Thursday, August 12, 2021

DACA: Degenerate Arsonists? Come Aboard!

By “global surveillance,” the Times means “cameras.” It’s one thing to have cameras recording cops 24/7, but when cameras are used to catch criminals, well, gentlemen, we’re looking at a civil rights case.

Ann Coulter;  "The New York Times recently ran an indignant article on the Department of

Justice’s arrest of two fugitives in Mexico who were accused of involvement in a mostly peaceful arson during the #BLM protests in the Twin Cities last year. As the Times described it: “One night in the Twin Cities, shortly after the killing of George Floyd, someone set a fire in a Goodwill.”

"Why would law enforcement authorities be so obsessed with such a minor offense? “To fellow protesters,” the Times explained, “it’s part of an extreme crackdown on those who most fervently demonstrated against America’s criminal justice system.”

"A former FBI agent, Michael German — now working for the anti-police Brennan Center for Justice — confirmed that former Attorney General William Barr’s Department of Justice had pursued BLM protesters “very aggressively,” adding, “It wouldn’t surprise me that this case would have been a high-priority one.” (Do any FBI agents support law enforcement?)

"Luckily, that’s changed under President Biden!

"Whereas the Times was upset that the perps were caught, my takeaway from the story was: HECKUVA JOB, IMMIGRATION AUTHORITIES!

"It seems our arsonist heroes are Jose Angel Felan Jr., a Mexican immigrant with multiple felony convictions, and his accomplice, Mena Dyaha Yousif, an Iraqi generously taken in by this country as a child because of a war in her own country.  (Of course, our government won’t just come out and tell us when criminals are immigrants, much less illegal immigrants, but the Felan family’s specialization in transporting illegals across the border is a pretty good hint.)" . . .

Well, he's not "Andrew the Pius"

 Melissa DeRosa, Cuomo’s Chief Toady, Jumps Ship  . . . "Ouch. But the AG report also documents how Melissa DeRosa tried to undermine the credibility of accuser Lindsey Boylan.

Lindsey Boylan was the first woman to accuse Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. In December, 2020, Boylan tweeted that the governor had “sexually harassed” her over her looks. She also called him “one of the biggest harassers of all time.” Melissa DeRosa and Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi quickly went into damage control — not by defending the governor’s name, but by smearing Boylan.

"The two sent Lindsey Boylan’s personnel records, which included some complaints, to various news outlets. Not only that, but DeRosa also circulated a proposed op-ed written by Cuomo that contained “personal and professional attacks” on Boylan. DeRosa later shared the letter with former and current Executive Chamber employees.

"The AG report also notes how Melissa DeRosa, along with other top aides, were slow to report the complaints of former staffer Charlotte Bennett. Bennett had said that Cuomo had asked her if she was monogamous, and if she had sex with older men." . . .

Andrew Cuomo's Shameless Resignation  . . . "And that is why I am finally reaching the last of the dry heaves over the shameless kabuki by Andrew Cuomo, who fell on his, ahem, sword on Tuesday and graciously announced his departure from office for the greater good. The man who lamented the fact that the discussion was not about facts, truth, or thoughtful analysis but the product of a political system driven by extremists. He moaned that rashness has replaced reasonableness and that loudness has replaced soundness. Who exactly didn’t give him a break? What unreasonable faction brought about this noble man’s downfall? His brother? MSNBC? NBC? CBS? The New York Times? Bueller…Bueller?" . . .

Ian Macfarlane

 Alec Baldwin Blames Cancel Culture for Cuomo Resignation: 'This Is a Tragic Day'
   Regardless of what you think of Cuomo, this is a tragic day. Party politics in this country draw ambitious but ultimately isolated, even socially maladjusted men and women who, given the current cancel culture, will likely have their shortcomings exposed and magnified             

The Great Reset: The Global Elite’s Plan To Radically Remake Our Economic And Social Lives

 Noisy Room

. . . Table of Contents
. . . "Whether one thinks that the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions were a good-faith response to a public health emergency or not is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that it accustomed Americans and Westerners to significant restrictions on their freedoms, including freedom of movement. More than that, it showed those in power that people that if you created enough fear, Americans would tolerate the restrictions.

move to cities

"Thus, consciously or not, global elites were grooming the world population for a police state. Fortunately, there has been some pushback and vaccine passports are encountering stiff resistance from both elected officials and the general population at large. For most of 2020 and 2021, the most freedom-loving people on earth – Americans – were walking around with dirty, useless masks on to comply with a government mandate. A mandate that after further scrutiny, made no sense. Americans even allowed their children to be subjected to this as a condition of attending school." . . .

End Run Around Constitution? Biden Admin Pressures Facebook to Censor Americans: Report  "President Joe Biden is at odds with the First Amendment. His administration has reportedly pressured Facebook for several months to censor Americans who post views contradicting the administration’s COVID-19 narrative.

