Saturday, June 4, 2022

Babylon Bee again: 10 Best Ways To Celebrate Pride Month

 Babylon Bee

"Pride Month begins on June 1 and lasts until either homophobia is destroyed or the first day of July—whichever comes first.  Here are some great ways to celebrate:

1) Repent - The best thing you can do during Pride Month, or any month.

2) Read all the verses in your Bible that mention pride - Then, repent again.

3) Participate in the ceremonial exchanging of the Ukraine flag profile pic for the rainbow flag profile pic - It is a time-honored tradition.

4) Buy a Mustang - Become an honorary gay.

5) Put some frogs in water treated with government chemicals - This will make them gay.

6) Use the urinal right next to another dude - Don't make it weird; just do it.

7) Reclaim the rainbow as a symbol of God's promise to never flood the earth again - Then be really annoying by complimenting all the gay people for embracing the Noahic covenant.

8) Listen to some gay artists like George Michael, Elton John, or Maroon 5 - This will show you are an ally.

9) Go to your local library and host a "Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 19 Reading Hour" for the little ones - We must honor our LGBTQ history.

10) Repent one more time just to be sure - You can't be too careful when you're living in a nation that blatantly defied God for decades after He blessed her and made her into the most prosperous nation on earth!

Shafer: Preacher Joe needs to hang up his collar and start being president

That Time Biden Sided With the NRA, Said Bad Guys Will Get Guns 'With or Without Gun Control'

One of my “favorite” characteristics of liberals is how they “evolve” on key issues. And by “evolve,” I mean how brazenly they do complete 180s after sticking their wetted fingers in the political wind, and when they believe the time is right, they turn on a dime. Like Hillary Clinton “evolving” on same-sex marriage — within the first 72 hours of her 2016 presidential run. Or in this case, Joe Biden’s views on gun control.....

 Hot Air  "To whom did Joe Biden aim his Thursday night address on gun control? Politico’s Jack Shafer can’t figure it out either, except to conclude that Preacher Joe may have only desired to sermonize to the choir. Not only did Biden not offer anything substantively new in an extraordinary prime-time address, Biden made clear that he’s only interested in the choir:

It’s hard to imagine that any of the gun rights faithful were swayed by Biden’s talk, as he provided no new argument for the cause of gun control, and aside from the recent examples of gun massacres, no new compelling data. As a veteran horse-trader from his years in the Senate, Biden knows all about high-stakes compromise, negotiation and persuasion. If the speech contained a persuasive lesson about gun control, it must have been written in code. Although Biden directed his comments primarily to the citizenry, he also appealed to members of the Senate Republican minority — the people he must reach in order to pass such new, politically ambitious measures. But nothing in his call to action showed the slightest promise of moving them; it provided them no political reward for switching. Biden neither menaced the Republican senators with threats nor caressed them with promises or compromises that might have split off a Republican supporter or two. Unless you are already one of Pastor Biden’s congregants, his words, his expression of sorrow and his emotional pleading came across as the usual Democratic Party white noise. Filled with good intentions that he drove into a semantic dead end, Biden sounded like a bad Aaron Sorkin speech. Why did he even bother with his address?

"Is there such a thing as a good Aaron Sorkin speech? I kid, I kid, as I enjoy much of Sorkin’s work. This speech did remind me of one particularly bad Sorkin speech at the end of The American President, in which Michael Douglas’ character reveals himself as a gun-grabber in what is supposed to be a heroic moment:"

In Biden's Walter Mitty dreams he sees the press standing in awe of his words like this. TD

Is Pride Month over yet?

Bookworm Room  

"Lately, every month is LGBT propaganda month but, come June, you can’t escape the relentless drumbeat. This post looks at the drumbeat and lots of other things, too."

A Democrat finally says out loud what they all think about the Constitution

Andrea Widburg

As a reminder, the Second Amendment isn’t for deer hunting or trap shooting. It exists to protect individuals from their government—and, as I never tire of reminding people, nothing is more dangerous than a government that turns on its people. 

Added by TD

"The Democrats have made it plenty clear over the years that they don’t like the Constitution as written. They hate free speech, a free press, religion that is free from government intervention and, most of all, the Second Amendment and its clear recognition of every citizen’s inherent right to bear arms. Unable to change these principles, they opt for imaginary rights (e.g., abortion, same-sex marriage) and dream of packing the Supreme Court to circumvent the intentionally cumbersome amendment process. But they always pay lip service to the Constitution. That is, until Rep. David Cicilline (D. R.I.) spoke openly about his contempt. He is to be praised for his honesty.

"The occasion for Cicilline’s outburst was, of course, debate about the Democrats’ latest effort to use ordinary legislation (as opposed to the amendment process) to curtail Americans’ Second Amendment rights. More specifically, Cicilline was outraged that anybody would think there was a constitutional problem with proposed federal red flag laws." . . .

