Showing posts sorted by relevance for query alyssa milano. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query alyssa milano. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2018

Alyssa Milano's 'Death Stare at Judge Kavanaugh

Her icy glare aside, Milano also attracted considerable attention on social media due to the outfit she wore while attending the hearing.
"Her icy glare aside, Milano also attracted considerable attention on social media due to the outfit she wore while attending the hearing.  
"Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano took social media by storm after she attended the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday.
"As Kavanaugh was giving his testimony during the hearing, many Twitter users took note of Milano seated behind him, and of her facial expression as the actress focused her "death stare," as some people put it, on the man.

She apparently loves the camera as much as any other liberal, maybe almost as much as Obama. TD

"Despite the fact that taking videos and photos were prohibited during the hearing, Milano continued taking pictures and tweeting during the proceedings, prompting guards to confiscate her phone.
"Alyssa Milano, an American actress and #MeToo activist, drew attention on social media after she attended the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday.
"Milano attended the hearing as a guest of Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, wearing a black pinstriped dress, which, as USA Today noted, “some deemed ‘disrespectful’ and ‘revealing.’”
"A number of Twitter users concurred with this assessment, blasting the actress for her choice of clothes and her conduct." . . .
She can bask in adoration at the next Hollywood self-praise gala.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

‘You Are A Fraud’: Rose McGowan Rips Alyssa Milano For Supporting Biden Despite Sexual Assault Allegations (UPDATED 4/9)


"Alyssa Milano is a liberal idiot that mercilessly attacked Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmation hearings. Her stance was, “ALWAYS BELIEVE WOMEN.”
"Always believe women, that is true, of course, if the man accused is not Joe Biden.
"This woman accusing Joe Biden has a far more credible case against him than Christine Blasey Ford had against Kavanaugh.
"For starters, Tara Reade could prove without a doubt that she knew Joe Biden. Tara Reade had proof that she had to take the gym bag over to Biden at the capital that day. She has two witnesses that remember her telling them of the sexual assault when it happened.
"I wrote about the assault here. Please read the original post. I do not believe this is an instance where a woman is going after a powerful man for notoriety. I believe that she is a true sexual assault victim, and we need to be her voice.
"An exert from my original article is important to remember timeline and context surrounding the lack of support from the Times Up and Me Too movement:
You are a fraud. This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie. You have always been a lie. The corrupt DNC is in on the smear job of Tara Reade, so are you. SHAME Alyssa Milano
I explained my silence on the allegations against Joe Biden in this clip.
I am still endorsing @JoeBiden. Listen to this clip to find out why. #MeToo #TimesUp
Via Chicks On The Right Group

I cannot forget Milano's great photo op, set up with the help of Sen. Feinstein and keeping her on camera at the expense of Brett Kavanaugh and his family. She even had a political sign on the back of her clipboard. Publicity for Milano with praise at Hollywood parties and TV talk shows. TD

UPDATE: Milano Utterly Destroyed By #MeToo For Saying: ‘Don’t Believe Biden’s Accuser’  . . . "She sought to explain her “silence” in the face of mounting criticism by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont Independent and Biden’s primary opponent.
“I never thought [Me Too] would be something that would destroy innocent men,” Milano said on SiriusXM’s Radio Andy. “We don’t want that to happen either. So we have to find this balance in the Believe Women movement and also giving men their due process and realizing that we’re destroying lives if we publicly don’t go through the right steps in order to find out if an accusation is credible or not.”
“ 'It’s got to be fair in both directions,” she added.
Milano's obviously sincerely devastated by her accuser,
 but as an actress, she is good at acting "obviously,
sincerely devastated". TD

"While Milano is refusing to believe Biden’s accuser without a “thorough investigation,” she believed Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation against Kavanaugh the same day the doctor came forward in the Washington Post.
"On September 16, 2018, after the Post named Ford, Milano went beyond merely calling for an investigation, instead, tweeting out her categorical support for Ford:" . . .

Rose McGowan Rips Media for ‘Covering Up Creepy Joe Biden’ Assault Allegation  . . . "The fact that Reade’s accusation is more credible than the accusation made against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, is not in dispute. For starters, there’s no proof Blasey Ford even knew Kavanaugh. Secondly, Blasey Ford’s own “witnesses” not only said they didn’t witness anything, more than one said the event never happened.
"Nevertheless, actress-activists like Milano and the establishment media ripped mercilessly into Kavanaugh while they now hang Reade out to dry." . . .  (Emphasis added by TD)

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Alyssa Milano Calls for Sex Strike, Ignites Social Media

The actress ignited social media with a tweet calling for women to join her in a sex strike to protest strict abortion bans passed by Republican-controlled legislatures.

