Friday, August 19, 2016

Lecturer-in-Chief Obama irks La. flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate

How can this petulant juvenile manage to stay so popular?

Washington Times

A member of the St. George Fire Department assists residents as they wade through floodwaters from heavy rains in the Chateau Wein Apartments in Baton Rouge, La., Friday, Aug. 12, 2016. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

"President Obama has refused so far to survey the Louisiana flood disaster, but he did let state and local officials know that he’s watching to make sure they don’t engage in racial discrimination.
"In a 16-page guidance issued Tuesday, the Obama administration, led by the Justice Department, warned Louisiana recipients of federal disaster assistance against engaging in “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).”
"The guidance’s frameworks “highlight the importance of complying with nondiscrimination requirements of civil rights statutes, addressing the needs of the whole community, and ensuring equal opportunity to access recovery efforts.”
"Needless to say, some Louisiana residents were offended, including the American Conservative’s Rod Dreher, who took umbrage at receiving an anti-discrimination lecture from Washington, D.C., as locals struggle to rescue, house and feed their neighbors.
“ '[E]verywhere you look you can find black folks and white folks loving on each other, helping each other through this crisis,” Mr. Dreher said in a Thursday post.
"He referred to the guidance as a “long bureaucratic memo” issued by the “Department of Justice and many other agencies of the executive branch overseen by He Who Cannot Be Troubled to Leave Martha’s Vineyard.' ”

Hillary Clinton’s ‘Colin Powell did it’ defense of her email practices is just plain wrong

Oh, by the way; this sailor got one year in the slammer 
Saucier's defense had asked for probation, in part by invoking the Justice Department's decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton over the classified emails authorities say were found on her private server.
Anyway, on to the main story to wit:
Washington Post

. . . "The implication here is clear: Clinton told the FBI that Powell advised her to use a private email account since he had done so while in the same job. Therefore, Clinton's assertion that she was simply following the accepted practices of previous secretaries of state is entirely proven out. Done and done!
"Um, not really. Let me count the ways in which the Clinton email setup ≠ the Powell email setup:
1. Clinton exclusively used a private email account to conduct State Department business. Powell did not.
2. Clinton had a private email server, located at her house. Powell did not.
3. The rules governing electronic communication changed considerably — and got more strict — between Powell's time in office and Clinton's. This from the essential WaPo Fact Checker:
. . .
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
. . . "For whatever reason — and despite the fact that Clinton has said on several occasions that she knows she made a mistake — she seems incapable of accepting that responsibility and moving on. No secretary of state — up to and including Colin Powell — handled their email setup like Clinton. That's a fact."
Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

. . . "A spokeswoman for Powell's office issued a statement following the Times' story: "General Powell has no recollection of the dinner conversation. He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department." . . .

The press takes sides

The price of powerlessness

The price America and her allies paid in lives and dollars was cast away as dross by the president mentored under Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright et al., and guided by Valerie Jarrett. TD

Charles Krauthammer

This photo, grabbed from Russian Defense Ministry video footage issued Aug. 16, is said to show a Tu-22M3 long-range bomber releasing its payload above Syria after it took off from an air base in Iran.
"This week Russian bombers flew out of Iranian air bases to attack rebel positions in Syria. The State Department pretended not to be surprised. It should be. It should be alarmed. Iran’s intensely nationalistic revolutionary regime had never permitted foreign forces to operate from its soil. Until now.
"The reordering of the Middle East is proceeding apace. Where for 40 years the U.S.-Egypt alliance anchored the region, a Russia-Iran condominium is now dictating events. That’s what you get after eight years of U.S. retrenchment and withdrawal. That’s what results from the nuclear deal with Iran, the evacuation of Iraq and utter U.S. immobility on Syria. Consider:

EXCLUSIVE – Clinton Sexual Assault Accusers Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey Unite Against NBC’s Andrea Mitchell

Big Government
"Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones, both of whom have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, are standing up for Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick."
Andrea Mitchell

