Monday, June 8, 2015

Here’s the REST OF THE STORY Behind the Police Abuse at the McKinney Pool Party UPDATE: Officer resigns.

UPDATE: McKinney Officer in Brawl Video Resigns
"Not many details on this yet but it appears that McKinney police officer Eric Casebolt has resigned from the police department, as reported by ABC news and others sources.
Casebolt’s resignation was confirmed Tuesday by attorney Jane Bishkin, who told WFAA that the decision was made after a meeting with the department’s internal affairs unit to review possible charges he could face.
. . . "The same ABC news source also reports that:
Casebolt has not made any public statements since Friday’s incident. His lawyer said he has been in hiding with his wife and family at an undisclosed location after they allegedly received death threats. (emphasis added)

 Sorry, citizens. When the rioters hit your neighborhood, you're on your own. TD

The Gateway Pundit   "On Friday McKinney police officer Eric Casebolt was called in to assist at an out of control pool party at a local subdivision.

"Officer Casebolt was filmed throwing a bikini-clad black girl on the ground, twisting her arm and pulling his gun on the crowd.

. . . "Here’s the REST OF THE STORY Behind the Police Abuse at the McKinney Pool Party

On Friday McKinney police officer Eric Casebolt was called in to assist at an out of control pool party at a local subdivision.Officer Casebolt was filmed throwing a bikini-clad black girl on the ground, twisting her arm and pulling his gun on the crowd.

austin pool party police
Casebolt has since been suspended. The incident is under investigation.
Now here’s the rest of the story…
On Monday a local wrote in to Steve Noviello to tell the rest of the story.

PLEASE HELP! That (now viral) video of the officer in McKinney subduing a girl in a bathing suit was in OUR neighborhood. The situation was NOT what is being reported…
A DJ setup in a public space next to the private pool in our neighborhood on Friday and played loud explicit (F-bomb) music for multiple hours (it is unclear if he was invited by a resident as no one has claimed responsibility). The teenagers (both black and white) were being brought into our neighborhood by the carload because the DJ was tweeting out invites to a “pool party” for $15 (obviously unauthorized by our neighborhood). The teens began fighting with each other and pushing their way into our private pool. Some were jumping our fence. The security guard was accosted when he tried to stop the beginnings of this mob scene. Some residents who live around the park/pool area tried to come out and settle things down. The teens started yelling racial slurs at our neighbors and started assaulting people and property (throwing bottles at cars and attacking a mother at the pool with 3 young children). The first officer on the scene was by himself. At that time, the party had grown to a large, aggressive crowd. As the officer arrived, many teens started running through our neighborhood. Many of the teens were being very aggressive and yelling at the officers as more arrived.
This was a very dangerous situation for the officers AND the teens/residents not involved. The news media has refused to hear the neighborhood’s side of this story. The video being distributed is only a very small segment of what happened. This information being distributed by the media and others is extremely distorted and in some cases outright lies.
PLEASE HELP US STOP THE BROADCASTING OF THIS IGNORANCE. The media is trying to make it look like our neighborhood is a white’s only, racist area. Anyone who has spent even a few minutes in our area knows this is an outright LIE.
On Sunday a far left group posted the home address and phone number of McKinner(sp) officer Eric Casebolt online.
The group also threatened violence.
Read more here.

 Branco Cartoon – Who You Gonna Call?
Baltimore Police

Post D-Day: "Beaches?! We Don't Need No Stinking Beaches!"

 If I told you Obama was turning Americans into the Vichy French of the 1940s, would you know what I meant?  TD

"Saturday marked the 71st anniversary of the historic D-Day invasion...which you'd think would make a pretty darn good topic for Barack Obama's weakly address (and no, that's not a typo). But instead, the president decided to harangue Americans about June being "Immigrant Heritage Month." Although to be fair, we're sure he'll give equal time to "National Border Security Month" whenever it gets here.

"For those with short memories or recent public educations, back in 1944 France had a pretty serious problem with people trampling their borders, speaking a foreign language, and forcing the locals to change their politics, taxes, and culture to accommodate the newly arrived "dreamers" (so-called because they shared Adolph Hitler's "Dreams From My Fatherland"). And believe it or not, back then the United States was against that sort of thing!

"But not today. Barack Obama declared that America is actually made stronger by people who trample our borders, speak a foreign language, and are forcing us to change our politics, taxes, and culture.

And according to the president, we can't just celebrate the rich heritage of illegal immigration, "we have to defend it." Specifically, he mentioned defending it from the evil sieg-heiling Republicans whom he seems to imagine are in cliff-top bunkers mercilessly spraying down machine gun fire at the dreamers bravely storming the bloodsoaked beaches of the Rio Grande.