"The First Amendment prohibits the federal government from restricting the right of Americans to freely express their beliefs. However, in an attempted end run around the Constitution, the Biden administration has pressured Facebook to adopt the government’s position on “misinformation” concerning messaging about COVID-19, according to The New York Times." . . .

Biden Administration Turns to OPEC for Increased Oil Production After Cancelling American Pipelines

Tony Branco

 American Greatness   "On Wednesday, the Biden White House asked the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to increase oil production and exportation in an attempt to reduce rising gas prices in the United States, the Daily Caller reports.

"Biden’s National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, released a statement saying that “higher gasoline prices, if left unchecked, risk harming the ongoing global recovery. The price of crude oil has been higher than it was at the end of 2019, before the onset of the pandemic.” . . .

Among these was the Keystone XL Pipeline, which was approved and began construction under President Donald Trump, but halted by Biden immediately after he seized power. Biden also ordered the suspension of all new oil and gas leases in the country. During the Trump presidency, the United States not only became energy independent, but also became a leading exporter of oil and other natural gasses. As a result, the nation was no longer dependent on foreign oil from the Middle East and other volatile regions, thus leading to a reduction in prices due to resource stability.

. . . 

 Joe Biden broke America's oil production — and now he does this  . . . "At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance has a pithy summary of all the things that Biden has done to destroy America's oil and gas sector — a booming sector that was making America energy independent and lowering the price of all goods and services:

(1) Shut down oil and energy development in ANWAR {LINK} which would increase use of the Alaska pipeline. (2) Blocked the Keystone Pipeline from completion {LINK} (3) Banned energy development on federal lands {LINK}. (4) Shut down the sale of energy leases in the Gulf of Mexico {LINK}. and (5) Blocked energy development in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Alabama {LINK

"Thanks to Biden's decisions, tens of thousands of workers in the energy sector are now unemployed, and fuel prices have increased by as much as 60%.". . . 

Too bad about those worker wage gains, Biden's inflation has already wolfed them down

Rising prices on everything from groceries to gasoline have eaten away the wage gains workers have seen since the start of the year, leaving most Americans earning less than they were before the pandemic began and derailing the White House's argument that paychecks have grown under President Joe Biden's tenure

OMG! You won't believe what Hunter Biden told a prostitute. Adults only article.

Remember, again, that the tech tyrants and the media conspired to withhold from the American public any news about Hunter Biden's predilections.  Many went to the polls utterly unaware that Joe Biden's son is not only a gross excuse for a human being, but also someone whose perversions run so deep that his father may not have any free agency when it comes to America's enemies, whether at home or abroad.

 Andrea Widburg   "Hunter Biden is an incredibly disgusting human being.  We know about the drugs and the prostitutes, but there have long been rumors that he's done worse than that.  Here's the bad thing for America about Hunter's debauchery: while we merely suspect those terrible things, Hunter's confession in 2019 to a prostitute suggests that if he really did unspeakable things, America's geopolitical enemies — whether Russians or Chinese — may have proof.

"Hunter liked creating his own pornography, and the contents of the hard drive he abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware suggest that he compulsively filmed his sexual encounters with a variety of prostitutes.  Knowing of his affinity for prostitutes, rumors have abounded for a long time that, when Hunter was in China with Joe in 2013, the Chinese had the bright idea to supply him with children for sex.

"It's easy to believe that Hunter would agree to this perversion simply because he grew up around a man who, at least in public, can't keep his hands off little girls.  Moreover, we know from Hunter's own texts that he was warned away from being sexually inappropriate around a minor and was no longer allowed to be alone with her.  It's also possible that Hunter was too drugged out to know whether he was having sex with a child, a woman, or a sheep.

"It's also easy to believe that Hunter would film those encounters for his later viewing pleasure.  That's what he does." . . .

That's why it matters greatly that Hunter, during a tryst in 2019 with a prostitute, told her that he'd had an 18-day bender in Las Vegas, during which he spent up to $10,000 a night — and that Russian drug-dealers stole one of his laptops:

'The Russians have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex!' Hunter Biden is seen in unearthed footage telling prostitute that Russian drug dealers stole ANOTHER of his laptops WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT

"Hunter's claims raise the possibility that he was targeted as a vulnerable conduit to Joe Biden as part of a foreign intelligence operation." . . .

"The prostitute asked Hunter if he was worried the Russian alleged thieves would try to 'blackmail' him.

"Hunter replied: 'Yeah in some way yeah.'

" 'My dad [inaudible] running for president,' he told her in a hushed voice. 'He is. I talk about it all the time.

" 'If they do, he also knows I make like a gazillion dollars.'

