Friday, May 28, 2021

Build Bolsheviks Better: Biden Colludes With Putin To Build Russian Pipeline


"Tell me again, who’s the Russian agent in the White House?"

"Unlike Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia, Russia, Russia… Biden’s is not imaginary but very real and in your face. Democrats could never say what exactly Trump did, what precise decision was made, or what policy was changed. He “colluded,” don’t ya know. With Biden, we can start with the Colonial Pipeline hack by Russian conspirators and Biden’s non-reaction to it, Biden’s approval of a pipeline designed to make our NATO allies dependent on energy from Moscow, and, of course, his day-one cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

"Trump promised Europe a share in our energy independence including building liquefied natural gas ports to ship and receive the natural gas largess from our fracking energy bonanza. He opposed any pipelines making Europe more energy-dependent on Russia. Enter Joe Biden and son Hunter, who made a fortune doing nothing for Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Joe Biden loves foreign fossil fuel energy a lot, American energy, not so much.

"Bryan Preston at PJ Media asks all the right questions about Biden’s energy surrender to Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs, and criminal hackers engaging in an act of war against a sovereign state: . . ."

Thursday, May 27, 2021

If Democrats can't find racism they will manufacture it from scratch


Biden and the Dems' Situational Racism - American Thinker   . . . "It’s of a piece with Democrats siding with the “mostly peaceful” protestors of last summer (and perhaps again, this coming summer). Who were merely expressing their sympathy for people like George Floyd... by burning and looting the businesses of people who had nothing to do with what happened to him.

"Theirs is a situationally convenient racism. It applies only when it works -- for the Democrats. Like the "mask" worn sometimes by the Woke One and his head priest, Dr. Fauci -- depending on the politics of the situation." . . .

WINNING: Leftist Racist DENIED Tenure at UNC (  "In a time when Black Leftists are buying multi-million dollar homes, a black Leftist get rejected for a coveted position? . . . 

"In her continued oppression {ahem}, Hannah-Jones earned a bachelor’s degree in 1998. Not surprising, she studied History and African-American Studies from the University of Notre Dame, in Indiana. Now we see where she became radicalized.

"Understand that a half-black, half-white woman is now fixated on her blackness, and determined to undermine half of her heritage."  . . .

Tulsi Gabbard Calls on Chicago Mayor Lightfoot to Resign Over ‘Anti-White Racism’ (  “Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white.”

Professors Claim Evangelical Christians Are Racists Who 'May End Up Killing Us All' (

Elderly Asian woman punched in face in NYC: police sources (  . . . "A 24-year-old man was inside the 34th Street-Herald Square station when a male stranger snarled,
“You are Chinese, aren’t you? Give me your s–t. This is black people territory. I will slit your throat,” the sources said. "


"Asian people simply need to understand that NYC is BLACK People Territory, and that no lives matter until BLACK Lives Matter. And lest we forget, our Marxist leaders place the blame for it all at the feet of the hated WHITE people."

Report: McConnell Secures Votes to Block Partisan January 6 Commission

"Butler is also no stranger to being in the headlines. In 2013, the professor faced backlash after calling God a “white racist.” In 2015, Butler made headlines again when she suggested that Dr. Ben Carson deserved a “‘coon of the year'” award."   Good grief

Report: McConnell Secures Votes to Block Partisan January 6 Commission (  "Professors featured on a recent panel hosted by the University of Virginia claimed that evangelical Christians are white racists who “may end up killing us all.”

University of Denver Religious
 Studies Department
“ 'If evangelicals don’t change, they pose an existential crisis to us all,” said University of Pennsylvania professor Anthea Butler. “They are part and parcel of the reason why we cannot move forward, because they say they have religious beliefs.”

“And because they are being selfish and because they don’t care, their racism, their sexism, their homophobia, their lack of belief in science, lack of belief and common sense may end up killing us all,” Butler added.

During the panel, titled, “White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America,” Butler also claimed that “evangelicals are willing to die for whiteness.' ” . . .

That Didn't Age Well: Wuhan Propaganda From MSM Laid Bare

  ZeroHedge  "For nearly 18 months, the mainstream media engaged in journalistic malpractice - quashing any suggestion that COVID-19 could have originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, because their arch-nemesis, former President Trump, dared promote this very logical conclusion. Let's also not forget the deep ties Beijing has formed within the United States, which include universities, entertainment, sports leagues, and of course, Washington DC and its liberal surrogates.

"So of course, once the lab-leak theory began to circulate in January, 2020, China's 'investments' in the United States paid off, and the entire liberal media industrial complex furiously peddled the 'natural origin' theory, while boldly proclaiming the lab origin hypothesis a 'debunked conspiracy theory.' "  . . .