"And just to reinforce his not-so-subtle suggestion that Americans lack any moral authority to regulate immigration, he again spoke of Michelle and his daughters, "some of whose ancestors came here in chains." A thought so sad that it makes Hope n' Change want to send the ladies a reparation check if we can just get an address for one of the five-star luxury hotels they'll be staying in during their European vacation next week.

"Barack Obama's choice of the anniversary of D-Day to denigrate Americans and praise our nation's invaders is almost the supreme irony. And we say "almost" only because he managed to top it only 24 hours later.

"Because that's when he flew overseas to enjoy beer and sausages with the Germans."

 Vichy France, the Nazis and the Holocaust: An introduction
. . . " Yet as with other matters, Vichy and German policy were not independent of each other and the regime usually went one better than the Nazis with its own policy – and without German pressure to do so.  Some of Vichy’s actions made the Germans’ job easier in an obvious way: French police participated in arrests and round-ups, for example.  Other Vichy actions made the task easier in indirect ways.  In July 1941, for example, Vichy ordered a census of all Jews in the Unoccupied Zone.  The data, though not intended to help the Germans, certainly made it easier to track down Jews as the Final Solution intensified after 1943." . . .

French authorities administer concentration camp in France
Soon many of these people will be murdered.

Being a NY Times employee prepares you for this

Former NYT Reporter: the Time for Revolution Is Nigh!  ..."On Friday, published a wide-ranging interview with “journalist” Chris Hedges, a former reporter for The New York Times who now writes for Truthdig, among others. Hedges recently spoke at a fundraiser to re-elect openly socialist Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant; now he’s calling for a full-scale socialist revolution.

"Hedges’ new book, Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt, argues, according to, that “The world is currently at a crisis point the likes of which we’ve never really seen…a revolution is coming; we just don’t yet know when, where, how – or on whose behalf.”

"But Hedges has some ideas. Quoting the old communist Antonio Gramsci, who argued that a communist revolution would purify man’s soul, and thus bring into effect a socialist utopia, Hedges says that the world has torn down all the pre-existing cultural architecture. “[B]ut,” he adds, “we haven’t articulated something to take its place.” Hedges says that the pot is boiling for revolution, and specifically cites Ferguson and Baltimore as “sporadic uprisings,” stating that such uprisings will become more common because police kill young black folks for no reason “because it exclusively serves the interest of corporate power.”
. . .  But like all good Marxists, he will be shocked – shocked! – to learn that the ideological revolutionaries that took over the White House (and have, to be sure, also read Marx and Gramsci) won’t bring a socialist utopia, but a nightmare that will put him in the crosshairs, too, should he fail to fall in line. For every Lenin, there are a million Trotskys too inconvenient to allow into the revolutionary fold."

Families of SEALs Killed After Bin Laden Raid Made This Shocking Claim About Obama

Obama’s SEAL Team 6 Coverup  Sorry about the gross commercial at the start. I cannot vouch for the integrity of this video, so research the info on it and comment back to us.

. . . "When the Vaughns began trying to drain the swamp, they received what the Obama administration is famous for: the shakedown. None other than one of the highest ranking officers in the nation—Admiral William McRaven, commander at U.S. Special Operations Command—paid the Vaughns a little visit, in essence telling them to keep their mouths shut." . . .

Conservative Tribune
 "Osama bin Laden, founder and head of Al Qaeda and the individual most responsible for the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 2, 2011, by U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six.

"Immediately afterwards, Americans were giddy with happiness. The members of SEAL Team Six, though not identified, became heroes.

"Later that year, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter, with the call sign “Extortion 17,” was shot down in Afghanistan by the Taliban. All 38 on board were killed, including 15 from SEAL Team Six.

"Now it appears that the downing of the Chinook helicopter was no tragic coincidence. The families of the dead SEAL team members are blaming the incident on the Obama administration.

"Initially, the tragedy appeared to be the result of loose lips by Vice President Joe Biden and then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. Two days after Bin Laden’s death, Biden told an audience at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington, D.C., that it was the Navy SEALs who got the Al Qaeda leader.

Two months later, Panetta was at a ceremony on the grounds of the CIA compound when he told approximately 1,300 attendees the unit responsible for the raid and the name of the ground commander.

"The lives of the SEALs and their families were immediately put in danger.

"But since then, the families of the dead SEALs have implied that more was going on than accidental leaks of classified information.

"Billy and Karen Vaughn, the parents of slain SEAL Aaron Vaughn, recalled that within 24 hours of Biden’s leak, their son telephoned and told them their lives were in danger.

