Thursday, July 21, 2016

WATCH: Laura Ingraham Speech at Republican National Convention. You'll never guess what the left accuses her of!

Heavy  "Ingraham, who was a speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, said that this is the most important election since 1980. After listing the challenges the country faces, she noted that the Democrats’ answer to them is “to nominate the woman who helped orchestrate America’s decline,” which she called “some kind of a cruel joke, like skinny jeans on men or man buns or something like that.”
Also in the speech, she called out other Republicans who had not endorsed Trump yet. Considering that Texas Senator Ted Cruz speaks later Wednesday, that was hardly a subtle jab at him.
“I want to say this very plainly. We should all – even all you boys with your wounded feelings and bruised egos… and we love you, we love you – but you must honor your pledge to support Donald Trump now,” Ingraham said." . . .

Democrats accuse Laura of giving the Nazi salute Watch the entire video of her walking out on the stage to see what she was actually doing.

. . . "Others defended Ingraham, saying, “Some people saw a Hitler salute in Laura Ingraham’s audience gesture. Some also saw Jesus Christ in their cereal this morning.”  Via Rush Limbaugh
The silliness of Democrats is surpassed only by the silliness they ascribe to their voters. But then, if Laura's wave becomes an issue with Democrats, perhaps the DNC will prove to be good judges of character

Kathleen Willey on Media Coverage of Melania Trump: ‘Talk About the War on Women’

Big Government

Michael Smith/Newsmakers

"The news media is waging a war on women by incessantly “attacking” Melania Trump, declared Kathleen Willey, one of the women who famously accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault and has said she suffered acts of intimidation to silence her.

“Talk about the war on women,” Willey said, referring to news media scrutiny of Melania Trump. “If that isn’t a war on women you tell me what is.”
"Willey was being interviewed by this reporter during Breitbart’s live stream coverage from the Republican National Convention.
"Willey, speaking by phone, said the “desperate” media was repeatedly “attacking” a woman, Melania, for political reasons.
"Willey stated: “Talk about the war on women. Now they are attacking poor Melania Trump for everything from her speech to plagiarism to her outfit to her accent. I mean, you name it.”. . . 

Philadelphia Police Union Rips DNC For Not Featuring Families Of Slain Officers As Speakers…


. . . "We already know that Democrat convention kicking off on July 25 will be a heinous pagan spectacle where the attendees will, as they’ve done in the past, cry out in rebellion against God and truth, and cheer as they hand the nomination to a lying crook who hates this country and everyone who lives here. That much we must expect. It’s hard to imagine that any specific moment will stand out as more debased or diabolical than the next, but I have an early candidate for that distinction: the headlining speech to be delivered by Lezley McSpadden, the mother of Michael Brown."

VIDEO: Black TV RIPS Michelle: “You’re A Spoiled, Butt-Hurt Victim Whining About Unfairness”

GOP The Daily Dose   "After seeing Michelle Obama’s graduation speech at the predominantly black Tuskegee University, TV show host Alfonso Rachel knew that he could stay
silent no longer. He took to his internet talk show to slam the first lady in a video that has gotten over 25,000 views in just 3 days.
"Here’s an excerpt of what he said:" . . .

If racial division were ever to be healed, the Obamas, Sharptons, Jacksons, et al. would all lose their source of power and wealth.

Hillary: The press defends the indefensible

“You even went as far as to blame Hillary Clinton. We now know in the last 24 days [hours] it was a mistake on the part of a speech writer....So when you said, ‘When Hillary Clinton is threatened by a female, the first thing she does is try to destroy that person,’ would you offer Secretary Clinton an apology for blaming her?”

Hillary Clinton Nurse Ratched

. . . "Heaven forbid Hillary is President and Boris has to deal with her. I mean, it’s not like she holds a grudge or is vindictive or anything. Or, as Boris described it in the 2007 column:
To ask the reader to support Hillary means asking you to forget all those worrying allegations that Ambrose Evans-Pritchard used to report so brilliantly in these pages: the funny goings-on with the White House travel office, the anomalies in the position of poor Vince Foster’s gun, the curious business of the drug-runners at the Rena airfield and the Whitewater real estate imbroglio.
How could I possibly emit the merest peep of support for a woman who seems to have acted out the role of First Lady, from 1993 to 2000, like a mixture between Cherie Blair and Lady Macbeth, stamping her heel, bawling out subordinates and frisbeeing ashtrays at her erring husband?
Media Ignore Clinton Sex Victims, Salivate Over Ailes Claims  . . . "The same news media has largely ignored the newly relevant and far more serious story of Bill Clinton’s alleged sexual assault victims and those same victims’ similar tales of being intimidated and harassed, they say, at Hillary Clinton’s direction.
"The issue of the Clintons’ alleged war on women should be front and center, especially among so-called progressives." . . .
This GQ Writer’s Sick, Violent Response To The Benghazi Victim’s Mother Is Indefensible  "If you really want to be more than just outraged about this kind of indefensible language, then I encourage you to write the editor in chief of GQ, and let him know just how you feel. You can follow the link to do that here."