Milano pictured in her publicity shot at the Kavanaugh hearings
. . . "Milano received support from fans and fellow actress Bette Midler joined her in also calling for a sex strike with her own tweet. But both liberals and conservatives also lampooned her idea, with conservatives praising her for promoting abstinence and liberals saying she was pushing a false narrative that women only have sex as a favor to men.
"Milano said the criticism didn’t bother her and that her tweet was having her desired effect, “which is getting people to talk about the war on women.' ” . . .
. . . 
Cool. Be extremely careful. If you get pregnant and miscarry, and they can’t prove you didn’t miscarry on purpose, you can get thrown in jail for a long time in Georgia. #SexStrike  Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 11, 2019
"If it sounds like she’s suggesting that authorities will throw women in the slammer for having a miscarriage, it’s because she’s suggesting that authorities will throw women in the slammer for having a miscarriage.
"Miscarriage isn’t a choice. Going out of your way to have an abortionist suck your baby out with the medical equivalent of a vacuum cleaner is."
Anyone who has suffered thru a miscarriage knows how disingenuous you are being here.— Sede Vacantist (@dibassetto) May 12, 2019
That is a lie. Stop it.— Barbara Ansley (@BarbaraAnsley) May 12, 2019
. . .  

Monday, December 23, 2019

Alyssa Milano and Michelle Wolf; the state of American culture and thought.

Alyssa Milano’s Call For Abortion Stories Provokes Astonishing Pro-Life Testimonies
"Milano’s tweet reads, “If you’d like to share your personal abortion story on my podcast to help shine a light on the importance of bodily autonomy, please record story on your voice memo app and email it to below address. If you’d like to remain anonymous please say so in your email. #SorryNotSorry”
"Milano retweeted a post from her “Sorry Not Sorry” podcast account, which is below her original tweet. The tweet reads, “Nearly one in four women in the United States will have an abortion by age 45. Do you want to share your story on #SorryNotSorry? /  Email”
"While the post generated a variety of responses, it also caught the attention of pro-life women, including women and men suffering from previous abortions."
Wolf: Abortion Gave Her A God Complex   You recall Wolf's insulting speech against Sarah Huckabee Sanders I'm sure.
"How a man could get past the screechy nails-on-a-chalkboard voice that comes out of this woman’s mouth is beyond me let alone impregnate her.
"We have Alyssa Milano shouting about being an angry premenopausal woman and Michelle Wolf discussing great comedic topics to tickle the funny bone such as period equality and abortion. Oh, yay. Now comes Wolf’s latest on her Netflix comedy special, The Joke Show:
You can feel any way that you want after an abortion,. Get one! See how you feel! You know how my abortion made me feel? Very powerful. You know how people say you can’t play God? I walked out of there being like, ‘Move over, Morgan Freeman. I am God!'”-Michelle Wolf
. . . "Do it, see how you feel! This is what passes for comedy amongst the liberal left. Women discussing period equality and how they felt powerful and God-like after getting that “whoops” from a night of indiscretion taken care of once and for all. Hilarious. So damn funny, my sides are splitting and I nearly wet my pants.
It’s so ironic that Trump could be the guy who ends legal abortion. That dude has been responsible for more abortions than the invention of back alleys. Look, access to abortion is good and important. Some people say abortion is ‘killing a baby.’ It’s not. It’s stopping a baby from happening. It’s like Back to the Future and abortion is the DeLorean.”-Michelle Wolf
Hear Michelle Wolf for yourself.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Be sure to put that Milano Sex Strike on your calendar.

A Sex Strike to Nowhere
It’s always amusing to get a lecture about the interests of women from representatives of Hollywood.

"Lysistrata, the character from the Aristophanes play of the same name, declared a sex strike to try to stop a devastating war in ancient Greece.
"Alyssa Milano, the actress and political activist, declared a sex strike to try to stop Georgia from protecting unborn children in the womb.
"The state just passed and signed into law a so-called heartbeat bill to outlaw abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detectable. This led Milano to conclude that women can’t risk pregnancy until further notice, and that they must stop having sex, at least stop having sex with “cis men.”
Getting some cheap publicity at the expense of
A good man and his family reputation.
"It’s apparently never occurred to Milano that women, not just cis men, support pro-life legislation, and that unborn babies are both boys and girls. In her fictional cause, Lysistrata had mercy and humanity on her side. Milano has neither, although her lack of seriousness makes her a perfect spokesperson for the backlash against the Georgia bill. 
"It is one of a spate of heartbeat bills around the nation that are sure to get enjoined in the courts, but have highlighted the hysterical opposition to the idea that a tiny human being with a heartbeat should be afforded protection under the law. " . . .