It’s Time to Drop the Word 'Homophobia'

"Let’s be clear: “homophobia” is a made-up word. It never existed throughout human history. But then one day, a guy imagined a word that meant “an irrational fear of gayness,” and liked it. He wrote it down, published it, and it was off to the races. "

American Thinker

. . ."Real phobias are treatable with systematic desensitization. They’re treatable by gradually exposing a person to whatever they’re afraid of. When someone can be exposed without “excessive” anxiety (note the lack of precision in the word “excessive”), the phobia has been successfully treated. The fear has been exposed as irrational and unnecessary.

"But “homophobia” doesn’t work like this.

"In many cases, it’s the opposite. The more certain individuals are exposed to all this, the more averse they become. There aren’t irrational fears, but at least in some cases, principles that are quite rational. (One exception can be children, who are still learning the rudimentary basics of life, and so are highly vulnerable—and gullible.)

"None of this offers reason to bully, shame, or depersonalize in either direction. There’s some room for healthy tolerance and mutual respect in these matters. Sexuality is a complex topic.

"But the word “homophobia” is poisoning the conversation. Instead of producing clarity and understanding, it inflames, confuses, and depersonalizes. It corrupts the possibility for genuine dialogue. It opens a portal for hatred to flow from one human to another. It also paves the way for the open persecution of anyone who hasn’t drunk the Kool-Aid of the Stalinesque narrative that powerful individuals are trying to shove down our throats.

"But even more, the word is psychobabble.

"It’s time we stopped using it."

Friday, June 3, 2022

Olga Skabeyeva is to Putin as CNN is to Biden

 Putin propagandist Olga Skabeyeva says 'World War III has already begun' (

"Russian state TV on Wednesday declared that World War III with the West has already begun — warning that the US would “pay a heavy price” for interfering in the Ukraine war.

"Olga Skabeyeva, the steely-eyed host of “60 Minutes” on the state TV channel Russia-1, declared this week that the “special military operation” in Ukraine was over.

“ 'A real war has already begun — World War III,” she said. “We are forced to conduct a demilitarization not only of Ukraine, but of the entire NATO alliance.”

"The Kremlin mouthpiece singled out Britain and the US, pointing out that the western counties have been supplying huge quantities of weapons to Ukraine that are now being used on the battlefield against Russia.

"Another Putin supporter, political scientist with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Avatkov, then chimed in, saying: “anyone who would try to interfere with the special operation will pay a heavy price for it.”. . .

What Is the US End Goal in Ukraine?

Are We Just Going to Ignore Biden's Biggest Whopper in His Shoddy Anti-Gun Address Last Night?

 Townhall  "We all knew this speech would be a waste of time—and it was. It was nothing we haven’t heard during the Obama presidency with one key exception—Obama can deliver an eloquent speech. Biden just looks small. He looks like he was never meant to be president which is why he lost twice before. He’s not a guy who will ever rise to the occasion because he looks slow, weak, and stupid. In all, the speech’s theme was ‘do something—I don’t care what it is just do something.’ When the political class agrees to that theme—bad things happen. Biden tossed out statistics that are undoubtedly wrong or half true. The biggest one centered on the firearm industry. 

"This great industry is shielded from nonsensical lawsuits from liberal lawyers who think they can shred the Second Amendment by suing the gun manufacturers out of existence. If they had their way, every gun maker would be on trial right now. People would sue them for homicides and other gun-related events for which these companies bear no responsibility. On faulty safety defects, that’s a different story and something worthy of a lawsuit. For homicides, no—Remington didn’t sell the weapon to the criminal, and it was never meant to be used in a crime. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act which was passed in 2005 under George W. Bush is essential to protecting our Second Amendment. 

"Yet, Joe . . . says the gun industry is “the only industry in this country that has that kind of immunity.” 

"That’s wrong, Joe. You lied. I know the lights are getting dimmer by the day because your brain function is slightly higher than a yam, but I’m pretty sure the pharmaceutical companies enjoy a massive legal shield from the COVID vaccine. Oh wait—they do (via CNBC):". . .

More questions about purchasing guns

Another holiday weekend, another spike in big-city shootings

Those killed in major cities are largely people "of color."  Where are the cries of racism as the media did with Uvalde, saying the police would have gone in sooner if the children had been white?

"You don't hear them talking about taking away their First Amendment rights to speech to control violence, but you do hear them say that about the Second Amendment.  Gun control hasn't worked.  The more they pass laws, the worse it has gotten.  It's time to look for an answer that works and not keep posturing."

What if Chicago turns its rule over to Republicans? Those people will still be there with their guns.

In 2001, two months before 9-11 and after Mayor Guiliani replaced the Democrats' Dinkins, I asked a NY Policeman what Guiliani did to make the subways and streets safe. His reply was simply that Guiliani told police to enforce the law. Later came the Democrats. TD 

NYC Assemblymember Blames Tulsa Shooting on White Supremacy but Gunman was Black

A doctor who loved jazz, a mother of two: What we know about the Tulsa shooting victims (

Who are the victims of the Tulsa, Oklahoma, hospital shooting? (

How did this man buy the gun so quickly and easily?