In case you missed this: Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary Clinton on the RNC Floor  "The former prosecutor moved like a current prosecutor, laying out the case against Hillary and asking the audience to judge "guilty or not guilty?" Each time, the audience gave the same response."
. . . 
"Christie's speech was articulate, disciplined, newsworthy — maybe even masterful. The New Jersey governor reminded the GOP of his fundamental role, the attack dog. In an election pitting two of the least liked nominees in history against one another, can you ever have enough of them?"

Melania speech scandal gets twice the coverage as Obama's lifted lines in 2008

Washington Examiner

Networks spent only 14 minutes and 11 seconds in 2008 covering reports that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama had plagiarized lines from Deval Patrick. (AP Photo)

"Melania Trump's plagiarism scandal has earned more than twice the amount of coverage than the major networks gave in 2008 when Barack Obama was caught lifting lines from then-Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.

. . . "By the time McIver admitted to cribbing the first lady's 2008 convention speech, the three major networks — ABC, CBS and NBC News — had already dedicated an impressive 59 minutes and 25 seconds to the story, according to an analysis from the Media Research Center.
"In contrast, these same networks spent only 14 minutes and 11 seconds in 2008 covering reports that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama had plagiarized lines from Deval Patrick." . . .
Remember When Hillary Accused Obama of Plagiarism?

Hillary Obama 08

"The New York Times reported:
Debate Takes On Contentious Air
Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama veered from collegial to clenched and combative in a debate on Thursday, with Mrs. Clinton turning especially aggressive as she all but accused Mr. Obama of plagiarism and derided his political message as “change you can Xerox.”
Mr. Obama, buoyed by 11 straight victories in the most recent nominating contests, sought to maintain a positive tone throughout, though at one point he accused Mrs. Clinton of suggesting that his supporters were “delusional” or “being duped” by his themes of hope and unity…
In her sharpest attack to date on the originality of his oratory and ideas, Mrs. Clinton cited news reports about Mr. Obama’s nearly verbatim use of remarks first delivered by a close ally, Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts. She argued that Mr. Obama had drawn great praise for his speeches, and then questioned whether they had been plagiarized.
Playing off a trademark line of Mr. Obama’s, she said: “Lifting whole passages from someone else’s speeches is not change you can believe in. It’s change you can Xerox.” . . .

TRIGGER! MSNBC Warns Sensitive Viewers Before Showing Anti-Hillary Buttons

Media Research Center  "Warning, sensitive MSNBC viewers may want to look away. That’s essentially what Rachel Maddow told liberal watchers on Wednesday night before showing a picture of anti-Hillary Clinton buttons at the Republican convention. Considering the hateful rhetoric that’s come out of MSNBC for years, perhaps that viewer warning should have appeared in the past. 
"The buttons included ones that read “Hillary for prison” and “Vote no to Monica’s ex-boyfriend’s wife in 2016.” Maddow informed viewers, “You may find it uncomfortable. And so, you may not want to look at this stuff. But these are some of the pins that are being sold at the venue.” 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Firemen Forced To Take Down Pro-Police Flag Over Fears Of Violent Retaliation By Black Lives Matter…

Weasel Zippers

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. . . "Police officers appreciated the goodwill gesture — but some people did not.
"The following day the fire chief sent an email to the firefighters — telling them the flag had to come down.
"And your friendly neighborhood columnist received an exclusive copy of the email written by Chief John Hawkins.
“ 'Our foremost concern was whether the flag could create a safety risk for emergency responders due to extremists targeting the fire engine or for people following the fire engine and not being able to see the warning lights,” the chief wrote.
"He also said the fire department had to “look at the big picture.”
“ 'How is this perceived by not only the public, but also those that would seek to do harm to those in public safety?” he wrote. “Some feel the flag is an attempt to incite further violence against those who, to our very core, have dedicated our lives to protecting all lives.”
"The fire chief called the decision to remove the pro-police flag a “difficult” and “painful” decision." . . .
America is ruled by BLM and ISIS. What will it take for us to stand up to violent people?


Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Ann Coulter 
. . . "Not one single person on MSNBC said, "Yeah, um, can we talk about something else because this is so lame and trivial, we risk looking like sissies.' " . . .
 . . . "Obviously, Melania's speechwriter didn't think up those words -- and neither did Michelle's. You can hear the same thing at any third-rate college commencement, at Orientation Day at Excel academies, at motivational speakers' corporate events, and right now, in the greeting card aisle of your local Rite Aid. 

"Not even Hallmark cards could claim authorship because there were probably caveman drawings with rainbows that said, "You can achieve anything you set your mind to!" 

