Thursday, October 9, 2014

Which is the JV commander?

The JV Team Takes on ISIL   “ 'We don’t have a strategy yet,” the commander in chief told us in August regarding countermeasures against ISIL. That was despite months of warnings about the rise of this terrorist threat in the Middle East. No wonder Barack Obama blamed faulty intelligence for his own unpreparedness." ...
" Kirby implicitly acknowledged the foolish limits placed upon the U.S. military by the president. This became an American military operation once we launched airstrikes, and any gains ISIL makes are now against the U.S. That makes recruitment easier, among other bad consequences. It’s astounding that the Pentagon is having to concede territory to ISIL because Obama is so uncommitted to victory that he’s unwilling to even name the operation, much less make it a successful one."

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