Friday, October 10, 2014

What the recent protesters were doing in Ferguson show how anti-American they are

Young Conservatives

Yamiche Alcindor         @Yamiche
Protesters are now burning American flags.
Downtrend sums it up nicely:
Like any of these cowards and thugs have ever done anything to contribute to this country. Clearly they don’t appreciate the freedom that the flag represents. Like for instance, the freedom of speech and assembly. Or possible the human rights protections that keep the cops from opening fire on them.
I think the police have tolerated this uncivil unrest long enough. I get it that they are scared of looking like bullies for cracking down on these miscreants, but how much longer should they let the streets erupt in chaos? There is constant destruction of private property, normal citizens are living in fear, and the cost to the city and county has to be astronomical dealing with these “peaceful” protests every night.

Read more here

It makes a difference if the press likes you or not

Hope n' Change   Despite Barack Obama's assertion that his intelligence agencies gave him bad information about ISIS (despite those same agencies giving clear testimony about the growing danger in public forums), there now seems to be a new explanation about why the president didn't get the message: he doesn't bother to attend most of his daily intelligence briefings.

According to the Government Accountability Institute, Barry skips nearly 60% of such critical national security briefings. However, in fairness we should point out that he does have a 100% attendance rate for fundraisers, tee times, and hilarious U.N. "roasts" of the United States.

The sad thing is, the president's serial truancy in these threat assessment meetings is neither new nor news.  You can read virtually
the same story from 2012, back when Obama could still have been denied a second term.

And radical Islamic terror could have been denied a second coming.

Wendy Davis is running one of the nastiest campaign ads you will ever see

WaPo   ... "Wendy Davis is almost certainly not going to be the next governor of Texas. Apparently, though, she's willing to try just about anything to alter that reality.

"Witness her new ad that begins with this visual.
... "This ad is the sort of highly risky gambit you only see from a long-shot campaign. And, as often as not, these sorts of "Hail Marys" fail miserably.

"If [it] does backfire and Davis wants to run for office in the future, you can rest assured this one will stick with her."

From Hot Air: The worst campaign ad ever?  ... "Or anywhere else than Texas, too. Even the ad considered to be the most demagogic ever — the once-run-only “Daisy” ad from LBJ against Barry Goldwater in 1964 — didn’t exploit a personal disability and suggested that it was a profit-producing enterprise. The Abbott campaign also produced plenty of evidence debunking the rest of this despicable smear. Abbott’s intervention in the case cited by the ad was to defend the constitutionality of the state’s tort-reform law, which as Attorney General was Abbott’s job. His briefs never touched on whether the surgeon in the case was negligent, merely pointing instead that the law required a finding of actual specific intent to moot the limits on damages. The reason it became necessary for Abbott to intervene in the first place was because the lawsuit against the hospital and surgeon challenged the constitutionality of the tort-reform law.

"Perhaps Wendy Davis isn’t familiar with what an Attorney General does." ...

Will blacks stop buying the liberal line?

Star Parker  "North Carolina, with a population that is 22 percent black, is a laboratory this November for whether the Republican challenger can successfully point to the dismal record of the Democrat incumbent regarding black progress and convince black voters that they should not vote for more of the same.
"The big question in states like North Carolina, and with black voters nationwide, is: How long will blacks continue to buy what they have been sold for years by liberals?
"Hagan’s story line for black voters is the same as what liberals always tell blacks.
"Don’t vote for the conservative because the conservative wants to cut government money. And don’t vote for the conservative because the conservative is “for rich people,” and “they’re racist,” and they, as Joe Biden said, “want to put you back in chains.”

In the 1870s, the first elected black congressmen were all Republicans. It was at this time the Democrats started the KKK.

A Review of "Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America"

J. Christian Adams' new ebook details how the American Left and the Holder Justice Department have undermined efforts to improve the integrity of the election process and deter voter fraud.
PJ Media   " ... the American Left and the Holder Justice Department have undermined efforts to improve the integrity of the election process and deter voter fraud.

