Thursday, October 9, 2014

Chris Matthews Says Obama Should Stop ‘Pandering’ to ‘Ethnic Groups’ [VIDEO]

Matthews commits random act of journalistic commentary.

Daily Caller   "If there are two things MSNBC host Chris Matthews is known for, they’re his love for President Barack Obama and his knack for assuming that everyone who disagrees with him is a racist. It’s a bit shocking, therefore, to hear him tell Obama to lay off the racial politics not once, but twice."
"Matthews made a similar point when Mitchell asked whether or not Obama could rescue the final two years of his presidency. “The fact is, this president has the opportunity to put it together,” he said. “But he needs to stop playing politics, stop running for office, stop playing the ethnic groups, and say, ‘Look, I’ve only got two years left. I have to get something done.' ’”

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