So much for government protecting our quality of life

If Joe Biden Cared About Gun Laws, Hunter Biden Would Already Be In Jail  . . ."For starters, suing gun manufacturers for the way their firearms are used is akin to suing the Ford Motor Company because a black suspect motivated by anti-white racism allegedly plowed through a Wisconsin Christmas parade, brutally killing at least six with Ford Escape SUV. In stark contrast to his immediate visits to Buffalo and Uvalde following mass tragedies, Biden made no trip to console the families of Waukesha, Wisconsin, nor did he demand Congress take on the car lobby.

"Biden summarized his demands in a tweet calling on lawmakers to pass new gun bans and repeal immunity laws for firearm manufacturers that don’t exist.

"An easy giveaway that Democrats aren’t ever actually serious about solving the underlying issues whenever tragedy strikes with firearm, Federalist Senior Editor David Harsanyi points out, are that the laws they routinely propose never would have prevented the carnage in the first place.". . .

Watch: Lauren Boebert TORCHES Dems Over Gun Control, Delivers Best Speech Of Entire Career  Prepare for the doxing to come.


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸
Joe Biden wants to ban “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazines” yet Democrats refuse to prosecute violent crimes in Democrat cities all over the country, and refuse to protect your children at school with armed security. Same Democrats are protected by armed guards daily.

NO SHAME: The leader of free world is a walking gaffe machine


. . .Biden resents his staff following him around with a broom and dustpan: "He makes a clear and succinct statement — only to have aides rush to explain that he actually meant something else." This, according to Biden, "smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise."

"The president of the United States is a blowhard — again.

"If the country thought that it was getting a buttoned-up, by-the-books communicator after four wildly undisciplined years of Donald Trump, it knew nothing about Joseph R. Biden's long career as Washington's standout long-winded, seat-of-the-pants, poorly informed and misleading talker.

"Joe Biden blew up two presidential campaigns with his verbal idiocy, and no one thought during his decades as a senator that he was just the statesman the country needed to handle sensitive international questions with precise, cogent communications.

"Winston Churchill famously mobilized the English language and sent it into battle. Joe Biden tries to muster the English language but confuses and dispirits it, until the poor language slinks off ready to get its discharge papers and return to civilian life.

"Biden's handling of Russia and China in recent months has been marked by a basic inability to stay within the lines of US policy — by seeming to give a kind of green light to a "minor" Russian incursion into Ukraine; by calling for Russian President Vladimir Putin to go; and by committing to defend Taiwan by force.

"All these wayward statements required immediate and utterly predictable cleanup by a White House staff that must be on constant alert to explain on a moment's notice what the president meant, after he says something completely different.

"Rarely have so few had to clarify so much.". . .

Years ago, Joe Biden asked me why I never used sound bites from him in my coverage of the Senate. "Senator," I said, "I think you're a windbag." He good-naturedly laughed it off. I thought it was true then. Read this and see if you think it's true now.

Joe Biden Admitted in 1985 Criminals Will Get Firearms ‘With or Without Gun Control’

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report, June 2, 2022

 Jewish World Review  "Warner Brothers hired JJ Abrams to direct the next Superman movie
and commissioned a script, but the studio won't say which actor will play the Man of Steel. We all know how they should stage the crowd scene on the street to open the movie. Look, up in the sky--it's a bird, it's a plane, it's gas prices!

 President Biden held a White House meeting with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Tuesday to consider ways to fight inflation. The skyrocketing cost of gas even affected the Coca-Cola 600 at the Charlotte Motor Speedway Sunday. For the first time in racetrack history, the drivers had to carpool.

 President Biden appeared to propose banning 9mm handguns Tuesday in an ad-libbed remark that was quickly walked back by the White House and re-explained as favoring an assault weapon ban. President Biden spent Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery. He had to show ID to get out.

 Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressed reporters on Capitol Hill on Tuesday and said she supports the effort to craft a red flag warning law to spot crazy shooters ahead of time. She'd flown across the country and back to deal with her husband on Memorial Day. She was honoring the fallen down drunk.

 Special Counsel John Durham's probe of the Hillary campaign's use of the now debunked Steele Dossier to frame Trump was stalled by a partisan jury Tuesday. A jury of Democrats in DC acquitted Hillary's lawyer Michael Sussman of lying to the FBI. The first one to congratulate him was O.J. Simpson.

 A DC jury acquitted Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman of lying to the FBI when he told the FBI in 2016 he was not tipping them to the Trump-Russia collusion fiction on Hilary's behalf. Sussman can now relax. Hillary's called off his suicide and the jurors will live to see their next birthday.

 Russia's Vladimir Putin held a virtual meeting with European leaders Tuesday to urge them not to sell weapons to Ukraine. The Euro leaders are just lucky they were invited to parley. Whenever Vladimir Putin hosts a conference of international leaders, if you're not at the table, you're on the menu.  More here...