Saturday, August 20, 2016

Believe the women?

CAIR whining about Trump while ignoring allah's standing order to behead and mutilate 'unbelievers' - Sura 8:12]

Iron Burka  "[8.12] When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. (allah - not Trump who so irks the allah-friendly CAIR)"

Obama chills while nation simmers

. . . "Meanwhile, Obama played his eighth round of golf in 12 days at the Vineyard Golf Club. It’s the nation’s first “organic” golf course — the initiation fee is $350,000 and annual dues are $12,000.
. . . 
"Obama travels for dinner to Alchemy in Edgartown, where one ounce of Royal Siberian Osetra Caviar with buckwheat blinis, creme frache and traditional accoutrements will run you $125.

"In Eastman, Georgia, a cop, a father of three, is murdered in cold blood by a gunman identified as Royheem Delshawn Deeds, who is later arrested in Florida while hiding in the trunk of a car owned by his sister, Franshawn Deeds.

"Obama golfs at the Farm Neck Golf Club.

"A Baton Rouge newspaper calls on Obama to break off his vacation to journey to flood-ravaged Louisiana, where 13 people have drowned and at one point 11,000 had fled to shelters — some of the worst flooding since 2005, when George Bush flew over but didn’t touch down and was subsequently flailed by the mainstream media that now says absolutely nothing about Obama’s disinterest.

"Obama dines at L’etoile Restaurant in Edgartown, where a “grilled, spiced-rubbed 13 oz Del Terrullo Grass-Fed Rib Eye steak” goes for $46."

What happens when you sing opera to penguins  "Opera is a style of singing that people either love or hate. It doesn't sound like most other musical performances, and can be pretty jarring if you've never heard it before. Let's see how these penguins react when they hear opera for the first time."

Black Man Calls Out Black Lives Matter For Not Helping Louisiana Flood Victims…

"Helping would require work.
"Via Fox News:
A man is going viral for questioning where Black Lives Matter activists are during the flooding in Louisiana.
Jerry L. Washington, a Baton Rouge native, posted a video to Facebook, asking why activists haven’t done anything to help the majority African-American city.
“Where are the Black Lives Matter and the Black Panthers?” Washington says in the video. “Because I ain’t seen one Black Panther boat or one Black Lives Matter boat. All I see is our own people from our own city saving us.”
“All the drama that was going on with the Alton Sterling killing, they came out with guns ready to go to war. But here we go, all these people flooded out and truly in need of help and we can’t find not one of them,” Washington says.

The tolerance of the left

A day in the life of Democrats

Protesters Block Trump Motorcade, JUMP ON VEHICLE!  "As Trump’s motorcade left the convention center, protesters swarmed his car, shouting “Hey, hey, ho, ho. Donald Trump has got to go.” Several police officers, some holding their bikes in front of them, ordered the protesters back to let the SUV leave.”
"Former Minnesota Congressman Michele Bachmann, who attended the fundraiser, told Breitbart News that Trump’s vehicle was attacked.
…Bachmann said the protesters were using profanity to verbally harass Trump supporters, spitting on them, and were so much a threat to the community that police officers advised people that they needed to leave through alternative exits….
Unicorn Riot. No link. Ever
The ‘protestors’ morphed into rent-a-mobs, and then they became ‘rent-a-thugs’ looking for a beat-down. It was nothing more than Obama/Hillary’s lawlessness and disrespect for decency playing out on the streets of Minneapolis. The only idea the left seems to understand is physical violence used to 
intimidate political opposition. These brute thugs who attacked Donald Trump’s vehicle demonstrate exactly why we need to elect Donald Trump as our next President of the United States, so we can see respect for the rule of law return again in this country.”
 VIDEO: Agitators bang on doors at Trump fundraiser, punch attendees in ‘gauntlet’  "When the event concluded, Trump supporters were forced to run a “gauntlet,” with many, including elderly women, being punched and pelted with garbage.
"Here’s video posted by Renee Jones Schneider, a photographer for the Star Tribune:"

Protesters push, spit on Trump donors at Minn. fundraiser


OverpassesForAmerica  "Open Society Foundations, Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros’ stated vehicle for progressive social change, orchestrated a well-funded attempt to secure a desired outcome in a U.S. Supreme Court case on illegal immigration enforcement, according to a newly discovered memo between the organization’s top U.S. officials and board members."

