Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Kamala Harris: a top leader of the free world

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. . . .2 Timothy 3:1-5, New Testament
Pronounced "comma-la"; just ask her.

Flashback: That Time Kamala Harris Said She Believed Biden’s Accusers

Harris also suggested Biden supported racists on national television, but I guess we’re supposed to forget that, too.
Kamala Harris compared ICE officers to KKK  "VP pick brings staunch defense of illegal immigrants, criticism of DHS". Ms. Harris never apologized.

Kamala BLM Harris Praises ‘Incredible’ Black Lives Matter But Feeling Isn’t Mutual  "Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) praised Black Lives Matter activists for their  "incredible" and "smart" activism during her Wednesday night Comedy Central interview, saying their demonstrations enabled some of the accomplishments she made on criminal justice reform.
" 'One of the benefits that I believe the system received and that helped me do the work that I was able to accomplish was because of the incredible activism and smart activism of folks, like the folks who were Black Lives Matter," Harris told Trevor Noah. "The folks who were involved on the outside who were saying and demanding that the system would change, demanding and marching and advocating."
" 'That activism allowed me to then be able to do some of the work that I accomplished. I could not have done anything I did without that level of organized, smart activism on the outside," Harris said.
"The admiration for that "activism on the outside" from Harris doesn't go both ways, as many prominent activists in the black community have expressed doubt about her presidential campaign because of her actions as a California prosecutor.
"Johnetta Elzie, one of the lead organizers of the 2014 protests in Ferguson, Missouri, responded to Harris's presidential launch by telling Slate she was "not excited" about her run and criticizing her reluctance to back body-camera legislation in California.
"Having lived through the experience of protesting in Ferguson, and knowing the impact body cameras could've had on catalyzing our moment, I couldn't understand her position," Elzie said." . . .

Black Lives Matter holds rally in Chicago to support those arrested after looting, unrest
“That is reparations,” a BLM organizer said. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance"
Yogi Dalal hugs his daughter Jigisha as his other daughter Kajal, left,
 bows her head at the family food and liquor store Monday, Aug. 10,
after the family business was vandalized in Chicago. 
 George Soros 
has not yet offered financial support to this family.
. . . "Officers had responded to a call about a man with a gun in the Englewood neighborhood. While being pursued by police, the man, who was on foot, “turned and fired shots” at officers before being struck himself and taken to a local hospital, Deputy Chief Delonda Tally told Fox 32 Chicago.
"Latrell Allen, 20, was charged with attempted murder Monday after firing on officers, according to Chicago police. A video posted on Facebook around 6:30 p.m. falsely claimed that officers had shot and killed a 15-year-old boy.
"The shooting prompted hundreds of people to descend on downtown Chicago early Monday with vandals smashing the windows of dozens of businesses and making off with merchandise, cash machines and anything else they could carry, police said." . . . More...

Kamala Harris Has Joined the Riot Bailout Program and This Only Looks Worse for Democrats

Black Lives Matter "jumped the shark" . . . "For their part, Black Lives Matter decided to hold a rally last night to show solidarity, not with police or against violence, but with the looters." . . .
But we live in a country where BLM is celebrated while innocuous movements like the Tea Party were demonized. Very little makes sense anymore. What I do know is that BLM needs to be pushed back on. 

That White House shooter

Rattled yet?  . . .  "Additionally, when there's a crisis, we grade a leader's performance — can this leader handle the heat?  When the going gets tough and scary, will this person be there for the nation?  Will the leader show grace under pressure?" . . .
After providing a few more details, Trump opened the floor for questions.  A reporter asked, "Are you rattled by this at all, Mr. President?"  Trump's response was simple.  "I don't know.  Do I seem rattled?"  In fact, he didn't seem rattled.  Trump acknowledged that the world is a dangerous place and then quickly got back to business.
Kathy Griffin jokingly tweets 'it wasn't me' after reported shooting near the White House during President Trump's press conference (Pictured, right)