"In 2013, Billy Vaughn published a book, titled “Betrayed: The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as Told by a Navy SEAL’s Father.” He continues to divulge information that is unsettling to say the least.

"Extortion 17 was en route to Wardak province, just west of Kabul, Afghanistan. The SEALs were to take part in a night raid in the Tangi Valley of that province. Seven Afghans were also on the helicopter, but their correct names were not on the manifest, suggesting there was a last-minute change in Afghan personnel.

"Additionally, the Chinook was flying into an area where a firefight had been going on for the previous 3 1/2 hours. Yet no cover was given by ground forces for the incoming helicopter.

"Furthermore, Afghans were moving toward the landing area before the SEALs were to get there, indicating that Extortion 17’s arrival was not a closely guarded secret.

"Immediately after the tragedy, the victims’ bodies were cremated without the families’ permission. Also, the helicopter’s black box was never recovered, purportedly washed away in a rainstorm.

"Vaughn is certain the Extortion 17 mission was compromised. He believes the Afghans tipped off the Taliban, who were then ready and waiting to avenge Bin Laden’s death (H/T Freedom Outpost).

"If all this is true, the Obama administration has a much larger scandal to deal with than even the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Yet the media appears reluctant to report this story.

"Wonder why?"
Hat tip to Gerald Thomas; Garibaldi, OR

Alan Caruba: Caitlin Jenner? Hello Sucker!

 Oops, sorry. I published the wrong photo by mistake. Here, try again:

Warning Signs

"It doesn’t matter that Bruce Jenner, famed Olympic athlete and member of the Kardashian family, thinks that he is female. He can never be female no matter what surgery he undertakes to make it reflect the fantasy in his head. Born a male, his body is a billion cells and nerve contacts whose DNA determines his true gender.

"That’s why those who are buying into the pop cultural myth and news coverage of Jenner’s announced transformation should be greeted “Hello, Sucker!” It’s worse than just plain stupidity; it is the tip of a massive effort to alter society that dates back to those arrogant and deluded founders of communism who thought that, for it to succeed, the family as a key element of all societies, had to be eliminated." . . .Full article
. . . There are among us, men and women, whose sexual preference takes them in the direction of their own gender. They constitute 1.8% if the U.S. population. There are those who, born male, now claim to be female. That is their problem deserving of no special laws or attention. Changing our entire society and culture to benefit this slim nitch of society is a very bad idea.

Bruce Jenner’s absurd claims will make him a rich man. Not a rich woman.*
*Emphasis mine, TD; we have become a silly culture indeed. TD 

What Jenner should do with that ESPY award   (No. Guess again) 

. . . "19-year-old Lauren Hill courageously continued to play basketball for Mount St. Joseph as she battled brain cancer. She dedicated her remaining days to raising funds for cancer research. By the time of her passing on April 10, she had raised $1.5 million. According to the Cure Starts Now Foundation, her story has spurred millions more in contributions since her passing.

"While Bruce Jenner was an Olympic champion, Caitlyn Jenner is a recreational golfer at the exclusive Sherwood Country Club. While Hill raised millions for cancer research in her dying days, Jenner courageously gave an estimated $70,000 to $100,000 to plastic surgeons to feminize his face and body." . . .

Well, Obama DID call Jenner but NOT the Hill family, so there is our priority.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Past Tunnel Wall posts on the Normandy landings, June 6th, 1944

D-Day- and beyond- Airborne site; one of the best I've ever seen 
"Parachute infantry uniforms  Including advice for the collector.
"This page offers examples of unquestionably original uniforms acquired directly from vets or their families BEFORE the insane prices started-up. My purpose in posting these is to inform collectors of what real stuff looks like (see also Insignia, Equipment, and Souvenirs pages), not to gloat about what I've got." Mark Bando.
" Dec, 2011 Update: Normandy, 1944; then and now photos   "Our previous emphases (below) on Omaha Beach gave short shrift to the other landing sites. This should do a bit to fill in some of those gaps with photos. Click on some of the WW2 photos of the site, "Men of D-Day" and you will also see that location as it is today. Don't you love stuff like that?"  TD"


D-Day; Omaha Beach then and now photographs (Updated, 12/3/2011) 
"Dec, 2011 Update: Normandy, 1944; then and now photos   "Our previous emphases (below) on Omaha Beach gave short shrift to the other landing sites. This should do a bit to fill in some of those gaps with photos. Click on some of the WW2 photos of the site, "Men of D-Day" and you will also see that location as it is today. Don't you love stuff like that?"  TD

 D-Day Monday UPDATED with more links 

This Haunting Tribute To World War II’s Fallen Will Give You Goosebumps 

 RIP Dick Winters 
 " Moonbattery  "Major Dick Winters, the WWII hero who inspired the TV series Band of Brothers, died Saturday of Parkinson disease complications at age 92."'
The ruins of Normandy: Unpublished color photos taken in northern France in 1944 show the devastating impact of the Allied Force's battle to defeat the Nazis in World War 2 


Search results when you type "dday" into the TW search box

JOSH DUGGAR: Hideous Hypocrite Or Broken Dude Trying To Do What’s Right?

