Sunday, January 2, 2022

Voters need to start turning the page on Biden’s disastrous presidency

One feels it is much deeper than the incompetence of Biden; it has to be the incompetence of the American voter and if I dare say so, the ignorance and mal-education of half the American electorate. TD

 NY Post   "The Biden presidency stands for more than incompetence, bad governance, and the loss of American prestige around the world. This White House has also demonstrated a willingness to endanger Americans and non-Americans alike in pursuit of its political and ideological goals, particularly in its actions in Afghanistan and at the southern border. 

"Much of this conduct, under reverse partisan circumstances, would trigger not only media hysteria but, quite likely, impeachment.

"Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal resulted in the deaths of 13 US service members at the Kabul airport, along with scores of Afghan civilians. It inflicted historic damage on American credibility, destabilizing global politics, while leaving millions of Afghans to endure oppression and even starvation under Taliban rule. It was also sold with a dangerous, false narrative: that Afghan forces were strong enough to repel a rapidly advancing Taliban in the absence of American troops on the ground. As White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told it, the Afghan forces “have what they need.' ” . . .

. . .During the call, the American president encouraged his counterpart to join the deception, and to help undermine clear, observable facts: “I need not tell you,” Biden said to Ghani, “the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan . . . is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban. And there is a need, whether it is true or not . . . to project a different picture.” 

Will Hillary and AOC Give Us A Nightmare Scenario in 2024?

  PJ Media  "Dinosaur vs. Ditz: Hillary vs. AOC in 2024?"

[Dick Morris, a former Clinton adviser]: "As everyone knows, the incumbents are damaged goods. Nobody likes Old Joe, who will be about 120 years old if he even makes it to 2024, and Kamala Harris has failed spectacularly at one of the easiest jobs on the planet. Meanwhile, Hillary has been increasingly obvious lately in positioning herself for 2024, while the winsome Ocasio-Cortez turns the required age of 35 on Oct. 13, 2024.

"Morris sees Hillary’s recent attacks on AOC and the Squad as an indication that a showdown is coming between the two for the Democratic presidential nomination. He explained, “I’ve always said that the way you could tell if Hillary is running again is check whether she has a pulse or not — and if she does, most likely she’s running.” She sat out a return bout against Trump in 2020, and now she’s tanned, rested, and ready. “But lately, there have been very significant signs that indicate that she is, in fact, planning to run. She gave an interview earlier this week with MSNBC where she talked about, quote, ‘We have to think clearly and be clear-eyed about what it will take to win the House and the Senate.’ And she then proceeded to basically blame [Rep. Ocasio-Cortez] and the progressives for policies that she said could endanger the Democratic majorities.” . . .

Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Cruise Ship Industry Learns a Valuable Lesson After Bowing to Joe Biden


"The cruise ship industry has been hit hard during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, much of their pain and suffering has been self-inflicted, driven by their mindless following of pointless federal dictates. That has most noticeably manifested itself in the implementation of so-called “vaccine passports.”

"Of course, vaccine passports do not actually accomplish anything. New York City not only has a vaccine passport system, but they also have a vaccine mandate. Still, they lead the nation in new coronavirus cases as of this writing. But the fact that everyone spreads COVID — and that vaccine passports made no sense — is not new information.

"And when Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida stood up to fight against such measures, the cruise ship companies not only spit in his face, they actively opposed him in court. Instead of following the data, Royal Caribbean, Carnival, and others bent the knee to Joe Biden, even when they weren’t legally required to.

"Well, they are about to get a hard lesson in why that was a big mistake. The CDC is now recommending against any boarding of cruise ships, while Omicron is spreading everywhere.". . .

Speaking of the CDC:  CDC Now Recommends Wearing A Seat Belt Even When You’re Outside The Car | The Babylon Bee  . . . " 'I don't know what's so hard about this," said Biden as his aides handed him a juice box and tightened his 5-point harness. "Just wear the dang seatbelt folks!' " C'mon, man!

Champagne Socialist AOC Is Spotted Vacationing Maskless in Miami with Boyfriend

 DEPLORABLE Bloggers Alliance

Rules are for Rubes.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to critics of her trip to Florida by claiming they’re motivated by “sexual frustrations.”
Commenting on a photo of AOC in Miami with her boyfriend, former Trump campaign advisor Steve Cortes said, “If Leftists like AOC actually thought mandates and masking worked, they wouldn’t be frolicking in free FL.” He also took a shot at her partner’s shoes.
"If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet," she tweeted in response to Cortes. 

Mary Katherine Ham can relate to AOC’s hounding by Republicans mad that they can’t date her –  

As Twitchy reported, The Babylon Bee has already picked up on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s frustration with Republicans who are mad they can’t date her taking out their sexual frustrations on her boyfriend’s choice of footwear, noting that Sen. Ted Cruz, too, says all his haters are just unable to resist his raw sex appeal.