"If I were giving a speech and suddenly burst into, "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets ..." you'd have a right to say, "Um -- Ann, did you write that part about fighting on the beaches yourself? 

"But if I say: "The only limit to your achievement is your dreams!" no one can claim the rights to those words because they're insipid nothings. 

"No one invented "the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams," anymore than I invented "Hey -- how you doing?" There's nothing there! These are phrases designed to allow you to make sounds while moving your mouth. 

"People who wanted to hate Melania thought her speech was godawful, and the ones who like her thought it was awesome and are now requesting copies of the speech to use at the office. 

"But all that actually happened was: Melania Trump gave a typical first lady speech. " . . .

Police Need Obama’s Anger @ Black America, NOT Milquetoast Faux-Condemnations

More reasons to vote for Trump; we must have a president who can heal the scars of Obamism, not entrench them.

policeDebbie Schlussel  "Where is Barack Obama’s outrage? Where is his anger? Where are his loud implorations to Black America to STOP. SHOOTING. COPS.? Nowhere to be seen because he is a big part of the problem, part of the cause. Part of the “F-ck Tha Police” culture.
obamasmiling.jpg"A week and a half ago, when police officers were targeted and assassinated in Dallas, I pointed out that Barack Obama is a big part of the problem, a cause of the senseless racist murders of those cops–that he has dead cops’ blood on his hands. Instead of yelling at Black America and ordering them to stop the violence, he instead went on national TV with press conferences calling out police for the tragic killings of two Black men. He called out the police and ginned up those in Black America who would kill them. And this was after there had already been a record of Black Lives Matters types murdering police in cold blood, including two in New York. Yet, this was the only time we saw any sort of emotion from him on this topic–when it came to Black deaths at the hands of police (which number far less than the number of White deaths at the hands of police, something about which we’ve never heard a peep from the President).
. . . 
"In November, we have a choice, between Obama the sequel, with a (formerly) estrogen-endowed, cankles-gifted racism enabler of that racism or somebody else who might be more responsible and probably will be. I’m going with that somebody else." . . .

Did Melania go rogue?

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Rosslyn Smith  "It appears official, and I can see how this could be the source of rumors that it has put the marriage in hot-water jeopardy.  She's reportedly upset, he's angry, and no fingers can be pointed within the campaign.

"I feel sorry for Melania, as she has always been in an uncomfortable position.  It is being reported that Melania Trump circumvented her husband's campaign speechwriters when preparing the text that dominated a days news cycle.  Here is what the N.Y. Times reported. 
. . . 
"While the list of similar acts of political plagiarism is long and bipartisan, three factors made this error particularly memorable.  One, it was the first exposure many Americans had to the somewhat reticent Melania Trump.  Within a couple of hours of the speech, the story changed forever from how Melania Trump's more humble demeanor and her delivery style were in positive contrast to that of the foreign-born and arrogant Teresa Heinz Kerry in 2004 to ridicule over the plagiarism.  Two, the passages involved the themes of honesty and integrity, which made the error both more newsworthy and less sympathetic.  And three, the text was lifted from the speech of an African-American Democrat rather than from a speech of the spouse of a Republican nominee.  Thus, it needlessly infuriated and energized some Democrats.
"This was an entirely unforced error that has to have the Trump campaign professionals pulling their hair out, as it was readily preventable."

NY Times: How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Caused an Uproar  . . . "Inside Trump Tower, it turned out, Ms. Trump had decided she was uncomfortable with the text, and began tearing it apart, leaving a small fraction of the original.

"Her quiet plan to wrest the speech away and make it her own set in motion the most embarrassing moment of the convention: word-for-word repetition of phrases and borrowed themes from Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention eight years ago." . . .
I hate to read this next, because it will be either Hillary or Trump, and it must not be Hillary.  
GOP Convention Has Become a Stomach-Churning Affair  . . . "Nor am I referring to the political malpractice that allowed Melania Trump to introduce herself to the country as a plagiarist. I have sympathy for Mrs. Trump. Obviously, the media overreacted to the plagiarism, but such overreactions are exactly why parties script out their conventions down to the punctuation marks. The media only want to cover what goes wrong, so you aim not to give them the opportunity. As a matter of ethics, the plagiarism was a triviality. But for the staffers who let it happen, it was a capital offense." . . .

Marilyn Mosby

Playing into Mosby’s Hands  . . . "Nevertheless, in the wake of Rice’s acquittal, Mosby will again be under pressure to drop the remaining cases. Although Rice was the highest ranking officerinvolved in the arrest and transport of Gray, his trial was even more of a fiasco for the prosecution than the earlier acquittals. "

Comedian Argus Hamilton had this to say about the issue:

A Baltimore judge ruled the fourth cop not guilty in Freddie Gray’s death during his ride back to the station in the van after his arrest last November. It sparked riots, burnings and looting of fast-food restaurants. Everyone agrees McDonald’s picked the wrong month to bring back the McRib.