Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Mitt Romney Announces He Will Back Democrats on Jan. 6 Commission Bill

 Neon Nettle

Romney is the first Republican to voice support for the bill

"Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said he would support the Democrat-led bill to create an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.

"When asked by supporters if he would vote if Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer starts a debate on the House bill, Romney said he “would support the bill."

"Romney is the first Republican to voice support for the bill. His remarks come as Schumer vowed to bring the bill for a vote on the Senate floor.

"Schumer said in a statement on Twitter:" “I will bring to the Senate floor the legislation passed by the House to create an independent commission to investigate and report on the January 6th attack on the Capitol." 

Democrats Destroy Every City They Rule. Even in Texas as Austin looks like Skid Row under leftist policies

 Whatfinger  ‘Fox & Friends’ enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones reports on the conditions in the city and spoke with residents who say they blame leadership for the problem.

 Performance  "Hundreds of angry protesters took to Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s home to show their disapproval of her job performance.
"Over 300 demonstrators gathered outside Lightfoot’s house with signs giving her an “F” grade for police reform, the coronavirus, education, housing, and other things.
"The event was posted on social media with the hashtag #2Years2Much, referring to Lightfoot's second anniversary of her mayoral inauguration." . . .

Sean Lennon Blasts 'Woke' Leftists: 'Whites Are Not the Problem'; Political correctness has resulted in a racist backlash

 Neon Nettle

"I literally saw political correctness being invented right in front of me (at certain schools) and then distributed and eventually enforced as a mindset and ideology," he explained.

Sean Ono Lennon gave a brutal critique of political correctness emanating from the 'woke' left in a series of tweets.

Lennon, who is the son of late Beatles icon John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono, said political correctness has triggered a racist backlash and, as a result, has made race relations worse.

Lennon tweeted:

"When I was young ppl used to say racist s*** about Asians around me all the time and then be like 'Oh sorry!"


"But you're not reeeally Asian so…' and I think they sincerely thought that would make me feel better.


"I'm not exactly sure why I brought that up but I think it's because I want to say that I grew up in a time when there was zero political correctness.". . .


Are leftists capable of this today? I fear so!

RedState  "While our president is doing interviews with drag-queen Youtubers and answering questions about skin care, there are real problems going on out in the world. Most of that responsibility has fallen to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has attempted to reinstall the Obama world order of weakness and chaos in record time.

"Blinken has already been embarrassed by China after bending the knee to their human rights abuses, citing cultural differences. Apparently, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t impressed either. He threw down the gauntlet over the Iran issue, letting it be known that Israel won’t stand by while the Mullahs get nuclear weapons.

"Here’s the statement via Fox News.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that the United States should avoid rejoining the Iran nuclear deal, one of President Biden’s campaign promises.

“I can tell you that I hope that the United States will not go back to the old JCPOA because we believe that that deal paves the way for Iran to have an arsenal of nuclear weapons with international legitimacy,” Netanyahu said, referencing the acronym for the nuclear deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

“ 'We also reiterated that whatever happens, Israel will always reserve the right to defend itself against a regime committed to our destruction, committed to getting the weapons of mass destruction for that end,” the Israeli prime minister added." . 


Rand Paul receives chilling death threat as white powder and pic of him with RIFLE to his head sent to Senator’s home

 UK Sun  "SENATOR Rand Paul received a mysterious package filled with white powder at his Kentucky home on Monday, prompting the FBI to investigate its contents and the threatening image that came with it.

"The Republican received an enveloped with a photo of himself bruised and bandaged. Next to Paul's face on the image include a gun to his head with the words: "I'll finish what your neighbor started you motherf----r."

. . . "The image itself was referring to a 2017 assault on Paul by his neighbor Rene Boucher.

"Boucher broke five of Paul's ribs and eventually pled guilty to assaulting a Congressmember.

"In August last year, Paul and his wife Kelley had a close call when a group of people surrounded them as they ventured back to their hotel room after the Republican National Convention.

"Paul also was in the news this week for saying he would not be getting the Covid-19 vaccine." . . .

Kelley Paul Unleashes on Dems for Encouraging Violence Against Her Husband  . . . "Even more than that, Kelley Paul shouldn’t have to see Democrats and liberal blue-check Twitter encouraging violence against her husband or cheering attacks against him without any consequence for their actions, as she explains. Not even a Twitter suspension. She names names and goes after a Democratic PAC she thinks has been promoting some of this." . . .

