Friday, July 5, 2024

You just might be a Democrat if… Part III

 Eric Utter - American Thinker

See “You just might be a Democrat if… (with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy)” and “You just might be a Democrat if … Part II

Quoting: "If you think imprisoning your political opponents is the best way to “save a democracy,” you just may be a Democrat.

If you think that the sun isn’t a big factor in heating the earth, but your neighbor’s lawn mower is, you just may be a Democrat.

If you think only white people can be racist because of the color of their skin, you just may be a Democrat.

If you think invasive species are an existential threat, but unfettered illegal immigration is not, you just may be a Democrat.

If you think words can be violence, but some forms of violence should be protected as free speech, you just may be a Democrat.

If you think the Bill of Rights got it wrong, you just may be a Democrat.

If you think that concerned parents are domestic terrorists, but that Hamas is a force for good, you just may be a Democrat.

If you think that smoking cigarettes and consuming alcohol is bad, but that smoking pot and drinking beverages laced with THC is good, you just may be a Democrat.

If you think white supremacists are everywhere, but have never seen a racist person of color, you just may be a democrat.

If you have three forms of ID, but think that it would be too difficult for most black folks to obtain even one, you just might be a Democrat.

If you think there are more “genders” than stars in the sky, you just may be a Democrat." . . .

Ever so much more here, TD  Includes even a mention of the Babylon Bee | Fake News You Can Trust.

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