Jeff Petermann
" A pendulum, when set in motion will swing from one extreme to another.
Such is the case in the interesting journey from the African-American
civil rights movement, to where we are in the middle of the age of white
guilt. Below I will discuss four reasons white males do not need to
feel this burden that is placed on them by the main stream media and
from black Americans who have never once been to Africa, or ever been a
slave to anyone or anything, (except maybe the hate and distrust for
whites that has been passed down through multiple generations)."
- Only 1.6% of the US population at the height of slavery owned slaves. This is 1.6 % too many, but it is also not the vast majority as our media, and in some cases our children’s social studies books are making it out to be.
- There is racism flowing freely from white, blacks Asian and Hispanics. ALL of it is wrong, and all of it should be condemned…due to the media’s portrayal of the evil white, successful business owner, white males are now looked at as “the perpetrator” of racism, even though, in some cases they are the ones now at an incredible disadvantage.
- White Americans feeling guilt for what ancestors may have done in previous generations, or for what people in their race may even talk about behind closed doors today, is the antonym of progress and, in the end, will halt the universal equality that black Americans are ultimately looking for.
- The demonizing of the white race now, will lead to closet and openly accepted racist discrimination in the future. Racism is born from ignorance about perceived differences. As Caucasian males become the minority amongst males in the US, it will be very easy for those who crave success to look back at recent history and take on the negative stereotype the main stream media has put forth as reality about the greedy white CEO and make it their own.
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