Liberal Sex Strike Fails To Score  . . . "They have to play to the no-limits edge to get the nomination, but Trump is going to slam them with it in the general. And the liberal game plan – deny that anyone would ever have a late-term abortion while demanding that anyone can have a late term abortion because it’s the mostest importantest right ever was – just will not fly." . . .

I'm reminded of an episode of "The Mentalist" where the hero, talking with an ex-boss fishing on a pier, lectures him about killing fish for his personal enjoyment. TD

Publicity is where you find it: Alyssa Milano Has A New Crusade: Boycott Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets

Friday, June 14, 2019

Sex Strike Activist Alyssa Milano Releases Abortion Map To Inform Hollywood Where They Should And Shouldn’t Film

RedState  "Incensed over her failure to stop Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) from signing the state’s fetal heartbeat bill into law last month, but emboldened by her role in getting close pal and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden to flip on the Hyde Amendment, abortion queen and sex strike activist Alyssa Milano is on a new mission.
"Variety reports on a state-by-state abortion map she collaborated on that will help inform Hollywood virtue signalers where they should and should not film:
In response to the introduction of multiple “heartbeat bills” across the country, actress and advocate Alyssa Milano has created a shoot location tool for filmmakers that lists the status of abortion legislation in all 50 states. The bills have caused uproar in Hollywood and inspired boycotts in production-heavy states like Georgia.
“Following the passage of a number of draconian attacks on a pregnant person’s right to choose in 2019, including those in states in which the motion picture and television industries conduct significant business, it has become apparent that those in our industry need to be able to make informed choices,” Milano and activist co-author Ben Jackson said in a mission statement accompanying the report. . . .

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Alyssa Milano Has A New Crusade: Boycott Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets

That would be this Milano, you know.
Viral Buzz
Raising her market value.

"Our favorite actress on the left coast, Alyssa Milano, who is a shoo-in to play Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the eventual biopic of A.O.C., is tweeting her crazy wacky ideas again. She is aiming her mighty twitter following at fast-food chain Wendy’s because their chicken nuggets support rape or something.
"According to the Pluralist this is what the A.O.C. Hollywood version had to say…
Feminist actress Alyssa Milano responded Monday to news that fast-food restaurant Wendy’s would be bringing back its crowd-pleasing spicy chicken nuggets by accusing the company of “refusing to protect farmworker women from sexual assault & rape in the fields.” . . .

Thursday, April 30, 2020

How can we keep looking at the Democrat Party's actions and not see evil in so many of them?

Is there no Democrat who cries out against what they have become?

Tara Reade and the Democrats   . . . "Reade’s allegation is now more corroborated than anything Christine Blasey Ford leveled against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, for example, right before his Senate confirmation hearings.  Yet he was grilled by Democrat Senator Kamala Harris of California during his Senate confirmation hearings.  It appears, as a columnist said, Harris “has a selective sympathy for women who accuse men of sexual assault.  Because he was conservative, Harris found Kavanaugh a ripe target.  But a woman who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault has been ignored by the California Democrat.' ”
. . . #MeToo leader Alyssa Milano, usually eager to see men like Biden get their
comeuppance, has equally remained silent.  The fact that she has suddenly discovered due process now that a candidate she favors stands accused is both inappropriate and shameful: “We have to societally change that mindset to believing women, but that does not mean at the expense of not giving men their due process and investigating situations.  It’s got to be fair in both directions.”
"Not everyone on the left, however, has remained silent.  Senator Bernie Sanders, who suspended his presidential campaign but still remains on the ballot, stated in a tweet Reade’s accusation as “credible.”  And feminist and actress Rose McGowan accused Milano of being “a fraud” for going “after Trump & Kavanaugh” and not Biden." . . . More
Remember Milano's publicity photos, obviously with the help of Diane Feinstein finding her the perfect seat for photo-ops.

