Monday, June 8, 2015

Being a NY Times employee prepares you for this

Former NYT Reporter: the Time for Revolution Is Nigh!  ..."On Friday, published a wide-ranging interview with “journalist” Chris Hedges, a former reporter for The New York Times who now writes for Truthdig, among others. Hedges recently spoke at a fundraiser to re-elect openly socialist Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant; now he’s calling for a full-scale socialist revolution.

"Hedges’ new book, Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt, argues, according to, that “The world is currently at a crisis point the likes of which we’ve never really seen…a revolution is coming; we just don’t yet know when, where, how – or on whose behalf.”

"But Hedges has some ideas. Quoting the old communist Antonio Gramsci, who argued that a communist revolution would purify man’s soul, and thus bring into effect a socialist utopia, Hedges says that the world has torn down all the pre-existing cultural architecture. “[B]ut,” he adds, “we haven’t articulated something to take its place.” Hedges says that the pot is boiling for revolution, and specifically cites Ferguson and Baltimore as “sporadic uprisings,” stating that such uprisings will become more common because police kill young black folks for no reason “because it exclusively serves the interest of corporate power.”
. . .  But like all good Marxists, he will be shocked – shocked! – to learn that the ideological revolutionaries that took over the White House (and have, to be sure, also read Marx and Gramsci) won’t bring a socialist utopia, but a nightmare that will put him in the crosshairs, too, should he fail to fall in line. For every Lenin, there are a million Trotskys too inconvenient to allow into the revolutionary fold."

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