"Hunter appeared to be dismayed that if the video was sold by the alleged thieves to porn or news companies he would be unable to cash in on the explicit videos himself." . . . 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

DACA: Degenerate Arsonists? Come Aboard!

 Ann Coulter

 . . . Felan didn't just light up a Goodwill store. He also started blazes at a school for disadvantaged youth and an Asian-owned black hair products store -- establishments that practically scream "White Supremacy Power Structure"!

"The New York Times recently ran an indignant article on the Department of Justice's arrest of two fugitives in Mexico who were accused of involvement in a mostly peaceful arson during the #BLM protests in the Twin Cities last year. As the Times described it: "One night in the Twin Cities, shortly after the killing of George Floyd, someone set a fire in a Goodwill."
. . . 
"That was the whole point of this 3,200-word article: The arrest of criminal immigrants in Mexico "exposed a growing system of global surveillance."
"By "global surveillance," the Times means "cameras." It's one thing to have cameras recording cops 24/7, but when cameras are used to catch criminals, well, gentlemen, we're looking at a civil rights case."   . . .

Is This a Joke? One Traitorous GOP Senator Is Working to Undo the Trump Judiciary Wins

Matt Vespa

"What are we doing people? I mean, really, what is the GOP doing? They’re about to cave on the debt ceiling. We all know they’re not going to be able to take the pressure. We know they’re going to get rolled on fighting this amnesty provision in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, but it’s fine because the Senate passed a bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure package which is really just an orgy of wasteful spending. And it’s worthless because Speaker Nancy Pelosi already said she's not going to vote on the bipartisan deal until the left-wing reconciliation bill is passed first. But it’s okay—because the Senate acted as if they’re doing something useful. The mayor of this clown town effort is Mitt Romney who said that this deal was a win for the GOP, but also Biden and the Democrats. So, we’re going to give Biden at least a trillion dollars in new spending amid rising inflation, plus amnesty for millions of illegals. I think we’re going to lose. There’s no way the GOP can win this fight, not after their capitulation on this deal. Nineteen defected to back this $1.2 trillion deal. Get out of here. And now they’re working with Democrats to screw us on the Judiciary.

"It was brought up last year, but now it’s been rehashed in all its horror. Meet Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) who is working with Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) to expand the number of district court judgeships that could potentially be filled by Democratic appointees. Trump was hell on wheels concerning confirming and reshaping the judiciary. Another episode in the GOP snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. What are you doing, Young (via Courthouse News): . . ."

Both Hoosier Senators Expected To Vote ‘No’ On Infrastructure Bill  "After voting to open debate on the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week, Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) has decided not to support the bill as it approaches a final vote in the Senate.

"In a press release, Sen. Young said that he’s always wanted to get a bipartisan infrastructure bill through the Senate, but that he wanted to do it in a “fiscally responsible way.”

“ 'Having reviewed the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) estimated fiscal impact of this legislation as currently constructed, and frankly still not being comfortable with a number of the Democratic priorities contained in this version, I will vote ‘no’,” Young said."  . . .

REPORT: Kamala Harris Discussed “Complete Opening” of the Southern Border With Mexican President

 Trending Politics

"According to Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, he and Vice President Kamala Harris talked about “the complete opening” of the 2,000 mile border between the United States and Mexico. The announcement comes after the border has been closed to non-essential travel between the two contries.

"Obrador tweeted, “We spoke again with Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States. In good terms, we dealt with the immigration issue, the complete opening of the northern border to reactivate our economies and continue with mutual cooperation to face the pandemic.” . . .

Joe shows Cuomo his conduct toward women will not-NOT-be tolerated

'Hell of a job' Cuomie! Biden praises Cuomo on his ignominious exit  

What a disgusting sump of corruption. Biden's tin-eared statements are predictable things, given that he's part of this whole pattern of behavior. If this Biden statement doesn't prompt disgust from female voters, then they'll deserve what they get. Biden is as bad as Cuomo is.

You won’t have Gov. Andrew Cuomo to kick around anymore

It’s rather striking that, just as Michael Avenatti went from being America’s savior to a fallen man, exactly the same thing has happened to Cuomo. It’s apparent that leftists are elevating really bad human beings in their rush to destroy conservativism in America and gain permanent power.

Well, they did go with Hillary at one time, did they not? 

Cuomo Is Out, He killed thousands of elderly and knew it… now resigns, what’s next… – Liz Wheeler
"Andrew Cuomo finally resigns—but not over the thousands of nursing home deaths in New York, of course. So is this cause for celebration? Liz breaks down the sneaky tactics the Left uses to avoid real accountability and reveals what’s next for Cuomo. Plus, CNN is caught lying about the spread of COVID at the border, and Lori Lightfoot blames the insane violent crime surges in her city of Chicago on… guns." . . .