"Willey and Jones are demanding that NBC News Anchor Andrea Mitchell issue a public apology for baselessly calling Broaddrick “discredited” during a segment that aired May 19 on the highly-rated Today Show.
"Following a letter from Broaddrick’s attorney demanding a retraction, NBC deleted the “discredited” referenced from the Internet version of Mitchell’s report. But NBC has not fulfilled Broaddrick’s request, which she says was communicated in the letter, for an apology from Mitchell on the Today Show, as well as an acknowledgement on the show and on NBC’s website that there is no information indicating that Broaddrick’s story is untrue.
"In interviews with this reporter, Willey and Jones both had strong words for Mitchell and her claim against Broaddrick. Willey called for Mitchell to resign, while Jones exclaimed, “How would she explain not supporting all rape victims, regardless of her politics, to her granddaughters?”
"Willey stated: “Andrea absolutely should apologize. Then she should resign. She never was anything but a JV ‘journalist’ when she was in her prime. What has she contributed lately besides groveling at the altar of Hillary Clinton? She should be ashamed of herself.' ” . . .
Parts and pieces of the article posted here, but go to the full article to see if you think I've changed the meaning of the article.TD
. . . "NBC has a history of minimizing Broaddrick’s rape story."
"In January, Broaddrick said that NBC’s Mitchell told her by phone that the network would not conduct a new interview with Broaddrick “because you have nothing new to add” since Broaddrick first went public in an NBC interview in 1999."
. . . 
"NBC seems to be overlooking a series of new revelations from Broaddrick, including:
  • Broaddrick says Bill Clinton repeatedly called her after the alleged rape.
  • Broaddrick says that Hillary Clinton tried to silence her.
  • Broaddrick told me that Clinton raped her not once but twice during the same infamous encounter in 1978.
"NBC Held Interview Until After Clinton Impeachment Vote"

Emphasis in the original.

Halperin: Bannon Masterminded ‘Clinton Cash,’ the Right’s ‘Greatest Success Story’

Breitbart  "Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” while commenting on Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon taking on a new role as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign CEO, editor of Bloomberg Politics Mark Halperin said, “‘Clinton Cash,’ which Bannon masterminded” was the right’s “greatest success story,” and caused the media to go after Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on several fronts.

"Halperin said, “I think if Bannon plays the role of trying to solve message discipline and a message focused on change and getting Trump better press coverage, I think he could be a valuable addition. But he is, obviously, a lightning rod for criticism and plenty of enemies and galvanize the ‘Never Trump’ movement in a big way.' ”
He added, “‘Clinton Cash’ is, if you did a case study of conservative efforts to get the so-called main stream media to cover the Clinton’s background — ‘Clinton Cash,’ which Bannon masterminded, is their greatest success story.”

The Obama-Democrat-Soros Axis

Leaked memo: George Soros lobbied Obama to accept 100,000 refugees — and succeeded
Soros lobbied Obama

". . . Earlier, we reported that Soros was Hillary Clinton’s puppet master, gave $650,000 to fundBlack Lives Matter and tried to buy a favorable Supreme Court decision on Obama’s executive amnesty.
"In short, Soros and his minions — including the man-child occupying the White House — are responsible for much, if not all, of the issues currently plaguing the Western world.
"And if voters are crazy enough to elect Hillary Clinton to the White House, Soros may as well take up residence in the Lincoln Bedroom."
The hacked memo here   . . . "The information was contained in a detailed 69-page Open Society report on the agenda of an Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting held in New York from October 1 to October 2, 2015." . . .

House to hold Clinton perjury hearing

Washington Examiner  "Members of the House Judiciary Committee are set to question FBI officials next month about allegations of perjury involving Hillary Clinton's conflicting statements to Congress last year.

Witnesses at the hearing could include FBI Director James Comey, according to USA Today, which first reported the panel's plans.

"A Judiciary Committee spokeswoman confirmed the hearing to theWashington Examiner and said lawmakers plan to approach the issue at an FBI oversight hearing the panel holds each year." . . .
We'll see if these members are still around after the election. Heaven help us if the Democrats take over and Elijah Cummings calls the investigations to a halt.

Kaine Crumbles When NBC Actually Presses Him on Hillary E-Mail Scandal  Video here.
. . . "Kaine lamely replied: “Savannah, if you ask somebody a question 150 times or 200 times, you're going to be able to find that they don't use exactly the same word every time, and there's going to be variations and then people are going to play on those, but – ” Guthrie interrupted him with a dose of reality: “In point of fact, though, she did use the same verbiage, it just happens to not be true.' ” . . .

