says he opposes the cash bail system, with his website labeling it as the "modern-day debtors' prison" that "disproportionately harms low-income individuals." For that reason, the former vice-president plans to lead a national effort to end cash bail and reform the nation's pretrial system.
"The bails are paid, MFF interim executive director Greg Lewin, told Fox News, because the organization wants to stop the bail system 
" 'I often don't even look at a charge when I bail someone out," Greg Lewin, the interim executive director of MFF, commented. "I will see it after I pay the bill because it is not the point. The point is the system we are fighting.' "

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Ghouls: Trump's brother dies, and out comes the leftists, full of hate and bile

Monica Showalter "You had to know this was coming, didn't you? Based on the sick types of talk and tweets that came of the deaths of Herman Cain, David Koch, Andrew Breitbart, Antonin Scalia, Ronald Reagan, and many others, we know that much of the left loves to cheer the demise of their opponents. Human sympathy never figures at all. And when the target is the man who leaves them foaming at the mouth, the worst sort of cheering is what's to be heard.
"Which brings us to the sad death of Robert Trump, 71, President Trump's beloved brother, an event that anyone with decency would use to send kind words of sympathy to the surviving Trump family, all of whom loved him dearly, and positive words about the man himself. 
"No such luck around certain elements of the left.
"A breakdown of what's been seen on Twitter gives us some insight as to how they're using this for their own creepy ends:
"First, insults against the man himself - not just the raw insults of the rabid left but the insulting reduction of the man to a late-life lawsuit over a tell-all book, something that came from the press. Lots of celebration in these: . . ."  Read these if you dare...;
They will sicken decent people

Friday, August 14, 2020

Kamala Has Already Struck Out

These guidelines made it abundantly clear that the media were "required" to handle Biden's choice with kid gloves.  Questions were not to be probing; instead, this veep candidate, unlike the vicious coverage Sarah Palin endured years ago, was to be above questioning.  . . . Bottom line: Biden is in hiding; Kamala is untouchable.

Image by Genghis Gary.
Janice Shaw Crouse  "Even before the Democrat presidential candidate, Joe Biden, named his choice for vice president, a group of Democrat Party activists released an unprecedented document outlining their "rules" for how the media could address issues surrounding the woman Biden ultimately chose.  These guidelines made it abundantly clear that the media were "required" to handle Biden's choice with kid gloves.  Questions were not to be probing; instead, this veep candidate, unlike the vicious coverage Sarah Palin endured years ago, was to be above questioning.  With astounding hubris, the Democrats actually warned the media that they would "monitor coverage" of the female veep candidate and that anything even slightly critical would be condemned as "racist and sexist."  Hollywood celebrities and the usual line-up of leftist women's groups (NARAL, Planned Parenthood, etc.) have promised Kamala, "We've got your back." . . .

"1. Opportunistic Career Path — We are not supposed to have noticed (or it's not supposed to make a difference or matter), but Kamala Harris came into politics as a mistress under the patronage of the notoriously unethical speaker of the House in California, Willie Brown. " . . .
"2. Radical Woke Ideologies and Policies — Many analysts believe that Kamala Harris will be America's most radical left political candidate ever. " . . .
"3. Kavanaugh Hearings Debacle — The final strike is the most disgraceful.  The way Kamala Harris treated Brett Kavanaugh at the 2018 confirmation hearings was the most disrespectful and vicious of the senators.  She stood out at the hearings for her deceitful questioning and the revolting tone of her accusations.  She accepted the flimsiest of evidence in attacking Kavanaugh – for instance, the implausible and unsubstantiated accusation of gang rape — and praised an obviously "deceptively edited video" claiming that Kavanaugh opposed birth control, claiming that it was all about "punishing women."
Her extreme positions were so bad that she was actually called out by the left. Her attacks — called fear-invoking lies and possibly attempts at a presidential audition — were acknowledged as false and criticized by left-wing PolitiFact and her liberal hometown newspapers, The San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times.  As President Trump said, she was, indeed, "extraordinarily nasty" to Brett Kavanaugh.
"Guy Benson, Townhall political editor, described her Kavanaugh performance as "particularly demagogic, cynical and abysmal.' " . . .

