Saturday, July 6, 2024

Thoughts on Joe Biden challenge us all (UPDATED, Sun 7/7)

"And so, in the coming days, Joe Biden will likely be dragged kicking and screaming as the Democrat party inflicts a political late-term abortion on the staunch advocate for the right to choose." J DeA

The Late-Term Abortion of Joe Biden - Jeannie DeAngelis  . . . "That may well be happening to the presiding presidential champion of “reproductive” rights, Joe Biden — not an actual abortion per se, but an abortion of sorts, because, late in the 2024 election season, a bloody termination may take place.

"Whether Joe realizes it or not, he could be in the process of being sacked by the very Democrats who pretended he was their golden boy when he was pushed to the fore in 2020.  At first, Biden was embraced by his party with great joy.  Four years later, the plan was probably to keep the reincarnation of Mad King George III hidden in his bedroom for another term.  Now, after Biden’s weaknesses were exposed at the June 7 debate, his handlers find themselves scrambling to revise the bedroom plan, and a late-term political abortion looks attractive." . . .

ABC interview proves that Joe Biden is in complete senile denial (

UPDATE, 7/7:  Does a viral video show Biden revealing his inner racist? No, but the bad visual will stick. - Andrea Widberg; . . ."The truth is that Biden had already greeted that same young woman earlier, so this wasn’t the dis it seems. . .  

What matters, though, is that the image of Biden bypassing a young black woman, followed by her manifest disappointment, will stick because it aligns with Biden’s life trajectory. He’s an old white guy from Scranton who lives in a world of negative racial stereotypes and uses blacks as political props.

WATCH: Joe Biden Disses Young Black Woman at Rally and You Can’t Help But Feel Bad For Her – PJ Media   "Another Biden moment has gone viral, and it's not a senior moment. It was actually a moment some would argue was racist.

"Keep in mind, Joe Biden has spent his entire presidency pandering to minorities. Nary a day goes by where he doesn't pat himself on the back for having "the most diverse administration" in history, for picking a black woman as his running mate, and for nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court. 

"That's what he does for the cameras, anyway. He wants to create a presidential legacy of being a champion of diversity.

"Yet, none of that makes up for his history of racism. As we've documented here at PJ Media, Biden has made racist comments for years. I suspect many in the Democratic Party know he's racist. Heck, the biggest moment of Kamala Harris's short-lived presidential campaign was accusing Joe Biden of being racist for his past opposition to busing and his willingness to work with Democrat segregationists. 

And, many are saying that ol' racist Joe reared his ugly head again during a campaign rally in Wisconsin after he blatantly snubbed a black girl who appeared really excited to see him in order to take selfies with a couple of old white women.

"Video of the incident has gone viral, and it will be impossible not to feel sorry for the poor girl as her face transitions from one of pure joy to one of utter sadness." . . .

Smitten black girl rejected by Biden who instead stopped to take selfies with old angry white women.

— John Curtis (@Johnmcurtis) July 5, 2024

Kayleigh McEnany: The Only Thing Biden Is In Command Of Is This Country's Decline | Video | RealClearPolitics

WUT? Woke AWFL Tells White People They Are Not Allowed to Tan Unless They Are a 'BLM Ally'

 Twitchy   "For comic book nerds such as this writer, one fun pastime we have is a robust discussion of who are the worst villains. We often refer to these villains as the 'Rogues Gallery.' Batman, for instance, has The Joker, The Riddler, Ra's al Ghul, Bane, Poison Ivy, The Penguin, and many more. Spider-Man's rogues gallery includes Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Rhino, Venom, and Vulture, to name a few. 

"There's never a resolution to the question of who is the worst, but it's always a fun discussion. 

"Just like with comic books, in the rogue's gallery of truly evil villains in real life, it can be difficult to determine who is the worst. You've got terrorists such as Hamas, dictators like Kim Jong Un, pedophiles and groomers, and actual James Bond characters like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. 