How bad is it in Venezuela? People renting coffins for duration of funeral

". . . to my mind, the people of Venezuela brought this on themselves by voting in both Chavez and Maduro who took one of the most prosperous developing countries in the world and ran it into the ground."
Image result for anti socialism cartoons

Rick Moran  "Things are bad in Venezuela. Inflation is running close to 700% this year, the workforce is on a 3 day workweek because there's a shortage of electricity, and you can't buy stuff like milk, flour, and cooking oil because store shelves are empty.
"But leave it to socialism to make the worst out of an already rotten situation.
"Socialism creates scarcity so it's not surprising that people who suffer the loss of a loved one can't find - or afford - a decent coffin. So families are now given the option of burying their loved ones in a cardboard box or renting a regular coffin for the duration of the funeral." . . .

Hillary Clinton is no Lady Thatcher

Is America still America when we choose such silly people to govern us? The Tunnel Dweller.

Thatcher-Clinton Comparisons Show Hillary’s Vulnerabilities  "The death of Margaret Thatcher led numerous media commentators to draw dubious comparisons between Britain’s “Iron Lady” and prospective president Hillary Clinton.

"But Thatcher spent her entire life espousing the same core principles—including opposition to the Nanny State and unbending resistance to Communist tyranny. What, precisely, are the consistent ideals indelibly associated with Hillary Clinton? Moreover, Thatcher contributed dozens of pithy, quotable remarks—like “don’t go wobbly,” or “the problem with socialism is you ultimately run out of other people’s money.”
"Hillary’s most memorable statements involved dark hints about a “vast right wing conspiracy” or saying of Benghazi, “what difference does it make?” Finally, Thatcher climbed to power on her own while Clinton initially gained national influence through her husband’s achievements. The contrast between these women highlights undeniable vulnerabilities in Hillary’s potential White House bid." Michael Medved
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

"Thatcher was the UK's first female Prime Minister and was dubbed the 'Iron Lady', by Yury Gavrilov, a young soldier working for the Red Army's Red Star newspaper in 1976, days after Thatcher delivered her 'Britain Awake' speech in which she derided the — then — Labour government for cutting back on arms, while the Soviet Union was investing heavily.

"The Russians are bent on world dominance, and they are rapidly acquiring the means to become the most powerful imperial nation the world has seen," she said." . . . 
But then it comes down to "a plague on all your houses". TD:

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

"Trump and Clinton have both shown they lack the judgment to be president." . . . But regarding the front-runner:
. . . If Trump’s personnel choices don’t inspire confidence, neither do Clinton’s. In her years as secretary of state and a presidential candidate, she has surrounded herself with a coterie of sycophants such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. They’re utterly loyal, but maybe overly loyal. As revelations of their e-mail traffic show, they lack good judgment and, above all, the ability to tell the principal things she doesn’t want to but needs to hear. . .

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Where’s the Letter from Democratic Security Officials Opposing Hillary?

Image result for  hillary pictures

Victor Davis Hanson
They refuse to acknowledge their nominee’s long record of bungling and deception.
 "A group of 50 conservative foreign-policy elites and veteran national-security officials of prior Republican administrations recently wrote an open letter denouncing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. 
. . . 
"The letter stated that Trump’s one-year campaign of blustery rhetoric suggests he could be as reckless in deed in the White House as he has been in word on the campaign trail."

"Is there a like group of past Democratic wise men and women who can commensurately “police their own” and so warn us about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton? 

"Unlike Trump, Clinton already has an actual political record as a former U.S. senator and secretary of state.

" If there were such a group, the heart of their letter might read something like the following:"

. . . "In the world of elite Washington, crude bluster from an uncouth outsider like Trump is deemed more hazardous than the prevarication, dishonesty, and incompetence of a familiar insider."

Navajo Nation Goes To War With EPA, Files Negligence Lawsuit Over Toxic Animas River Spill

Matt Vespa

Navajo Nation Goes To War With EPA, Files Negligence Lawsuit Over Toxic Animas River Spill

Image result for animas river photos. . . "As a result, arsenic and lead levels rose to 300 and 3,500 times normal levels respectively in the water. It turned the water orange. The initial estimate to clean up the spill was between $338 million to $27 billion. The Navajo Nation, which used the Animus River for their crops and livestock, were furious over the inaction the government took after the spill. President of the Navajo Nation Russell Begaye described Democratic reactions to the spill as lackluster, noting that he felt “they’ve just walked away,” despite the group being solid supporters of the party. Now, they’re filing a lawsuit, promising to hold the EPA’s “feet to the fire” (via CBS Denver):" . . .

Matt VespaMatt Vespa is the Associate Editor at He previously worked for and was the recipient of Americans for Prosperity Foundation's 2013 Andrew Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Activism and Investigative Reporting.