Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Recalling segregationist Biden

  American Thinker 

But to my knowledge, Biden has never apologized for his wretched maneuvering to give legal armor to segregation, nor for camaraderie with similarly foul Democrat fellows. Instead, he contrives a false résumé in which he agitated against the very rot he actually championed. 

"In 2013, NBC reported on a BBC Oprah Winfrey interview in which she shared her prescription for eliminating skin-color acrimony.

" 'There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it -- in that prejudice and racism -- and they just have to die," the talk show host insisted.

"Her proposal was faulty. Not all members of aged generations harbor negative notions. Too, ideas good and bad endure into successive generations despite time's march.

"There are many fine reasons to desire Joe Biden's political demise, not least of which are preservation of nationalism over globalism, constitutional ideals, electoral integrity, and, as recently caused millions to shudder, the president's pathetic debate spectacle.

"Another can join the crowd: Turning America's back on earlier times' racial injustices necessitates consigning ignoble perpetrators to obscurity. One such miscreant was Joe Biden.

"Like several 1970s Democrat senators, he inveighed against bussing to integrate schools. 

“ 'Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point!” the Delaware senator thundered on a 1977 senate floor.

"A 2019 NBC News subheadline summed up the divisive senator’s impact: “Joe Biden helped give America the language that is still used to oppose school integration today, legislative and education history experts say.”

"NBC’s story revealed that in 1975, Biden had sponsored legislation that limited courts’ authority to integrate schools, and also an amendment that prohibited the federal government’s withholding tax monies from segregated institutions." . . .

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