"But perhaps some of the worst real-life villains are the AWFLs (Affluent White Feminist Liberals). These ladies used to be known as 'Karens,' but AWFL is a much more accurate description. Occasionally, people will add the word 'Urban' so that the acronym is spelled properly, 'AWFUL' (except the secret lairs of these women always seem to be located in suburbia). 

"Either way, their entire existence seems to be dedicated to making the entire rest of the world as miserable as they are. 

"Take, for example, this wonderful woman, who has now declared that tanning -- yes, tanning -- is now outlawed for anyone who is not a leftist Marxist.

I'll bet she wears a Kaffiyeh at pro-Hamas rallies and rips down posters of kidnapped Jews. TD

A clear message needs to be sent: You can’t hold US citizens hostage no matter what

 Douglas Murray

. . ."[Trump] should explain that when he is back in charge, he expects all these hostages to be releasedAll of them. And that they better be in the best possible condition. Otherwise Russia, Qatar and Iran are going to pay big time. Countries like those mentioned do not respect weakness. They respect force."

Post this and pro-Hamasites will rip it down.

. . ."It was a year ­earlier, during the Carter administration, that the Revolutionary Islamic Government seized power in Iran.

" It also seized American hostages.

"It was Reagan who saw the opportunity to make the election in part about that.

"How dare any country seize Americans and get away with it? 

"He famously insisted that on Day One of his administration the hostages would be returned.

"The mullahs realized they were no longer dealing with a weak American leader and the hostages were duly brought home. 

"Today we are in a similar situation.

"Iran and Russia in particular are in an ugly citizen-bartering phase. 

"Vladimir Putin has now held an American journalist (Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich) for more than a year.

"Russia has invented charges against him and is clearly holding him to try to trade him at some point.

"In a little-covered story, Putin’s friends in Iran recently stole two Swedish civilians in order to swap them for an Iranian war criminal held in a Swedish jail.

"US citizen Robert Woodland was also recently detained in Russia.

"Again most likely for a swap.

"But most appalling is the more than 100 hostages currently being held by Iran and Qatar’s proxy army in Gaza: Hamas.

"These hostages include at least five Americans.

"To the shame of Biden and Harris, these Americans have been utterly abandoned." . . . 

McDonald’s Experiment Selling McPlant Burgers in the US Fails Spectacularly

 Leslie Eastman (

"We have been covering the Globalist War on Meat for a while at Legal Insurrection. The latest battle has produced a victory for Team Beef.

The iconic hamburger chain McDonald’s thought it might try to appease the anti-meat forces by experimenting with McPlant. The result was a spectacular failure.

McDonald’s declared that its experiment with plant-based burgers was a disaster.

Joe Erlinger, who heads US operations for the Chicago-based fast food giant, told a business conference that the company discontinued the pilot program after customers in San Francisco and Dallas-Fort Worth panned the McPlant.

The McPlant “was not successful in either market,” Erlinger told the Wall Street Journal’s Global Fast Food Forum in Chicago on Wednesday.

“I don’t think the US consumer is coming to McDonald’s or looking for McPlant or other plant-based proteins from McDonald’s now.” . . .

New York Liberals on Independence Day, Have Pro-Palestine Parade and Burn U.S. Flags Instead - "To be a Democrat is to hate the United States of America.

  The Lid (

This was the jury pool for the Trump/ Bragg trial.

"Democrats in New York City had a big parade on July fourth… but not for the reasons an American would on that same day. No, the Democrats in New York City had a big pro-Palestine parade so they could burn U.S. flags and advocate for the murder of Jews.

You know… as one does if you are a New Yorker.

The video of the event began going viral on social media.. . .

 It’s despicable to see protesters burn the American flag 🇺🇸 on the 4th of July in NYC, while proudly waving Palestinian flags. The American flag has stood as a symbol of freedom and justice for 248 years. To burn the 🇺🇸 is morally repugnant.

. . . As the New York Post reported:

At least one person was arrested, cops said, but they did not disclose the charges the alleged perpetrator was facing.