Soros thinks he's a god

. . . "Soros, who once admitted he considers himself “some kind of god,” sits on the U.S. Programs advisory board, as do his sons Alexander and Jonathan. They’re joined by leading progressives in academia and in the media.

"Hillary greeting her master."
"Harvard University scholar and Washington Post columnist Danielle Allen, Georgetown Law professor and Foreign Policy magazine contributor Rosa Brooks and dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism Steve Coll all serve on the board, in addition to their positions in the media.
. . . 
"Soros’ political activity has come under scrutiny after “hacktivist” organization DCLeaks published thousands of internal documents from Soros’ organizations." . . .

Barry Farber asks if there isn't a constitutional solution to bias in media

"In politics, negative stories about a candidate’s floundering campaign discourages volunteers, energizes his opponents with false stimulation, panics prominent allies who were all set to endorse and inspires donors to put their wallets back in their pockets."
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Why not journalistic malpractice?  . . . "For a while it looked like the wavering Castro regime might fall, but he was rescued by President Jimmy Carter, whose State Department issued a statement emphasizing, “We see no threat to the stability of the Castro government.” The following night there was a huge anti-Castro rally in Miami’s “Little Havana,” which I witnessed from an upper floor of a nearby building.
"Now I’m going to ask you to trust me on this one. In the Boy Scouts I was a miserable failure at tying knots, camping out, even identifying common birds. I was a whiz, however, at estimating how tall a flagpole was, how far it was from the mess hall to the lake, how many people were in a crowd – that sort of thing. I figured there were 8,000 Cubans at that Miami rally, and the police agreed with me. After the rally I hurried to a bar on South Beach so I could see how local TV covered it.
"And when I saw their coverage I wanted to throw the piano through the plate-glass window of the bar. The anchorman, contemptuously and dismissively said, “A few hundred anti-Castro dissidents joined the protest”!"
And on to today: ABC Refuses to Call Milwaukee Violence 'Riots'

Glenn Greenwald: The U.S. Media Is Essentially 100 Percent United Against Donald Trump   . . . "media in the United States has decided to band together in a last-ditch effort to stop the rise of 2016 GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump."

Networks Ignore Anti-Israel Bullying by Muslim Nations at 2016 Olympics
Islam El Shehaby

Full story here:   . . . "None of the networks – especially NBC, the channel hosting the Olympics – seemed to notice at all on their newscasts. They can all champion the Muslim-American fencer, and then ignore the Muslim abuse of Israel. The Jerusalem Post reported the trouble began on the way to the opening ceremonies:"
. . . 
"Where is the diversity-and-inclusion crowd from NBC? If a country blocked a set of LGBT athletes from boarding a bus, they would have had a fit. But bullying Israel is apparently acceptable. The Times of Israel added that in judo, a Saudi competitor forfeited before having to face an Israeli." . . .  
By the way, see this update:
Ibtihaj Muhammad: Meet USA’s America-Hating, Jew-Hating, Racist Olympian & Over-Hyped “Heroine”
. . . "Here are the CliffsNotes on Ms. Muhammad you should know. Her parents are converts to Islam, who joined via the racist, bigoted Nation of Islam, which–to date–embraces Black supremacism(sp), Jew-hatred, and White-hatred. But you never hear the media ask her to denounce it." . . . 