Here we see how this will all play out: D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser: Trump Calling Kamala Harris Angry and Mean Is ‘a Racist Trope’…
"Get ready for endless amounts of this nonsense until November."

Whatever Happens, Kamala Harris Wins

Biden backed himself into a corner through his malapropistic aspersions of African Americans and the claims against him about molestation of women (claims Harris once endorsed), and pledged a black female candidate (or, as some have suggested, a dark-skinned person with a cervix).
Conrad Black
If the ticket is successful, her chances of being president are excellent. And if the Democrats lose, the ranks of defeated vice presidential candidates include many who went on to greater things.
 "The appointment of Senator Kamala Harris as Democratic candidate for vice president is a suitable final step in the increasingly goofy Joe Biden campaign, prior to next week’s virtual Democratic convention. She was a catastrophic candidate for the presidential nomination, starting out as a strong rival to Marxist Senator Bernie Sanders, and like Biden himself and all the others except Mayor Pete Buttigieg, her candidacy sank like a rock. Almost every policy question was answered with a pious assertion of the need for “a national conversation.”
"If her proposals had been acted upon, the country would have been swept by a pandemic of logorrhea (the inability to stop talking). Harris favors open borders and compared the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) service to the Ku Klux Klan. 
"She favors the entire Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Green Terror, including abolition of fracking and ultimately of fossil fuel consumption and use, and the now customary Democratic hare-brained nonsense about windmills and solar panels. (At the confirmation hearing for James Mattis as secretary of defense, she asked him how he would combat climate change.) 
"She favors free full-service public healthcare for everyone, sharply increased taxes, and the confiscation of privately owned firearms—Beto O’Rourke could soon be on every doorstep in America." . . .  More...


Something’s not quite right about this. The victim’s name is Myron Berryman, but no pictures are published yet.

NY Post  "The 51-year-old man whose shooting by the Secret Service disrupted President Trump’s press conference is a 6-foot-3 former licensed boxer who was previously charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, according to a report.
"Myron Berryman has been charged with assaulting a law enforcement officer after allegedly approaching a Secret Service agent Monday evening while claiming to have a weapon.
"The officer shot Berryman in the torso when he “crouched into a shooter’s stance as if about to fire a weapon,” officials said.
"Berryman, who has lived in Dayton, Ohio, Forrestville, Maryland, and, more recently, Wheeling, West Virginia, was charged in 2012 with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct in Prince George’s County, the Washington Post reported.
"He sought to take his case to trial, but it ended in a plea in 2013, according to the newspaper." . . .

Something’s not quite right about this. The victim’s name is Myron Berryman, but no pictures are published yet. His sister says he’s a very mild mannered kind person.

. . . "She speculated that he could have been taking part in protests outside the White House, where demonstrators have been gathering since the killing of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police.
“ 'Myron is always encouraging everybody,” she said. “He has never had anything negative to say. He always encourages people.”
"Authorities are trying to figure out if Berryman has a history of mental illness. No weapon was recovered from the scene of the shooting, officials have said." . . .

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kamala Harris Has No Follow-Through

There is no value to a “viral moment” if you have to spend the days that follow it awkwardly explaining yourself. Too often, Harris has shown she is willing to give her audience whatever it wants even at the cost of her political fortunes. It already cost her the nomination. It may cost Joe Biden the presidency.
Ian Macfarlane
Noah Rothman  "Joe Biden’s decision to draft Senator Kamala Harris into the presidential race has been hailed as a tactically deft maneuver. She represents a portion of the Democratic electorate—one that is overrepresented in the press—that has struggled to find any enthusiasm for Biden. But while Harris brings a lot to the Democratic table, what she seems to lack is any capacity for strategic planning. As her time in the national spotlight has demonstrated, Harris’s ability to mount a sustained and effective campaign against her chosen targets is woefully inadequate.
"Take, for example, the “moment” Harris had during Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. Clips of the California senator’s performance went viral after she grilled the Supreme Court nominee over a meeting she alleged that he had taken with “President Trump’s personal lawyer.” Harris’s allegation was dripping with implication, and just vague enough to allow Americans who were hostile toward Kavanaugh to assume the worst." . . .