Just this weekend. For years people like @BetteMidler have cheered Rand’s horrific attack and serious injuries. The former teacher of the year @RodRobinsonRVA tweeted that Rand’s attacker was a “hero” and urged Mitch McConnell’s neighbors to “step up”. Why is he still teaching?

. . . Robinson said it was a “bad joke” and he’s still teaching.

"That was only one of the attacks on Paul. Paul was also at the GOP baseball practice that was shot up by a Bernie Bro trying to kill Republicans. Paul and his wife were also pushed around and threatened by a BLM crowd last year. "  Read more here

There is a great evil dwelling in this nation's people. TD


Crisis counselors; pray this will be one Democrat idea that won't be a disaster

Will the patient-counselor privilege be a problem?


When does psychotherapist patient privilege apply in a criminal case?  "But it is still a “confidential communication” to which the psychotherapist-patient privilege applies. That is because all of these people were involved in supporting Irina’s treatment. A criminal defendant may not claim the therapist-patient privilege when he has voluntarily made his mental state an issue in the criminal case."

“Co-responders” ride with police, defuse difficult situations   . . . “What they do is they are embedded with the police department,” Yinger said, “and do ride alongs to help the officers in responding to any individual that’s having a behavioral health crisis, and being able to link and coordinate them to treatment services.” . . .

Time to Confront the U.S. Capitol Police About Its January 6 Lies   "House Republicans unanimously voted against Pelosi’s $60 million payback to the USCP. GOP senators should do the same."

Bronx man charged with shooting at cops outside cell phone store  "A Bronx man busted for firing at a pair of NYPD officers outside a cell phone store was shooting to kill, police said Monday. Cops arrested Calvin Peterkin, 39, charging him with attempted murder of a police officer in the Wednesday night confrontation. The officers were responding to a call to the
Boost Mobile store on E. 174th St. and Vyse Ave. in East Morrisania when they came across Peterkin outside. He had an ongoing dispute with the store’s workers, and was waving a gun at them, police said. When the officers arrived at about 6:30 p.m., he shot at them and they returned fire," 

DeSantis Torches Reporter, Asks Why Iran Leader Allowed To ‘Talk About Killing Jews’ On Social Media But Trump Is Banned

Tony Branco

 Daily Caller  "Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis torched a reporter Monday who asked whether the governor signed a Big Tech censorship bill because of former President Donald Trump.

" 'You’re loyal to former President Donald Trump, and Donald Trump is now a resident in Florida and he was de-platformed,” the unidentified reporter asks. “Is this bill for him?”

" 'The bill is for everyday Floridians, this is what we’ve said and it will allow any Floridian to be able to provide what they’re doing. But I do think that’s another issue that has been brought to bear: when you de-platform the president of the United States but you let Ayatollah Khomeini talk about killing Jews, that is wrong,” DeSantis said, referring to the Supreme Leader of Iran.

"The crowd went into thunderous applause in response.

"DeSantis‘ remarks received a standing ovation and a barrage of cheers and support." . . .

Boss: Gov. DeSantis Strafes Reporter's Dumb, Biased Question With Facts  . . . "Gov. DeSantis strafed the stupid question so powerfully the assembled crowd erupted in applause. And then a standing ovation." . . .  More...

Biden State Dept. Urging U.S. Embassies to Fly BLM Flags to Mark 1-Year Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death

 Debra Heine

The memo, signed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, said the United States would be among “many in the international community” honoring the career criminal.

. . . " Additionally, the radical organization’s “Defund the Police” agitation has led to a massive surge in violent crime throughout the nation.

"No less an authority than former Attorney General William Barr last year characterized Black Lives Matter “a revolutionary group” that agitates a far-left agenda using fascistic tactics.

" 'They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism,” Barr told Mark Levin on Fox News, last summer. “They’re essentially Bolsheviks. Their tactics are fascistic,” he said.

"The Biden administration is reportedly planning to have the revolutionary Marxist group celebrated at U.S. outposts around the world.

"The State Department guidance is encouraging BLM-related displays within the interior, or exterior of the mission, including banners over doors, BLM spotlights, BLM projections, and BLM flags on flagpoles, according to the memo." . . .

