Saturday, June 6, 2015

NYT’s ‘scoop’ on Sen. Rubio’s driving record backfires

Legal Insurrection
 . . . "Hilarious journalistic undertaking makes its way around the internet, is subjected to wholly justified mockery, and then the intrepid staff at the Washington Free Beacon began poking around.

"We often jest that the NYT functions as a progressive mouthpiece because of their consistently liberal bent. In this case, it’s entirely true.

"Early Friday afternoon, Brent Scher of the Washington Free Beacon published an article revealing who requested Rubio’s driving records.
Records show that each of the citations mentioned by the New York Times were pulled in person by American Bridge operatives on May 26, 2015.
Take for example the time Rubio was pulled over in 1997. “Mr. Rubio’s troubles behind the wheel predate his days in politics,” wrote the New York Times. “In 1997, when he was cited for careless driving by a Florida Highway Patrol officer, he was fined and took voluntary driving classes.”
A look at the docket for that infraction on Miami-Dade County’s website shows that American Bridge was in Miami to pull records on that case at 11:42 a.m. on May 26:
 rubio driving record record request american bridge new york times rubio president 2016 free beacon oppo report

. . . "American Bridge describes itself as, “a progressive research and communications organization committed to holding Republicans accountable for their words and actions and helping you ascertain when Republican candidates are pretending to be something they’re not.” They boast of reseaching, “candidates’ records to ensure their rhetoric matches their voting record,” and claim they, “work to get this information to you through mainstream and social media, grassroots activism and our website.”

"Thanks to the Free Beacon, the NYT — not Sen. Rubio’s driving record, is now the story."

 New York Times: ‘Rubio Got 17 Traffic Tickets!’ Truth: ‘Minus 13. Over 20 Years.’

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