Add Mary Katherine Ham and many others to those who are glad someone finally said it. 


Liberal California Lost the Most Population of Any State in 2021, New York Was 2nd, Illinois 3rd


Liberal California Lost the Most Population of Any State in 2021, New York Was 2nd, Illinois 3rd (

Democrat policies are killing the top Democrat states. According to the United States Census Bureau, California lost 367,299 residents in 2021.That is 1% of its population!New York lost the second-highest amount losing 352,185 residents.


Defund the police! Chicago Police Dispatcher Blasts Mayor Lori Lightfoot: “You’re a Disgrace”


Image from Reality Bites by Broc Smith.

“A shooting came up a few days ago and we couldn’t even get a unit over there. A unit could not even get to that scene until 10 plus minutes later because there was no one”

"Chicago police dispatcher Keith Thornton Jr. is in the news this week due to his social media rant against Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

"Thornton is tired of the crime in Chicago and of police being demeaned and understaffed.

The Daily Mail reports:

‘You’re a disgrace…the City of Chicago is tired of it’: Police dispatcher eviscerates mayor Lori Lightfoot for letting city become a ‘death zone’ as murders hit 25-year high

"A police dispatcher has labelled Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot ‘a disgrace’ for allowing the city to become a ‘death zone’ after murders hit a 25-year high.

"Keith Thornton Jr. posted a video to Facebook on Christmas Eve slamming Lightfoot as well as the Superintendent of Police David Brown for failing to support the force.

"He said he had been compelled to speak up because ‘several of my officers have texted me that they were scared … They have no backing and they’re scared of being out there by themselves, working in the 16th District.’ ". . .

"Thornton said officers in the district, which is in the northwest of the city, were so

‘shorthanded’ that if you call 911 from the area ‘officers are not coming to you.’

"He said this wasn’t petty crimes – this was ‘females being beaten’ as well as stabbings and shootings." . . .  

Friday, December 31, 2021

The media's Main Man for 2021: Joe Biden

MRC on Facebook  "The media spent most of 2021 desperately trying to protect Joe Biden from his own many, many screw-ups. Here are our picks for the Praising and Protecting Old Joe Award of 2021!"

Naturally, the elephant in the room here is Joe Biden, who is a protected individual due to being a Democrat. The majority of the American press is also aligned with the Democrats therefore biased and skewed in their ‘non-reportage’. Is child abuse not child abuse whatever political faction one belongs to? Why are Democrats allowed to commit such acts without a single word in the Democrat-leaning media being uttered? Is the hatred of Trump and his supporters justification for allowing child abuse to be allegedly committed by a Democrat and go unchecked?

The Babylon Bee Presents: Top CNN Moments Of 2021

Parody from The Babylon Bee   "2021 was a banner year for CNN! For 12 long months, we looked to their fake news coverage for guidance, clarity, and above all, laughs. Let's take a look back at some of CNN's biggest stories of the year! 

January 7: CNN Gravely Reports On 'First Violent Protest In Recent Memory'  

It was a dark, dark, very dark day for democracy. Our country had never seen anything like it ever before. CNN courageously broke the story...

China Says U.S. Has Lost Global Credibility, Urges Russia Alignment


Tony Branco

Newsweek   "Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday accused the U.S. of sowing "serious doubt" in its own global credibility, and claimed closer Beijing-Moscow cooperation would create an unshakeable front against foreign "hegemonism.' ". . .

Reader comments on this news:

Bring it on China. You want to act like a renegade criminal organization instead of one of the largest countries in the world, nobody takes you seriously. Taiwan is a Democracy and 80% of their population do NOT want to be part of China. If china keeps on the path they are on it will be just them and Russia against the world. It is China that needs to grow up and quit acting like a bully in world affairs.

 Why China Got Away With It - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics "It gave the world a deadly virus and took no responsibility for it — and the world shrugged it off.

. . ."As I have written in The American Spectator, the free market can inhibit China’s future inspirations. However, relocation of manufacturing and cutting cross-border and local exposure will take time and may not be enough. A trial at The Hague, a judicial body of the United Nations, might result in a loss of face for the Chinese Politburo, however the UN is tilted toward anti-western policies, and a complaint would position the U.S. in conflict with developing countries, and those members of the Belt and Road Initiative. Unfortunately, we are currently stuck with this: “it is what it is.”
American Credibility After Afghanistan | Foreign Affairs
In the face of the US' irresponsible behaviors in Afghanistan, regional countries need to strengthen their cooperation with each other. They can also promote international security cooperation through regional organizations to prevent potential risks, which are the natural spillovers of terrorism. On the other hand, the international community should pay more attention to the Afghan issue and push Washington to shoulder its responsibilities so that there will never be a second Islamic State.