Video shows a New Yorker in a Yankees hat trying to reason with the group, but he’s quickly shouted down by a man in glasses who gleefully cheers “F–k Israel! F–k America! Woohoo!” as his fellow pampered trust-fund radicals giggle in approval.

The camera then pans down to a tattered Old Glory, smoldering next to a poster depicting Trump and Biden wearing crowns beneath “DEATH TO ALL KINGS” in big block letters.

"To be a Democrat is to hate the United States of America."

Drexel University Professor Charged With Stealing Pro-Israel Lawn Signs From Synagogue and Private Home (

After Trump Makes 1 Bold Claim About Black Workers, He Gets a Surprise Reply from Those Voters

 Mick Farthing (

Not only are illegal aliens taking jobs from many black workers. But the millions of illegal aliens are taking housing away from Americans. That includes black workers who live in big cities. 

"Donald Trump has done what few Republican candidates ever dared. He is going into the inner cities, blue strongholds, to appeal to traditional Democrat voters. He is specifically trying to reach minority Americans who have been hurt by Biden’s policies.
"During a recent speech, he blasted Biden’s open border. He explained that the millions of illegals Biden has imported have hurt “black jobs.”
"The facts are behind Trump. Despite this, the media flipped out and tried (once again) to call Trump a racist. But even with the media’s endless hysteria and bellyaching, black Americans are responding in an unexpected way.

From Breitbart:

“There’s too many people coming across the border, getting all the jobs and I don’t like that,” Carling Colbert, a black retired warehouse worker from Macon, Ga., told the Washington Post for a June 30 article. “Trump was better on that. He tried to build the wall.”

The Associated Press acknowledged the polls show that many black Americans recognize that they lose from Biden’s migration…

Migration also drives up housing costs, especially among blacks living in urban districts.

Amid the media complaints, Trump’s criticism of migration pocketbook impact is now part of his standard stump speech.

. . . 

From their cold, dead hands…

 Diann Russell (

They’ll drag Joe’s rotting carcass over the finish line even if it kills them

. . ."
New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers reported later that the Biden family did not have a pow-wow about the future of Biden’s reelection campaign as NBC’s unnamed sources claimed. Instead, the family spent the morning in hair and makeup to prepare for the photo shoot.
"I read the updates on Twitter with a growing sense of amusement.
"If you want to know why the Biden family wants its senile patriarch to continue publicly humiliating himself on the world stage, the clue is in the phrase “photo shoot with Annie Liebowitz.”
"Do you think Jill Biden wants to give up the wealth, fame, and perks that being married to a Democrat president guarantees?
"How else could an unremarkable elementary school teacher like Jill ever have the chance to rub elbows with Hollywood stars or pose for celebrity photographers like Annie Leibowitz?
"According to the New York Times, Joe’s convicted felon son Hunter was especially influential in convincing old Joe to continue dragging his half-dead carcass to November:" . . .
"One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations. Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night.
"No. That’s not why Hunter wants Daddy to stick this out. Nobody believes that.
"Without Joe in the White House, Hunter’s source of income dries up faster than spit on a summer sidewalk. Eastern European oligarchs will ignore his calls while Chinese officials send his emails to the spam folder.
"In short, Hunter and the rest of the Delaware hillbillies might have to get jobs." . . .

Much more daily at the Tunnel Wall. TD is three years older than Biden but still concerned for our nation.

Biden claims he ‘shut Putin down’

 Read the Full Transcript of President Biden’s ABC News Interview - The New York Times   "The conversation between the president and George Stephanopoulos lasted about 20 minutes and aired Friday night."


Biden claims he ‘shut Putin down’ - Washington Examiner  "During a curious exchange on his foreign policy, Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he was responsible for the expansion of NATO as well as the man who “shut Putin down.”  Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale attack on Ukraine on Biden’s watch."

