Monday, August 10, 2020

Juan Williams Defends Portland Mayor — Kennedy Calls Wheeler ‘The Nutless Wonder’

Daily Caller   Fox News’ Juan Williams defended Democratic Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, saying Friday that the real problem was federal law enforcement on the ground in his city amid protests.
Williams addressed the issue on “The Five,” arguing that federal law enforcement officers had been sent to Portland “for no reason,” and Fox Business host Lisa Kennedy was quick to push back with harsh criticism for Mayor Wheeler."

"Guest host and former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy posed the question to Williams, asking about Wheeler’s recent criticisms of violent protesters and why there had been no real outrage up to this point.
“ 'People are saying Ted Wheeler was negligent or something but I think he was very clear in saying that what those people were doing was violent and it was potentially murderous,” Williams replied. “He used the word murder, that it was wrong. So I think that’s a pretty clear line. I think people disagree about well, he should have been tougher earlier and the like but I don’t think there’s much disagreement from the left or the right when it comes to people who would set a fire and trap people in a building.”
"Williams went on to say that he agreed with Wheeler’s assessment that President Donald Trump was using the unrest to promote his own campaign, adding, “Trump wants to undermine the power of the peaceful protests in his country." . . .

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