 Man ‘ran aggressively’ at Secret Service officer before being shot near White House 
"The man shot near the White House on Monday — briefly halting the president’s press briefing — “ran aggressively” towards a Secret Service agent and claimed to have a weapon, authorities said.
"The shooting of the 51-year-old suspect by a federal officer happened at 5:50 p.m. right outside the White House at the corner of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, the Secret Service said in a statement.
" 'The suspect approached the officer and told the officer he had a weapon. The suspect then turned around, ran aggressively towards the officer, and in a drawing motion, withdrew an object from his clothing,” the federal agency said.
"The man then “crouched into a shooter’s stance as if about to fire a weapon,” before the officer opened fire, striking the man in his torso." . . .

"Surveillance Video Shows Shooting Incident Outside White House | Secret Service officers shot the gun-wielding man after he allegedly ignored orders to drop his weapon." Reports said he took a shooter's stance but that id not evident in this video. Notice the officer kicking the weapon out of the gunman's reach.

Tucker Carlson, Greg Gutfeld Dismantle CNN After Claim That No News Orgs Exist To Tear Down Trump

Daily Wire "Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld slammed CNN on Monday after CNN media reporter Brian Stelter aired a segment over the weekend claiming that no news organizations existed to tear down President Donald Trump.
"The segment came as Stelter aggressively defended presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden over the week, claiming without evidence that “entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden.”
" 'When you see entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden, is there an equivalent to that on the left tearing down Trump?” Stelter asked a guest on his show.
"The guest responded, “There really isn’t and what I would say, it’s really a diet of this type of information that a lot of these voters are getting.”
“ 'Oh, to be this dumb,” Gutfeld responded. “So, so, wait, there’s no anti-Trump network? Wow, even CNN admits nobody watches CNN. But look, even if you despise Trump, you’ve got to admit this deception dares you to laugh in its face. There isn’t an anti-Trump media company? Hell, there might be two dozen with CNN leading the ‘hair on fire pack.’ The only reason every Trump book goes to number one is because it has two cable networks doing its P.R., which explains why two recent massive surveys say media is overwhelmingly biased and cannot be trusted.' ” . . .

Have Conservatives Gone Dark?

John Kudla  "Going dark in a general sense means to cease communications or activities.  This tactic can be applied to espionage, military operations, guerrilla warfare, and large segments of any population if a situation warrants it.  Judging from the results of recent political polls, one could argue that a significant percentage of conservative voters and perhaps even moderates have gone dark.
"If you were surprised by a July 19 ABC News/Washington Post poll that had Joe Biden up over Donald Trump by 15 points nationally, a CBS News/YouGov poll from July 26 that had Biden up by 10 points, or the most recent Economist/YouGov poll that has Biden up by 9 points, chances are you were not alone.  Conservative analysts would consider these polls less than accurate or deliberately juiced in some way to get a desired result.  However, if you look at the Real Clear Politics 2020 list of national presidential polls, the last time Trump polled ahead of Biden was February 2020.  Almost all national polls have had Biden ahead before and since." . . .
. . . 
"The most compelling case that conservatives have gone dark is a recent Cato Institute poll, which found that 62% of Americans overall are afraid to express their political views.  This includes 77% of conservatives but an average of 47% of liberals and strong liberals.  This is an amazing statistic.  Less than half of liberals are afraid to express their political views, while over three quarters of conservatives fear doing so.
"It is not difficult to understand why conservatives feel this way.  They watch night after night as a slow-motion liberal version of Kristallnacht rolls on in many American cities.  Police are attacked, businesses are looted and burned, statues are pulled down, and innocent bystanders or motorists in their cars are harassed or worse.  They know that wearing a MAGA hat or shirt in the wrong neighborhood may get them attacked and beaten.  They know that a Trump yard sign or bumper sticker may get their house or vehicle vandalized.  They know that if they say or post the wrong thing on social media, they may be tarred as a racist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc., and could possibly lose their job or career. 
"The commonsense reaction to these kinds of threats is to either fight back or go dark. "

CNN long ago gave up any aspirations of being a source to be relied on for information.

