Friday, October 10, 2014

Will blacks stop buying the liberal line?

Star Parker  "North Carolina, with a population that is 22 percent black, is a laboratory this November for whether the Republican challenger can successfully point to the dismal record of the Democrat incumbent regarding black progress and convince black voters that they should not vote for more of the same.
"The big question in states like North Carolina, and with black voters nationwide, is: How long will blacks continue to buy what they have been sold for years by liberals?
"Hagan’s story line for black voters is the same as what liberals always tell blacks.
"Don’t vote for the conservative because the conservative wants to cut government money. And don’t vote for the conservative because the conservative is “for rich people,” and “they’re racist,” and they, as Joe Biden said, “want to put you back in chains.”

In the 1870s, the first elected black congressmen were all Republicans. It was at this time the Democrats started the KKK.

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