Adams believes that “the Republic is at risk from a corrupt wing of the Democratic Party that is willing to sacrifice the rule of law, and – for the sake of reaching its goals – is just as focused on exploiting the process of the franchise as it is on political persuasion.” He then proceeds to make his case. His reporting should alarm all Americans who believe in the sanctity of the ballot box.

40 painful seconds of Alison Lundergan Grimes refusing to say whether she voted for President Obama

WaPo    "The life-long Democrat, whose father represented Kentucky for the party in the state House and who herself has been on the ballot in the state on the Democratic ticket, was asked a simple question. Did she vote for President Obama in 2008 and 2012?

"And she didn't answer. Repeatedly."

... "But there was no reason to do this. Grimes is fairly new on the national scene, but she's not new enough not to know how to answer this fairly simply. "Yes, I voted for him," you say, "but I've been disappointed by a lot of the things he's done, particularly on COAL and JOBS and GUNS" or whatever. It's simple. And then you can say, "but I backed Hillary in the primary" and so on and so on. 2008 was a landmark year, a wave for Democrats, when Obama's approval was sky-high. Of course she voted for him! Dodging the question looks like she's trying to hide her position, which is never the face you want to show -- particularly when conservatives are accusing her of hiding her positions on other things.
Chuck Todd: Alison Lundergan Grimes Has "Disqualified Herself"
People people aren't that stupid. How could Alison Lundergan Grimes -- I mean, what a rookie mistake. Just admit it and say, "He screwed up. I distanced myself from him. I regret my vote." Just anything, don't treat us like we're stupid.


Krauthammer: Bombing for show? Or for effect? The shame of the US efforts

Charles Krauthammer
"During the 1944 Warsaw uprising, Stalin ordered the advancing Red Army to stop at the outskirts of the city while the Nazis, for 63 days, annihilated the non-Communist Polish partisans. Only then did Stalin take Warsaw.

"No one can match Stalin for merciless cynicism, but President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey is offering a determined echo by ordering Turkish tanks massed on the Syrian border, within sight of the besieged Syrian town of Kobane, to sit and do nothing. " ...

... "As designed, the outer limit of its objective is to roll back the Islamic State in Iraq and contain it in Syria. It is doing neither. Despite State Department happy talk about advances in Iraq, our side is suffering serious reverses near Baghdad and throughout Anbar province, which is reportedly near collapse. Baghdad itself is ripe for infiltration for a Tet-like offensive aimed at demoralizing both Iraq and the United States.

"As for Syria, what is Obama doing? First, he gives the enemy 12 days of warning about impending air attacks. We end up hitting empty buildings and evacuated training camps."

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

... " The viciousness of ISIS against women, children, and “apostate” Muslims will make Yemen’s troubles look simple, but Yemen was the canary in the coal mine. Now the real disaster is underway, and the U.S. remains out of touch with its origins and its path.  Kobani and what it represents appear doomed – to America’s shame."

ISIL gains raise doubts on Obama war strategy, say officials. Kobani: America's shame

Press TV    "American officials admit that the US-led airstrikes are not stopping ISIL advances in Iraq and Syria, raising doubts on the efficacy of President Barack Obama’s long-contemplated strategy for confronting the terror organization. (Emphasis in the original)

"Despite some of the most intense air raids so far, defense officials say that the embattled Kurdish town of Kobani in northern Syria could fall to ISIL militants.

"The US has used bombers, fighter jets and drones to carry out at least 37 airstrikes in and around Kobani in recent days. ISIL militants, however, have managed to take control of a third of the strategically important town." ...   Full article.

 Kobani and what it represents appear doomed – to America’s shame.
... "The viciousness of ISIS against women, children, and “apostate” Muslims will make Yemen’s troubles look simple, but Yemen was the canary in the coal mine. Now the real disaster is underway, and the U.S. remains out of touch with its origins and its path.  Kobani and what it represents appear doomed – to America’s shame."