Biden Has Faith Crisis As Catholic Church Campaigns Against Him

"Biden is such a person writ large. He rejects Church teachings on abortion, marriage, sex and gender and is hostile to religious liberty. He embraces the most pro-abortion and anti-religious liberty public policy program in history. The case against honoring him is immeasurably stronger than it was against honoring President Obama, an action that alienated countless Catholics and brought upon Notre Dame the harsh criticism of 83 cardinals, archbishops and bishops.” [Source: Daily Wire]
CBS News

The Bearded Patriot  "Throughout his political career, Joe Biden has often touted his Catholic faith. That sounds real nice, right? A politician who cares deeply about spiritual matters, even a religion that has been around for 2,000 years.

"But is Biden as good of a Catholic as he claims to be? There’s more to be a Catholic than attending mass, right? And just because someone says they believe something—doesn’t mean that they do. (Especially career politicians, who will say anything to win an election.)

"It seems for Biden, Catholicism might be more of a tool to advance his career, than a deeply-held personal faith. At least, that’s what many leaders in the church seem to believe. Recently, prominent bishops have called out Catholic Democrats, for their support of issues that conflict with the church. Most notably, abortion.

"Some have urged the church to deny them Communion. The latest development was a petition, signed by thousands of Notre Dame students and faculty, demanding Biden be barred from attending their commencement. And it looks like they had their way.

Sources at the White House claimed the school had invited Biden to speak, but said the nation’s second Roman Catholic president is unable to attend because of a scheduling conflict…

Monday, May 24, 2021

UPDATED: Over 6K Rally In Support of Israel In Los Angeles…

Auschwitz Survivor Targeted On TikTok By Pro-Palestinian Activists, ‘Happy Holocaust’…

 Adam Milstein    "And they did it peacefully (gasp!)."

But Hamas does have their friends among Democrats...

 We all knew that Obama was an anti-Semite. It appears Biden shares his anti-Israel sentiment to the point of openly betraying the Jewish state.  . . . "What a difference four months can make.  President Trump was the best friend Israel ever had in the White House.  Biden is the most dangerous enemy.  That most members of his party in Congress are comfortable hanging Israel out to dry is horrifying. 

Democrat Tlaib
"As if his silence on the growing attacks on Jews here and in Europe were not dispiriting enough, Biden has hired a known advocate for Islamic terrorists, Hina Shamsi, into his administration to help "crackdown [sic] on extremism in the military."  She and several others of her ilk join SecDef Lloyd Austin and his "hatchet man," Bishop Garrison.  All of the above are determined to purge our military and all other institutions of "extremists," those who supported the presidency of Donald Trump, the man who rebuilt the military and restored common sense to our defense forces." . . .

The Republican Party is chock-full of cowards, as we saw last week when 35 of them voted for the Jan. 6 commission, which is sure to be a partisan operation as phony as the Mueller faux investigation was.  That they choose to defend Hamas over Israel tells us everything we need to know about who they are. The Democrats may stick together and fight as a unit more than Republicans ever do, but their ranks are full of cowards, too.  Their cowards are now proven anti-Semites, and anti-Semitism is a disease.  . . .

Fly that mask from your flagpole!

Brian Joondeph
"Awareness ribbons are so yesterday. Today it’s the mask that demonstrates caring, scientific acumen, and virtue. It also represents the political left. Forget driving around with a Biden/Harris bumper sticker on your car. Just wear a mask while driving alone and everyone will know who you voted for." .  . .

"The “Three Maskateers,” Fauci, Biden, and Pelosi, can’t seem to get their lines straight in the mask movie.

 . . . "Liberal activist [the teenager] David Hogg acknowledges his sole reason for masking up, to signal his left-wing virtue.

I feel the need to continue wearing my mask outside even though I’m fully vaccinated because the inconvenience of having to wear a mask is more than worth it to have people not think I’m a conservative.

"It’s mostly theater and virtue signaling, especially now that COVID numbers continue to decline. Between vaccinations and natural infections, America has most likely reached herd immunity.

"But masks are more than harmless theatrics of celebrities wearing their ribbons. Masks carry their own medical risks and these ever-changing mandates, supplemented with daily doses of fear porn from cable news, have created a fearful and more compliant population. Was that the intention all along?" . . .

Former ICE Director Says ‘AOC Is The Least Smart Congresswoman In The History of Congress’

Weasel Zippers
A nation gets the government it deserves.

Remember this congressional Democrat's concern over the Island of Guam tipping over from our military presence there?