Weasel Zippers

Clint Eastwood: Obama ‘Worst President In Our History; He Looted America’

“ 'There is a good film in all this,” Eastwood said. “A cautionary tale about a Republic in crisis.” “ 'But America is not ready for it yet. The third act isn’t finished. We need arrests.

Newspunch  "Shameless Barack Obama “looted America like a mobster” while running “the dirtiest business in the town” according to Clint Eastwood, who also declared that history will judge Obama to be “the very worst president in the history of the United States – by some distance.
“ 'Nobody would have predicted Obama would turn out to be such a vindictive bully,” Clint
Eastwood said in London, England, while promoting his new film, 15:17 To Paris, about three young Americans who thwarted a terrorist attack on a French train in 2015.
The great shame of the Obama administration was the way he looted ordinary Americans, and then put out hit-jobs on anybody who dared to question his White House,” Eastwood said.
“ 'There is hard evidence that anyone who filed a formal complaint with the authorities about illegal actions by Obama’s administration was hit with vindictive and destructive bullying tactics by Obama’s people.”
“ 'The Obama administration ruined millions of people’s lives. Go and speak to the thousands of US citizens in New York, Seattle, Dallas, Boston, you name it, who had hit-jobs put on them by Obama and his administration.
"According to the veteran actor and director, who was mocked by mainstream media for campaigning against Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, Obama was “living under daily fear of being exposed” for running a sham presidency designed to exclusively benefit the elites who “rigged” his path into office.
“ 'Silicon Valley, Chicago political dirty tricksters, and mainstream news cartels controlled by the DNC managed to rig Obama’s way into office based on promises of kickbacks. And boy did Obama deliver.
“ 'Dirtiest business in town”
“ 'In hindsight it has become clearer that Obama’s presidency was hanging by a thread of cover-ups,” Eastwood said.
“ 'We’re talking Russian billionaire mining deals, Solyndra and Afghan profiteering schemes, and the like. The whole White House knew they were walking a tightrope. They could all go down in one Watergate-type revelation at any moment.
“ 'Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder was voted the most corrupt Attorney General in history. And he had to be.”
"But it wasn’t just Eric Holder, according to Eastwood. “There is a whole network of dirty tricks operatives passing themselves off as moral guardians of our country. Even Obama’s own FBI broke laws and the limits of morality.”
“ 'There is a good film in all this,” Eastwood said. “A cautionary tale about a Republic in crisis.
“ 'But America is not ready for it yet. The third act isn’t finished. We need arrests.' 

Liberal Double Standards At Work

Power Line  "The situational ethics of liberals is seldom more vividly displayed than in this pair of Tweets from Shaun King, the faux-black commentator on CNN:"

"Question: Harris is “the most progressive VP nominee in American history”? Is she really to the left of the pro-Soviet Henry Wallace? Good to know."