No word of correction from Stephanopolous on this. TD

“I’m the guy that put NATO together, the future,” Biden claimed. “No one thought I could expand it. I’m the guy that shut Putin down.  "No one thought could happen. I’m the guy that put together a South Pacific initiative with AUKUS. I’m the guy that got 50 nations out– not only in Europe, outside of Europe as well to help Ukraine.” 

"It’s not clear what he was referring to when he made the remarks about Putin as Russia ignored Biden and invaded Ukraine despite his threats. Putin remains in control of Russia and he has shown no signs of ending his war."   Putin responds to Biden: Russia can't be 'put down' and U.S. should learn respect

Putin says Biden is better for Russia than a Trump presidency

There's no spinning the debate result: Trump hit the jackpot


This article is the point of view of anti-Trump people, desperately hoping for a victory by the American left and with no concern for the elimination of our southern border. This is part of Obama and Reverend Wright's long-sought  "fundamental transformation" of America. TD


"Joe Biden face-planted in one of the highest stakes moments of his political life — igniting widespread concerns among Democrats about his fitness as a candidate.

"Debating former President Donald Trump with a raspy voice, wandering eyes, pallid complexion and a halting delivery, Biden’s performance was at times unintelligible. And though Trump blustered through his own answers with falsehoods, there was one defining issue: Biden’s age.

"Democrats are reeling. The first debate is in the books. The second — and last — won’t come until Sept. 10, and that’s assuming it even happens. We asked five POLITICO campaign reporters and editors for their takeaways from the first general election debate of the 2024 campaign." . . .

Foreign diplomats react with horror to Biden’s dismal debate performance | CNN Politics   . . ." 'It is a sad reality that Biden is old, and he is getting older. We saw it. I had difficulties understanding what he was saying, and I understand English pretty well,” said a second European diplomat.

"Trump ate him alive,” said an Arab diplomat.

" 'I was shell-shocked. I could not believe my eyes,” an Asian diplomat said of Biden’s performance.

"Biden’s debate flop was front-page news across Europe, with left- and right-leaning newspapers excoriating the president — even in France, where the country has its own elections coming up this weekend.

"The president’s debate performance also compounded already pronounced concerns about the policies Trump would likely enact if he wins in November. Trump on Thursday once again displayed his isolationist tendencies and his NATO-skeptic worldview that often alarmed US allies during his first presidential term. At the debate, Trump questioned continuing to fund Ukraine’s war against Russia and falsely claimed that the US had given more in aid to Ukraine than all other European countries put together.

"Trump even suggested that he had spoken to Russian President Vladimir Putin about his “dream” of invading Ukraine. He also attacked Biden over the Afghanistan withdrawal and argued it was the reason Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022." . . .

Tucker Carlson shares bombshell scoop on Joe, Jill and Obama from an 'unusually trusted source'...

  Revolver News 

Members of the Biden family privately LAMBASTED the President’s top advisors while at Camp David today, putting the blame on them for Biden’s poor performance at the debate. Biden’s family is now demanding Joe fire or demote his top campaign staffers


 "It’s astonishing—this family clamors for heads to roll when the “Big Guy” embarrasses himself on the debate stage, yet remains dead silent about the tragic loss of 13 Americans in Afghanistan or the full-blown invasion at the US border. They are a selfish and disgusting family.

"But the Bidens aren’t the only ones making moves on the political chessboard. According to Tucker Carlson, Obama is back at the drawing board with a clear plan: to oust Joe and Jill Biden. Tucker dropped a bombshell, citing an “unusually trusted source,” revealing Obama’s determined push to take down Mr. and Mrs. Biden.

Tucker Carlson:

From an unusually good source: Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message. Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times they’ve been hostile. But recently they’ve deteriorated further, mostly due to Jill Biden. In the hours and days after the debate, she kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out. Jill Biden is the driving force behind her husband’s reelection campaign, just as she was in 2020, when other members of the family (including Biden’s sister Val) considered him too impaired to run. The next generation of potential Democratic candidates understands all this as an opportunity and they’re circling, particularly Gretchen Whitmer, who is promoting herself aggressively. . .