Stelter at CNN discusses how conservative sites are created to go after the left. Then he asks the panel if there is any liberal site whose purpose is to go after conservative Republicans. The panel agrees with Stelter/CNN that there is none, zip, nada, bupkis. TD

Watch this piece of hard-hitting journalism as CNN speaks nonsense to power:

The Mainstream Media Is at the Point of No Return  "A recent landmark poll of 20,000 citizens undertaken by the Knight Foundation and Gallup found that Americans’ hope for and trust in an objective media is all but lost.  They see not only an ever-growing partisanship in news reporting but a determination by the mainstream media to push a political agenda instead of honestly disseminating the news.  While generic faith in the media has been gradually declining over recent decades, the precipitous drop in trust and questions about what motivates the mainstream media can be traced to June 2015 and Donald Trump’s entry into the presidential sweepstakes. 
"This latest Gallup poll is the most devastating indictment of the media in polling history.  Some highlights:" . . .
However, in what is the most egregious example of media malpractice in American history, the mainstream media was and continues to be complicit in, as well as co-conspirators with, the Obama Administration in the greatest scandal in American history -- the Russian collusion hoax. 
. . . "The mainstream media, in their determination to exploit Donald Trump’s notoriety and subsequent quixotic quest to destroy him, has achieved an unprecedented negative trifecta.  Due to an insatiable need for ratings, the mainstream media was a major in-kind contributor to someone they loathed winning the presidency.  This same motivation precipitated their willingness to became the butt of ridicule and mockery on the national stage they provided.  And now they have forever lost the trust of the American people."

James O’Keefe Releases CNN Insider Video – CNN President Gives Daily Instructions To Target President Trump….   "Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has released part-1 of an insider video series highlighting daily instructions from CNN President Jeff Zucker to his organization.
"Perhaps the most disturbing aspect to this insider report is the 9:00am daily instructions from the president of a news organization telling his executives which aspects of the political effort to disparage President Trump should be their focus."... .Undercover video

NY state assemblyman slams 'spineless' de Blasio's coronavirus checkpoints as 'utter nonsense'

One does admire the convictions of de Blazio if you think about it; the guy is taunted and ridiculed for being the worst mayor ever in this country yet he continues to remain just that.
The Tunnel Dweller.

"De Blasio’s just trying to make it look like he’s flexing some kind of political muscle'

Fox News   "New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is leading the Big Apple into shambles as the state's governor begs people to stay, a state assemblyman told FOX Business Network's "Varney & Co." Monday.
"Mike LiPetri, a Republican assemblyman, slammed the Democrat mayor for his coronavirus checkpoints, which could result in fines up to $10,000 for visitors, amid rising homelessness and violence in the city.
" 'This is utter nonsense," LiPetri told host Stuart Varney. "I mean 20,000 deaths from COVID are from New York City alone over these past few months, but de Blasio’s just trying to make it look like he’s flexing some kind of political muscle, but in reality, this man is spineless.” . . .

. . . "The New York assemblyman said it’s “history repeating itself,” pointing to the 1970s and '80s, noting, “New York City was the slums and until you saw Mayor Guiliani come and actually lift this city up and clean it up."
" 'But now since Mayor Bill de Blasio’s taken over, it is in shambles," he said. "You have this radical left replacing it with all these socialist mentalities and theories, that in effect, don’t actually come to fruition when put in practice, and you’re seeing those effects take place today.' ” . . .


Monday, August 10, 2020

Who or What Exactly Is Running Against Trump?

