Friday, November 4, 2022

‘One-Stop Chop’ Can Stave Off Sleepy, Sloppy Joe’s Slouch To ‘Armageddon’ — And More

 Issues & Insights

"Sleepy, Sloppy Joe Biden is King Midas-in-Reverse. Everything golden thing he touches – from a vibrant economy with low inflation to energy independence to order at the border to unprecedented diplomatic breakthroughs through an assertive foreign policy – turns to dreck, to put it politely.

Here he is...
"Which is why the hapless Scrantonite is well underway toward displacing the only other born-Keystone Stater to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania – James Buchanan – as history’s worst president.

"All Buchanan did, in many chroniclers’ view, was lose his grip on a nation sliding toward a bloody Civil War. Besides deep-sixing the American Dream, faux President Brandon is stumbling, bumbling and slouching his way – and ours – toward Doomsday.

"Don’t take this scribe’s word for it. The Chief Wreck-xecutive just dropped
the bombshell (excuse the pun) his-own-self before a select collection of Democratic heavy-hitters: “He’s (Vladimir Putin’s) not joking. I don’t think there’s any such thing as the ability to easily use a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon.”

"Leading wry political analyst Byron York to muse as to the Commander in Thief’s odd choice of venue for his “alarming remarks:” “Shouldn’t he tell someone else first — like the nation?”... 

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