Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Neal Boortz  "I think the Republicans are making their first big mistake of the 112th Congress this week. John Boehner has scheduled a repeal vote for ObamaCare on January 12th. It will pass the House .. but things don't look at all good for the Senate. The GOP is really just making a statement here: "ObamaCare, here we come." But they're doing it wrong. They are making it easy for Pelosi and the Democrats to retaliate with sound bites delivered to a press eager to see the Republicans fall flat on their faces."

MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN WASHINGTON ..."With parts of Obamacare going into effect, and many more parts left to go, Kathleen Sebelius is the one who gets to make crucial decisions about the future of our healthcare system. Some poor sap took the time to count the number of references in Obamacare that refer to the secretary: there are 700 references in Obamacare to the secretary "shall," 200 to the secretary "may," and 139 to the secretary "determines." In other words, the secretary has a lot of decisions to make and power to wield."

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