. . . "Remember, that’s when they told us it was imperative to proceed with the impeachment of President Trump, even though he would be leaving office two weeks after the Capitol riot. It would not be sufficient to censure Trump, Democrats inveighed. Only impeachment would do — the impeachment of an official who would no longer be in a position to abuse the powers of the office he had abusively wielded. Why? Because, Democrats asserted, Trump might run again."

 Biden snaps after praising Andrew Cuomo: “I’m not going to comment anymore on Andrew Cuomo”

 Alec Baldwin Chimes in on Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Resignation and It's About as Silly as You'd Expect

Now Chris Cuomo must go too  "So, will Chris Cuomo, CNN’s most favored blowhard, report Thursday night on the bombshell findings into his brother’s long-term sexual predation?"My educated guess: No. Why would he? He didn’t Tuesday or Wednesday, he won’t Thursday, and he never will, no matter how his brother goes down.

"Cuomo the Younger is but one example of privileged, liberal men, high on their own self-regard, who have really outdone themselves this week." . . . Townhall agrees

His CNN show has suffered lately. What if Cuomo the Younger vanishes into a black hole?

With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Democrats?

 American Greatness

The Republican Party at the national level is no longer a viable alternative: it is too corrupt, too weak, and too enamored of the trappings of power.

"Senator Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) was challenged recently by a caller on the “Jay Thomas Show.” The caller asked Cramer to reveal the identity of the Capitol Police officer who shot and killed unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, on January 6. Cramer claimed he did not know the name of the officer, nor did he believe the public had any right to know that officer’s name because he had not been found guilty of any wrongdoing. 

"Such pandering to the ruling class and its railroaded investigation is embarrassing enough, as the available evidence (to say nothing of the evidence that the government refuses to release) indicates that the officer recklessly—through the broken window of a locked door—shot an unarmed woman who posed no threat to anyone. 

"But Cramer went further. The public has no right to know, he asserted, “because the person that [sic] shot her is a police officer shooting a criminal not complying with officers’ telling her ‘stop, don’t come through that window, we have guns drawn, don’t do it.’” 

"Leave aside the fact that no evidence exists for Cramer’s version of events. When did it become the standard for elected officials to sanction the killing of unarmed persons whose only “crime” was the refusal to comply with orders given by law enforcement? Is not such a “policy” the raison d’être for the entire Black Lives Matter and “defund the police” movement? Are we now to stop deifying George Floyd for resisting arrest and refusing to comply? Must we now instead recognize Derek Chauvin as a hero? " . . .

Boy, can Democrats run things!

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report  "South Dakota held its annual rally of tens of thousands of motorcycle riders this past week called the Sturgis Bike Rally. Bikers were jam-packed into one little town. However, to keep the CDC from calling it a super-spreader event, they changed its name to the Obama Birthday Bash West." . . .

 . . . "Dr. Fauci ripped a biker rally in South Dakota as a spreader without ripping Obama's bash or Chicago's Lollapalooza. By now we know his act by heart. Be sure to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus that they got vaccinated against because you're not vaccinated.

"History Channel aired a documentary special about Chicago's St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929 when seven guys were machine-gunned dead inside a garage. Only seven gangsters were murdered in one day? It's proof once and for all that Chicago was safer when Al Capone ran the city." . . .

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Worst O-limp-ics Ever

 Intellectual Takeout Michelle Malkin    "Never have so many won so many accolades for so few real achievements on the world stage. That about sums up the Olympics 2021 -- or, as I call them, the O-limp-ics 2021. Indeed, the time has come to retire the hallowed motto of the Games: "Faster, Higher, Stronger."

"In our modern age, it's: "Woker, Weaker, Loser."

"Take Megan Rapinoe, please. The infamously pink-purple-haired captain of the U.S. women's soccer team teared up after America's 1-0 loss to Canada, which hadn't beaten the U.S. since 2001. "This sucks," she lamented in a post-defeat TV interview on USA Network. "It sucks." With a runny nose and watery eyes leaking, she complained: "I don't think I've ever lost to Canada, so it's a bitter one."

" 'Well, she is certainly a bitter one, ain't she? Perhaps if Moany Megan had spent more time running drills on the field instead of running her mouth about Black Lives Matter or gender politics or her hatred for former President Donald Trump, she'd be on the gold medal stand instead of out in the cold. Good riddance. 

"Then there's Laurel Hubbard, the New Zealand weightlifter hailed not for her victories but for being the "first out transgender woman to compete in the 125-year history of the Olympics." Hubbard's first outing consisted of failing not once, not twice, but three times to lift at 120 kilograms and 125 kilograms. Never mind. She's already "made Olympic history" and become an "inspiration" for "young people" to "be their authentic selves.' " . . .

"Boycott Subway until Subway fires the anti-American … Megan Rapinoe, the creep who kneels for our beloved National Anthem!"