President Biden mocked over fake White House set

NY Post

. . ."Stephen Miller, a former senior adviser of President Donald Trump, claimed Biden only used the imitation White House set so he could read a script directly from a face-on monitor.

“The reason Biden uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings — and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc. — is because it allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera),” he tweeted

“ 'Do they not allow him in the actual White House,” New Hampshire journalist Kimberly Morin tweeted.

 ' 'Why did the White House build a literal game show set complete with fake windows for Joe Biden??? So weird,” Abigail Marone, press secretary for Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), tweeted." . . .More...

Why this?    Why the White House Built a Fake Oval Office for Joe Biden (   . . ."These events did not take place in the White House itself, but in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building which is part of the White House complex.

"The event space is being used for White House events that are being broadcast. The area is bigger than the actual Oval Office, and provides an area for journalists.

"Martha Kumar, director of the White House Transition Project explained that this room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building is being used more regularly due to it being more accessible." . . .

Biden's Fake Oval Office Is The Scandal Media Invented About Trump (

. . .The controversy, which was quickly debunked and backtracked, was used to stir concerns about the president’s health as he recovered from COVID-19. But you won’t see the same concern from corporate outlets about 78-year-old Biden’s health, despite his numerous physical and mental tumbles.

Why is the Biden White House using a fake Oval Office? Who knows. You probably won’t hear much about it, because it probably isn’t newsworthy and probably isn’t a scandal.

But Biden’s fake set actually exists, which already makes it newsier, and more scandalous, than the Trump greenscreen that wasn’t.

 Fake Unifier-In-Chief Ends First Year In Office The Same Way He Began (

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Hmm … Is Durham Planning to Charge Team Hillary? –

  PJ Media

. . .From the moment the man came down the golden escalator to announce his intention of running, he was plotted — and acted against — with the full force of the federal government and the legacy media. After years and millions of dollars were spent on the corrupt Mueller probe, it turned out that the only crimes were apparently committed by Democrats abusing their authority. . .

"Democrats’ and Republicans’ prosecutorial styles are as different as night and day. 

 "Democrats announce their (plainly political) intentions ahead of time — “We will impeach Donald Trump” or “We will disqualify Brett Kavanaugh” or “I will indict Donald Trump” — then convene massive investigative bodies (on the taxpayers’ dime) of partisan lawyers and politicians to search for a prosecutable crime. The investigation is milked for everything it’s worth, featuring weaponized DOJ no-knock midnight raids, leaks a-plenty, and media accomplices to publicize every insinuation, humiliation, and accusation. Even if no real crime is ever found in the end (and it seldom is), Democrats will nonetheless continue with their announced plans, such as twice impeaching the most-investigated president in history. And in the process, they will have made life hell for their political enemies as well as anyone who ever gave them the time of day — which was probably the point all along. 

 "Republicans, on the other hand, don’t convene special investigations unless the evidence of a crime is already smacking everyone in the face. But rather than talk constantly to the media and keep the story alive as a constantly present narrative, people investigating Democrats drop quietly into the background and do their work unobtrusively, only surfacing to comment when they’ve actually found something worth prosecuting.

"Which brings us to the Durham investigation of the Russia Collusion Hoax that the leftwing establishment perpetrated against President Donald Trump." . . .

 only surfacing to comment when they’ve

School Closures Led by Teachers Unions Only Hurt Children; Teachers' Unions Must Be Held Accountable

 PJ Media

"As American taxpayers labor through the holidays to fund another extended paid vacation for public school teachers, it’s rarely been more evident that capricious policies from purported experts and media allies produced a terrifying amount of harmful consequences on the most vulnerable among us. That singular group, which continues to be abused by COVID-19 neurotics, is school children.

"Many teachers demanded school closures in exchange for disastrous remote learning. Ignoring data showing that the virus does not significantly impact those who aren’t elderly (nearly all teachers in America are under 60), they were unwilling to assume even a remote risk.

"There’s still no evidence that classrooms are vectors of transmission, or that their selfish actions stopped the spread of COVID. A recently-published study of Japanese schoolchildren relays:

“We do not find any evidence that school closures in Japan helped to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in spring 2020. Among our pairs of similar municipalities, municipalities that closed their schools had very similar levels of COVID-19 as those that kept their schools open. In other words, municipalities that shut down their schools imposed additional costs on their residents without receiving the supposed benefit of limiting the spread of the pandemic. These robustness checks all point to the same conclusion: There is no evidence that shutting down schools had a significant impact on limiting the spread of COVID-19.”

School Closures Led by Teachers Unions Only Hurt Children – PJ Media