 Doug Giles   . . . "I will tell you, however, that there is someone out there who is McLovin’ on The Duggars right now.  Her name?  Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"Why do I think the old Hildebeest be diggin’ on the Duggar debacle? Well, it’s principally because it’s keeping the coverage off her abysmally unattended stump speeches, her intergalactic horse-scat and the disgustingly dirty Clinton Cash.  Which, by the way, will have more massive long-term, detrimental ramifications for our nation, if she’s elected, then any demonic thing that Duggar dude ever did. Please tell that to Good Morning America. And that’s not diminishing anything Josh did to his kid sisters, mind you.

"Yep, I guarantee Hillary is in some underground lair donned in a Dr. Evil nehru suit, maniacally laughing her haggard backside off that the limelight is on Josh instead of her dirty deeds done on our dime.

"Matter of fact, I wouldn’t doubt if her cabal had that police chief yield up the sealed Duggar intel to InTouch because it was in Little Rock, y’know?  I wonder if that police chief has any connections to The Clintons? Any campaign contributions? Anysoirees over lemonade and sweet potato pie? Now, that would be worth poking around a bit, wouldn’t it? Maybe Peter Schweitzer’s team could take a little “look see” as they say in Arkansas? But that’s enough of my right-wing conspiracy theories." . . .

Hillary Accuses GOP of Racism Because She Has No “Many Other Options”

". . . Hillary doesn’t have options except to attack Republicans. She can’t run on her record when even she can’t think of one thing she has accomplished other than the generic “making the world a better place.”

She claims we need 20 more days of early voting and, Kasich is right, we don’t have it here in New York. Early voting allows for more corruption of the vote.

Hillary wants automatic registration for all Americans and claims it is a way to stop the racist GOP.

She wants 18 year olds automatically registered with an opt-out clause. She is hoping the starry-eyed young will vote for the Utopian though ineffective ideologues in the Democratic Party.

She wants automatic voter registration for all. That is a way to corrupt the vote because all those people who don’t vote will have their votes available for those who would steal the vote.

On Long Island, we have the socialists and communists in the SEIU servicing the machines. One BOE official told me that at the end of election day, they all run to the back and “do something with the machines.” Votes miraculously appear after these union workers happen to find them.

“What is happening is a sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people and young people from one end of our country to the other,” Hillary said during a speech at Texas Southern University in Houston.

She accused all Republicans of suppressing the minority vote by trying to institute photo ID laws for voting.

We need photo IDs for everything, even to take out a library book. Don’t minorities have driver’s licenses and other forms of photo ID? Is this so anathema and so bizarre a request or is it another means of corrupting the vote?

. . .

The racism lie worked for Barack Obama but in Hillary’s case she might find that it leaves her more vulnerable to attacks. It’s such a vile attack that it leaves the opposition free to go after her."

Pack your bags, we’re going on a “white guilt” trip!

Jeff Petermann   white guilt" A pendulum, when set in motion will swing from one extreme to another. Such is the case in the interesting journey from the African-American civil rights movement, to where we are in the middle of the age of white guilt. Below I will discuss four reasons white males do not need to feel this burden that is placed on them by the main stream media and from black Americans who have never once been to Africa, or ever been a slave to anyone or anything, (except maybe the hate and distrust for whites that has been passed down through multiple generations)."

  1. Only 1.6% of the US population at the height of slavery owned slaves. This is 1.6 % too many, but it is also not the vast majority as our media, and in some cases our children’s social studies books are making it out to be.
  2. There is racism flowing freely from white, blacks Asian and Hispanics. ALL of it is wrong, and all of it should be condemned…due to the media’s portrayal of the evil white, successful business owner, white males are now looked at as “the perpetrator” of racism, even though, in some cases they are the ones now at an incredible disadvantage.
  3. White Americans feeling guilt for what ancestors may have done in previous generations, or for what people in their race may even talk about behind closed doors today, is the antonym of progress and, in the end, will halt the universal equality that black Americans are ultimately looking for.
  4. The demonizing of the white race now, will lead to closet and openly accepted racist discrimination in the future. Racism is born from ignorance about perceived differences. As Caucasian males become the minority amongst males in the US, it will be very easy for those who crave success to look back at recent history and take on the negative stereotype the main stream media has put forth as reality about the greedy white CEO and make it their own.
More at the link... 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The only respect for Hillary here comes from Hollywood

 Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
 How Hillary Ruined Her Legacy As Secretary of State. . . "While Republicans have been distracted by phony scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton (like Benghazi), they missed one of the dirtiest scandals ever to emerge involving the former First Lady and current front-runner for the Democratic nomination in 2016.
A damning new report from the International Business Times explains how Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to create a pay-to-play atmosphere for world leaders seeking military equipment and defense contractors looking to make a few extra billions.

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial calls Hillary "Our Lady of Benghazi"

"Comedians Sure Love the Democratic Party"

The panic that dare not speak its name: Hillary looks like a loser to Dems   . . . "Hillary would not react well to a challenge from a former Republican, no matter how nominal.  And if Dick Morris is to be believed, she does not harbor kind feelings toward Jews, especially those whose wealth dwarfs hers and who did not stick it out in an unhappy marriage.  Hillary plays dirty, and you can expect American Bridge to unearth a lot of secrets from Bloomberg’s private and business life if he moves ahead on this intriguing notion."

For all the hotheadedness you see online, the truth is the Republicans have an embarrassment of riches, many candidates hugely better than Hillary Clinton. 

 Wasserman Schultz: Not ‘Appropriate’ for Dem Candidates to Challenge Hillary’s Ethics
 Lincoln Chafee said,
“I think it’s the record just going back over decades of questionable ethical practices, and people bringing up Whitewater and all these things, the Rose Law Firm record,” he continued. “It just seems like it never stops. So, now, we are in the tenure of secretary of state and the e-mails and, of course, the Clinton Foundation donations at the same time the State Department is making critical conditions that are combined with those donations by the Clinton Foundation. It’s just too close and too many ethical questions.”

NYT’s ‘scoop’ on Sen. Rubio’s driving record backfires

Legal Insurrection
 . . . "Hilarious journalistic undertaking makes its way around the internet, is subjected to wholly justified mockery, and then the intrepid staff at the Washington Free Beacon began poking around.

"We often jest that the NYT functions as a progressive mouthpiece because of their consistently liberal bent. In this case, it’s entirely true.

"Early Friday afternoon, Brent Scher of the Washington Free Beacon published an article revealing who requested Rubio’s driving records.
Records show that each of the citations mentioned by the New York Times were pulled in person by American Bridge operatives on May 26, 2015.
Take for example the time Rubio was pulled over in 1997. “Mr. Rubio’s troubles behind the wheel predate his days in politics,” wrote the New York Times. “In 1997, when he was cited for careless driving by a Florida Highway Patrol officer, he was fined and took voluntary driving classes.”
A look at the docket for that infraction on Miami-Dade County’s website shows that American Bridge was in Miami to pull records on that case at 11:42 a.m. on May 26:
 rubio driving record record request american bridge new york times rubio president 2016 free beacon oppo report

. . . "American Bridge describes itself as, “a progressive research and communications organization committed to holding Republicans accountable for their words and actions and helping you ascertain when Republican candidates are pretending to be something they’re not.” They boast of reseaching, “candidates’ records to ensure their rhetoric matches their voting record,” and claim they, “work to get this information to you through mainstream and social media, grassroots activism and our website.”

"Thanks to the Free Beacon, the NYT — not Sen. Rubio’s driving record, is now the story."

 New York Times: ‘Rubio Got 17 Traffic Tickets!’ Truth: ‘Minus 13. Over 20 Years.’

How a massive, silent cultural revolution has changed America

 "Increasingly, we don’t want to judge others for anything, even if what they’re doing is destructive. But is being non-judgmental the same as granting tacit approval, even support?"
NY Post 
Do you really want to watch this?

"It happened without a Summer of Love, without Timothy Leary, without a groovy anthem or a shaggy new national look. In the past decade or so, there’s been a silent revolution in American culture, one at least as profound as the ’60s upheavals.

"We’ve hardly taken notice of it, because it happened in people’s minds instead of in the streets, happened in ordinary people instead of in the elites and the punditocracy.

 "It happened without a Summer of Love, without Timothy Leary, without a groovy anthem or a shaggy new national look. In the past decade or so, there’s been a silent revolution in American culture, one at least as profound as the ’60s upheavals.

"We’ve hardly taken notice of it, because it happened in people’s minds instead of in the streets, happened in ordinary people instead of in the elites and the punditocracy." . . .