Alyssa Milano Ties Herself Up in Knots
When Milano used her platform to lobby against Kavanaugh’s confirmation, despite the lack of corroboration for his accusers’ stories, she revealed that her support for the #MeToo movement wasn’t about justice; it was a way to use women’s assault allegations as a weapon against men whose politics she disliked. Her determination to support Biden’s campaign in the face of Reade’s story, no matter what twisted logic it takes, makes her political motivations even clearer.
Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation against Biden is not going away
. . . "When the Times finally addressed Reade's allegations, the reporters went out of their way to dismiss her.  As I wrote:
The article isn't journalism.  It is, instead, a brief for the defense in a legal case.  The Times is cleaning up after a candidate who has a long history of peculiar and creepy behavior around women and little girls.  Rather than "believing all women," it's an effort to show that Reade is a liar and a Putin pawn.
Indeed, the Times is so desperate to salvage Biden's reputation against charges of sexual impropriety that it stealthily edited the article after publication to remove language that initially acknowledged creepy Joe's sexually abusive propensities.
"Here's a tweet showing that infamous edit: . . ." Read it at the link, then see this Stacey Abrams defense of Biden:
" . . . a surprisingly hard-hitting Don Lemon interview with veep wannabe Stacey Abrams in which he asks her about the allegations.  There is an alternative spin, though, for what Lemon was doing.  He might have been giving Abrams a chance to recite the party line to reinforce it with credulous viewers.  If that was Lemon's goal, he failed, for Abrams looked ridiculous trying to ignore the allegations and contort herself into believing Biden and complying with #MeToo requirements:"

Exclusive — Juanita Broaddrick Blasts Hillary’s Biden Endorsement: Has ‘Decades of Experience’ Enabling ‘Sexual Predator’ Bill  "Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick slammed Hillary Clinton for endorsing Joe Biden for president at precisely the time the presumptive Democrat nominee finds himself mired in a sexual assault allegation.
“Who better to support Joe Biden than someone with not only years, but decades of experience in enabling a serial sexual predator?” asked Broaddrick sarcastically." . . .
She also rehashed* an alleged encounter with Hillary Clinton in which Broaddrick says the former First Lady attempted to intimidate her into being silent about the alleged rape.:

Saturday, October 6, 2018

‘A different time’: Milano drastically changes her tune on Bill Clinton, stealthily scrubs adoring tweet

What about your goddess Hillary, destroyer of those who dared speak out against her husband, accusing him?

BizPacReview "Like a big, fat sore thumb, Bill Clinton stands out amid the left’s weaponization of the #MeToo movement.
"Actress/Activist Alyssa Milano, who says she was the victim of a traumatic sexual assault as a 19-year-old, has been a leading voice in protests against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and was surprisingly asked about Clinton in an appearance Thursday on CNN.

“You are a fan of Bill Clinton, anchor Chris Cuomo noted. “Should Kavanaugh receive the same benefit of the doubt?”
“ 'No, and I don’t think Bill Clinton should have gotten that benefit of the doubt hindsight,” Milano said. “I think that as a nation, we were in a different time. I think that women were continually being silenced. And I think we gave him the benefit of the doubt and we probably should’ve investigated the allegations against him as well.” . . . 

My considered opinion: Milano is a trained actress, always aware of where the camera is. Knowing how a photographer would compose the photos of Judge Kavanaugh with his wife beside him, I strongly maintain she positioned herself so she would be there between them, assuming the pose of an angry accuser. Shame on Alyssa Milano as she relishes seeing this picture enlarged and carried by paid protesters whom she knows will cheer for her just as they cheer for the beloved wife of Bill Clinton. The Tunnel Dweller.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

PARODY: Still waiting: Alyssa Milano Confirms FBI Investigators Have Not Reached Out To Her To Get A Celebrity's Opinion On Kavanaugh Yet

Milano's publicity shot in 2018
Babylon Bee  "LOS ANGELES, CA—Charmed actress and all-around knowledgeable person about politics Alyssa Milano confirmed Tuesday that FBI investigators still have not reached out to her to get a celebrity's opinion on Kavanaugh.
" 'This investigation is a sham!" she wrote on her Twitter account. "How can FBI investigators possibly get to the bottom of all this stuff Kavanaugh definitely did if they don't talk to a woman who acts in movies and stuff?"
"Milano further stated she did try to contact a local FBI field office to let them know she was available for an interview, but the agents said they liked Buffy The Vampire Slayer a lot more than Charmed back in the day and so would not be talking to her.
"At the end of the 122-tweet long thread, Milano demanded the FBI talk with the entire cast of Dawson's Creek before coming to any kind of conclusion. "It's only fair that the FBI be thorough and take in a bunch of celebrity opinions to unveil the truth."
"At publishing time, Lena Dunham had also come forward to confirm no FBI investigators had asked for her input." . . .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hollywood #MeToo pioneer Alyssa Milano: I aborted two of my children, and I’m ‘not sorry’

Alyssa Milano’s story about her two aborted children highlights how abortion is lethal selfishness
Lifesite News  . . . "Milano’s confession is revealing. Although the progressive press hails her as a hero, her story highlights starkly what this is really all about: selfishness. Children need their mothers and fathers, but many people would prefer to sacrifice their children in order to pursue illustrious careers. (Countless paths to stardom have been paved with the blood of unwanted pre-born children.) Milano can call it freedom if she likes, but the brutal reality is that two of her children died in 1993 because she felt that their presence in her life would be an unwelcome intrusion. She can claim that abortion is no big deal, she can claim that the decisions were difficult to make, but at the end of the day, the simple fact that this was driven by lethal selfishness towers above it all." . . .