Montana Attorney General Rules Many Aspects of Critical Race and “Antiracism” Training Are Unlawful

Legal Insurrection

“Montana law does not tolerate schools, other government entities, or employers implementing CRT and antiracist programming in a way that treats individuals differently on the basis of race or that creates a racially hostile environment.”

 . . .“' Committing racial discrimination in the name of ending racial discrimination is both illogical and illegal. It goes against the exceptional principles on which our nation was founded and has no place in our state,” Attorney General Knudsen said. “Montana law does not tolerate schools, other government entities, or employers implementing CRT and antiracist programming in a way that treats individuals differently on the basis of race or that creates a racially hostile environment.”

"The AGO outlines three prohibited categories to assist schools, other governmental entities, and employers with compliance: racial segregation, race stereotyping, and race scapegoating. These concepts violate civil rights laws because they constitute racial harassment and/or require authority figures to engage in activities that result in different treatment on the basis of race." . . .

‘Florida Woman’ Saner Than Media -

No TV personality lavished more attention on Jones than MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, featuring her on his show on Dec. 8, Dec. 9, Dec. 16 and Dec. 22, 2020. As is common at MSNBC, O’Donnell jumped on the horse and rode off into the sunset without a map, directions or a compass.

  Ann Coulter   "Last week, we discussed Rebekah Jones, the crazy lady who wrote a 342-page  telenovela about her ex-lover, Garrett Sweeterman, then went on to fame and fortune by claiming Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was faking his state’s spectacularly low COVID

"Before the media turned Jones into their next Erin Brockovich, they might have done 10 seconds of Googling to find out that Jones’ past includes stalkingbattery on a police officer, repeated incarcerations, an institutionalization, an ankle monitor, a restraining order and court-ordered medication. And that’s long before the DeSantis administration hired her as a web designer. 

"These infractions are contained not only in police reports and court filings, but in her prolix manifesto about her ex-lover that she herself posted all over the internet.

"Jones seems to think it’s a point in her favor that during Florida State University’s investigation of her obsessive behavior toward her former student, “Garrett didn’t even bother bringing any evidence — no copies of texts or calls … I brought more than 200 pages worth.”

""That sounds normal." . . .

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Babylon Bee Guide To Critical Race Theory

  The Babylon Bee

"Back in the good old days, CRT just stood for "cathode ray tube," as in, "Ugh, I've gotta pack up my giant CRT monitor and lug it over to Bert's LAN party." 

"But no more! Now, it stands for "Critical Race Theory" apparently. Everyone's talking about it, so now we've got to google it and find out what it means. After extensive googling, here's what we found out about CRT:

"Origins: God made everything good, and then this snake showed up in the Garden of Eden and was like, “Why can’t you have the fruit from that tree over there?” and the sins of pride, jealousy and all the rest were born, sowing the seeds for critical race theory. More recently, people were discontent with their lives despite living in the most prosperous time in human history and had to come up with something to be upset about, so they invented CRT in order to find discontentment and oppression in every situation.

"Beliefs: People are inherently good or evil based on the color of their skin. There are some other minor details like wanting to topple Western Civilization, categorizing people into classes of oppressor and oppressed, and eliminating the individual in favor of group identities, but yeah. The hating people for the color of their skin is most of it.

"Prominent adherents: Robin DiAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi, the aforementioned snake in the garden.

"Opponents: Thomas Sowell, America, the gospel of Jesus Christ.

"How to spot a CRT adherent: Look for someone who is obsessed with race, always talking about it, tweeting about it, and screaming at other people about it. It's a clear sign of a CRT disciple." . . .

Left Explodes Over 60 Minutes Story on Young People Who Regret Transitioning


“I can’t believe that I transitioned and detransitioned, including hormones and surgery, in the course of, like, less than one year. It’s completely crazy.”

"A recent 60 Minutes segment talked about red states denying hormones and surgery to transgender youth. However, the news program made the grave mistake of including a part about young people who regret transitioning.

"The left is furious that 60 Minutes included dissenting voices.

"The Daily Wire has details:

60 Minutes Runs Explosive Segment Featuring Young Transgender Individuals Who Decided To Reverse Course

On Sunday, CBS News’ “60 Minutes” ran a segment about transgender issues facing today’s young people in America, which featured, in part, transgender individuals who decided to reverse course after taking hormones and undergoing surgery. . . . 

Lockheed Martin grovels before the PC crowd

There are so very many slights given to black society; Not just the cruelties in the form of insults and disrespect to individuals, but of demeaning the very qualities of black mothers and fathers in the presence of their friends and families. 

