Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gas Prices Back Above $3, Networks Don't Question Obama Policies
Wall Street Journal  "The Heritage Foundation noted on Dec. 29 that the press pestered Bush about gas costs and the political consequences of high pump prices, but have yet to ask Obama the question. CBS suggested on April 26, 2006, that President Bush needed to "do something" about gas prices.
"A few months later, on Aug. 21, 2006, Bush was asked at a press conference: "What do you say to people who are losing patience with gas prices at $3 a gallon? And how much of a political price do you think you're paying for that, right now?"....
"How does Obama plan to raise prices? With further EPA regulations of power plants and oil refineries, and more rules for natural resources on government properties and the 'de facto moratorium' on oil drilling.
"Not one of the December 2010 network stories mentioning gas prices questioned the role of the Obama White House."

Pentagon cuts to reflect Gates, White House tussle

Reuters   "Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been successfully pushing back against White House attempts to more severely cut into weapons program funding than what the Pentagon had been bracing for, an analyst and defense company source said on Tuesday."

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mike Ramirez Cartoon

The outrage of the Enterprise XO

Blackfive  "But I sure as hell respect the stones, ability and discipline it takes to ride a rocket into the sky and then land it on a boat in the ocean. So unfortunately a good officer loses his chance to command the Enterprise over something this lame, but worse yet we lose a bit of our warrior spirit."

Captain Owen Honors  "As for the military high command, which reacted with knee-jerk speed by destroying Capt. Owen’s career, I don’t think it did itself any favors. When will traditional forces realize that the liberals in this country can never be appeased? A less extreme response would have been proportionate to the low level of the offense, and would not have fed the perpetual outrage machine on the Left. As it is, conservatives, with their abject overreacting keep conceding liberal points, even when the liberals really have no point at all."

Max Boot: Judging Captain Honors  "Honors seems to have not gotten the message, which calls his judgment into question. On the other hand, the military’s judgment is open to question, too, when it is far easier to relieve an officer of his command for a sexual imbroglio of even the mildest sort than it is for losing a battle or even a war."

(Updated) Gas prices on rise: Drilling Is Stalled Even After Ban Is Lifted

Wall Street Journal "More than two months after the Obama administration lifted its ban on drilling in the deep-water Gulf of Mexico, oil companies are still waiting for approval to drill the first new oil well there. Experts now expect the wait to continue until the second half of 2011, and perhaps into 2012."

The Causes and Effects of High Gas Prices "But a huge part of the supply problem is due to environmental regulations (and environmentalists' opposition to new refineries), and political opposition to oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico and in parts of Alaska. 
Photo: The Freedomist
"Gasoline supplies are impeded by regulations that require specialized blends of gasoline for certain parts of the country. Gasoline used to be essentially the same nationwide, but there are many different "flavors" of gas sold now, in some cases for specific counties. Generally this seems to cause the price of gas to be higher in and around big cities.
"Another factor that drives up the cost is the political opposition to offshore drilling."

Home Security Sign

Maggies Farm  via Bookworm Room

Iran Media: Massacre at Christian Church in Egypt Was….Mossad Plot; No Muslim Could Do Something ‘So Inhumane’

Big Peace  "That certainly clears things up, doesn’t it? This report, which is a translation from Iranian television, tells you everything you need to know about the Iranian regime and its worldview:"

AMERICA GETS PUNKED… Russians Say START Treaty Covers Antimissile Defense Systems

Gateway Pundit  "They Told Us the START Treaty Could Not Wait – It Had to Be Signed Before Christmas–
"The Obama Administration insisted that passing the START Treaty would not impact the US antimissile defense systems.
"They were wrong."

John Bolton considering bid for US president in 2012

Jerusalem Post "Earlier in the interview, Bolton, who also once oversaw US non-proliferation policy, came out strongly against the Obama administration's foreign policy, saying that the US president seems to be " very uncomfortable asserting American interests around the world.""

Texas Speaker’s Race Heats Up: John Bolton Endorses Challenger  "Who ends up wielding the gavel this year is key for many reasons, not least among them the one that has already come up twice in this post: The redrawing of Texas’ electoral map. The state will get four new seats in the US House or Representatives, and lines down to the precinct level will also be redrawn. The House speaker plays a key role in that process, and thus the speaker in this year’s session will be unusually powerful and influential well beyond the 140 day legislative session."


Neal Boortz  "I think the Republicans are making their first big mistake of the 112th Congress this week. John Boehner has scheduled a repeal vote for ObamaCare on January 12th. It will pass the House .. but things don't look at all good for the Senate. The GOP is really just making a statement here: "ObamaCare, here we come." But they're doing it wrong. They are making it easy for Pelosi and the Democrats to retaliate with sound bites delivered to a press eager to see the Republicans fall flat on their faces."

MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN WASHINGTON ..."With parts of Obamacare going into effect, and many more parts left to go, Kathleen Sebelius is the one who gets to make crucial decisions about the future of our healthcare system. Some poor sap took the time to count the number of references in Obamacare that refer to the secretary: there are 700 references in Obamacare to the secretary "shall," 200 to the secretary "may," and 139 to the secretary "determines." In other words, the secretary has a lot of decisions to make and power to wield."

Terrible weapon

U.S. Military fields new mine roller technology to defeat IEDs photo with article.  "The job of the SPARKS II is to attach to the front of vehicles and detonate roadside bombs before they have a chance to harm servicemembers riding in the cab. This is the same job as other mine rollers, but SPARKS II gives servicemembers more options to protect themselves.
"The driver has the ability to make on-the-spot changes to how the new roller operates from inside the vehicle. They can manipulate a variety of settings and change how SPARKS II interacts with the environment within moments.
"One of the most useful features of the new system is the ability to change distance from the vehicle to the roller, which can also be done without having to leave the vehicle, said Tilford Briscoe, site manager for R4 Inc*, the company in charge of fielding SPARKS II."
*Another evil corporation.