The inner-Biden at 77 is turning out to be an unabashed bigot in the age of “cancel culture” and thought crimes that has apparently declared him immune from the opprobrium reserved for any such speech.
Victor Davis Hanson  . . . "In the past, it was to Biden’s advantage to postpone his selection of his female-mandated vice presidential running mate, given the lose-lose choice of either picking a woke young African American female who may polarize swing voters while spending the next three months being vetted in the fashion of California "Representative Karen Bass’s Scientology and Fidel Castro issues, or selecting a vetted, but off-putting former National Security Advisor Susan Rice or Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who does not especially like Biden and would be seen as hovering and rummaging about as an impatient president-in-waiting.
"Biden, remember, is one of the few primary candidates in history who promised in advance to pick a running mate on the basis of gender and, as events would dictate, and by inference, race as well.
"But now there seems an additional urgency to select a running mate, given the Democratic ticket is a construct, with no visible or viable presidential candidate. While traditional polls show a sizable Biden lead, at some point voters will want more than the current contest of Trump alone versus the media, the virus, the lockdown, the economy, and the rioting. But so far, it remains a one-person race, in the fashion of Clint Eastwood’s weird 2012 Republican National Convention appearance speaking to an empty chair." . . .

Desperate CNN Runs DEFENSE For Biden As His Campaign Starts SINKING!

Via Doug Ross Journal

Juan Williams Defends Portland Mayor — Kennedy Calls Wheeler ‘The Nutless Wonder’

Daily Caller   Fox News’ Juan Williams defended Democratic Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, saying Friday that the real problem was federal law enforcement on the ground in his city amid protests.
Williams addressed the issue on “The Five,” arguing that federal law enforcement officers had been sent to Portland “for no reason,” and Fox Business host Lisa Kennedy was quick to push back with harsh criticism for Mayor Wheeler."

"Guest host and former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy posed the question to Williams, asking about Wheeler’s recent criticisms of violent protesters and why there had been no real outrage up to this point.
“ 'People are saying Ted Wheeler was negligent or something but I think he was very clear in saying that what those people were doing was violent and it was potentially murderous,” Williams replied. “He used the word murder, that it was wrong. So I think that’s a pretty clear line. I think people disagree about well, he should have been tougher earlier and the like but I don’t think there’s much disagreement from the left or the right when it comes to people who would set a fire and trap people in a building.”
"Williams went on to say that he agreed with Wheeler’s assessment that President Donald Trump was using the unrest to promote his own campaign, adding, “Trump wants to undermine the power of the peaceful protests in his country." . . .

Civil War Battlefields: The Left’s Next Target In The War On History

Democrat from NY, the state of Mayor Bill de Blasio. We must save our hallowed historical places from the ravages of this current cultural fad. If these monuments go, what will be left of American history exhibits? What will protect memorials of the north as well?

Clarion News

"A bill sponsored by Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY) has passed the House and is currently in the Senate for committee review and an eventual vote. H.R. 7608 is entitled the “State, Foreign Operations, Agriculture, Rural Development, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act.”
"The bill provides fiscal year 2021 appropriations for the Department of State, Department of Agriculture, the EPA, various foreign relations initiatives, and related programs. It is the “related programs” that has those who care about American history concerned. If one peruses the 772-page bill, they will find buried way down in the middle somewhere Sec. 442. It reads as follows:
REMOVAL OF COMMEMORATIVE CONFEDERATE WORKS: Notwithstanding any other provision of law or policy to the contrary, within 180 days of enactment of this Act, the National Park Service shall remove from display all physical Confederate commemorative works, such as statues, monuments, sculptures, memorials, and plaques, as defined by NPS, Management Policies 2006.
. . . " There are some twenty-five Civil War battlefields or related historical sites that would be subjected to the axe of H.R. 7608. That is because hallowed grounds like Antietam, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Vicksburg, Manassas, Petersburg, etc., are under the auspices of the National Park Service. If this bill is passed, as it now reads and can be interpreted, within six months of its passage every monument to Confederate participants on the very locations of some of the biggest and bloodiest battles in American history would be removed.
"One can make a reasonable argument for taking down Confederate statues from the public square. After all, should African Americans on their way to work or just strolling the streets be forced to do so in the shadow of those who fought for an upstart nation that, had it been victorious, would have kept their race in chains?" . . .

"All this dancing around works only if Biden is mentally stable enough at least to look presidential. . . . Enter Dan Bongino."