Bad Lip Reading Gives The DNC The Parody It Needs And Deserves

RedState  "The YouTube channel, Bad Lip Reading, has been diligent in mocking the events of the election, as it always has. It's a welcome brand of humor during a time when everyone is taking everything so seriously.
BLR has so far voiced over Ted Cruz's speech at the RNC, and even made a video about the Michelle/Melania speech comparison. Each video is complete nonsense, but hey, what political convention isn't lately?
"This time, BLR gave its attention to the recent DNC. Hilariously, the channel doesn't focus on just one person, but jumps from politicians like Bernie Sanders, and Bill Clinton. He even tackles Michelle Obama, Chelsea Clinton, and some weird moments in between." . . .

Remember when Obama promised that he would not take vacations if elected President?

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, vacation, golf, riots, race, police, louisiana, flood, disaster

"Generally speaking, we think the British exhortation to "Keep Calm and Carry On" in times of turmoil is highly laudable. Unfortunately, Barack Obama is taking that adage to a new extreme which borders more on laudanum than laudable.

"Believing with all his heart that "when the going gets tough, the tough go golfing," the president has not missed a stroke to evince any particular interest in the violent race riots in Milwaukee, nor the human suffering of the victims of catastrophic flooding in Louisiana." . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy


Not many things get me seething, but this does. The narrative of this Administration as dividers instead of uniters is real. Look no further than this “guidance” press release telling us in the middle of it to be sure not to be racist, y’all. Meanwhile, our President enjoys golfing and Martha’s Vineyard and sunny skies. No visits, not even that reviled Bush flyover. Just politically motivated, racially laced memos. Meanwhile, we’ll keep on keeping on. Thanks, Obama.

The leaked Soros documents

Hillary and Soros
Full Media blackout on Soros hacked emails.

"Soros Hack Reveals Plot Behind Europe's Refugee Crisis; Media Manipulation; Cash For "Social Justice" 

"In the two days since the Soros Open Society Foundation hack by the DCLeaks collectiveseveral notable revelations have emerged among the data dump of over 2,500 documents exposing the internal strategy of the organization, which expose some of Soros' tactics to influence and benefit from Europe's refugee crisis, the opportunistic funding and influence of media organizations, providing cash for assorted "pro-democracy" groups including the infamous La Raza, Soros' funding of various "social justice" organizations while paying to track unfavorable media coverage including that of Pamela Geller.
"One particular leaked memo, profiled earlier by the Daily Caller, argues that Europe’s refugee crisis should be accepted as a “new normal,” and that the refugee crisis means “new opportunities” for Soros’ organization to influence immigration policies on a global scale. OSF program officer Anna Crowley and program specialist Katin Rosin co-authored the May 12 memo, titled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review.”. . . 

Friday, August 19, 2016

The Slyville Smith Case: It Doesn’t Matter

Posted by Mike McDaniel in Courts and Cops 
"Circa August 18, 2016, with the Milwaukee case leading the news, it is instructive to review the pantheon of Black Lives Matter, holy social justice martyrs, all of which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Democrat Party."

Slyville Smith in his natural habitat. credit: nydailynews

‘Now y’all see his face if he’s seen anywhere in the city drop him,’ read one post. Another called for a gun so the person could ‘shoot him right in his head.
The posters gave the officer’s name, Dominique Heaggan, and some included his home address.

"In this case, it appears one can’t readily blame this media outlet for releasing his name. However, it’s an indication that the BLM movement and its political and financial abettors care nothing for fact. If the police shoot and kill a black man, the reasons don’t matter. Riots, arson, and blood will be the immediate result, and few, if any authorities seem serious about stopping rampant lawlessness if someone screams “racism!' ”
. . . 
"Ueal’s comments are representative of a trend emanating from President Obama, through the DOJ to the streets: black people should be essentially immune from police contact and from arrest. From even Ueal’s account, it seems Heaggan was precisely the kind of officer high crime, poor neighborhoods need. However, not every black person is onboard with Social Justice:

credit: nydailynews

After watching the officer’s body camera footage, Flynn said the entire incident took about 25 seconds, from the start of the traffic stop until shots were fired. He said Smith ran ‘a few dozen feet’ after being stopped, and turned toward the officer while holding the gun. He said it was unclear how many rounds the officer fired in response.