Report: Dem Operatives Sent Memo To News Outlets That They Will Be Called Racist And Sexist For Critiquing Kamala Harris

Ian Macfarlane
This is becoming terrifying.
Woe to Americans if they believe the lies of Biden and Harris. They are two lightweights who will crash America’s economy, decimate her culture, and embolden the mob. If you want Black Lives Matter to rule America’s cities, vote for Biden and Harris. . . . 
Joe and Kamala, the Demagogic DuoThe debut of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was marked by audacious lies.  
. . . "On ample display Wednesday was the ticket’s relentless demagoguery. Both Biden and Harris are audacious and monumental liars. It is a toss-up as to who lied more in their speeches. Biden repeated the malicious whopper that Donald Trump praised white supremacists at Charlottesville. That is a malignant lie that shows Biden’s willingness to divide the country for his own political gain. Biden knows perfectly well that Trump was referring not to white supremacists but to Virginians opposed to the Left’s monument-toppling iconoclasm.
" 'Both Biden and Harris spoke of the “soul of the nation,” a phrase that ill befits a party determined to drive religion out of public life. Harris is on record saying that mere membership in the Knights of Columbus disqualifies a person from serving in the judiciary. Biden has said that he will force the Little Sisters of the Poor to violate their faith." . . .

Report: Dem Operatives Sent Memo To News Outlets That They Will Be Called Racist And Sexist For Critiquing Kamala Harris
It all begins now, with more to follow. Expect CNN and MSNBC to have discussion panels non-stop.
You mean like this?
The Real Kamala Harris   "Tucker Carlson of Fox News calls Harris a corrupt and dangerous fraud who sees laws and powers only as means to punish her enemies, pursue her agenda, and get elected. As Carlson noted:
. . . "The wrap on Harris in exit polls is that she’s a fraud," Carlson said. "She doesn’t really believe in anything, she'll say whatever it takes. Of course, that is also Harris’s primary strength." . . .
What Are They Afraid Of? Biden and HarrisTake No Questions From Reporters After First Appearance Together  . . . "Biden and Harris lied about President Trump during their first debut together.
"Joe Biden falsely claimed President Trump has spent four years coddling terrorists and thugs all over the world.
" 'Kamala Harris falsely claimed President Trump “inherited a historic economic expansion from Obama and Biden, but squandered it just like everything else he inherited.”
"Neither of the rodeo clowns took questions from reporters after the trainwreck event." . . .
Dallas defender Reggie Cannon said he was disgusted by the boos at Toyota Stadium when players and officials knelt to call attention to racial injustice
The combination of a soulless Democrat Party, a corrupt press and - I'd say - education system molding the minds of shallow, malleable youth is frightening to think of. TD

When will we stop tolerating the use of race as a club and whip against America?
 NOW Board Member Accused of Posing as Woman of Color to Boost Re-Election Chances  . . . “ 'You can’t wear race like lipstick—one day you want to be red, one day you want to be black, one day you want to be brown,' ” . . .

Barr says he won’t wait until after election to reveal Durham’s findings. Democrats fear a campaign-altering surprise.

WaPo  Attorney General William P. Barr reiterated this week that he will not wait until after November’s election to release whatever U.S. Attorney John Durham finds in his examination of the FBI’s 2016 investigation into President Trump’s campaign, raising fears among Democrats that Barr and Durham could upend the presidential race with a late revelation.
"Republicans have been eagerly awaiting Durham’s findings — hopeful that the prosecutor Barr handpicked last year to investigate the investigation of possible coordination between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia will validate their fierce criticisms of the bureau. Democrats, meanwhile, have worried that the Connecticut U.S. attorney is aiding a political stunt designed to undercut an investigation that dogged Trump’s presidency.
U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut John Durham. (AP)
"As the election draws near — and much of what Durham is doing remains a mystery — both sides have grown increasingly anxious, with liberals fretting over an October surprise, and Republicans wondering whether Durham’s work could push into the next administration.
"John Durham has a stellar reputation for investigating corruption. Some* fear his work for Barr could tarnish it.

"Barr has repeatedly and stridently attacked the Russia investigation — saying that what happened to Trump was “one of the greatest travesties in American history” — while hinting vaguely that he is “troubled” by what he knows Durham has found. That has drawn accusations from Democrats and legal analysts that he is inappropriately talking about an ongoing case and prejudging its outcome." . . .

*Please name the "some".