Dan Bongino drops a bomb about Biden
Not a joke and not hyperbole - I’m hearing from people close to the situation that Biden’s cognitive decline is rapidly worsening and is becoming increasingly difficult to mask. The Democrats are going to have to make a decision soon.
"In a recent poll, almost 40% of Americans said they believe that Joe Biden, who won the Democrat party presidential primaries, has dementia.  Democrats have denied this like crazy, even as they keep Joe locked in the basement, where he's spot-welded to a TelePrompter.  Early Sunday morning, though, Dan Bongino dropped a bombshell: while the Democrats deny dementia in public, in private, they're grappling with the fact that not only is Biden suffering from dementia, but he's going downhill fast.
"Joe Biden has always suffered from foot-in-mouth disease.  He's always been a liar and a plagiarist.  Those, however, were personality and moral problems, not signs of a damaged brain.  Lately, though, it's been apparent that something else is going on.  Biden's having memory lapses, he's obviously confused a lot of the time, his impulse control is breaking down, and he struggles to maintain his focus even when he's on the TelePrompter: . . ."

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Pro-Police Protesters Beat Antifa Members After Attack on Disabled Veteran

Paul Whitehead  

'You guys came to the wrong city'

"Pro-police Democstators reportedly beat a group far-left Antifa members who allegedly attacked a veteran who was in a wheelchair.
"During a pro-police rally in Fort Collins, Colorado, several dozen pro-police protesters walked alongside the veteran in the wheelchair who was carrying an American flag.
"According to reports from numerous people, Antifa members went after the man in the wheelchair, which resulted in a fierce response from pro-police protesters.
"In a video, some people among the pro-police protesters stated there was a kid’s birthday party in the area and suggested that the far-left activists had disturbed the event." . . . Video

No way will the good guys give in to that crowd

Our Summer of Cultural Suicide; "Sports, movies, and schools go woke. And broke?"

Victor Davis Hanson
But viewers do seek out theaters for more lectures from beautiful multimillionaires on their racist, sexist, homophobic country.

Professional sports, universities and the motion picture industry all know that what they are doing is bad for business. But they still believe they are rich and powerful — and thus invulnerable. They also are ignorant of history and cannot be persuaded that they are destroying themselves.

"Cultural suicide used to be a popular diagnosis of why things suddenly just quit.
"Historians such as Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynbee cited social cannibalism to explain why once-successful states, institutions and cultures simply died off. Their common explanation was that the arrogance of success ensures lethal consequences. Once elites became pampered and arrogant, they feel exempt from their ancestors’ respect for moral and spiritual laws such as thrift, moderation and transcendence.
"Take professional sports. Over the past century, professional football, basketball and baseball were racially integrated and adopted a uniform code of patriotic observance. The three leagues offered fans a pleasant respite from daily barroom politics. As a result, by the 21st century, the NFL, NBA and MLB had become global multibillion-dollar enterprises.
"Then hubris ensued.
"The owners, coaches and players weren’t always racially diverse. But that inconvenient truth did not stop the leagues from hectoring their fans about social activism — even as they no longer honored common patriotic rituals.
"All three leagues have suffered terribly during the viral lockdown, as American life mysteriously went on without them. And they have almost ensured that they won’t fully recover when the quarantine ends. Many of their often-pampered multimillionaire players refuse to honor the national anthem. In the NFL, they now will broadcast their politics on their helmets. They will virtue-signal their moral superiority to increasingly turned-off fans — as if to ensure that their sources of support flee.
"If students can Zoom or Skype their classes from home this fall, why pay $70,000 a year for the campus “experience”?
"Supposedly woke and informed rioters this summer incoherently toppled or damaged the statues of everyone from Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant to Frederick Douglass and Miguel de Cervantes. So the public might begin to wonder how the nation’s multitrillion-dollar investment in higher education actually served the country.
"Soon, popular fury will beget more dangerous questions for American universities. Maybe the country should subsidize the training of more essential electricians, plumbers, contractors and masons instead of unemployable environmental and ethnic studies majors.
"If a university president wanted to devise a plan for how to destroy his university, he could not have come up with a better one than what has happened on campus in recent decades." . . .More...