Wednesday, July 3, 2024

From their cold, dead hands...

 Diann Russell (

"They’ll drag Joe’s rotting carcass over the finish line even if it kills them"

"NBC News reported on Saturday that the Biden family was headed back to Camp David to discuss the “path forward” for Grandpa Joe after his dementia took center stage at last week’s presidential debate.

"By Sunday morning, CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny clarified that the Camp David Biden family getaway was pre-planned and included a photo shoot with celebrity photographer Annie Leibowitz.

"New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers reported later that the Biden family did not have a pow-wow about the future of Biden’s reelection campaign as NBC’s unnamed sources claimed. Instead, the family spent the morning in hair and makeup to prepare for the photo shoot.

"I read the updates on Twitter with a growing sense of amusement.

"If you want to know why the Biden family wants its senile patriarch to continue publicly humiliating himself on the world stage, the clue is in the phrase “photo shoot with Annie Liebowitz.”

"Do you think Jill Biden wants to give up the wealth, fame, and perks that being married to a Democrat president guarantees?

"How else could an unremarkable elementary school teacher like Jill ever have the chance to rub elbows with Hollywood stars or pose for celebrity photographers like Annie Leibowitz?

"According to the New York Times, Joe’s convicted felon son Hunter was especially influential in convincing old Joe to continue dragging his half-dead carcass to November:  . . ."

The Enabler - by Diann Russell ( 

"As someone whose mother had dementia, I cannot fathom why Jill Biden isn’t pulling the plug on her husband’s presidency. What kind of loving wife subjects her husband to this level of emotional and psychological trauma?" 

RealityBites by Broc Smith )

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