Thursday, August 12, 2021

Well, he's not "Andrew the Pius"

 Melissa DeRosa, Cuomo’s Chief Toady, Jumps Ship  . . . "Ouch. But the AG report also documents how Melissa DeRosa tried to undermine the credibility of accuser Lindsey Boylan.

Lindsey Boylan was the first woman to accuse Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. In December, 2020, Boylan tweeted that the governor had “sexually harassed” her over her looks. She also called him “one of the biggest harassers of all time.” Melissa DeRosa and Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi quickly went into damage control — not by defending the governor’s name, but by smearing Boylan.

"The two sent Lindsey Boylan’s personnel records, which included some complaints, to various news outlets. Not only that, but DeRosa also circulated a proposed op-ed written by Cuomo that contained “personal and professional attacks” on Boylan. DeRosa later shared the letter with former and current Executive Chamber employees.

"The AG report also notes how Melissa DeRosa, along with other top aides, were slow to report the complaints of former staffer Charlotte Bennett. Bennett had said that Cuomo had asked her if she was monogamous, and if she had sex with older men." . . .

Andrew Cuomo's Shameless Resignation  . . . "And that is why I am finally reaching the last of the dry heaves over the shameless kabuki by Andrew Cuomo, who fell on his, ahem, sword on Tuesday and graciously announced his departure from office for the greater good. The man who lamented the fact that the discussion was not about facts, truth, or thoughtful analysis but the product of a political system driven by extremists. He moaned that rashness has replaced reasonableness and that loudness has replaced soundness. Who exactly didn’t give him a break? What unreasonable faction brought about this noble man’s downfall? His brother? MSNBC? NBC? CBS? The New York Times? Bueller…Bueller?" . . .

Ian Macfarlane

 Alec Baldwin Blames Cancel Culture for Cuomo Resignation: 'This Is a Tragic Day'
   Regardless of what you think of Cuomo, this is a tragic day. Party politics in this country draw ambitious but ultimately isolated, even socially maladjusted men and women who, given the current cancel culture, will likely have their shortcomings exposed and magnified             

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