Friday, November 4, 2022

While Biden Was Babbling About Dangerous Republicans, Mostly Peaceful Leftists” Were Caught On Video As They Attack A Republican Senate Candidate

USA Supreme    "While Biden Was Babbling About Dangerous Republicans, Mostly Peaceful Leftists” Were Caught On Video As They Attack A Republican Senate Candidate. . ." While the president uses the Paul Pelosi attack carried out by a mentally unstable former nudist green party member with rainbow flags outside his home as an example of right-wing violence, I can’t help but notice nearly EVERY example of political violence is from folks on the Left or those attacking Republicans.

"As Biden was preening on and on about how ‘our democracy’ is AT STAKE in the upcoming midterm and once again vilifying half the country implying they are a threat and a danger, some yahoo attempted to punch/attack Republican candidate, General Don Bolduc.". . .

When Biden speaks, people listen...

Tucker Shreds Biden  Well, he is indeed shred-worthy.  Tucker Carlson Shreds Biden Hate Speech — “The Guy Who Showered With His Daughter Is Telling You You’re a Bad Person”

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