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Alyssa Milano's epic fail on sex strike for abortion driving her nuts

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Thomas Lifson  "You knew this was coming, didn't you?  When feminist and left-wing activist actor Alyssa Milano (remember her attending the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings?) announced that she was going on a sex strike "until we get bodily autonomy back" (meaning, apparently the right to kill a baby in utero, and possibly even after birth, as the governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, suggested), a lot of people laughed."
. . . "It's unclear if she was even vaguely aware of the literary roots of such blackmail in Aristophanes's Lysistrata, first performed in 411 B.C., but she quickly clarified that her poor husband (or other possible lovers) was not the target — so it was not really serious, but rather a publicity stunt:
In the CNN essay, published Monday and co-written with fellow activist Waleisah Wilson, Milano said her sex-strike post accomplished its goal: to spark powerful responses.
"It got the country talking about the GOP's undeniable war on women. And let's face it, with so much going on every day in the news, sometimes we need an extreme response to get national attention," the op-ed reads. "So now that we have your attention: Our reproductive rights are blatantly and systematically being stripped away before our very eyes."
"Yet the Georgia bill was signed into law, despite her stunt.
"Alyssa was not pleased — and reacted exactly the way you would expect a pampered Hollywood type to: a destructive tantrum:" . . .
Liberal stupidity on sex flares up again in abortion arguments
Milano and Cancela are poster children for liberals' moral obtuseness and relentless navel-gazing.  They make reductio ad absurdum arguments, intended as a "gotcha" against conservatives, that work only when one accepts liberal premises.  But conservatives reject liberal premises, resulting in these arguments comically boomeranging: the absurdum turns out not to be all that absurd, after all, and the same liberals who want unrestricted sex and cheap marriage end up defending chastity and marriage's comprehensive sacredness.  Aquinas, eat your heart out.


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Biden sexual assault allegation roils #MeToo movement

"When I pulled away, the anger kind of emanated from him," Reade said in an interview with POLITICO. "He pointed his finger in my face and said, 'You're nothing to me. You're nothing.'"

Some worry about inadvertently advancing the political fortunes of a president who has been accused of sexual assault himself.

"In 2017, actress Alyssa Milano became one of the early advocates for the #MeToo movement when she tweeted, “If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted, write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet.” Legions of women went public with their stories in response.
"Two-and-a-half years later, Milano took to Twitter again — this time, to explain her self-described “silence” over sexual assault allegations against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made by ex-Senate aide Tara Reade.
“ 'I just don’t feel comfortable throwing away a decent man that I’ve known for 15 years in this time of complete chaos without there being a thorough investigation,” Milano said in an interview to which she linked. The backlash was swift: Progressives and feminists accused Milano of being a hypocrite and turning her back on Reade because she supported Biden." . . .
Biden is in the hot seat now, according to this Politico article. Now we wait to see what CNN will report on this:
When Milano explained this month why she had been silent about Reade’s allegations, before several traditional outlets reported on them, she said, “I’m sure that mainstream media would be jumping all over this as well if … they found more evidence.” Her remarks sparked a fight with another high-profile advocate for victims of sexual misconduct.
 Actress Rose McGowan, who accused Weinstein of rape, tore into Milano on Twitter, saying, “You are a fraud. This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie. You have always been a lie. The corrupt DNC is in on the smear job of Tara Reade, so are you. SHAME.”
. . . "Afterward, she said, she was stripped of most of her duties, and later given a month to find another job at the instruction of Kaufman, who denies her account, along with Toner and two others in the office. No other Biden staffers have corroborated the assault and harassment allegations to the media.
Then, the friend said, Reade told her that she was physically assaulted by Biden. The friend said she told Reade not to report the sexual assault to the police because it would have ruined her career. After the story broke, Reade filed a police report.
Lucy Flores, a former Nevada lawmaker who accused Biden of inappropriately touching her in a creepy way, said she’s not surprised that his supporters, like Milano, are standing by him. She said she blocked the actress on Twitter last year for Milano’s statements of support for Biden that indicated she doubted her. Flores said she did not consider Biden’s touching of her sexual.