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Which is the JV commander?

The JV Team Takes on ISIL   “ 'We don’t have a strategy yet,” the commander in chief told us in August regarding countermeasures against ISIL. That was despite months of warnings about the rise of this terrorist threat in the Middle East. No wonder Barack Obama blamed faulty intelligence for his own unpreparedness." ...
" Kirby implicitly acknowledged the foolish limits placed upon the U.S. military by the president. This became an American military operation once we launched airstrikes, and any gains ISIL makes are now against the U.S. That makes recruitment easier, among other bad consequences. It’s astounding that the Pentagon is having to concede territory to ISIL because Obama is so uncommitted to victory that he’s unwilling to even name the operation, much less make it a successful one."

Islamic State’s Female Sharia Enforcers Lashing Women For Showing Their Eyes

This should show the shallowness of the Democrat's silly "war on women" slogan

From Business Standard:  A former Islamic State (IS) fighter, who joined the terror group’s women’s brigade, has reportedly revealed that women were not allowed to show their eyes and were lashed for not adhering to the rules outlined by the terror group. 
The 25-year-old fighter, who called herself Khadija, said that the group was responsible for patrolling the streets of Raqqa and ensuring that women abided by the codes of conduct laid down by the IS that banned form-fitting or beaded abayas, reported the CNN. 
The squad is called Khansa’s brigade and comprises about 25 to 30 women led by commander Umm Hamza, she said. Khadija said that the brutalities unleashed by the group prompted her to leave the group.

From Rolling Stone: In Defense of Obama

"The Nobel Prize-winning economist, once one of the president’s most notable critics, on why Obama is a historic success." To sum this column up, it's all the Republican's fault.
Paul Krugman
Paragraph 1:  The introduction to Krugman's own thoughts on Obama.

Paragraph 2: ..."Republican greed, the GOP's unwillingness to make even token concessions."

Paragraph 3: ..."Economic management has been half-crippled by Republican obstruction" ...

Paragraph 4: ..." the onslaught from the right, which has never stopped portraying him as an Islamic atheist Marxist Kenyan."

Paragraph 5: ..."There's a different story on the left, where you now find a significant number of critics decrying Obama as, to quote Cornel West, someone who ''posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit.'' They're outraged that Wall Street hasn't been punished, that income inequality remains so high, that ''neoliberal'' economic policies are still in place. All of this seems to rest on the belief that if only Obama had put his eloquence behind a radical economic agenda, he could somehow have gotten that agenda past all the political barriers that have con- strained even his much more modest efforts. It's hard to take such claims seriously."

Paragraph 6: "Finally, there's the constant belittling of Obama from mainstream pundits and talking heads." ... 
Paragraph 7: "But this bashing is misguided even in its own terms – and in any case, it's focused on the wrong thing."

 Paragraph 8: " ...(in which Republicans never, ever have a good word for a Democratic president, and vice versa),"...

"And so on, as the above is just the tip of the Krugman iceberg, which includes thoughts such as:

" ... John Roberts...nonetheless opened a loophole that has allowed Republican-controlled states to deny coverage to millions of Americans."
"Of course, this success story makes nonsense of right-wing predictions of catastrophe."

Chris Matthews Says Obama Should Stop ‘Pandering’ to ‘Ethnic Groups’ [VIDEO]

Matthews commits random act of journalistic commentary.

Daily Caller   "If there are two things MSNBC host Chris Matthews is known for, they’re his love for President Barack Obama and his knack for assuming that everyone who disagrees with him is a racist. It’s a bit shocking, therefore, to hear him tell Obama to lay off the racial politics not once, but twice."
"Matthews made a similar point when Mitchell asked whether or not Obama could rescue the final two years of his presidency. “The fact is, this president has the opportunity to put it together,” he said. “But he needs to stop playing politics, stop running for office, stop playing the ethnic groups, and say, ‘Look, I’ve only got two years left. I have to get something done.' ’”