Can anyone watch an old black and white movie that shows African Americans with wide-eyed amazement at everyday things they do not understand, giving all others joy and laughter at their expense? Everything they did was to amuse whites, they having been born for such a role. 

Those of us shamed over this disrespect of people who deserve honor and dignity as family leaders and role models want very much to have them receive all that. 

What about this course would have made Reginald Denny safe from the Rodney King rioters who broke his skull into scores of pieces? Will it turn the angry scowls of activists like Sharpton, Waters, and the mob of Democrats in Congress into polite greetings?

 If a white person walks past a group of young black males will they no longer feel fear of injury or death at their hands? Will business owners feel free to build commercial projects that will employ people in "non- privileged" areas without fear of anti-white riots burning them down?

At least some elements of society must do their part but resist the vindictive and demeaning efforts of the politically correct masters. 

 The trainers reportedly linked the “roots of white male culture” to traits including a “can-do attitude” and “hard work” which can ultimately have “devastating” effects for women and minorities.

National Review: Lockheed Martin Put Executives Through Training to Unlearn ‘White Male Privilege’: Report  . . . “ 'This is pure neoracism from a company that receives billions of taxpayer dollars every year,” Rufo said in a tweet thread sharing his reporting. “I call on the United States Senate to launch an immediate inquiry into the racist practices at @LockheedMartin. We must shut this down before it endangers our national security.' ”

NY Post: The participants from Lockheed Martin engaged in activities over Zoom that included a “free association” exercise in which the term “white men” was equated to “old,” “racist,” “privileged,” “anti-women,” “angry,” “Aryan Nation” and “KKK,” the City Journal reported Wednesday.

Ted Cruz Gets ATF Nominee to Admit Just How Much He and Biden Want to Take Our Guns


. . . "Chipman claims the AR-15 is a “particularly lethal weapon.” Pray tell, please tell us how? This is a statement meant to play to the ignorance — it’s not a machine gun, it fires one bullet per trigger pull. It’s popular because it’s light and easily adaptable. But there are far more deadly things than the AR-15.

"But basically, that’s an excuse to grab the most popular weapon in the country. And if they can do that, they can grab any gun.

"It means this nominee has no understanding of or respect for the Constitution and neither does Joe Biden." . . .

Stop Saying 'People of Color' When You Mean Black | Opinion


. . . "But the national conversation hasn't been perfect. Far from it. And we've noticed one particular penchant that we feel requires correction: the use of the term "people of color" when what you mean is Black" . . .

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Dad who wrote scathing letter to Brearley about race focus: ‘Someone had to’

“I object to the view that I should be judged by the color of my skin. I cannot tolerate a school that not only judges my daughter by the color of her skin, but encourages and instructs her to prejudge others by theirs. By viewing every element of education, every aspect of history, and every facet of society through the lens of skin color and race.”

 NY Post

"A father fed up with an elite Manhattan prep school’s heavy-handed focus on race won’t re-enroll his daughter in the fall, accusing the school of trying to “brainwash” kids with woke philosophies rather than teaching them how to think on their own.

"In a scathing 1,700-word letter Andrew Gutmann mailed to 650 families — a screed since gone viral —  he blasted the posh, all-girls Brearley School’s “cowardly and appalling lack of leadership [for] appeasing an anti-intellectual, illiberal mob.”

"The April 13 missive  —  published this week on journalist  Bari Weiss’  blog —  became public the same day the headmaster of the famed Dalton School resigned over controversial “anti-racism”  curriculum and policies that had outraged many parents.

"Chelsea Clinton, Tina Fey, Drew Barrymore and Steve Martin are among those with daughters enrolled at Brearley. Tuition is $54,000 per year. Famous alumnae of the 761-student, K-12 school include Caroline Kennedy, Jill Clayburgh, Téa Leoni and Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney.

"Gutmann’s treatise listed 10 “objections” and generally decried the Upper East Side institution’s obsession with race.

“ 'By viewing every element of education, every aspect of history, and every facet of society through the lens of skin color and race, we are desecrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” he wrote, saying the policies encourage kids to judge, and be judged, by the color of their skin." . . .

The letter: "This letter is a must-read.

"Friday, Bari Weiss posted a letter written by Andrew Gutman, explaining why he pulled his daughter out of Brearley School. Gutman sent the letter to nearly 600 families whose children are enrolled in the private school.

"Brearley is an all-girls school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It takes $54,000 a year to attend along with a bogus “anti-racism pledge,” per Weiss.

"You can accurately guess from the pledge that the school isn’t about ending racism, but demanding its students develop a narrow, only see people by their skin color mindset.